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10 Manners - Yes we must Discuss

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As many of you are aware, there was a post that unrestricted a couple of weapons that were restricted in 10 mans. See this post if you aren't sure on what I mean 👇🏾

I just want to gather a poll on how people are reckoning on the re-installment of Negevs, Auto Snipers, and M249. I have heard both sides of people who love it, and who hate it. Personally I feel as if they have ultimately just made 10 Mans much worse, skill based wise and just overall feeling/enjoyment wise also. I understand 10 mans are supposed to be fun and help players learn how to get better, but these weapons just don't help people increase in level of skill, aim or much of anything to be honest. If anybody knows me, I'm always around when there is a 10 man going on, I think right now I have one of the highest round counts (If not - the highest) for 10 mans done. Since Lithium put .rws back in, and I've played a lot of 10 mans since these weapons were added again. In every 10 man I've played, auto's and negevs are ALWAYS used. No matter what, they are always used, they ruin the game in all reality. If you want me to go deeper on how just leave a comment asking me question or so. 


Other than that, I'm just starting this post to hopefully get them restricted or atleast set to amount of times they can be bought in a game. Please voice your opinions/concerns.

I tagged this as a Safe Space - please respect this post. 

Also @Lithium add Zeus back to knife round ❤️ 

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i played quite a few ten mans last week which was after the guns were re-added (at least 1 a day) and other than negevs being used by mostly shitty people who couldn't even laser someone, they got used like 2-3 times by decent people. i saw an auto 1 time, and it was from their worst player who decided to go mid (in a really low quality 10 man, like lowest of low.) and got pistol whipped.

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Just now, Chrono said:

i played quite a few ten mans last week which was after the guns were re-added (at least 1 a day) and other than negevs being used by mostly shitty people who couldn't even laser someone, they got used like 2-3 times by decent people. i saw an auto 1 time, and it was from their worst player who decided to go mid (in a really low quality 10 man, like lowest of low.) and got pistol whipped.

Well that might be true, @lilbleed used mostly a negev my last 10 man I played and got a 40 bomb.. @SegFault used nothing but a auto and had 29 kills, Goldfish used nothing but a auto and got 14 (That's good for him). This is just one 10 man, and it was relatively mid tier. 

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3 hours ago, hongkongatron said:

people: want zeus but not new guns

what they get: new guns but not zeus

brent at his finest


Couldn’t of said it better

I used a auto when I picked it up and got like 5-6 with it Geno

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The skill disparity in CS:GO is huge, which is why people like Klure, Mudkip, Steven etc can 40 bomb or more occasionally. They don't become OP with the guns that were previously unrestricted, and the same thing would happen if you put a rifle into their hands. It's not less fun to die to a negev compared to dying to a one tap from an AK.

Shit players like myself don't magically become good with the weapons, and I hate this mentality where people complain that we are playing 10 mans with settings similar to competitive. 

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4 hours ago, hongkongatron said:

people: want zeus but not new guns

what they get: new guns but not zeus

brent at his finest

more people said they wanted the guns enabled than disabled in that thread, nt tho. Anyways the guns were meant to be unrestricted around a month or so before that thread, i had just edited a decoy config instead of the real one and forgot about it. Zeus wasn't changed because thats a totally different cvar and I didn't have the time then to go digging through more configs, but it might be enabled now

4 hours ago, Genocide said:

(If not - the highest)



On another note, https://mapstats.xenogamers.com/ will now be logging maps on the scrim server as well if you want playtime stats on specific maps


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Bad players still pretty incapable of utilizing the cheese laser, autos sometimes get bought/dropped (by me :^)) but haven't really been that impactful on games. Also agree with Aegean about the good players going sicko mode not really being different from me just going full AK/AWP to drop 50 instead of 30 with negev/scout. If anything, the Aug has more potential from the worse players because it's cheaper and makes it pretty easy to hold ( @Dannypicacho @SegFault )

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I definitely think people are overreacting at the moment. the only reason people are using the guns a lot rn is because they're """new""". give it a couple weeks before deciding if we want to remove them again.

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I feel attacked and flattered. But I like the new guns in 10 man. It changes up the play style a bit and keeps it fresh.

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9 minutes ago, hongkongatron said:


unban: steven darrth mudkip rabid nutty thrill waluigi
stay: geno tbohb danny(auto only, neutral neg) bonk chrono goldfish

scottni was unban negev, ban auto

thats 7 for unban, 7 ban auto, and 8 unban negev, 5 ban.

regardless, that vote doesn't really mean anything

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Just now, Lithium said:

unban: steven darrth mudkip rabid nutty thrill waluigi
stay: geno tbohb danny(auto only, neutral neg) bonk chrono goldfish

scottni was unban negev, ban auto

thats 7 for unban, 7 ban auto, and 8 unban negev, 5 ban.

regardless, that vote doesn't really mean anything

zeus only count as -1 to lmg/auto

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2 minutes ago, hongkongatron said:

zeus only count as -1 to lmg/auto

if they don't express an opinion on it, you can't just say "oh they voted x" lmao

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