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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/13 in all areas

  1. 5 points


  2. 4 points

    My Goodbye

    Reasons I've enjoyed my time here at xG, but there is a huge problem in the way this clan runs. I am tired of getting messages from members and people that people abuse, especially when it's silence, so I can't do anything. This clan has encompassed much too much of my personal time, and now I can't even enjoy gaming without worrying how something could go wrong. That, and I really don't feel as connected as I should. I feel a distance growing between the community and me. Honestly, I don't know exactly what it is, but I know it's xG. Maybe the fact that there's been a lot of false promises, and I get yelled at when somebody else doesn't deliver. I'll still play on XenoGamers servers, but there's really no point in staying this high of a rank when I don't feel connected. Or maybe, the fact that the leadership here is the most disorganized I've ever seen. The constant hiring of new division leaders, as they get upset and leave due to the inability to have a decent conversation with them. I think the @Sham thread was the final straw. Goodbyes @@Rise; @@MuffinMonster Please take care of TF2 for me, be good to it. @@serbiansnaga Learn to speak English, and take care of the clan. @@Chrono Take care of CS:GO. @@Cristo Stay classy. @@Warriorsfury Take care of Minecraft, if you get it up. @@PiNoYPsYcHo Stay Pacific Islander, and tell me when you want to play some Horror Maps. Everybody else, please continue what you do best. Make sure you keep everything organized and keep the community functioning, as it would die without all of you. @autumn Oh boy, here we go. I don't know where to begin, but I'll start by saying thank you. You've taught me it's OK to be a little out there, but there's a limit people can handle. You seem to always go over that limit, but I've somewhat learned how to contain mine. Keep the community up, and keep doing what you do best. Please take my plea, and get better organized.
  3. 4 points

    My Goodbye

    this is complete African bullshit y'all put in way too much time and thought to bounce , stick around : 3
  4. 2 points


    Warrior got Admin. World's over. ggnore.
  5. 2 points

    Favorite Movies

    Hey, So a while back I created a Favorite Game thread. It had some great converstation and allowed me to find new games. Now there is the your favoite movie thread. Post them here. And remember! Discuss! _____________________ My list. · Shawshank Redemption · Shutter Island · Forest Gump · The Silence of the Lambs · Finding Nemo · The Good Son · Resevior Dogs · Donnie Darko · Inception · Se7en · Memento · Fight Club · Pulp Fiction
  6. 2 points

    Favorite Movies

    Dazed n Confused How High Up In Smoke Super High Me The Union: The Story Beyond Getting High Pineapple Express The Departed Pulp Fiction Monster Inc and any movie I can watch high on netflix
  7. 2 points

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    when did i agree to this
  8. 2 points

    Gone Camping

  9. 2 points

    'The Diabeetus'

    that is section 3, covered in 3 parts titled: The Aegean Chronicles [the cumming problem is in part 2]
  10. 2 points

    HellsGamers Map

    Or maybe you should just take it down all together since its a horrible map and you should feel horrible for adding it.
  11. 1 point

    Here's a cheap Gaming PC

    This is for you who play Minecraft, CS:S, CS:GO, TF2, GMOD, ETC. Intel Pentium G620, PowerColor Radeon HD 7750, Apex PC-389-C - System Build - PCPartPicker This PC will get you 60 FPS 1080p, highest settings. And it's only 350. So please, if you need a cheap PC, buy this one and stop spamming the forums.
  12. 1 point
    Ts who are rebelling can only be deemed as a rebel if they were seen breaking rules by a CT. This means you can only kill a T you see rebel, not if you were clued to it(Such as their name popping up as killing a CT). I bolded the main part im focusing on Whenever a T gets pardoned, if in the corner(not seen by a CTs eyes) the T kills someone,(as an example since he's bad xG:A ShadowSpy *KNIFE* xG:A Diabeetus), he gets "unpardoned" and counted as a rebel again, so im gonna go ahead and start enforcing it again, and unless its changed(which im not saying i want it to be changed) you should all enforce it too. BASICALLY: Don't unpardon a T after pardoning him because you saw him kill someone in the top corner text, unless you see him do it with your eyes. People should start enforcing it, and not do it yourselves.
  13. 1 point


    Hello fellow gamers, Im not too sure the newer people know me too well but for all those old timers whove stuck with xG for a nice lil while, imma comin back!!!! After failing almost 20% of my classes first year due to lack of interest in class and too much interest in the consumption of da ganja during my first year of uni, i had to step it up a lil bit this year thus cutting down my gaming time incredibly! Ive just received all my grades back and although they are mostly Ds and Cs and Bs, i believe thats a success since i aint failed shit!! =D I tried to find my demotions but got lazy so i decided to post here!! Although i dont want to beg for mod back, it would be great to get it back BUT only if i can manage to be more active on server and especially on the forums! In hopes of seeing you all in CS:S Jailbreak soon, Señor MuLLin
  14. 1 point

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    With this fundraiser, we are hoping to receive more donations for a stronger xG. Of course with a Fundraiser, there will be stakes! Our very own @@DeathGod has generously agreed to post a live-stream in which he will be doing a full body wax (minus the delicates of course) However; Depending on the Amount of Donations accumulated in this thread, this may or may not happen. The format for your "Donation" is as follows: >Donation: [$10.00] Name: [Anonymous] If the amount of Donations has exceeded the Minimum requirements that DeathGod has in mind, then this whole operation will happen and a time/date will be announced. NOTE: Your "Donation Posts" are only here to secure an accurate number of donations. If this event goes through, on the day that DeathGod will be performing this.. Thing, donations will Then be collected and tallied up so that the max amount of donations matches that of the Donation Posts on this thread. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them below With a "Donation" amount! !!!Current Donations!!! Forest - $10.00 Chrono - $10.00 Total Amount: $20.00
  15. 1 point

    [xG] Silence - Counter-Strike: Source

    If the gods will it. It shall happen.
  16. 1 point


    Jklolroflcopterroflmao I love you bb. Glad to see you again, it's been waaaay too long.
  17. 1 point

    My Goodbye

    u r resin i am bak n xg ;c
  18. 1 point

    CS:GO Admin app

    Hi i am insig i have join and started playing this day i have read all the rules and played a little i hope to join in i have some wonderful ideas for the servers. i do have past experience with admin and i little with super. i just hope you guys find me helpful to your selfs and to the community i will be playing all to day soo gl & hf :)
  19. 1 point

    My Goodbye

    this is jewish.
  20. 1 point

    'The Diabeetus'

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktErScijrHI Love you guise at xg CAST/MENTIONED @@Chrono @@diabeetus @@Phantom @ShdowSpy @@serbiansnaga @@SuperMaddud @autumn @@MuffinMonster
  21. 1 point

    'The Diabeetus'

    Added annotation of jon in the back FIXED
  22. 1 point

    KOTO - Counter-Strike: Source

    i found it after that useless prick @@John who does nothing but sit there with his hick accent didn't link me >.> why the heck was your name unique when you got group banned? o.o i unbanned the invisible one though. #Closed
  23. 1 point


    the big problem with admin in 2 different divs, is that if you have one rank, with it all being on the same sourcebans then you get powers and immunity you shouldn't necessarily have, in my cases i had div powers in css when i was only an admin because i had access to powers on css from being admin, but my actual powers that were overshadowing were my div in csgo, you can fix it by seperating or a while ago, silence was talking about using the forum steam integration and that he could probably seperate powers per game in there.
  24. 1 point

    'The Diabeetus'

  25. 1 point

    HellsGamers Map

    I DO STUFF YOU JEW. I just don't do maps, or coding ;) i learn things as I go, i stopped hard core learning coding like i was over spring the last few days of it beccause classes started up again, but i know how to go into plugins if i have the source and edit a few things here and there to get em to my liking depending on what they do. I played with hammer a few years ago but it is so complex, that I let map makers do map stuff, and if they want something like that, they can ask flatline or ebic, hell I even asked flatline once to take a look at avalanche until he said he wasn't sure what was causing issues, so i removed the "bad spawn" by resetting all spawns with spawntools. I will be back at work learning more the end of the semester (end of the month) until summer session starts.
  26. 1 point


    Well xemnas is still a division leader, and he will fix it up.. as of now, I believe the current admin groups with permission is currently produced by Sourcebans group which is connected with gmod ulx. So either, new groups will need to be made on the ulx which will not be affiliated with sourcebans groups need to be made so that rank structure problem can be fixed, or completely remove power in that division. Autumn if i remember said they shouldn't have power in 2 different division? or somewhat like that.
  27. 1 point

    tf2 servers

    Fixed em all. Report any bugs here ASAP!
  28. 1 point

    When I'm not falling off scooters

    Draw a picture of you falling off a scooter!
  29. 1 point

    My Goodbye

    Wow wtf brian? This was really surprising for me man. Uggh, I just hope you fking still play with us nigguhs play some motha fucking horror maps and shit our pants! :D Stay gucci man and keep in touch!
  30. 1 point

    My Goodbye

    shit man....its terrible to see you and sham go :/ i hope for the best and thank you for your services as co-leader
  31. 1 point

    HellsGamers Map

    Stripper Source, either remove the block they use to prevent guns from spawning on other servers or just add it manually. It isn't rocket science. Once a BSP is posted it's public and the public can do whatever they please with it. Tell Chrono to learn how to do something and get this solved!
  32. 1 point

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    Chrono $10 must see face with beard on tinychat for this post to be valid. expect to see plenty of tits in event.
  33. 1 point

    HellsGamers Map

    It is the latest version of the map @Dontbleedpls baby. xG has version 11c. HG has version 11e. They update like friggin' crazy. I believe they fixed Death Walls. I'm guessing it's a plugin that HG has to stick ammo in the guns. It's a great way to have a exclusive map because when other servers want it and add it in their server without the same plugin, they won't enjoy it as much as they would if they we're to go to HG. YA KNOW?! Anyway...
  34. 1 point

    PolarCoded - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 Good kid. Doesn't care when I abuse him! lolololol A: 9/10 (Always online. Always.) M: 9/10 (GOOD KID.)
  35. 1 point

    technical difficulties

    hey guys, so i'm still here and trying to be on forums as much as possible. i'm just having some issues with my computer launching CSS and my video card crashing at least twice a day. so ill be back as soon as possible and i hope to see you all soon! Love Narwhal
  36. 1 point

    I'm leaving.

    We cant do anything if we didn't see it and when I did see someone do it I slayed them also we slay ourselves if we do gg
  37. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    I'll miss you bb, some of my favorite memories of CS:S are of you. Good luck with whatever the fuck you do.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point


    gg warrior can't have admin in css he is mc div.
  40. 1 point

    HellsGamers Map

    you want me to decompile the map, add ammo, then recompile it? wut? just keep the M4 you spawn with, it has 30/90 if i remember correctly edit: Also decompiling maps is for ebic/toob/flatline speaking of @@Flatline, SEND BETA MAP
  41. 1 point

    Cristo's a fucking pussy.

  42. 1 point

    GGnore eden

    CSS needs more gun laws so the psychos can't murder our innocent Ts anymore. BanGuns2013
  43. 1 point

    I finally got a new mouse.

    Lab mouse.
  44. 1 point

    I finally got a new mouse.

    Course not. You dont care about anything except being a fag.
  45. 1 point

    I finally got a new mouse.

    You make this thread thinking we care ?
  46. 1 point

    I finally got a new mouse.

    Razer all the way!
  47. 0 points

    Not Coming Back

    I'll start off by saying this is a formal resignation. I wont be "hanging around" or "stopping by the servers." Im done with the bullshit half this clan puts out on a daily routine. The leader couldnt give 2 fucks about his communities opinion and it gets worse every day, and until today, I didnt know why. I devote basically all my free time to improving and fixing up GMod and what I get in return is nonstop bullshit about how nothing is the way they like it. News fucking flash, I realize that the server is a work in progress, if you want to help, do something instead of bitching. So today I realized it, he doesnt care cause you take all this shit he does for you for granted. The community shits all over him and my guess is hes learned to ignore your constant bitching. Then youve got the fucking pretentious morons who act professional and above everyone when they feel like it, and when they fuck up and face the rules, exceptions are given to them. If theyre liked by anyone with power, they get a fucking free pass. Basically ive realized what xG has become and I'm not looking forward to representing people like this anymore. Remove me from server box, change the rcon, do everything. I'm not coming back, and for the record, im not leaving for GG or any stupid childish bullshit charrax has come up with. I doubt ill even join any clan, because when you get down to it, theyre all the same. Some things I have to say to people. @@Chrono I'd say youre pathetic and a hypocrite for reasons I dont care to put down. @autumn while you may piss me the fuck off, that doesnt change the success you have with xG. No matter what I think of you, youre the one with a huge following and popular servers. Good luck. @@Warriorsfury I dont even have anything to say to you, I have just never liked you. @@Forest @@DMTwired @@Duckii @@DeathGod @@MuffinMonster You guys somehow kept me here. Love to all of you. Dont give a fuck how much I'm ridiculed or if I'm banned or whatever my departure may invoke. I just want nothing to do with this bullshit any longer. Adios, xenogamers.
  48. 0 points

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    I'll be the first to start things off: Donation: $10.00 Name: Forest
  49. 0 points

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    +1 i wanna see this shit go down lol
  50. 0 points

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    OH MY GOD +1
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