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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/13 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    RaZorrr - Counter-Strike: Source

    First things first, autistic double post is autistic. I find it funny how you're trash-talking higher-ups in what looks like some kind of effort to get them to change their votes. Here's the thing, they gave a 0, not a -1. A 0 does not, in any way shape or form, hurt someone's chances of getting in xG. They're just putting in a neutral vouch, as they haven't seen the person on enough to make an opinion on whether or not they should be a member. They aren't insulting him for being inactive, and neither are they -1ing saying that he's too inactive. On the other hand, JWB and Darkwolf are active, and you have to remember that JWB is a DM for Minecraft, meaning that he has another Division to worry about and monitor as well. I'm just giving you some advice, but you and another PM like to act a lot higher up than you actually are, and it really isn't doing anything for you. You are at the lowest possible rung on the staff ladder of xG, and I've seen you get into arguments over incredibly things with Higher-Ups (including Poncher, when you bitched him out about making a joke). In the workplace, the newly hired employee doesn't go around trash-talking his boss. Doing what you're doing isn't going to get you anywhere, it will most likely only hurt you.
  2. 3 points

    To where ever duckii is :(

    MineCrack stahp it, or ConsoIe will ban you.
  3. 3 points

    CS:S is dead

    jailbreak for day of defeat: source +1
  4. 2 points
    Or here is a better option rather than just banning him again for joining CT. we just... unban him. :| and if you really don't want him on CT if and when he is on CS:S, just teamswap him. there won't be any complaints if there are competent wardens. and if he is the only competent warden and you swap him, replace him with yourself...
  5. 2 points
    This doesn't reduce your faggotry level. +1
  6. 2 points
    Well i maybe seen you once or twice so i cant give you a vote,but i will be changing this post later on, when i see you enough. Now Dashie, JWB did make a post in hello/ good bye section saying he would be inactive because of school. Darkwolf is on Teamspeak in the after noon and comes on for awhile, everytime i go on JB I see xG: DM Soviet Picachu aka Darkwolf or something. Stop thinking you better than everyone when you're a PM and some have been mod or admin for awhile and know what they are doing. okay so after seeing you on a few more times i believe you deserve a +1, you are active and mature, goold luck on your app Edit xG:DM <-- fix it to xG: DM gving grade
  7. 2 points

    Bomb Stuff

    just changed it so everyone spawns with a bomb and the radius is 1337 km.
  8. 2 points
    here to assist, @@Forest ! :) Reasons that people have given so far for -1 Does not show respect. (although some of them did not show any respect whatsoever when they say that!) Did it on purpose (didn't everyone else do it on purpose when they intentionally mass freekilled? i'm quite sure you all +1 vicious [jake english], papichulo etc.)
  9. 2 points

    Bomb Stuff

    so allow 1 bomb per map and make it 90k?
  10. 2 points

    To where ever duckii is :(

    Same, no one likes 40 year olds who are sociopaths.
  11. 2 points

    To where ever duckii is :(

    I don't.
  12. 1 point

    Microsoft Illumiroom Technology

    This shit is crazy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX3cXYBtSLw
  13. 1 point
    @@John I'm not even going to dignify it with the response I was going to post. I can see where minecrack says it was provoked "disrespect" though.
  14. 1 point

    easy - Counter-Strike: Source

    False. -1
  15. 1 point
    That's my point, he was a div leader. Minecrack was a mod. neither of which you had a personal relationship with, you weren't even DM when papi was D. they both intentionally mass freekilled. they both got banned. they both asked for an unban. they both did not care for any of the current css staff. they both got completely different responses.
  16. 1 point
    Wouldn't we have to perma ban you then Ebic ? ;)
  17. 1 point

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    also please add epix to the blacklisted as he also lacks the required amount of pubic hair.
  18. 1 point

    Bomb Stuff

    Make it so the only person you can kill with a bomb is Purple.
  19. 1 point

    To where ever duckii is :(

    dont worry guys, i gave her herpes
  20. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    I can feel the irony bleeding out of this.
  21. 1 point

    Bomb Stuff

    having another T use it would be excellent nnnnnnnyesss
  22. 1 point

    To where ever duckii is :(

    inb4 flame war. >_> anyway i miss her too. But those bans were just wtf......
  23. 1 point

    RaZorrr - Counter-Strike: Source

    Also keep in mind that this is about Razorrr, NOT darkwolf and john, so if you have a problem with them take it out of this thread because it isn't needed nor isn't relevant, it just makes you come off as a major douche. now remember not everyone is always active all the time and they would love to be i'm sure however, multiple times people have said "REAL LIFE OVER xG FIRST". and as diabeetus mentioned before they aren't insulting him nor -1 his chance of getting into xG, they are providing feedback that would later benefit him in the future. These people have bad powers longer then you and are fully capable for doing your job, just the have priorities and in john's case, another division he needs to watch. Back to raZorrr, i have seen you played and the times i have seen you on you are fine however as mentioned before i need to see you play more. keeping this to a 0. good luck on the rest of your application!
  24. 1 point

    To where ever duckii is :(

    You miss someone who freely banned two people? And then tried to be slick and ban Minecrack under the name ConsoIe...
  25. 1 point

    My Goodbye

  26. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    @autumn@autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn WE DONATED NOW WE GET HUB. STOP SPENDING IT ON DOG PORN
  27. 1 point

    Hey Duckii

    inb4 we have to free tree again
  28. 1 point

    My Goodbye

    "I'll come back when Hub gets released" - Brian
  29. 1 point


    FIX IT :( :( :( Me hard drive's burnt. It cut me hand when I took it out. Operating system not found. You know how to fix it mate? I'm gonna go crazy in 4 days without me pc D': Stroke the HDD with magnets. I heard it will help fix your computer XD. In all seriousness, if your HDD is burnt...as in fried, the only thing you could do is to get a new hard drive and reinstall everything.
  30. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    the real mencae.
  31. 1 point

    Peechis_Jr - Garry's Mod

    -reopened cause dmtwired didnt read the vouch requirements for returning members they need 20 VALID +1's, they need to have some reason as to why they are vouching for the member, and they also need 1 co leader vouch as well before they can be accepted
  32. 1 point

    jones - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    Jones home-brewed soda is the best coke in the world.
  33. 0 points
    Kinda pointless and a waste of space if you make a thread and immediately close it. Please don't do that.
  34. 0 points
    Can we come to an agreement?
  35. 0 points

    CS:S is dead

    CS:GO would be a much better place if you banned that liquidador fag. He mic spams, disrespects constantly, and is racist. Do your fucking job -_-
  36. -1 points

    Mythic 4 Co-Leader 2013

    soy sauce? (soairn)
  37. -1 points

    RIP Purple Drank

  38. -1 points
    lol man these ban protests get stranger and stranger each week. if someone kisses ass they get unbanned like that "oh he didnt mean too" "hes a changed person" but the second someone talks back to someone or questions something "oh they disrespected members of the authority" bitch you didnt even know one of your staff members when you tried to make that long ass post "get off your high horse" isnt an insult, its an observation. take a step back, look at the big picture, whats the harm for unbanning him? your pride gets hurt? you didnt get your way? grow up.
  39. -1 points
    @SerbianJr what's wrong with bringing in other bans that have been done, and then unbanned, i'm saying exactly that: if these TROUBLESOME players received numerous unbans, why does the good player who had the off day and was fed up who was also a staff member get the short end of the stick? I agree that some people should stay banned, but where exactly is the line drawn between bad player, and bad feelings between players.
  40. -1 points
    Again, just pointing out what I see, which is different people get different responses. (Papi's unban req. from mass freekilling.) [he knew exactly what he was doing too, it was indeed intentional.]
  41. -1 points
    Just adding in there, that if you want to say the "if you want an unban you have to show some respect in it" card @@John then it would be better to not also say in your posts
  42. -1 points
    Not the point. Making a thread saying you're going to be inactive, then closing said thread is a waste of space and forum posts.
  43. -1 points

    Bomb Stuff

    +1 +1 +1 Best idea ever, but we need like 96 bombs. Corvo just doesnt want it because his anus is prepared yet.
  44. -1 points

    To where ever duckii is :(

    It will ban me for a SMAC eye "violatio," the newest cheat on the block. Get your violatio today!
  45. -1 points

    To where ever duckii is :(

    i miss you. :(
  46. -1 points

    Thanks xG

    I Wanna thank you with all the months I been with you. I enjoyed every bit of it I am on a dark time in my life so ima lay low for a few games on css. Thanks for making me smile through a dark time and ty to @@RoxyLalonde and @@StartNow helping me through this also
  47. -1 points

    Bomb Stuff

    I think the bomb price should be lowered to $1000 and the amount of bombs able to purchase every map raised to 50. Also if a t dies with the bomb and another t picks the bomb up they should be able to use the bomb. And Ct's Should be able to buy bombs.
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