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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Justice has no expiration date.
  2. 4 points

    Regarding GG and mass banning.

    because ppl need to know how ignorant and dense charrax is [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2FqalCk;type=album[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=pastebin]tRVHPxV5[/MEDIA] hes nothing short of a full fledged retard, i may have even gotten dumber just from talking to him for an hour [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2F1ntqG;type=album[/MEDIA] - the conversation after charrax read my post, he then removed me from friends list seconds after his last couple of messages failing to present anything to back up his statements, i advise anyone to not associate themselves with charrax at all
  3. 3 points


    Hey, I'm L0VE. I'm 21, been playing since 2003. I have a daughter. I recently left my job in a nursing facility and started working in a pharmacy. I play CS:S, CS:GO, TF2, and GMod. I previously hung around with HG and GFL. I didn't quite find my little "nitch" playing there and I came across this server.
  4. 3 points

    Regarding GG and mass banning.

    Sorry, but this picture made me laugh. ;)
  5. 3 points


    Welcome. You'll find your group around xG eventually, it's very diverse :).
  6. 2 points

    Sh*t Girlfriends Say..

    This is SPOT on for a lot of females. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y6dDQ129UM
  7. 2 points


  8. 2 points


    Forest is our resident british guy, you'll find his yellow teeth and crumpets and tea very warm and welcoming.
  9. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: xG|M The Penguin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42758216 Information: Well, I tried to go on the CS:S JB server and today and found out I was banned. I'm not sure why I'm banned since I've only played on it once and I never went CT on that visit to CS:S.
  10. 1 point

    CS:S Staff Roster

    Has been edited! Also, @@MegaRobin @@DrPepperPhreak @@Jordozombie @@xShadowSpyx your names have been colorized as requested (@@TheKingBaby also added you to the Special Categoyr)!
  11. 1 point
    I tried it from Source Bans, we can't add CT bans cause there's no button, there's the ability to edit the ban from Source, but that's if it is already in. Maybe @@Rhododendron can add a button along with the Ban add button? worked fine for me, CT banned him for you ~already closed but posting anyway
  12. 1 point

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

    +/0 i've never seen him on TS but hes pretty active on jailbreak.
  13. 1 point

    Feed The Beast

    Tekkit sucks imo +1
  14. 1 point

    Photoshop Sprays

    And right at the bottom add "i'm about to get banned"
  15. 1 point

    Photoshop Sprays

    Thanks bud
  16. 1 point


    gtfo business businessbaddie oh no leave i cant inb4
  17. 1 point

    Zombie Panic Source Division

    Zombie Panic is a good game, but people complain that stuff isn't fixed whine whine whine complain complain complain, if you make another division, that means you're having silence working on something else, other stuff not being fixed, eventual depopulation. The only way this would work is if silence had very little part in this and whoever the Div Leader would be takes all responsibility for it. New divisions are harder to populate, L4D2 died already and in terms of zombie games then i'd say L4D2 is better than ZPS.(I don't pay attention to this) but I think DayZ had died recently too. Basically, it will be hard (most likely managable) and silence will need to have little action with this so that other stuff gets fixed when it can etc.
  18. 1 point

    Regarding GG and mass banning.

    Pink is hard to read. But yeah shes right, perm charrax, who gives a fuck. If the other members want to be unbanned let them make a protest and see what the community thinks. If they get enough vouches then why not unban them, I don't know the full story (if there were ddos threats/attacks or what not) but it seems like this was just one person from what I can tell.
  19. 1 point

    Photoshop Sprays

    Achh I hate how it came out, but you might like it, im very picky about detail [MEDIA=imgur]ErZZN34[/MEDIA]
  20. 1 point


    I'm not going to judge you or put you down for the things you like. That would be unfair. To me, it's like adults/guys watching animes/cartoons, just a different form of it. I listen to guys bash me enough for liking games and cars. Lol And I believe it's now Kirito's sex party! Anyways, thank you and I'm sure we will run into each other soon or later.
  21. 1 point


    Sup, you suck at engineer, and are clearly someone who should never play engineer again. that being said, blah blah we met, blah blah, chrono, blah blah, no shirt, blah blah, csgo div leader, blah blah serbian smells.
  22. 1 point

    Regarding GG and mass banning.

    How dare you forget Derp. That man is a national treasure. Yeah, I thought I added him. I play games with him err day :I
  23. 1 point

    Regarding GG and mass banning.

    How dare you forget Derp. That man is a national treasure.
  24. 1 point

    Regarding GG and mass banning.

    Silence has the choice to ban Charrax, and his members, for his actions. Charrax should have thought out his actions before acting like a immature child. On another note, when I was on GFL MG you began to harass me for no reason at all. Your ways have not changed bud. EDIT: If anything, only audible/no1dead should be unbanned as they were some of the few people who continued to play on xG servers after the split.
  25. 1 point


  26. 1 point

    LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Lapis you know I like you but you fucked up. There may be a point where I would consider giving a +1 to this but that is not anytime soon. You did this with the intention of breaking rules and then you left. The punishment is just and should not be altered at all any time soon.
  27. 1 point
    -1 u know what you were doing when you did it. not only did you mass... YOU LEFT RIGHT AFTER ur own fault. live with it. just sayin
  28. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    is this thread coming back to life... and now i understand why you choose chuck norris
  29. 1 point

    LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source

    I'm game for a shorntened ban maybe about 2-3 months? an put him on probation for awhile and if he fucks up perm. I think i brought up the probation idea earlier but yea +1 for 2-3 month ban as that is still long as hell ~ Kirito-chan
  30. 1 point

    So about my disrespect...

    Damn, you harsh..
  31. 0 points

    So about my disrespect...

    So recently I've been over the top with my disrespect and it's grown to a problem that even I realize. I just want to get this out there that I will do my best to change this and become a better member of the community too stop conflicts between me, and other members. And to those members I've gone to far with the disrespect/racial slurs, I am sorry.
  32. 0 points

    Feed The Beast

    So today I've been playing alot of FTB (Feed The Beast). When you first hear the title.You think its about feeding a beast. But its not. Here are the list of mods in FTB Ultimate: Code Chicken Core Misc Peripherals Not Enough Items Power Crystals Core Advanced Machines Advanced Solarpanels Applied Energistics BiblioCraft Buildcraft ChargePads Chicken Chunks Computercraft EE3 Ender Storage Extrabees Extrabiomes Factorization Flat Bedrock Forestry GraviGun Gravisuite GregTech Industrialcraft2 Nuclear Control ImmibisCore InvTweaks IronChest Mine Factory Reloaded Modular Forcefield System Modular Powersuits Mystcraft NEI Plugins Nether Ores Obsidiplates Omnitools Petrogen PortalGun Power Converters Railcraft Redpower SecretRooms Soulshards Steves Carts Thaumcraft ThaumicBees Thermal Expansion Tubestuff Twilight Forest Voxelmods Wireless Redstone XReliquary Xycraft So to download it go to.....http://www.creeperrepo.net/direct/FTB2/b0aec11430ac3dd997365a37a31d163f/launcher^FTB_Launcher.exe And if you want to download texture pack go to.....http://files.soartex.net/main/Soartex_FTB_Ultimate.zip Okay soo i made this theard, becasue i love xG SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. So i decedied to make a theard to show my support of making a FTB server. +1 Me if you want an FTB server (Feed The Beast) :cool:
  33. 0 points

    Regarding GG and mass banning.

    People say shit like this and then have other people say they didn't mean it. lel let's keep the drama out of xG and focus on gaming, you should come on jailbreak more often serb.
  34. 0 points

    I have the best avatar.

    Bass guitars make bitches wet: FACT!
  35. -1 points


    I actually try at this shit. Kind of hard when no one els will fucking do it. He said take the initiative and do it yourself. not suggest it and try to get other people to do it. Not suggest it and try to get other people to do it? What rank am I? A moderator... I'm not a fucking DM I can't do shit as a mod. You CANNOT do anything without a voice, and that "voice" comes with rank sadly. Not saying im power hungry, I tried my best but it did not work as you can see. So all i'm going to do is sit back and watch.
  36. -1 points


    Not suggest it and try to get other people to do it? What rank am I? A moderator... I'm not a fucking DM I can't do shit as a mod. You CANNOT do anything without a voice, and that "voice" comes with rank sadly. Not saying im power hungry, I tried my best but it did not work as you can see. So all i'm going to do is sit back and watch. It doesn't take DM to make a community night. All you have to do is say hey guys we are having a community night. this server. this time. join it or forever be a faget. just ask someone to make an event. community night does not necessarily mean you have to offer credits for the non-existent hub. That does not change the problems going on. It removed them for a night. I'm not going to do anything because I already tried, if you don't beleive me. Look at all the hate him getting.
  37. -1 points


    That does not change the problems going on. It removed them for a night. I'm not going to do anything because I already tried, if you don't beleive me. Look at all the hate him getting. you made a thread titled Dicks in which you posted memegenerator images about the all mighty Cumless Wonder @@Link! You deserve the hate... It was a simple joke that Aegean went along with. It was ment in NO way to harm anyone. I posted the thread because EZKill showed me the images and I thought everyone (including Aegean) would have a laugh at them. Some people decided to take it too far.
  38. -1 points
    I'll see what a DM and a co says and go on from there.
  39. -1 points


    Welcome to xG, I'm currently a moderator for the cs:s division and the division leader for the minecraft division. If you need any help with rules or pointers i'm always open!
  40. -1 points
    @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 GRAVE DIG?!
  41. -1 points
    I'm sad to see that GG and xG are having some relationship issues. and I'm hoping to clear up some things. First of all GG is not run on a dictator status. Charrax is NOT the leader of GG and currently carries little to no power within the community. 2. we have just now found out what charrax was doing regarding the xG:Gmod FTP and we are dealing with him now. 3. GG currently has NO servers and is not hurting xG in attempt to recruit new members/players. GG attacking xG's servers would have NO benefit for GG's Community. 4. GG members who were previous xG members were leaving out of form of protest. that protest is over and has been over for a long time. GG as a clan/Community do not wish to harm xG's servers/community/members. 5. GG members including myself and Derp continue to play on xG's servers and refrain from trolling/cheating/arguing/or advertising GG. we wish only to play with the friends that we had in our past. and enjoy the environment that xg has to offer. 6. GG does not wish to continue this back and forth battle between Silence and Charrax and we will deal with our side of the problem as long as our members are not banned/Punished for something one of our members did off the book. On a personal note: I like xG's members and I like the servers, and I'd like to thank you for giving me the ability to log over 500 hours on xG's Jailbreak server. I have made good friends while playing with xG and I wouldn't like to be banned just because two people are in a scuffle over an item I am not concerned about. a note to silence: if at all possible I would like to speak with you personally regarding the situation. I do not like to speak through rumors and bias opinions. if you need to contact me please do so.
  42. -1 points

    aoen - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: aoen Steam ID: aoen Information: i should be unnbanned because ive been playing about 1 year sence i geot banned and now i know all rules now. alot of monds know me and i accident mass freekilled because it was my first time ever playing jailbreak so can i plz get unbanned plz i know motd now
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