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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points


    As i said with diabeetus xGs weight just dropped 1500 pounds (You diabeetus and gloryguy combined) Anyways, cya soon
  2. 2 points

    Lemons - Counter-Strike: Source

    Shortest forum post by forest.
  3. 1 point
    Huh that was a lame fix, only one line was breaking everything..............
  4. 1 point

    Mods? Admins? where did u go?

    Why does someone have to tell you to moderate the servers... as a moderator? you tellin me you don't moderate unless you are told to?
  5. 1 point

    Taking a week off

    Getting kind of bored with Jailbreak, I wan't a week to go out in life and enjoy myself. Trying to find my place, get some real life friends for once, and just have a good time. See you guys in a week!
  6. 1 point

    Lemons - Counter-Strike: Source

    Fine you may be unbanned.
  7. 1 point

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

    if you're on a different server trolling/being generally annoying with tags on (assuming you get accepted), how does that look like for us as a clan?
  8. 1 point

    Mods? Admins? where did u go?

    it just really depends on the day, typically there is atleast 1 mod on at all times of population. sometimes something comes up during the day and that mod has to leave though... so it may take a couple minutes for someone else to get on etc. and finish up what they were already doing.
  9. 1 point

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 we someone to work on TF2 so silence can fix hub A 8/10 M 9/10
  10. 1 point

    Lemons - Counter-Strike: Source

    I'm supprised this is still a legitimate post. Haha. +1 Always respectful and was not part of the GG flame thing.
  11. 1 point

    GG community Update *please read*

    wait you mean another group of people who broke away from xG and tried to make their own, better clan didnt work out.... hmm this is something new!
  12. 1 point
    How about you stop acting like a child and stop giving bleed's personal info out. How about you stop being gay, a dick, and a retard. +1 to ban MagicalPurple for a month
  13. 1 point

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    Is Gay Boy Aegean
  14. 1 point
    get ur steam id from here Steam ID Finder and u should say that u been playing as Mr. εωк/DarkGhost888
  15. 1 point

    MineCrack - Garry's Mod

    Lel, i can say that 2<3 i just had to do it before i left~ brian.. you sir clearly broken many rules, even if u knew them.. you loop it, sure i admit i broke some and wouldn't avoid it. When you were co-leader you use this "co-leader shield" to do as you please, and i just had to ban you before i left<3 dont worry ull be unban soon anyways. For minecrack.. hes just trash talk a clan hes in, he even told us he stop ddosing and all but he still does. Who knows who ddos us during that charrax crap. i don't understand why he's still around if xG is so shitty, but i had to ban him as well before i left<3 trash talk all you want, flame as you please but hey! have fun :o?
  16. 1 point

    MineCrack - Garry's Mod

  17. 0 points

    Mods? Admins? where did u go?

    Why does someone have to tell you to moderate the servers... as a moderator? you tellin me you don't moderate unless you are told to? GG quad posting (y)
  18. 0 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    lol that's hardly every week... gg retarded. stay on topic and quite being a twat. Brian doesnt even play actively on CS:S He apps for CS:S because everyone in TF2 hates him and doesn't want him back. xG doesn't need him, a week ago he was blacklisting all the xG servers and now he wants to rejoin? He said he wants to help or frantically need to help. Some help is better than no help. xG CS:S is possibly going down to shit because of the staff not functionally cooperating. Brian has excellent leadership skills. It is greatly needed for our staff. We need to get shit together so we can actually run servers. You, let's talk about you. You are not helping at all. You're one of the reasons why the CS:S Division is going to shit. The constant arguments you've been in and your acts of selfishness are one of the reasons "people love you." You tend to always want to prove yourself right. Yes, everyone wants to be right but there are times you need to face you were wrong. Every single argument, like every single argument is you constantly continuing it. Other want to end but it's you who continues it because you want to be "right." Whenever I see you on servers, I just want to leave right away. When I see you on forums, I don't want to reply to you, cause I know you'll always stir up an argument and start to insult people, making yourself look all mighty and clever yet you just sound like a 10 year old kid. You literally have the weakest amount of support from others. Nobody cares about your opinions because everyone knows they are just straight insults. You're possibly one of the most disrespectful xG members ever. Sometimes I question how you got into xG. Grow up,your opinions are the most atrocious I've seen and they aren't needed. This is a member application, not a debate team. It would be best you shut up and take it somewhere else. 10/10 Most truthful thing I've ever read. +1 @@Matsi pls leave clan feg boy
  19. -1 points
    +1 great guy A 0/10 M 7/10
  20. -1 points
    bleed stop being inactive
  21. -1 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 worked on tf2 servers a lot Brain4co #2013
  22. -1 points
    How about you stop acting like a child and stop giving bleed's personal info out. How about you stop being gay, a dick, and a retard.
  23. -1 points

    Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

    I think my -1 is valid.
  24. -1 points


  25. -1 points

    Hi, I'm Prius :D

    is actually pry-us @@Forest GET IT RIGHT LACKY
  26. -1 points

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

    We should know ;) No, you should know.
  27. -1 points

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

    No, you should know. stop derailing the thread, this is why your silenced. You started it -.-
  28. -1 points

    Zombie Panic Source Division

    -1 I think that if anything... we should have CS:S ZM... remove GunGame and replace it with ZM
  29. -5 points
    I remember a forum subsection for the subclans, where did it go? We must remake the Furry Subclan Forums so we can resume our plans for taking over the world!
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