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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    So another issue about vent camp

    Ts should be able to camp wherever they want (EXCEPT on Wardays/Last Ct/etc...) Its up to the lazy Ct's to rebel hunt. #2centsfromasnake
  2. 2 points

    Metal Thread

    Metal thread. Any type of metal is allowed, whether it be thrash, speed, nu, power, death, etc. Literally anything is acceptable, as long as it's metal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtj_6oReaRU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAITxlCsj4Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJeRE2pfH3E I'm interested in hearing xG's taste.
  3. 2 points


    There goes my social life.
  4. 2 points

    plugin request

  5. 2 points
    Why is there such a heated debate going on about this? The CS:S Division and it's Staff decided to have a fun night with the permission of the Co-Leader as well as the Division Manager(s). Whether or not it's making a "mockery" of anything is irrelevant. There clearly weren't any objections or complaints from the players/members who participated in the event (at least none that anyone is providing). If for some reason this managed to bring a whole slew of players to the server, who cares that it's unorthodox? Point is people are having fun, the server is getting populated, and no one seems to have any discrepancies. I'm going to be 100% honest in saying I'd be iffy about the abuse of powers, but I sincerely doubt our Staff is naive or ill-formed enough to target non-members or new players (with the exclusion of the occasional slay @all or smite @all). As far as I see it, I haven't seen a single Ban Request or Report Abuse sprout up in either section of the forums regarding the event. If it truly had gotten out of hand, at least one thread would have been made regarding it. Honestly guys, calm down. It was given the go-ahead and our Division Managers were there to monitor the occasion. What more do you want? Because this may or may not be a "touchy" subject to some, this will be my only post. I won't be replying to anyone unless it's outside of the forums. Going to try to keep this thread on topic and leave my opinion since everyone else is. Hopefully I'll be around for the next! - Dat guy, Forest
  6. 1 point
    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: BowTieOfJustice Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41107794 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 17 Further Information: I'm on the Jailbreak server a good amount of time, I know the MOTD, and I really like the xG community!
  7. 1 point
    +1 MY BOY :D Follows rules, respects player, never had admins give him hell A: 6/10 M:10/10
  8. 1 point


    Those were not originally there I point out how rules are changed and I say I doubt they were discussed, people dont believe me, so gg proof Also, I thought warrior handled the motd? It seems suspicious how he's defending it like that I've been here a long time and that was never a rule, and forest as a previous DM agrees it was never discussed @@Warriorsfury
  9. 1 point


    My ass, I just looked at the MoTD Rules that Silence had originally for the CS:S Division. This shiz isn't there at all. EDIT: MoTD is sacred to me, and I can tell you right now, that was Never there. Shiz is like my version of the bible.
  10. 1 point


    I like the way there is so many things you can try. And way that you can change characters anytime in real time.
  11. 1 point


    game looks fucking fantastic. the game will definitively be worth the wait. Though that is to be expected from Rockstar, it looks like they took a bit of flair from red dead. i'm gonna hop on san andreas now. September can't come fast enough.
  12. 1 point
    T's can camp near a vent for as long as they please. Ct's cannot
  13. 1 point
    I don't understand why people panic when they hear that the rules were pretty much non-existent. CS:S jailbreak is different now Chrono, its been getting ever more different since you left. We rarely can carry more than 10 people on the server after 11 pm est, and many times its clear out by 1am. I remember the days way back when you were constantly on, when late night jailbreak was always fun. But that was 2 years ago, things change. CS:S jailbreak is slowly losing its fan base, for many reasons, but one of them being the strict rules and lack of change. Late night jailbreak was the change many of us were looking for, it is a step in the right direction. In no way was it perfect, and I never claimed it to be, but for once we planned on doing something different and followed through with it. Don't start believing that staff members were given complete lack of rule or control, that's not how it went down. What I was saying is that staff members very well knew that they could do almost anything with their powers (common sense tells you what they weren't allowed to do still), but they had enough maturity to not push the limits. I know your judgments are better than most people here, but why are you judging what happened based on what you heard? I have been nothing but honest here, and those spreading rumors better post what they heard went on, or their rumors will remain rumors. I really don't appreciate you accusing me of taking something that you created (late night jailbreak) and "ruined it. soiled it". Maybe im taking it a little more critical than you were trying to be, but I find it rude, going on here to say that I ruined something (which you didn't attend) is not the right way to go about it. I would much rather appreciate that you came on here to discuss what happened, make suggestions to changes, and clear up rumors that you have heard. Because people can't seem to understand that you have to take what you are told with a little caution in xG, let me clarify EXACTLY what occurred during the night: Was there freeslaying? Yes. How much? A lot, but nothing that ruined the game, hurt anyones feelings, or that was in a manner that was excessive. Was there freekilling? Yes. How much? Again, there was a lot of this. But a majority of it was directed between staff members, again in no way did it ruin anybodys game or was it done in excess. Was there mass freekilling (3+ people)? Of course there was, and it was fun. It happened 2 or 3 times. One of them because we were doing mythbusters, how many heads can an AWP go through. Don't even start to think that you haven't wanted to try this, and we did it because it was fun. smite @all? Yes, a few times. No, it wasn't necessary but again it wasn't in excess nor was it ruining the game. This will not be allowed next time. ban @all? Yes, and for those of you who don't know what this does it simply strips everyone of their weapons. I used this twice for 2 reasons: 1) So we could have a round where nobody could rebel, nor could the CT's shoot us. 2) It was constant wardays, we needed a little break. Did anyone ban somebody? From what I saw absolutely not, staff members knew this would ruin the fun for somebody and that it would be pushing the limit. Did anyone kick somebody? Yes, a staff member kicked another one for not wear the proper tags (had just gotten mod in promo demo and didn't know), it was out of fun not seriousness. I believe there were a few other occurrences at the beginning, but nothing more than a regular late night session. Did the rules on sprays change? Yes, although this was only used by one or two people. Why did you ignore the complaints? What complaints? There were absolutely no complaints in admin chat or regular chat. Feel free to check the logs. How did you let people know what was going on? Megarobin, myself, Gkoo, Snakeboyeric, and a few other staff members used: All chat, regular chat, and @@@ chat to announce what was going on. Players were notified to contact us if any issues were occurring or anything was happening in excess that would ruin their game. I don't really think I missed anything, and as far as I know this is the entire truth. I was there the entire time, as was Gkoo who would have handled any abuse appropriately. If you heard something different Chrono, by all means tell me what you heard either in another post, steam, or pm me. This thread was put here for suggestions to improve it, and that's what I plan on doing. It is already decided that smite @all will not be allowed, and there will be normal punishments if it is used. You may consider what happened an "utter disgrace" but by all means it was one of the best nights I've had on jailbreak, and im not alone in that statement. Don't come in here and throw some crap around if you weren't there, you're better than that Chrono. @@Chrono
  14. 1 point

    The Plan

    I would love faction servers, yes there will be those people who cry but we must make sure that the staff dont cheat and are completely unbias. But there will always be those types of people.
  15. 1 point

    The Plan

    I like factions but the reason that it failed was because people got raided and complained. A factions server would work if people would calm the fuck down and realized that raiding was a main part of the server and grow up.
  16. 1 point
    You have to poop after a certain amount of time after you eat.
  17. 1 point

    GiddyAlphaCarter - Garry's Mod

    Dont apologize to warriors hes a scrub
  18. 1 point

    Puppy luv

    Puppyluv is allowed to use her mic, but is NOT allowed to warden. Like Warriorsfury said, by orders of Silence, she can use her mic, but by orders of Serbian, she isn't allowed to call warden. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  19. 1 point


    Why was business banned before this was put up? He can't even state his case. But in a nutshell, there is irony all over this thread.
  20. 0 points

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    Maybe he doesn't like you.
  21. -1 points

    plebwolf - Counter-Strike: Source

    I think a ban should be given to BusinessMan. Although your a friend of mine Business, constantly spamming / trolling deserves a punishment. Even then, when you are a Member - I doubt anyone can say the feel comfortable with you setting examples for our members-to-be or future recruitee's. +1 (Not perma tho <3)
  22. -1 points

    plebwolf - Counter-Strike: Source

    @@Matsi My apologies, but I still mean it towards this user :P
  23. -1 points
    Like. t can camp at vent cell? isn't it same as vent camp. is it nto vent camp if the vent is not opend. idk
  24. -1 points

    plugin request

    I call bullshit sir. I call Bull-fucking-shit
  25. -1 points
    nobody want's your referral code. this however is a clean link. so you aren't jew'd by this kid. https://signup.leagueoflegends.com/en/signup/index
  26. -2 points


    Go canada?
  27. -2 points
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