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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points


  2. 2 points

    Community Nights

    ocarina of time race? ocarina of time race. @@Sporky @@Link!
  3. 2 points

    Why me

    DuckiiJr, What the fuck is it gonna take to get through that thick, shit-filled skull of yours to understand we don't want you back? You've hacked, trolled, made threats, made threads about those threats, made threads about the threads, mic-spammed teamspeak, been dissed by your Senior, and now this is your 5th account on the forums? This just proves you don't learn a single thing. You say I'll stop or I'll change, but what I'm seeing here is nothing but a repeat after repeat and repeat. I'm pretty sure that even if you went to a therapist, silence still wouldn't unban for 2 reasons. It's Silence You've shown so much immaturity that it's impossible to crawl your way out of it. You have a petition to unban, and you need 1000 signatures? And you think he was being serious? Seriously, there's only 1 way to put it. We don't want you here. How many times do we have to say this? Every single time it's the same story. "Please feel sorry for me, I've been banned for a wrong reason," usually followed by new users spamming threads with phrases such as "I don't know he but he seems nice +1." Just stop.
  4. 2 points

    Why me

    Not putting my thoughts on this for fear of our almighty insect overlord, @@Rhododendron
  5. 2 points

    What car should I get?

    Ladies, contain thy orgasms. This car is a 100% Guaranteed pussy magnet.
  6. 2 points


    I am so creative and great at using fireworks, and this is what i made
  7. 2 points

    Community Nights

    *cough* cs go community night *cough* @@Chrono @@Bleed
  8. 2 points

    Aborting LR

    Pretty sure they can just abuse it if they lose an LR, Sure it might be helpful in some cases but, Still. Meh, should be voted for if it would be given to non-admins (Gun toss, a person's laser ends up glitched in the air, they type !voteabortlr and takes an amount of people to vote yes, Aborting the LR and giving a chance to have a fair rematch) It shouldn't have access to any non-admins when there's less than 5 in the server, however (2-3 people in the server, 1 RTVs, and it basically fills all needs of rtv to open the map menu) I don't know if Rhodogay/Silence/whateverthefuck will be able to do it. (It basically works the same way RTV does, but only with a fair amount of people online) -1 for actually giving !abortlr to Ts, +1 for giving !voteabortlr to Ts with people online (if possible)
  9. 1 point

    A proposal

    With the ever growing emptiness of our servers i have come to the conclusion that CS:GO is not really ment for mini games or fun servers like jb our whatever. its for more of competitive servers like deathmatch or pub or scrim etc. so what i was thinking is we convert one of the servers to a pub server. now i know you guys had a pub server in the past, but here me out. i will be earning a substantial amount of monies in which i will be putting towards a coder to make plug-ins. A list of plug-ins i had in mind was a hub for all games, a cp menu for our climb server if we keep it, and if we convert to a pub server a few plug-ins including like in warmup it has knife only or zeus only or scouts knives or noscope or etc. another being like if its is 1v1 the option to have a knife fight. another would be if the game went in to overtime it would start a vote of what the ot round should be. for example lets say it goes in to ot a vote will come up with a list of rounds that can be played as the out round. options like zeus only or knife only or negev only or awp only or no scope only. also i will be taking any suggestions from you guys of what plug-ins we should have him make
  10. 1 point


  11. 1 point

    Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 active and friendly, often wardens and knows what hes doing. A:7 M:8 and I swear to gawd on gaygeans life if you african me han yolo i will cum for you, just like aegean cant. LOOOOL
  12. 1 point
    -0 You freeslayed, likely massively, intentionally. Even though your laugh/scream is hilarious as fuck, Your attitude is the thing keeping me from not fully liking you. You're kidding me, right?
  13. 1 point

    Aborting LR

    I could see a t picking deagle on air (head shot war) and then aborting it when a ct is at the vertex of the jump.
  14. 1 point

    Why me

  15. 1 point

    [xG] MrAwesome104 - Counter-Strike: Source

    mod submissions don't go on x vouches get mod. they are just to let the community give input on a person.
  16. 1 point

    A proposal

    but all the free ones are shitty of all people i thought you would understand that csgo is for more of the scriming. scrim server is a locked server for 5v5 when we can get enough people i mean we dont have to switch like mini games or jb but like gun game gun game gets populated by itself too but but.... i want pub over gun game any day
  17. 1 point


    At least you have more than CS:GO :P
  18. 1 point

    What car should I get?

    Bitch all i need is this:
  19. 1 point

    Why me

    Lets say he did kill himself, banned or not, he could still blame @@Rhododendron , especially with the "unbanned when you kill yourself" shit, and in return, would put anyone at risk of suicide, at a HIGHER risk of doing it, him being banned does not take any reliability off of xG, like people who went in the channel and trolled duckiijr, they could be held liable as a cause too, I don't see how you guys don't get that. Anything after this isn't about your quote now, rpx It's like if you got bullied at a school, moved away to another school, but killed yourself because of what happened at the previous school, if you left something like a note saying they were the cause, they could still get in trouble at the previous school, so in this case there is no point in banning him when either way xG could be held liable, AND THATS ONLY IF HE ACTUALLY DOES IT. You say you don't want xG liable, BUT YOU GUYS EDGE HIM ON TO DO IT. If you wanna put it in jailbreak terms, if you restrict jumping, then tell him to jump before 5:00, it does not make it the T's fault for jumping, the warden tarped so he'd be liable for the T's death The logic in the posts you guys made before this on his other ban protests are fucking OUTSTANDING, "He's annoying on TS, so lets keep him forum banned, I don't have autism or anything for stating this as a reason" , that reason, has NOTHING to do with the forums, yet you guys find any half-ass reason to keep him banned.If any of you went into a depression, and had thoughts of suicide, if you got banned for the reason "unbanned when you kill yourself", How would that make you guys feel? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT YOU GUYS WOULDN'T DO THE SAME SHIT DUCKII IS DOING, TRYING TO BE UNBANNED, yet you all criticize him for it? You guys have down syndrome, I fucking swear, go get yourself checked out as soon as you can for mental retardation +1 if you havent realized this by now Why am I tagged in this rant?
  20. 1 point

    Aborting LR

    -1. Scenario: T loses gun toss, abort, redo lr
  21. 1 point

    Community Nights

  22. 1 point

    Aborting LR

    Sir, this is a christian server. We don't believe in abortions. Anyway -1 I don't think it would be a good idea. Just like MegaRobin said, it can be abused. They lose LR and abort it. Should just keep it admin access.
  23. 1 point

    darehowl - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Everything has already been said above.
  24. 1 point
    Your steam ID is wrong, you're never on teamspeak, you were never in xG, and you are currently banned for intentional mass freekill after being muted for being too young You also already made an app in late july, so it hasnt been a month since your last, and when u had that app, you lied about your age saying you were 16 -1 I just wanted to join the Copy n paste huehuehuehue. I agree btw
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point

    darehowl - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1. +1 for server ban
  27. 1 point

    darehowl - Counter-Strike: Source

    Your steam ID is wrong, you're never on teamspeak, you were never in xG, and you are currently banned for intentional mass freekill after being muted for being too young You also already made an app in late july, so it hasnt been a month since your last, and when u had that app, you lied about your age saying you were 16 -1
  28. 1 point
    -1 for the above reasons.
  29. 1 point
    -1 Bad Proof, Not even in the right section of forums. Why am I posting on this
  30. 1 point
    I left xG so I don't think my +1 Still counts anymore, I am just here to talk about warrior and Super. Sure it is off topic but you guys need to stop fighting. @@Superkiller67 I hated Warrior a lot, I disrespected him in game for as long as I remember, and I always talked about him behind his back. I regret everything I said because Warrior is not a bad guy. He want's to do anything for this clan, he's willing to put his heart in, and that's what a clan needs, people like that. Talk to Warrior in private, over a cup of tea (I hate tea). Warrior is actually a pretty cool guy and I know that's not what you want to hear, (read) but its true and I wish I hadn't ever hated on him. Don't talk back to him, Don't fight him. Play nicely. @@Warriorsfury SuperKiller is a derp, but he is like able, crazy person. He's got a great personality and a pure heart. He's been a mod before and he's done his job. If you have a problem about him, talk to in team speak and work it out. To make a clan is to work together. I'm not saying you have no right to -1 him, Go the fuck ahead. I just want the fighting to stop. You have a valid reason to -1 Immaturity. Just stop fighting and Play Nicely.
  31. 1 point

    Why me

    Just unban him already Silence. This has gone way to fucking far
  32. 1 point

    Why me

    Did you make a petition though?
  33. 1 point

    Why me

    Duckii I have asked you this before but I want to ask you again. Why are you still here? A lot of people here treat you like shit. I hate to make this analogy but its like a beaten dog who keeps going back to its horrible master. I just dont understand.
  34. 1 point

    Why me

    I lol'd at 'He'll get unbanned when he kills himself'
  35. 1 point

    Leaving xG

    7BA5034BD4783936F215A07CB47D236B86C2E67A Good admin,abused after leaving xG. Good thing he's gone, enjoyed the freekills/slays you did tonight man.
  36. 0 points

    Im leaving xG // D:

    Didn't get mod, quitting. Once "break" is over, re-applies for member. Anyway, cya :p Like every other person that leaves because he didn't get mod...
  37. -1 points

    Rebels and you!

    I'm closing this. I see what you guys mean. Also this isint making a new rule its cutting one in half... #Closed
  38. -1 points

    Update 5/26/2013

    You can now get random items like this or better from random ruins around the map! - Timber was installed - Shop was added into TownySurvival - Each time you die you get to keep 25% of your inventory (Raised for donors) - Kill stats added - Diablo Drops added - There will soon be signs in spawn that show random stats. Have fun!
  39. -1 points

    Update 6/22/2013

    Tekkit is fully done. Few items are banned. All the basic ones that cause problems. If there are any problems report them here.
  40. -1 points


    Keep all flame aside, all I want is criticism and what you think needs to be done! Recently it has seemed from my point of view that there can be a lot of things that make people unhappy and make this clan look bad, or maybe even things that can make the clan look really good and are really simple to do but no one will do it. So what I want to picture is a growing clan with a lot of happy members, with staff that are HAPPY to see each other and not say "Oh my god not this kid hes going to start problems". So why not take the initiative to change all this? Why am I even making this thread? Why am I trying? This clan has so much potential, with silence (FUCKING FINALLY) working on hub for tf2, css, and cs:go it seems like things can turn around because that was a big thing that people wanted. Why am I trying? I want to see this clan grow, I want to see the members happy. So why not just give it a try and attempt (and hopefully get the objective) to fix the problems? "Well Warrior, since you made the thread what do you think are problems?" I for one see cs:s staff as a problem, and disrespect as a problem. Some of you may not know the story as to why I was demoted, let me tell you here (THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT MY DEMOTION) Sometime in late May I was demoted for abusing my powers. "What did you do to get demoted you idiot?" A active member of the jailbreak community made a mistake and decided to call a WSAD frozen freeday (Cannot move or you die) Most of the t's rebelled and got killed instantly (because if you move you die!) There were 4 t's left along with about 8+ cts. There were a few people complaining in admin chat and all the dead people were either complaining of their death, the type of day they were given, or that the round is taking a long time (3 minutes passed when I took action with 4 minutes left). So I decided to do something. Sadly though my actions were (apparently (kind of angry about this too)) were not justified at all. I took the liberty of typing in to chat "!smite @all". Sadly though that was not the end of it. After smiting at all I made the stupid as fuck mistake of making up a TOTAL bullshit excuse of (And yes I said all of these in mic in order) "My cat did it", "My cat bound !smite @all guys im sorry". If im correct I don't even think I gave a reason as to why I did it. (Stupid me) I then went and told Serbian and he decided to demote AND ban me for 3 months. I complained and then got the ban down to 3 weeks. Right after that he and darkwolf went and changed the rule so my !smite @all would have been COMPLETELY justified. I then went on the next day and complained to Poncher and he made it so I was NOT banned but I was still demoted. I COMPLETELY understand the demotion and I am not going to and I will not fight it. I understand as to why some of you hate that I was not banned. I tried talking to some of the people and it seemed to have resolved the situation a little bit. Some people though seem to take their staff powers for granted at times (Not saying they DO it just seems like it from my point of view) and they seem to think that sometimes the rules do not apply to them at all or they have a (FUCKING LOT) of leeway. (I am once again stating what I am seeing and do not mean to offend ANYONE in ANY WAY) For example, just recently (I will NOT be giving any names what so ever and for who ever DOES call ANYONE out, I will see to the editing of their post to take out their name) one staff member wrongfully freekilled enough people to be considered mass freekill. The staff member was told by two other admins and a mod that they were freekills but he/she refused to see to the punishment of themself. (even through all the complaints in admin chat). That SAME staff member (3 or so days later) decided to do the wrong again. It was a warday in a soccer arena and the staff member then shoots the soccer ball killing one person, he then declined to slay himself (for teamkilling) and took the time to kill another person (which happened to be me). He was not punished at the time and is still not punished to this day. I am naming what happened from ONE person, I am not trying to focus out this one person I am trying to fix this from happening overall. I understand that staff need time to relax but breaking the rules causing problems for other people is not the way. That is what I want to fix. Just today I saw a thread created from MineCrack, about his disrespect and how he is sorry for what he has done and how he wants to become a better member. This is one of the things that should be happening. Recognize what you have done that is wrong and apologize. It is not hard and trust me it makes it all the better to have people who like having you around rather then just waiting for you to leave so that they can talk shit behind your back. So lets keep this thread serious without trolling or flaming. Yes you can vent and mention names but do not argue. Keep it friendly. My question is, how do you think xG can become a better community? What do you think we can change so that the next person to find xG can say "Wow this looks like a real friendly community, I can't wait to join!"? TL;DR What should be changed so everyone is not butthurt about eachother and make the community better/more fun. P.S Yes I know its another one of "Those" threads P.S.S What do to stop staff disrespect/abuse? What do to make better community?
  41. -1 points
    Not trying to start a fight I just want to know how everyone els feels. You are allowed to do the following: (From what I know, correct me if im wrong) - Freekill - Mass freekill (To a point) - Freeslay - Smite @all (I have seen it done before but im not sure) - Porn sprays (Kinda wish this was allowed on the overall server (Except for that weird tentacle shit, there should be limits >_>)) - Bait - Gunplant - Break every other rule cept advertise/ddos threats. I honestly JUST want to know, I do not want anyone to start arguing on here. Yes I know there is a feedback thread, I just wanted to see a poll.
  42. -1 points

    Wat do

    So, what do you do for fun? On the computer or in real life. What do you recommend other people try?
  43. -1 points

    Funnest Gif Thread

    Funnest gifs pls No gore, or animal abuse (Some people go too far)
  44. -1 points
    Yo thats fucked up guys shitpost x4 that hurts yo Im not even in xG my vote doesnt matter lmfao
  45. -1 points

    Leaving xG

    @@SonicRainbow Were sorry you've been denied to leave XenoGamers you may tried again at May 19 , 9999 we are sorry for the inconvience. :D NNNOOO YOU CANT LEAVE ME AND WHY DONT YOU TAG ME D:
  46. -1 points

    Why me

  47. -1 points


    Yes. I am really worried about my iPhone. #windowsontheiphoneisntgenuinewut
  48. -1 points

    ~Hello~ a totes formal introduction

    Hi!! I'm Luecia, or Aliza (Possibly Leeza too) to others. I'm not legitimately a member yet, but I've spent a lot of time with some of the members here such as Roxy, Jake, Warrior, Pinoy and so on on Teamspeak!!!! Most of the time, I play League of Legends which means that I'm not really well-known in the CSS community, but I still hope I could establish something in these forums!!! >:3 I uh.. guess I should introduce more about myself??? I guess. I'm a college student hoping to be a Neurologist at some point and majoring in Biology!!!! I ~love~ academics and studying, along with fashion!! I guess I also like braiding hair, turtles, yoplait yogurt, drawing, and horror movies/games, cute boys, and cute emotes. I was introduced to XG by Roxy since we both shared League in common!!! and we are totally bffsies. :3c It was a little uncomfortable at first due to the ~new environment and new people~ but I managed to get along with totally a bunch of people here!!!!! I hope I get to meet much more of you guys and have an enjoyable time here. :> p.s. i noticed a lot of your threads aren't really legitimate hello or goodbye threads :0 is that a thing around here?? p.p.s. im also known as 5'2 girl :[ one member recognized me as that p.p.p.s i wouldve applied already but it seems a little embarrassing to apply for the LEAGUE DIVISION which seems too easy mode
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