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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/13 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    You all need to realize that this issues stretches far being the issue of getting Shadow back to admin. This is the reason that the clan is so different, that its no longer fun or engaging for many members. 1) We have people plotting against each other to get each other demotions, although for a long time one of the sides had absolutely no reason to and has caused this entire thing to occur. Everyone knows that there is a grudge, or something similar, between Darkwolf and shadow. Whatever, that craps happens and there is never anything you can do about it. Its also not anything that would ruin the experience for everyone else... until it escalates. I know very well that both sides have been wanting each other for various reasons, but what starts to become an issue is when the plot against each other to get them demoted. Shadow has relied on the community to back up his accusations against Dark, which IMO have been held up fairly well. On the other hand, Darkwolf seeks information to get him demoted. Don't start with the excuses again, I know that you have been trying to get him demoted for a long time. Sitting in spec just waiting for something to go wrong isn't the way to go about it. It's fine if someone messages you and says that Shadow is breaking a rule, but its not fine when you ask people to watch him for you. Then to get on, sit in spec with tags off, and demo until something goes wrong... thats called spying. The only time I would find that acceptable is when there is excessive complaints from the community about a person (Michael) and they are ruining the experience through their actions. Shadow is more than capable at his job, and makes it a good experience. Just because you and your friends want him demoted doesn't give you reason to sit back and spy until he does something wrong just for the fact that you can get him demoted. Gkoo isn't on the server enough to get the full story of this, nor is he very assertive. I can assume with certainty that you told him you wanted to demote shadow, and he more than willingly agreed without any questioning. 2) People are coming up with bs reasons and excuses to back up their "friends" side of the argument. Just go back to the other thread, look at all the people coming up with bs reasons to protect both you and shadow. Two sides, its like a damn clan war within a clan. Stop protecting your friends and put some logic behind your arguments. 3) There is fear to speak up against those in power, fear that you will be put on the bad side of a DM or worse... demoted. If people are in fear of speaking the truth or whats on their mind, then there is a serious problem with the leadership. Letting people freely speak what they think, their opinions, and being able to present less than favorable proof is key to having a good relationship between everybody. DM's are the go-to people, the ones who have to handle all of the issues and complaints. You cannot allow your own opinions and anger influence what people say. This has happened before with you Dark, and that last thread was a warning, yet it seems like this hasn't changed. 4) Lying. Cover ups. All of you might as well go back to your posts and highlight every lie in neon green, because they are that easy to see. Stop the lying and grow up, you want to know the truth: Dark absolutely despises shadow and wants him demoted, he has a hard time doing this because he can't always be on watching so he asks his friends to tell him if he is doing something wrong. The second he does he hops on in spec to demo, hoping to catch him with anything that can be used. Shadow hates dark, both for targeting him and for other unknown reasons. It would make his day for dark to lose DM, but he also finds it hard to get enough proof. Shadow then takes it to the forum to rally everyone together in hopes something will change. And stop covering up all of the stuff you both do, its as easy to spot as the lies. Dark, I see a lot of excuses to cover up your real motives. Its not like we cant figure out you both despise each other and want each other demoted. Whats the big picture of all of this? The hostility that has been created is not acceptable, nor is the fact that we have people in higher positions just waiting for the reason to demoted someone because they dont particularly like said person. Warnings were already given to darkwolf, and as far as I remember he understood them and was going to do better. I like dark as a person, he can be very respectful, helpful, and overall friendly. But the amount of people who are in fear of saying something.. well they dont say anything. Its been a problem for many months now. You cannot be biased as a DM.
  2. 2 points

    who's the faggot?

    Kill yourself.
  3. 2 points

    Staff Inactivity

    But to be fair to the admins, when they are online, it is extremely difficult to play because they are constantly being bombarded with complaints. Most of the time they just have to sit in spectate, and even then they can't catch everything
  4. 2 points

    Staff Inactivity

    Hub is (hopefully) being released within the next few weeks, which should bring in a lot more players/staff wo have gotten bored of playing jailbreak all the time. Personally, I think we should try to find some people that are enthusiastic about the server and are also able to handle staff positions, instead of just quickly promoting lots of people to admin while only a few are promoted to mod. I'm seeing a lot of staff members as of recently who seem to be tired of having staff responsibility, which isn't a good sign.
  5. 2 points

    A proposal

    fuck zm/ze, that shit is boring. get a sliderace server. +1 I want a surf server
  6. 2 points

    League Of Legends.

  7. 1 point

    A proposal

    With the ever growing emptiness of our servers i have come to the conclusion that CS:GO is not really ment for mini games or fun servers like jb our whatever. its for more of competitive servers like deathmatch or pub or scrim etc. so what i was thinking is we convert one of the servers to a pub server. now i know you guys had a pub server in the past, but here me out. i will be earning a substantial amount of monies in which i will be putting towards a coder to make plug-ins. A list of plug-ins i had in mind was a hub for all games, a cp menu for our climb server if we keep it, and if we convert to a pub server a few plug-ins including like in warmup it has knife only or zeus only or scouts knives or noscope or etc. another being like if its is 1v1 the option to have a knife fight. another would be if the game went in to overtime it would start a vote of what the ot round should be. for example lets say it goes in to ot a vote will come up with a list of rounds that can be played as the out round. options like zeus only or knife only or negev only or awp only or no scope only. also i will be taking any suggestions from you guys of what plug-ins we should have him make
  8. 1 point

    Staff Inactivity

    i have been on in spectator pretty much doing nothing but moderating. :(
  9. 1 point
    If I was in xG I would +1 I remember playing with you a lot before I left and never seen you break a rule or had a problem with you. I think the name is a bit offensive maybe to someone not in teh clan, maybe an African or something like you're all going to rate my post, but yeah you're active, you're mature and Someday You'll lick my nips. A:8 (judging before I left) M:8
  10. 1 point

    Staff Inactivity

    There is a reason we don't just hand out powers to people. Putting in a system like this would be horrendous. Yes, we could just remove it after any abuse/trolling, but I can see this having a very low usage and a very high potential for abuse. What if a rulebreaker decides to use this system to votekick/voteban someone who's calling them out on not knowing the rules? Remember, this would be used the most when no staff is on, so there would be really no one present to stop any potential abuse. It just doesn't seem like a logical thing to add in my opinion.
  11. 1 point

    Professor Genesis's Classroom

    You're all scrub shitties, go and sit down and wallow in your shame as I lay back in my chair and take a nap
  12. 1 point

    who's the faggot?

    more posts = bigger dick
  13. 1 point

    xG | Nivek - Counter-Strike: Source

    i'm gonna bump, his post shouldn't be buried.
  14. 1 point
    God damn autocorrect 55
  15. 1 point

    Jordozombie - Counter-Strike: Source

    Jordo, I never really liked you as a player, or staff. No offence, you just seemed like a cocky kinda guy. You did this on purpose, knowing the consequences of your actions, and not even a day later, you post a ban protest even stating you don't think you should be unbanned. So, if you don't think you should, why should I think you deserve an unban? -1. Wait a few months, see if anything changes.
  16. 1 point

    League Of Legends.

    I'm gonna start giving out lessons for league. I'm kinda the best. I get pentas on a daily basis. Hmu if you want lessons @@HaaDron @@Gawd @@Reflex
  17. 1 point


    the command !fightbigroy then there will be beacons between big roy and the guy who wants to fight him. it must be a fist fight too and make it so no karma will be lost!!!
  18. 1 point

    League Of Legends.

  19. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    Gkoo doesn't join servers to specifically gather negative things on people. Gkoo doesn't question every action done by someone higher than them, when it doesn't even involve them, trying to find a wrong to report it. (trying to get them demoted) [can't touch dis] Gkoo doesn't sit in teamspeak with "friends" talking about wanting to demote others for not thinking the same way as him. just saiyan inb4 "flame war" These are the reasons i see that this is not a complaint about Gkoo. and he asked why it wasn't about Gkoo.
  20. 1 point

    A proposal

    Please, for the sake of xG. If a pub is added, do not add irrelevant plug-ins to the Pub server. Try and keep it as vanilla as possible please. Just RTV, nominations, rank, voteban and such that don't ruin the gameplay. Talk to someone who has knowledge of good/popular maps to add good/popular maps to the server rotation.
  21. 1 point
    The reason you were considered for Demotion and not a CT ban is simply because you are a Staff Member as well as a Member of xG. I'm sorry to say, but there is a form of hierarchy here. It is to be expected that as an Administrator (someone of a far higher rank of a normal player) you know what is right from wrong. Disobeying a Higher-Up is not something that will end well, nor will a CT ban suffice. When a Higher-Up is telling you something is wrong and should not be practised any longer, you should probably stop whatever it is you're doing. If you believe that it's right, then take it up with another Higher-Up (Co-Leader or Division Leader or other Division Managers) and solve it. The worst thing you could possibly do is continue doing it (when you were warned that a demotion may occur should you continue your actions) just because you believe it's fine. You were completely aware of what would happen should you continued, and you continued doing so. Just to point out, this whole ordeal was not due to your Fr/Lr, so do not use that as one of the reasons to fight back. It's not so much your actions that have led to these consequences so much as it is your attitude as well. We get it, you're an old member and you know the rules. But that doesn't mean you can use your "old-member" card as leverage to prove that you're right. Things change, rules change, management changes. With those changes, it is expected that guidelines are altered and edited. You and I both know that things have changed pretty drastically, and I'm sure others do as well. However; you should not disobey direct warnings as told by Higher-Ups without expecting some form of consequence or punishment. You are an active member of the community, far more active then many others. You should be able to earn your rank back. It's not the end of the world. @@DarkWolf6052 You are a Division Manager. The last thing I want to see is Players/Members telling me that you are conspiring to get a Staff Member demoted because you have a problem with them. Do not abuse your rank, you are to be unbiased at all times, as with any other Staff Member. TL;DR - You loopholed and disobeyed Higher-Ups when warned that a demotion may occur should it continue happening. You are a Staff Member. A player who disobeys a Mod/Admin doesn't know better and therefore only gets CT banned or Server banned. You do not have that luxury, you have a status to uphold and disobeying Higher-Ups is a serious offence. Earn your rank back, it shouldn't be difficult. - Dat guy, Forest
  22. 1 point

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    the only annoying part might be the alerts, which is easy enough to remove. I honestly dont care if im spammed with ratings. inb4 im spammed with african
  23. 1 point


    @@serbiansnaga @@Forest CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Closed
  24. 1 point


    I can work out a video advertising not only the Minecraft server, but xG. It would definitely take sometime, not only for just advertising the Minecraft server; but If I need to advertise all of xG, I'll need a lot of people's help. Since I am writing a two scripts right now for video ideas; I can start working on the video of xG's Minecraft server hopefully Monday. Not only are scripts hard work, I also have videos I need to edit. I could start working earlier if it's more important to you guys, but I need atleast one of my scripts done by Monday. That's when I start filming a video about a girl. (It's not what you think) (<-- Trust me)
  25. 0 points

    Going In-active

    Im going in-active yet again :/ I'll be back friday.
  26. 0 points

    Staff Inactivity

    I think adding a Votekick or Voteban system would really help for when admins and mods aren't online. And any abuse of the system can warrant an immediate loss of privileges.
  27. -1 points
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXkTWvxzm4Q I only died twice...
  28. -1 points


    Man, you guys are all illegal people I shouldn't hang out with.
  29. -1 points

    Duckii jr. Petition

    Almost there!
  30. -1 points
    lol its annoying yes but i like it. lol i got it to. @@Rhododendron idk maybe make a spam protection. you can only rate a few times a day. but i would like that because rating is awesome :) lol warrior a lot of shit post rates. I got only africans from brian Gyazo - 9bb16cb8188e4c88ed214c6bee282d48.png Gyazo - 7a11a818214df7ba287632908f10e3b6.png but i dont care its still funny.
  31. -1 points

    Ban Matsi for Speedhacking

    +1 I experienced this hacking first hand. As much as I like having Matsi in back of me this has scarred me for many lifetimes (including past ones).
  32. -1 points
  33. -1 points

    Silence is a prostitute

    Silence: It's $10 for a BJ, $12 for an HJ, $15 for a ZJ... Serbian : [interrupting] What's a ZJ? Silence : If you have to ask, you can't afford it big boy. Warriorsfury : [Trying to persuade Serbian] I've got $4. Chrono : [Refering to Warriorsfury] Ya it looks like his head is covered in pubic hair [laughs] Chrono : but it's ok it works, ya, cause you've got a dickface. PinoyPsychopath : I always sleep better with a little sausage in me.
  34. -1 points

    A proposal

    U guys SUCK, just make a Zombitch zerver, everybody love a ZM/ZE zerver, jsut u guys are full retards -.-!!
  35. -1 points

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 this nugga
  36. -1 points

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    Hub is back!
  37. -1 points

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 you shit cunt hidingmaster is A WHORE!
  38. -1 points

    Professor Genesis's Classroom

    Professor Serbian has retired, and I will be your new teacher from now on. Now does anyone have questions they'd like answered before we begin class?
  39. -2 points

    who's the faggot?

    that reset my post count. Gyazo - 2969c119f09828063175167c1118b5a7.png @@Rhododendron i had like 3k
  40. -2 points

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    You and mega are so gullible. huehuehue
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