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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/13 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Alright he's not getting demoted. Jacob has shown his incompetence and Darkwolf responded hasty but it's understandable since he is a constant offender. We will be reviewing the admin handbook to put input for constant offenders! Closed!
  2. 2 points

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    World's Most Annoying Web Page 3: Wrath Of The Alerts That seemed to work well on Google Chrome mate. Before closing this thread, I am going to leave a few suggestions for you Onward: Don't try to join a community if you have a problem with it If Admins are abusing you, grow a pair and post on Report Abuse Don't impersonate Don't troll Don't harass Grow up Seriously, grow up And most importantly, I can't stress this enough; Have a nice day :D Enjoy your permanent forum ban mate. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  3. 2 points

    Goodbye Forever

    +1 for unban
  4. 2 points

    Putting that prize money to use

    I hate all of you.
  5. 2 points
    I didn't record a demo, I'm sure @@Matsi did though, of just last map, on BlackOut, where he was wearing xG:M as a name, said he donated, lied about it. I went and asked Silence, and he said to perm him. So you got what you wanted. Hopefully Matsi has the demo.
  6. 2 points

    Goodbye Forever

  7. 2 points

    Goodbye Forever

    This is exactly why we hate you. All you do is bitch, complain, and talk negative about everything. I'm actually glad you are going to be gone. Bye.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    He should stop being so disrespectful though.
  10. 2 points
    i hit a guy with my car. i drove off.
  11. 2 points

    Duckii jr. Petition

  12. 1 point
    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: | Alex ●‿● Steam ID: Steam Community :: Error / Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 15- I put the wrong date in my register, if it's possible, can you change it to 98? Further Information: Nothing really, I'm an active member on CSS, and on a side note. Can you change my birth year to 98? I messed that up. Thank you. -Formally a TunnelSnake
  13. 1 point

    halfbaked - Left 4 Dead 2

    Division: Left 4 Dead 2 In-Game Name: halfbaked Offender's Steam ID: hacker Rules Broken: he likes to hack Evidence:-1
  14. 1 point

    last ct request song

  15. 1 point
    HOLY FUCKING SHIT. YES! Knows MOTD and active and mature is on TEAMSPEAK alot. A:9 M:9 D: +1
  16. 1 point

    Jok3r - Garrys Mod

    Gamecube was watching you for about two hours when we called me mtwon and bleed to come watch, we were discussing the current situation and were spectating you & kevin. another admin @@Gawd also suspected you two of ghosting but he left eventually. Now when we were looking at you we were also looking the logs to see who were the traitors at the time, if kevin was a traitor, you knew who were the traitors and had false bullshit reasoning as to why they were traitors. -1 it was fairly obvious you were being given information, you followed the traitors around and were constantly keeping a gun on them
  17. 1 point

    Jok3r - Garrys Mod

    @@LastGame @@Cloud @@Bleed all witnesses of the thing You were banned because it was pretty obvious you were singling out the remaining traitour(s) you were telling them to go in the traitour testers, following them, pointing your gun at them. We were also watching you for 5+ maps and in every round you would only say the names of traitours and only point guns at traitours and other obvious signs of ghosting. The names I listed above were witnesses and they have things to comment on the ban. -1 @@SkitZoFrenzly. @@Fuzz @@DMTwired @@Sousei for a final decision and your say
  18. 1 point

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    He wants to fuck everyone doesn't he.... Kinky if you ask me +1 He grown up he is a BIG GIRL! :)
  19. 1 point

    The HUGE CS:GO Update

    Yes, I am aware this isn't the correct area to post this in, just thought it would be noticed more here. Enjoy. In my opinion, I'm excited to see how this goes, many people disagree and say this game has gone to shit. There has also been word, some proven, of F2P for CS:GO. People are skeptical on this and I personally strongly dislike the idea of a f2p CS, since of the all evident hackers that will follow. Whaddya you guys think? -eb EDIT : The ones excluding the last 2 aren't 100% proven. Please note the last 2 are. More News: Please note that this AUG is pretty much a strange, like in TF2.
  20. 1 point
    +1 This kid is like hella mature and definitely worth acceptance. Plus he's my lover. M:9999 A99999
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Obviously darkwolf was offended and your attitude is awful. If he was offended he should have told me to stop, and right after I was kicked I removed that bind all I needed was a warning. The only reason that i made this into an abuse thread was because once I returned to the game after being kicked I asked him why he didn't warn me in team, all, and admin chat and i received no response. All I wanted was him to acknowledge that he did it and now this has been blown way out of proportion. Why should he need to warn you? You know exactly what you're doing and you do it so often.
  23. 1 point
    When did I ever mention anything about my personal qualifications and standards of you doing your job? OH WAIT! I didn't. What I meant should be self explanatory. I don't have a personal disliking for you, when have I been disrespectful towards you? It's nice to know you have a disliking for me. I on the other hand, don't have a disliking for you which is the reason why I haven't carried over anything from the forums in game because I myself, can hold a mature argument. What insults? Stay OT babe. What you meant should be self explanatory. .? So you think I don't do my job as a DM. I consider that rude, especially when it doesn't have anything to do with the topic here. It means you should have noticed Jacob's disrespect/spamming. Thanks to warrior for presenting his chat logs giving a perfect example. Honestly if you're going to "argue" with me at least answer to my other remarks. Your arguments are awful. Sorry mate
  24. 1 point

    rip csgo 2013

    Er me gaw. For some reason I keep coming back to read these threads. Hi, I'm CPMaverick, I was a regular and moderator here as some of you might remember. I didn't stop playing JB because of hub, or plugins; it just got boring. I think a lot of you guys probably feel the same way. Sometimes I'll jump on to CS: GO though, and xG is always dead while a couple other jailbreak servers are still chugging along. I think a lot of it was to do with a general failure a few months ago with terrible new policies like dead chat removal and assholes like Line. All that said, it was a lot of fun, and I really enjoying playing with the xG staff and regulars. Hopefully when CS: GO inevitably goes FTP, there will be a resurgence of activity. Until then, I think it's pretty much dead.
  25. 1 point

    xG vs HG scrimmage

    jailbreak scrim?
  26. 1 point
    Do want to point out Silence responded to this thread.
  27. 1 point

    xG vs HG scrimmage

    Your opinion is meaningless and clearly haven't scrimmed with any of us. No offence :)
  28. 1 point
    When did I ever mention anything about my personal qualifications and standards of you doing your job? OH WAIT! I didn't. What I meant should be self explanatory. I don't have a personal disliking for you, when have I been disrespectful towards you? It's nice to know you have a disliking for me. I on the other hand, don't have a disliking for you which is the reason why I haven't carried over anything from the forums in game because I myself, can hold a mature argument. What insults? Stay OT babe.
  29. 1 point
    The kick wasn't for disrespect, it was for spamming. It's like saying I perm someone for being an asshat, and then later saying "oh he mass freekilled the day before, but I forgot to ban him." yes, he may have been disrespectful but even then, he still needed to gag (apparently it got deleted!) AND tell him why he gagged him. (highly unlikely they BOTH got deleted.)
  30. 1 point

    rip csgo 2013

  31. 1 point

    Duckii jr. Petition

  32. 1 point
    I've never seen it except for the isolated times in which it was bothersome, and I have not heard anything from anyone about his constant spamming with proof or specific situations. I can't just assume he always spams, and I was in the game for quite a while with Dark and Jacob, and he was doing absolutely nothing wrong prior to it. Then maybe you should do your job more often. I'm sorry that I don't meet you're personal qualifications, please come into the server more then and tell me how to do my job. Whatever personal dislike you have for me should stop, you've been nothing but disrespectful to me. Although we argue on the forums I don't carry any dislike about you into the game or outside the relevant forum because I can hold a mature argument. Stop with the insults, this is your only warning.
  33. 1 point
    I've never seen it except for the isolated times in which it was bothersome, and I have not heard anything from anyone about his constant spamming with proof or specific situations. I can't just assume he always spams, and I was in the game for quite a while with Dark and Jacob, and he was doing absolutely nothing wrong prior to it. Then maybe you should do your job more often. Try thinking before you post. Here are Jacob's chat logs: Xeno Gamers - Search tell me the last time he spammed (with the intention of spamming/trolling), because I've looked about a week back and I have found no evidence there that Jacob has been spamming recently. From what I know, Jacob hasn't been a problem for a while. Being an asshat isn't going to help you.
  34. 1 point
    I've never seen it except for the isolated times in which it was bothersome, and I have not heard anything from anyone about his constant spamming with proof or specific situations. I can't just assume he always spams, and I was in the game for quite a while with Dark and Jacob, and he was doing absolutely nothing wrong prior to it. Then maybe you should do your job more often.
  35. 1 point

    The HUGE CS:GO Update

    This looks quite familiar...
  36. 1 point
    My replies in bold. Ok if you have audio of him saying "im baiiiiiiiiiiting" but him not actually baiting, then how is that proof at all? It's not. The gun plant is SLAYABLE, but is it enough for you to PERM him? He came out of armory late, and he was slayed for it and already punished for his action, so I don't know why that was brought up here. Baiting was shown in Lapis' video, but was taken down for quality reasons, showing him saying that was a representation of trolling, not baiting. The gun plant alone is not enough, but it can be enough when combined with his other issues. It was brought up to show his lack of care and/or knowledge of the rules. Baiting, gun planting, trolling, disrespect, freekilling, and six bans in the last month are great reasons for a perm. @@Michael I'm closing this thread as there are more important things going on right now. Take this as a good warning, just read to motd and follow it to the best of your ability. You were CT banned for a week when you freekilled yesterday, expect a ban request thread again if it continues. Closed
  37. 1 point

    xG vs HG scrimmage

    I'll solo top with volibear.
  38. 1 point
    To be quite honest I'm very sick of all this. all the butthurt kiddies that got demoted for whatever reason, or applied for mod and didn't get it are ganging up on Darkwolf. every time a little thing happens you pick at him like vultures on carrion. this is stupid, immature, and it's causing drama on the clan that we do not need. every time Darkwolf free kills me, or does something on accident, he apologizes to me for what he did wrong either via steam or in Teamspeak, and I get on with my life. dark is probably the best thing that CSS has right now, he is active, honest, and is a real leader/teamplayer. I disagree with this protest. -1 or whatever.
  39. 1 point
    That is not english.
  40. 1 point
    Alright, although the steps were skipped, I feel that any previous offenders that have offended offensively within the past x amount of time should be exempt from said rules. Someone who spams is put on the radar for most of the staff and when they act up they are punished immediately, and that makes sense to me. If he was doing this to new players constantly, that is an issue, but for someone who has a history of spamming and DarkWolf not dealing with his crap early on, it seems that it's more justified then anything. Push for change in the handbook for frequent offenders. Then threads like this can die down. -1 for abuse
  41. 1 point

    xG vs HG scrimmage

    Thank you. Thats the first good luck I've had all day! I would like to thank my mom, and my dad for helping me get this far. Also my cat for keeping me company in the times for no good luck. My blanket for keeping me warm at night. My comb for keeping my hair sexy. I would also like to thank all the water bottles I've used for hydrating myself. Thank you so fucking much. Lastly, I would like to thank you, for wishing us a good luck! shouldn't you also thank your cat for typing smite @all and pressing enter for you too?
  42. 1 point

    Not leaving, just stepping down.

    it was even more upsetting when i left right? ;)
  43. 1 point

    Not leaving, just stepping down.

    All right bois, the scumbag is finally gone. we can work in peace, let's revive the server this weekend. we will be the best.
  44. 1 point
    and hoedowns
  45. 0 points

    Onward To The Edge - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 Get the Fuck out. Matter of fact, I would love to ban him myself.
  46. 0 points

    Putting that prize money to use

    i wus only 9 yrs old, i luved forests so much. I had all the leaves i could get. I preyed to forests all day for the lyfe i wus given. forest is luv i sai. forest is lyfe. My dad hears me and calls me a hippie. i new he was just jelus of my devotion to forest. I called him a tree killer. He slaps me and send me to go to bread. My fayce hurts. I lay in bread and its really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. Its forest! im so happy. He whispers into my ear "This is my forest." He graybs me with his powurful tree haynds and puts me on my hands and nees. I am redy. I open my lightur for forest. It hurts so much. But i do it for dad. I can feel forest burning as my eyes start to watur. I run away from the burning forest. Forest roars a weak roar as he burns to the ground. My dad pulls up. Forest looks my dad in the eyes and says "its all burned duwn now." Forest falls to the grund. Forest is h8. Forest is deth.
  47. 0 points
    +1 Was trolling with the xG tags, Refused to change it until after warned multiple times and got threatened with a server ban. Then changed name to ex:g. Started advertising that as an unofficial clan. Impersonating Cristo yadayadayada
  48. 0 points
    +1 i was in there tons of people told him to change it
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