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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Jesus is the only support I need.
  2. 2 points

    Concerning tazing on LR

    Well considering there's mostly more than 1 CT when a T rebels.. it usually increases the chances of getting tased. I still think it shouldn't be allowed, no matter the excuse. CTs have enough advantages.
  3. 2 points

    Give us back PermBans

    Then restrict perma-banning from people who pay for staff membership until they prove that they can handle the responsibility and maturity that it takes to be a full mod/admin. Seriously, the people who got mod (not PM, full mod) earned it through some way or another, whether it was through hard work and an application, or whether they showed the proper qualities and were promoted by higher-ups. It almost seems like you think that people are just promoted willy-nilly with no real good reason as to why they were promoted. They got their position for a reason, not just because someone said "You know what'd be funny, let's give this random dude mod." You are basically telling every mod out there that if a serious problem arises that they have to go to someone else and ask them for help instead of proving themselves worthy of even having a staff position and handling the problem himself. I'm also glad that a major change like this happened without the CS:S community being notified whatsoever.
  4. 2 points

    Staff Award

    id like to thank rhododendron for my award, he has been an inspiration for me to push myself to be less than what i was in the past, his achievements such as the successful launch and huge popularity of hu.b has led xg to be bigger and better than what it was in the past, with populated servers and a mature, respected community. thank you based rhododendron
  5. 1 point

    Mob Arena

    Hey, Just another update, there is now Mob Arena on the server. If you dont know what a mob arena is, then I'll tell you. Mob Arena is where you and some friends (or just you, if you're lonely like @@Audible_Savage) fight against waves of mobs, to get prizes. You receive prizes starting from gravel all the way to diamonds. There is also a shop in the map where you can trade items (implementing it soon) Well, come on and let the slaughter begin. The command to join is /ma j. You must select a class (right click one of the signs) and then right click the iron block to ready up. mc2.xenogamers.com
  6. 1 point

    Concerning tazing on LR

    Cts should not be allowed to taze the rebelling T on LR. Cts have enough advatages.
  7. 1 point

    Concerning tazing on LR

    I'm fairly sure @@xShadowSpyx was on, but beyond that I can't remember any of the staff.
  8. 1 point

    Concerning tazing on LR

    that's from the updated motd, so whoever tazed you should have been slayed. God fucking dammit meganramen. I give up.
  9. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    If we don't want PM's perming people then DON'T GIVE THEM ACCESS, If someone got full mod they got it for a reason as @@diabeetus said, either they worked hard for it and did an application or were promoted because higher-ups thought they were ready
  10. 1 point

    CT/Guard allowingnessnesslessness?

    This is the 20th(if not more) time someone has made a thread on this. Its a good idea, but we have admins and mods for a reason
  11. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    >>ShadowSpy now entered in the "random" demotion raffle.
  12. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    @@Forest Instead of removing perm for mods, remove something like smite that we dont NEED. Like diabeetus said, we all earned our mod (Unless you paid for it or humped a higerups dick), we should still have access to the commands we need, like perm.
  13. 1 point

    Leotekk - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 Cool guy, wardens well. Is a good rebel. A: 7/10 M: 8/10 @@Forest is this good?
  14. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    That's stupid, might as well give us our perm back if we can kick them and perm anyways. To obviously make it easier we should be given perm back so we don't have to waiste time kicking and just go straight to the banning.
  15. 1 point

    Leotekk - Counter-Strike: Source

    You need 2 and a co-leader. @@serbiansnaga @@Forest But honestly if they aren't going to give their input @@DarkWolf6052 we should just accept him anyways. We've tagged them so many times here it's ridiculous.
  16. 1 point

    Rate This Post Asian

    CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  17. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    admin in learning
  18. 1 point

    SupaFly4420 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Fuck it, I'm up to unbanning now. @@John @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo
  19. 1 point

    Staff Award

    Thank you @@serbiansnaga for the touching words, and yes, I am very proud of all those achievements.
  20. 1 point

    Game Deal stuff

    This needed a thread ._.?
  21. 1 point

    Done for now

    You leave me no choice Syrjirk.... I have to rape you now
  22. 1 point

    Time to Get Outside More

    its having difficulty reaching 20 players during peak time, im running out of CTs to kill :(
  23. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    For about the 99999999999999th time, the servers were fine prior to the update, and I was about to put in a fix to what broke, and my access was removed. the servers were not broken for more than 24 hours, they were just unpopulated. #StaffAsAWholeProblems
  24. 1 point


    Purple you're dumb and a fail troll, leave
  25. 1 point


    Why are you so defensive about this? You aren't in the TF2 division and you barely go on the servers. Go worry about something else.
  26. 0 points

    My dog died

  27. 0 points

    SupaFly4420 - Counter-Strike: Source

  28. 0 points

    Concerning tazing on LR

    No, this rule will not be changed. It's a completely unfair advantage to the CT's, you get health based on the number of CT's alive. If you get tazed with 200, or even 800 health it only takes a few CT's training their guns on you to kill you. Considering you're slowed, and made much easier to hit because you can't crouch.
  29. 0 points

    My dog died

    So... you're ?
  30. 0 points


    Did someone say carlton?
  31. 0 points

    Give us back PermBans

    I have to agree with Gkoo on this one. There is a fine line between being a Moderator and being an Administrator, it's not meant to be some fashionable title/rank. A Moderator is merely a "trainee" that is learning the ropes before being promoted to a position that requires further knowledge on certain things. An Administrator is practically the "best of the best" in terms of Staff (Not including Higher-Up status). They are to be well conditioned, have a thorough/extensive knowledge of the MoTD Rules, and are expected to handle situations in a proper manner that follows our rules/regulations. To sum it up, Administrators are supposed to be "near perfection" but not quite. You wouldn't give the "new guy" access to top-secret or high-priority tasks would you? This is in no way something to make Moderators feel lowly. This is to protect both XenoGamers' integrity as well as it's ability to keep Staff under watch. Remember that we do have an option for Paid Moderators. Some people just want to see the world burn, and can pay a low price just to do so. Imagine someone getting powers for the sole purpose of trashing xG by permanently server banning players when no one's looking. It's a matter of security more than it is a matter of disassociation that we have two separate ranks; those being Moderators and Administrators. - Dat guy, Forest
  32. 0 points
    I'll agree to this. But if Unit comes forward with any sort of damning evidence as to why this guy was perm other than "requested" then we can fix it. Otherwise, unban him.
  33. 0 points
    Wat. A Report Abuse thread against a non admin by a non admin. No proof. "Ask anyone" is never valid proof. Your screenshot doesn't really show anything helpful.
  34. 0 points

    Hu..b Replacement

    I'm not sure if you guys will get a refund or not. If he makes it possible for me, and/or gives me permission to do so, once we implement some form of "credits" in the server, either I can give you guys credits that actually donated[if you have your old donation codes[[unsure if Silence still has any of that data]]], or he can set a default so that everyone starts off with x-amount of credits. Either way, I plan on doing some contests, etc, for winning credits and such when it's back. I don't know when the store will be finished. Silence said he is working on it. He is obviously busy. I know you guys want the store back on the server, but continuously bugging Silence for it won't bring it much faster. Anyway, it will come, hopefully it doesn't take too much longer. I want to get us earning money, but lacking the store, it is causing us to lose players and money. -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  35. 0 points
    lel wow so cool unfiltered indie pro tips hip ad wow. Nerd
  36. 0 points


    @@serbiansnaga @@Forest CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Closed
  37. 0 points

    Rate This Post Asian

    How about no.
  38. 0 points

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    "HOW DO YOU PLAY TF2 HELP ME. I NEED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY TEAM FORTRESS 2" Srsly? Fucking faggot srsly? u dont know how to play this FUCKING game? dude, go to the FUCKING HELL, FUCKING FAGGOT PD: Happy 9/11 enjoy
  39. 0 points

    Leotekk - Counter-Strike: Source

    He has no balls for which to do this.
  40. 0 points

    How I spent my New Years

    l0l, new year is basically an excuse to get wasted.
  41. -1 points

    Xg Member Gallery

    I quess your right :P
  42. -1 points


    why are you so defensive about me being defensive?
  43. -1 points

    Game Deal stuff

    :O 50% Off!
  44. -1 points

    Hu..b Replacement

    We are using that, but I'm coding addloads of plugins to extend it (think around 5000 items) to avoid crashing the economy of herb again.
  45. -1 points
  46. -1 points

    Game Deal stuff

    http://www.dealzon.com/deals/civilization-v so yea $22 for Civ 5 and current DLC for it, yea. Ends on Sept. 20th if you wanna buy it
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