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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source

    Didn't we just deny Gustav's ban protest because he intentionally massed? Wasn't it also decided on Eden's last ban protest (in which he was permed from CT for intentionally massing) that all future intentional masses would be denied? I like Whitestar and all, but we need to quit the favortist bullshit when we unban people just because we like them a little better than the last guy who intentionally massed. -1, he intentionally massed on a noballs and should stay permed (I understand that he was egged on to do it, but everyone knows the consequences of massing and he shouldn't have given in), sorry bud. Dura lex sed lex.
  2. 4 points

    Oh Bleed

    Bleed u are just a fucking piece of shit-spick
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points


    So let's get this straight. You're telling me that you have to hide behind an alternate account on the forums so you can talk trash. Not only that, you're too sensitive to own up to what you say so you won't reveal your real identity. Are you fucking serious right now?
  5. 2 points


    CSS Is Dying. DarkRP will never be finished (5min). Questionable decisions are constantly being made by Silence. Time is being spent on website more than the servers, and updating various things as well as working on hub (basically a frozen project). But hey, atleast most of us have the balls to flat out say it, and not hide behind a mask, should i be scared of you? are you an0nym0us? :eek: @@xShadowSpyx @@diabeetus Is there anything significant that I missed? The joike is aimed at you @@woodytree777
  6. 2 points


    That's the sort of attitude that leads to empty DarkRP servers that are as generic as the rest of them. Maybe things like RP servers shouldn't take 5 minutes. You're the kind of person that bitches at someone to get a server up super fast, then complains about how boring it is. Complaining how people don't know their specified division is BS, because it's a learning process. While it would be nice to actively seek out people who know how to run a game server, allowing people within the clan to do it is far less risky and much more productive. Also, said people are usually a bitch to work with, since they try and influence their agenda, resulting in devolution of the entire clan. <cough> Prius </cough> While I love feedback, saying that we are destined to fail and that there's no hope is hardly helpful at all. If you feel that we aren't doing the best we can, SUGGEST WHAT WE CAN DO IN ORDER TO FIX IT! Seriously, your post was insulting and to make matters worse, you knew it was insulting so you're using another account to post it. Another reason why to disregard your post unless some feedback is introduced in a positive fashion (or non-positive, it just needs to be coherent and suggest ways to fix said problem) We've been around for 3 years now (xG's 3rd birthday passed a few weeks ago, #noregrets) and it's unlikely we are going downhill. It's merely an evolutionary shift for new people to learn how to help out the clan. It takes time to learn, and xG isn't anyone's full-time job. I can only assume you think this is srs busness and that we nolife the clan's progress since you're 'scared' about people on the internet. It's not like we're gonna find where you live and eat the eye gunk from your eyes using soup spoons. I'm getting pretty upset at how people want us to control everyone verbally, like their property. That's pretty atrocious and anyone who does that should be mauled. While we have some rules in place for taboo actions, we generally allow people to speak their mind. While there might be backlash, that's life. If you make a video on YouTube saying you hate asian people in the library, expect backlash. Grow up.
  7. 2 points


    CONGRATULATIONS! You have started a FLAME WAR! Want to get Moderator? TOO BAD! There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Don't Be a Baddie 2. Don't Make fun Of leadership! WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  8. 2 points
    That requires utilizing an extension since base-SM doesn't support changing stuff like that (last time I checked) Not sure if it's possible but I can always take a look.
  9. 1 point

    deathgod - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: deathgod Offender's Steam ID: Deathgod Rules Broken: to god damn many rules: abuse, intentionally free killing me and not ct ban when i request cause i said so Evidence:
  10. 1 point

    Guess What XG???>(:

  11. 1 point


    LEL >Thinks using an alt account makes him ANON >Thinks Talking Smack and shit posting will get him anywhere. >Thinks saying anything bad about Diabeetus will bring good results... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW: How is the weather in southeast florida? BTWBTW: T-Mobile Sucks, get a new carrier.
  12. 1 point
    -1 Jewbens too jewish
  13. 1 point

    deathgod - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1. my ban protest is still unsolved. this is bologna.
  14. 1 point

    Hey guys!

    The god has returned.
  15. 1 point

    deathgod - Counter-Strike: Source

    He did intentionally freekill him and he freeslayed me a few maps later! BAN DEATH GOD THAT BITCH!
  16. 1 point


    I say CSS is dying all the time but you dont see me using a fake account
  17. 1 point


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7vQnINu4T4 Sorry, Had to do it.
  18. 1 point
    -1 Personal reasons.
  19. 1 point


    That MS paint
  20. 1 point
    The plugin is sorta busted, but I can fix it up and add some other stuff.
  21. 1 point

    whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source

    Do it, no balls.
  22. 1 point


    seriously, do it. and make a 24/7 Halloween server while ur at it.
  23. 1 point

    whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source

    For facks sake. I remember now; he had posted a Ban Protest earlier regarding this. Anyone naive enough to mass freekill (something that everyone knows is punishable by permanent CT ban) intentionally due to a "no balls" should realize the shiz they're getting themselves into. At this rate, if people are so inclined on letting people off the hook for intentionally breaking rules that involve a permanent ban/CT ban, might as well remove permanent bans in general, or change the punishment for these sort of actions.
  24. 1 point

    Here's a cheap Gaming PC

    Why are you buying a 1200w PSU for a 650 ti? The max you'll need is 750~800, even with overclocking. And a 3TB 5400RPM? 1TB 7200RPM + a Cheap 100GB SSD will serve much better. 1333 RAM? With an A6? Why not just buy a 965, since you're getting a graphics card anyway.
  25. 1 point

    I be back

    Nope, Canadia left to play LoL with his bitch ass friends.
  26. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    Sigh.. @@Forest You should probably consult with the Division Manager and the Ex-Division Leader (@@Chrono) of CS:GO to see who is a viable candidate for said powers in TF2; You will most likely avoid a huge conundrum of fallacy's that may result in a inevitable and obscure decrescence in denizens.
  27. 1 point

    Oh Bleed

    you are bad. ._______.
  28. 0 points
    Warrior if you're not going to explain why you -1'd, then please don't -1. Whatever state we might have left on, whatever I might have said, I am sorry.
  29. 0 points

    Play some games this week

    Been really busy with midterms and papers due, but i should be free this week to play a bunch of games at all hours, hope to see yall on
  30. 0 points

    Oh Bleed

    I agree +1
  31. 0 points


    Im going to post here cause i cant make a thread dayumxG is dying yet the leaders are not doing anything about it. That's pretty bad, Gmod was so populated but incomes a new Div-Leader who's so lazy to do anything about population and it died.. Same with Csgo, he was there and it died. And what's up with the new Co-Leader if he can't even fix this? There are so many server with no-one in it but why are they still up? Why is there someone who DdosxG several time still there in the clan? And what's up with all these DivLeader with no skills in their own division whatsoever, is it just because xG is becoming that desperate to fill the spot to keep it running? it's as if having no-one there at all. Well xG is destine to fail with incompetent leaders running it, As far as donation wide the clan is actually not making enough to support the servers. xG went straight downhill with the new arrival leaders and yet they do nothing about it, probably there just for power and nothing more, seeing how there isn't much activity on fixing this problem. Milk the tf2 division as much as you can before you guys start shutting off those other servers, sooner or later you won't have the money to support the server if you keep them all up like this. ahh how the clan use to be so popular but now it's a shit hole with many terrible admins and players, I do not speak to all of the xG but many. How longer will xG last, Let's stick around and see. I wish you the best of luck on your narrow future! Try getting new leaders maybe that will help Tho this post may be deleted for bashing and having truth in itthey want to over up Sign, Anonymous Member of xG.
  32. -1 points

    DarkRP, 5 min or 5 years?

    Wow I hate you, atleast give me cash if I can get this verified.
  33. -1 points
    It's gonna replace the shitty brony server.
  34. -1 points

    So I found the config for !classes

    This is counter strike not team fortress, when you start raising the HP of players above 100hp you are breaking the game. Pistols will do fuck all and ak is going to require two headshots, are you insane?
  35. -1 points


    Are u an idiot im only stating something and asking stuff, if i was even to touch it i woulf be bashdaily
  36. -1 points

    whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source

    ill donate as soon as i can but if of course if its 100% chance of getting unbanned. the amount i donate should be about 15$ i though it was 20 but forgot bout the activation fee
  37. -1 points
    requesting close, minimum age is 14 @@DarkWolf6052 @@Rena
  38. -2 points


    xG has 9 css server and 8 usually empty all the time? Presuming its all ran on nfo individually thats a lot of waste of money that can be put to good use in obtaining supportive stuff for the clan, 8 tf2 servers, several low pop and others highly pop 2 gmod server completely dead 6 l4d2 server which are pointless right now because of wasting cash 2 dead ns2 server 1 newly brought up csgo server Css - 1$ per slot/9$ higher cpu/20$ ultra Tf2 - same Gmod- same L4d2 - 15$ for 8 slot+ 10$ cpu Ns2 - 2.50$ approximately per slot Csgo same as css Thats alot of money wasted, yes money isnt important for having fun but is to keep of the server and can be used to get great things for server for boosting gaming experince in the clan
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