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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    I know this is closed, but honestly, a few of you need to grow the hell up. Regardless of whether this is a troll thread or not, there is no reason you should further escalate the situation by feeding the fire with stupidity. @@BlackWidow since you're new I'll let you off with a warning. 80% of the posts here are done by yourself with unnecessary images that have no relevance to the thread at all. As for the others who did the same thing, I expect much more from senior xG Members. The next person to spam a thread with pictures that are both irrelevant and intended to either troll/harass will be forum banned for a day unless the thread specifically calls for it. Higher Ups have my permission to Forum Ban Members/Non-Members for this shit if they see it.
  2. 2 points

    Moke Sweed Errdai

  3. 1 point

    Moke Sweed Errdai

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2TO5atI4rU @@GanjaMonster
  4. 1 point

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    And the award for best forum posts of the century goes to (drumroll please): everyone on this thread who posted a shitty gif, in some collective yet incredibly pathetic attempt to convey some form of humor. These are some of the most insightful and thought-provoking posts I've ever seen. I'm glad to see that yet another thread has been quickly derailed in a matter of minutes, Congratulations! 0 as I honestly couldn't care less whether or not he gets unbanned.
  5. 1 point

    Moke Sweed Errdai

    Omfg lol. Love nichijou though
  6. 1 point

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    +1 for extended ban. Pretty sure hes still in GG and hes on bad behavior. Doesnt deserve to stay.
  7. 1 point

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    xg is the anus of the internet. obviously why all downy autistic boys go here lel
  8. 1 point

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

  9. 1 point

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    You guys are so cool. Staff posting memes instead of even taking this seriously when he's correctly labeling you children.
  10. 1 point

    Tdm car dealer ? (Dark Rp)

    while on this topic can we also get rapist back? @@Bleed
  11. 1 point

    Tdm car dealer ? (Dark Rp)

    cars need a bigger map
  12. 1 point

    Here's a cheap Gaming PC

    Try and get an i5-3570k or similar. Ive had AMAZING performance. AMD processors are pure shit.
  13. -1 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    -1, I saw u rdming and ur spelling is shit.
  14. -1 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    Derp just..... -1 i agree with Genesis, this is dumb, "Furry anime kids?" and then they died? makes no sense at all Derp
  15. -1 points
  16. -1 points
  17. -1 points
  18. -1 points
  19. -1 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    Flame war started in under 5 minutes.
  20. -1 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    to your ratings @@MineCrack
  21. -1 points
    You need to be a donator, but technically, as before, Sub Clans had the same rule, you still need to wear tags if on the server.
  22. -1 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    Go play somewhere else then, please.
  23. -1 points

    Moke Sweed Errdai

  24. -2 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    this is to Derp and Mincecrack
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