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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/14 in Posts

  1. 10 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    Ban should have been a day, simple as that. I don't know where you guys are justifying the week, but when you hand out bans you need to view each case objectively. Consider: 1. What did the person do? 2. How many bans did this person have in the past for this reason? Do not consider: 1. Do I like this person? 2. Has this person personally insulted me and therefore, should I increase the ban length? Let's be honest, this guy got banned for a WEEK for calling somebody a furfag. I'm not completly sure what the situation is and how many times Stumpy has been banned in the past for disrespect but freekills and minor jailbreak infractions don't somehow pile on top of this ban.. From what I can find his longest ban was for an hour? A week does not follow that in the next ban... Stumpy should have acted more maturely in his protest, but that should be handled as a separate incident.. not just justification to keep him banned for a week, which he wasn't supposed to be in the first place.
  2. 6 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    honestly this is pitiful that you can call someone a faggot and they don't get upset but as soon as the furries get involved they take it as a "hate crime" acting as if they diverse to be called people. Though my argument is right, the bias furry fags/XG are just going to downvote me and my ideas cause "I'm a troll". don't bring my name up in the other thread you fucking fur faggot, if you're tired of people trolling you, then kill yourself for being a shame to the society of any living being. Just putting my name in here since matsi seems to want to bring me into the other thread. .
  3. 5 points
  4. 5 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    Either the insults are always ok, or they're never. Pick one, please!
  5. 5 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    do you even read or is your retarded furryness kicking in? A, they broke multiple rules, B,summarizing pretty much what happend and C, you're an admin, drop you're fucking balls already, i banned them for the length because people on the server were complaining and getting offended. You did it cause YOU got offended and can't seem to take it when someone calls you a Furfag. i did it for the sake of the server and the people on it and you can come on gaming history and ask the regulars on there yourself that they would support me. However, EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE fucking hates you which is why most of the time they disagree with your bullshit and take stupid shit like this to heart. You were a failed player in CS:GO so you come to C:SS , getting admin how at all is a mystery. Jesus christ, you're fucking 24 years old talking about how it's great to get fucked by dog dildos to a bunch of 16 year olds. Also keep in mind Stumpy is an xG member with great history (maybe not as of late). CSS and TF2 have a huge difference in player demographic. @@Forest is gonna lol at all of us for beingso fucking immature. just saiyan. #killyourself. #ifyoudidnoonewouldcare #youarethereasonimstartingtohatefurries #Freestumpy
  6. 4 points
    if you're going to refer to yourself as a furfag and u embrace the title (for whatever reason u want, i dont care tbh) than don't be insulted or offended if someone calls you a furfag as an insult, you brought it on to yourself and you'll have to deal with the consequences of your actions. its like the people that say "JESUS IS THE ONE TRUE GOD HERP DERP" and then get offended when someone tells them to stop shoving their religion down their throat. its honestly the worst kind of person that there is aside from war criminals. obviously i didnt give a shit cause that's your opinion, i'm not being psychologically traumatized from you being an asshole to me, nor do i care that someone offended me over the internet, even IRL id prob just laugh and walk away or say something witty and ignore you cause thats how much effort id want to put into something minuscule. as for the furries that embrace their furry self or whatever you call it, don't be a little bitch about others making fun of you for being a furry, you brought it on to yourself and you have to put up with it. keep your personal beliefs to yourself and no one will bother you, however if you're being flamboyant with your furryness by giving some furry name with a furry avatar and a furry description (like this retard shit right here [MEDIA=imgur]boFoHvO[/MEDIA] ) than expect to be hated upon. to reiterate my point, no one wants your personal life forced upon them and they sure as hell don't want to hear you talk about it (unless its a private convo than its fine, im referring to when you're talking publicly) now fuck off and stop being a little bitch about words spoken over the internet by 12 year olds hundreds of miles/kilometers away
  7. 3 points


    Reason: Trolling, disrespect, blatant disregard for rules on CS:S servers. Evidence: 1) Not a huge deal, but still spamming negative ratings isnt very mature and it was done to troll. 2) Continues disrespect against other members in the shout box. 3) Disrespect against Matsi. Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers 4) More disrespect. Also if you haven't viewed the demos that were posted in that thread, Stumpy intentionally freekilled 4 times, failed to leave armory before 730, and said disrespectful statements 30 times (go count them if you don't believe me). He was warned in his thread that any further disrespect would warrant a severe punishment. He failed to stop, and went on to disrespect more members. I don't appreciate disrespecting people both in-game and then on the forums in numerous ways. Its clear that there is no regard for the warnings given and I think the best course of action is to remove his membership.
  8. 3 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    You act like stumpy is satan himself, holy shit he doesn't troll often. He did the stuff for a day. And you are being a bit hipocritical telling him to go die. And if it's what the victim believes, if you say "Hi" to someone, the person you said "Hi" to can look at that as trolling, your view is flawed, as you can say anything and that person can believe it to be trolling. And let's face it, in so many threads as far as I can remember, you have pretty much sided with DMs and HigherUps. Coinicidence? Possibly, but I doubt all your views are the same.
  9. 3 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    but linking websites where you can buy glass blown dildos in the shape of dog dicks is A-Okay right?
  10. 3 points


    Wait so that server ban which is totally illegitimate is going to stick because of this thread? These rules don't even make sense anymore. If you're going to forum ban him, have it be for a legitimate reason, not because he called someone furfags or niggers. I don't see him constantly breaking rules on the servers (i.e., freekilling, harassment, or spamming on the forums) what i saw through the "evidence" was some mean things towards furries, a few niggers and some pretty shitty admin impersonation. A week forum ban for minor offenses? I get you don't like the guy, then ignore him. If you're going to keep the server ban, it needs to be for something worth a week server ban. Last time I checked 4 freekills that weren't mass freekills lead to a day or two CT Ban at most, but a week off the server? Grow up. Yeah he called you a furfag, if you don't like the term then dont have it be your sign off phrase every single time you post a thread. You don't see people going around saying, "Closed by this nigger." There a double standard here that needs to be addressed because if you guys are going to stick together like this and actually try to make this a thing then you need to grow up a little bit and take some "harsh" speech. As for a week forum ban, in the past we only did that for excessive trolling or constant spam. I don't really see any of that here, just some minor offenses that accumulate into maybe a day or two ban. Just my insight, take it as you want.
  11. 3 points


    -1 the faggot disrespected and peoples anus got the feels. just ban him for like a month everywhere. i wouldn't kick him out because you got your anal feelers hurt a tad.
  12. 2 points


    A decision has been made regarding the punishment. 1) Day server ban for disrespect and trolling (it will expire a day from now) 2) 1 week CT ban for the intentional freekills and disregard for server rules 3) 2 day forum ban for the disrespect on the forums. The member protest will be closed. I don't expect this to ever be an issue again, but if it does I would expect harsher punishment up to permanent server ban and removal of membership through a member protest. If anyone wants an explanation of why this was decided you can message me through steam or on the forums.
  13. 2 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    Not Canadian enough.
  14. 2 points
    It seems im the most sane person in xG, wheres my co-leader?
  15. 2 points

    Xg Dayz Standalone Server!

    DayZ? More like GayZ.
  16. 2 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    you're all furfags
  17. 2 points
    So we agree the ban was wrong and now it's just about what to do in regards to respect to furries. Can we all just agree to keep things don't ask, don't tell? I think the reason everyone is calling people furfags is the fucking flamboyancy of it all. I mean look at Matsi's profile picture, it looks like a dog get a huge load of baby batter down its throat. In the end I don't really give a shit where you put your cock as long as you don't wear it like some sort of fucking achievement that you like banging bullfrogs or whatever. /rant
  18. 2 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    lol, so much bickering over something that is so petty. Instead of dragging this on any longer, why not just compare those in agreeance and those not? A large portion is for Stumpy's ban time to be reduced, and almost all of their reasoning is logically sound. There's no use arguing it, it's simply ridiculous. With that said, his attitude and behaviour are questionable, and you all should be aware of it. Check out the Member Protest on him and check the chatlogs I posted there, it's pretty damn bad (for those who are lazy, Click Me). Regardless of it being directed toward Matsi or anyone else, if I was insulted at that rate over something that is my lifestyle, I'd be pretty upset. However, that still doesn't excuse the fact that he was not warned nor gagged or anything before being Server banned for a week. Both are at fault, and therefore something should be worked out that works for both. Let's start with how that will work shall we? 1. Reduce the ban length to a few days (at the most). He was never warned, gagged, kicked, or even banned for a pre-determined amount of time. No one can deny that, and no one can justify that. With that said, it is as much the Staff Member's fault as it is the player's. If you (Staff) are lenient, and you let someone continue whatever it is they're doing, knowing that it's wrong, you are giving them the impression that it's alright to do it. 2. Post a Ban Request toward the ban if you want it to be extended for whatever reason. This ensures that you can provide evidence and reasoning toward having the ban extended instead of flat out 'jumping the gun' with a straight week ban. If it doesn't go through, the nig is still banned for a few days (at the most) anyways. 3. ??? 4. Everyone's happy. Stumpy (hopefully) learns his lesson and tones down on the aggressive behaviour, Matsi (if still upset) had a chance to give his side of the story in a Ban Request (or even a Member Protest) and a decision was later made (or not) reflecting it. Seems to me that this could all go away with a simple solution, but no one wants to go back on what they've said. Just my 2 cents. You may continue your bickering with this :poop: storm. :coffee:
  19. 2 points
    Your logic is so flawed that Im not sure where to begin. Not gonna go on arguing with you bud, but by your standards, I can percieve you to be trolling right now by telling me to die. Not sure if you were aware but trolling on the forums can lead to punishment. Seeing as it's honesty hour Kirito or Kyoko or whatever you fucking go by now, I guess ill go ahead and say I was never a fan of yours, thought you were a shit admin and was amazed that you managed to get that job in the first place. #Logic #FreeStumpy #HonestyHour
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    It's not ok to ban someone for a week for calling someone a faggot in either case. At least not until the bans pile up and reach that level. It's the whole point of why we have increasing ban levels.
  23. 2 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    first of all, this isn't about me so don't pull the "YEAH WELL UH YOU DID THIS HERRRRRRR" also since you have a stick so far up your ass (dragon dildo, dog dildo, or whatever) ill tell you why those people were banned specifically Warmuffin : he continued to act as admin saying "spawn camping isn't allowed" he continued saying this until someone told me he was impersonating an admin so i come on and he was still saying he was in xG and was an admin, after i confronted him and talked to him he then called what a retarded rule, retarded server and decided to go on a huge rant about it. the other two were constantly screaming in the mic over and over calling EVERYONE faggots and were brothers. i told one of them to controll the other and then they both started screaming. This isn't about me, this about you and stumpy, stumpy who is IN XG not some randoms who have been on the server once for the soul purpose of trolling. nice try doe. lel
  24. 2 points
    -1 from all upper staff members? Disregarding Matsi and Darkwolf's vouches i saw 2 -1's and a 0 from a CoLeader, as well as a +1 from an Admin. I don't really see the "overwhelming" support for the ban to stick and not be reduced.
  25. 2 points

    Admin Handbook

    I DarkWolf6052 read but decided tl;dr. and understand the Admin Handbook
  26. 2 points


    Here's my opinion on the whole situation: I would personally like to see this not end in the removal of membership. IMO a week forum ban and leaving the server ban as-is should remedy the situation and be a good enough punishment/warning for what occurred. The only reason I suggest this solution is because stumpy did admit what occurred to me both in shoutbox and pm. I'm leaving the thread open for at least ~10 hours for more debate. If everyone else would like to continue with the member protest then that is what will happen, if not then we can look for alternative punishments.
  27. 2 points

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    Biased judgement in xG? Woah. That has never happened before.
  28. 1 point

    How to make a Spray!

    too lazy to make a spray pls make me one with cows of some sort on it gg
  29. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    #gawd4co #onlygoodstaffmemberleft #deathgodtoo
  30. 1 point

    Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?

    @@oVinylScratcho Don't joke about your mother dying.
  31. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    For this thread lets say they are ok, just to keep it consistent
  32. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    Go ahead and close the thread xG always lets the furries win like they always do.
  33. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    There is a way to debate issues without insulting each other. Stop to disrespect/insults toward each other or this will be closed.
  34. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    It's not ok that you banned someone for a week for fairly minor infractions that should have only landed a 1-2 day server ban, all without following proper admin protocol. I know I might be sounding like a broken record here, but you always have to follow proper procedure and hand out bans that are of proper length and fit according to the situation. There is NO place in the motd or admin handbook that allows you to skip the proper procedure for handling disrespect/trolling. I honestly don't care how many times he called you a furfag, in a situation like this you cannot let your emotions get the best of you. Put on your big-boy pants and act like an adult instead of childishly abusing your power just because you want some quick retribution.
  35. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    At least they got a warning.
  36. 1 point


    Yeah, I realise that, the ban on css was unneeded, but so was the disrespect afterwards. Im actually going to change my +1 for a kick from the clan to a +1 for a forum ban for x amount of time.
  37. 1 point


    -1 Everyone's a dick sometimes and it's just Stumpy's luck that he was doing it when an admin was on tampon time. If you must, just keep the ban and don't kick him out... This is ridiculous.
  38. 1 point


    -1. If you're going to CT-ban him as well then the server ban should be shortened, as Matsi banned him with the freekills in mind. Just slap on a forum ban and call it a day. Revoking his membership is pretty extreme, especially what he did (towards matsi) was hardly disrespect. No real reason to be an asshole to Cookie though.
  39. 1 point

    I Am Bach! Maybe

    hi pinoy da memories
  40. 1 point


    For the sake of those who want to see it directly from chat logs and not copy+pasted: Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History @@Warriorsfury @@Rin_Okumura those who gave a negative vouch. Keep in mind this was all before the Server ban was dealt. I'd like you to just take a short amount of your time to look over these chat logs. If any of you find nothing wrong with the attitude and behaviour displayed in these logs by stumpy, I'll honestly be shocked. However, this does not reflect his "disrespect" toward other players as that can only be determined if the other player is offended, this only reflects on his behaviour toward Matsi. While I do agree with a shortened ban, I certainly do not condone Stumpy's behaviour at all and personally do not want someone representing our clan in this manner.
  41. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    You kinda contradicted yourself there bud. "all of a sudden" generally means its out of the blue, which is very rarely. Thanks for proving I'm not a constant rule breaker.
  42. 1 point
    You say he isn't a constant rule breaker, then why did he all of a sudden intentionally freekill and troll? If you are a long time player of the server, a member, and somebody who doesn't break rules then it is pretty obvious you shouldnt be doing what he did. Everyone knows he did it on purpose to troll and we take trolling seriously.
  43. 1 point


    Not impersonating at all, LOL. As a joke, I threatened to ban someone for "lying". Also @@Hidingmaster the rating spam was instigated by cookie after she spammed me with negative ratings. Lastly, why do you assume my status post was about Matsi? For all you know, I could be talking about a my highschool principal, who can actually be refered to as an administrative staff member.
  44. 1 point


    +1 for the Buttdiddler idea i bet jewbens loves diddling butts
  45. 1 point


    -1 LOL
  46. 1 point

    Admin Handbook

    Hey. Can we get this linked in the servers? Like /handbook?
  47. 1 point

    Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?

    try being normal on the internet. im serious @furries @bronies here is a diagram of 2 things normal people like.
  48. 1 point

    Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source

    You shouldn't have let your ignorance and temper get the best of you, especially when it involves your Ban Protest. If you were banned for disrespect toward a Staff Member, and you proceed to post a Ban Protest where you still ridicule said Staff Member, you aren't helping your cause at all. In fact, you're making it much worse. If you can't take the time to cool off without resorting back to disrespecting, then the appropriate punishment would be for you to take some time away, which is exactly what should happen. A few days of reflection on your poor attitude and behaviour. However, I also do not condone 'jumping the gun' by warranting a lengthy ban without warnings or prior action (gag, kick, ban for pre-determined amount of time), this is especially so when it is a Server ban. After looking at the ban reason, along with the context of this ban, it seems to me that this ban was dealt with a deeper intention. Why include that the offending player was freekilling as the reason? That has little to no relevance to a Server ban unless they fled to evade a ban. With that said, Staff (in general) should remember to keep their feelings from hindering the proper course of action in these sort of situations. It's easy to let your judgement be clouded by it, but just try to remember to follow the appropriate steps in dealing with these situations. If you want to extend a ban, or if you still have problems with that player, don't forget that we do have Member Protest and Ban Request sections on the forums. I'm going to remain at a +/-0 for this Ban Protest because the player does not have the decency to demonstrate a humble and civil behaviour and continues to escalate the situation in his own Ban Protest (as well as in ShoutBox and Status Message). However, I do suggest that the ban be shortened to a few days since there were no prior actions taken before the week ban was given. As ShadowSpy mentioned, if an extension is needed, a Ban Request should be posted. - Dat guy, Forest
  49. 1 point

    Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source

    still should have given a warning, imo lower the ban to a day or two because of your mistake. He shouldn't be unbanned though.
  50. 1 point

    Credit Thread

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