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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/17 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Hello friendos :)

    Hi xenogamers I'm tera. I signed up with the name zerg because I was too lazy to change it and I like starcraft like the stereotypical Asian I am. I go by way too many names. I come to this community as I know some laddos here and they're cool dudes, yknow who you are I don't need to mention you. I also came here because I was cucked from another community RIP. I'm from Malaysia, where we're famous for the missing plane and good food. I just graduated recently from college and I'm now on a really long holidays til I go to med school next year. I like a lot of stuff such as games, piano, medicine, sexy Asian ladies, underwater stuff, dragons (I'm not a scaliefag.. Okay but I'm a bit obsessed with reptiles), anime, and memes from time to time. My engrish is not goodo at times so forgive me if you don't understand what I'm writing now. feel free to add me, I'm usually at the asian sweatshop store saying "TANK YU COME AGAIN." If you have any questions, feel free to ask :emoji_smile: In all seriousness though, I hope to contribute something.
  2. 1 point

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Game Name: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Platform: Nintendo Switch Time Spent: ~90 hours Do you recommend? Yes What you rate the game: 9.5 Initial Thoughts: The beginning of the game was like opening a mystery crate; it was mysterious, the controls weren’t all unlocked yet, everything was interesting and it just kept revealing new things to me. The gameplay was easy enough to pick up and the starting enemies were perfect for easing the player into the flow of battle and also basic mechanics. What really kept amazing me was the scenery-- it never failed to amaze me. Gameplay and Story: Admittedly, the story wasn’t too important or in depth. It was the typical ‘Ganon is evil and did a bunch of evil things and you gotta save Zelda.’ But, the sheer amount of gameplay and features in Breath of the Wild compensated. There were many hidden mechanics that aren’t explicitly taught (i.e. crouching dashes, shield surfing, and mounting certain enemies). Finding them or learning of them made the game interesting and more in depth as compared to previous Zelda games. In my opinion, one of the best parts about Breath of the Wild is the ability to be creative in whatever you do. For example, there’s always more than one way to take on an enemy; you could sneak strike them from behind, you could rain arrows on them or you could use a Korok leaf to blow remote bombs on them. There’s just so many different methods of doing things. That said, as a player, I constantly found new items, methods and little easter eggs scattered about the gigantic map. There are so many points of interest in the game that honestly, I would have expected more quests for them. This brings me to my other point: quests. You have your Main Quests such as “Defeat Ganon,” Shrine Quests, and Sidequests. Although some quests are the same (i.e. Defeat x!, Gather these items!, or Find x!), some are genuinely interesting to play through. One quest that stands out in my mind relates to the construction of an entire town from the ground up (Literally named From the Ground Up). It’s the longest quest in the game, but playing through it was fun and interesting in my opinion. Backstory: The backstory to this game is essentially the basis and catalyst for all the game's events. To summarize, everything that happened in the past with Ganon and all has a direct effect on the present in which the game is playable. Some characters are the ancestors of characters of the past that may or may not hate you for your actions or lack of action. Overall, I'd say the backstory does well to support the main story, but the story as a whole falls short of other games. Pros: Scenery (Probably the best part about playing the game is just looking over after climbing a mountain and enjoying the view.) Fluid, Adaptable gameplay that evolves as you learn Lots of Content and Easter Eggs (Like Mr. Iwata/Botrick here.) Exploration/Map Size and Good Difficulty Curve DLC and Future Updates Planned Cons: After beating the game, it gets difficult to find new things to do. Many quests or goals are very tedious and require a lot of resources, time and patience. You can find many weapons, but there are no permanent weapons other than the Master Sword. Travelling to places without fast travel points is tedious and having a horse around isn’t always guaranteed. Resources are always limited, so grinding for enough or just peace of mind is inevitable. Final Thoughts: Breath of the Wild, in my personal opinion, was a brave new step in the right direction for the franchise. It’s open world exploration and mechanics were very interesting to play through and provided many countless hours of playing. I usually get bored fairly easily, but this game kept showing me new things to do and new places to check out-- I haven’t even finished all the quests and shrines yet. And because DLC is on the horizon, the game is guaranteed to provide even more content. Anyone can pick up the game and start playing; you don’t have to be a fan of the series already, which is one feature I like about it.
  3. 1 point


    In-Game Name: BluPower Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: Yes Identity: 76561198250499838 Banned: No Teamspeak Account Synced: No Time Active on Servers: About 4 hours. Age: 13 Reasons for Joining: I wanted to join xG because I played one of the servers on TF2 (a death run server) and I enjoyed playing on it. I decided to join xG to be a member.
  4. 1 point

    Regarding the new giveaway plugin

  5. 1 point
    i kinda just wanted to get over with it lol SteamRep » [⇄]Wayne Buying Backpacks [banned] | 76561197960511715 | STEAM_0:1:122993
  6. 1 point

    Xg Title List

    If it helps: Gamer [5000 Schmeckles] | {greenyellow} Flamboyant [6969 Schmeckles] | {fuchsia} Fun Bringer [6969 Schmeckles] | {lime} King [8750 Schmeckles] | {blueviolet} Queen [8750 Schmeckles] | {hotpink} Brave Summoner [10000 Schmeckles] | {white} Emperor [10000 Schmeckles] | {strange} Weaboo [10000 Schmeckles] | "{white}We{red}eab{white}oo" The Awesome [15000 Schmeckles] | {unusual} The Magnificent [15000 Schmeckles] | {valve} The Undefeated [15000 Schmeckles] | {vintage} Furry [20000 Schmeckles] | {red}f{yellow}u{violet}r{green}r{blue}y Meme Machine [20000 Schmeckles] | {red}/{mediumblue} Scalie [20000 Schmeckles] | {thistle} Degenerate [25000 Schmeckles] | {aqua}Deg{gold}ener{yellow}ate} Titan Slayer [27200 Schmeckles] | {purple} 420 [42000 Schmeckles] | {lawngreen} Moose [69000 Schmeckles] | {purple} Femboi [80000 Schmeckles] | {fuchsia} Juicy G [90000 Schmeckles] | {blue} Archaic [100000 Schmeckles] | {maroon} Mental [100000 Schmeckles] | {purple} Psychotic [100000 Schmeckles] | {firebrick} Schmuck [100000 Schmeckles] | {mediumpurple} Big Daddy [110000 Schmeckles] | {white}/{indianred} Insane [1000000 Schmeckles] | {firebrick} Ludicrous [1000000 Schmeckles] | {purple}
  7. 0 points


    Hey man old people play vidya games. Heck I even know a dude thats 50+ and I'm pretty sure he still plays TF2/FF2. I see where you're coming from but unless attractor talks in voice chat we just have to believe in the age he has given us.
  8. 0 points

    Regarding the new giveaway plugin

    I told Rhodo to give it to you anyway. Secondly I still don't care about the Backburner itself :C
  9. 0 points

    Regarding the new giveaway plugin

    You took my flamethrower @Kypari D: I actually won it first but the bot was broken when I won it. And they had to fix it. You saying that it's useless actually makes me sad cuz I wanted.
  10. 0 points


    What's the point in lying on your age app? There's no way you're actually 46. Please tell us your real age.
  11. -1 points


    In-Game Name: Just A Nigga Tryna Play Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Identity: 76561198189647242 Banned: No Teamspeak Account Synced: No Time Active on Servers: 200 Hours and 73Mins Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: I believe In making servers great again and cracking down on these TROLLS. Not only do i wanna help my self i am also here for the wonderful; team i had a few mistakes but i have thought for a long time and have changed alot
  12. -1 points

    [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2

    Best of luck Zevo! He's active on forums and very friendly, I don't know how he is on servers so I won't give a final +1 or -1 but he's definitely keen on being staff and helping out!
  13. -1 points

    Regarding the new giveaway plugin

    And allow me to demonstrate what you sound like right now. "MOM I DONT WANT A SWITCH! ALL MY FRIENDS GOT THE XBOX ONE X! I HATE YOU!"
  14. -1 points

    Hello friendos :)

    Hi welcome to xG, our special is salt with a side of shrimp scampi. But for real tho welcome my guy :)
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