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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/13 in all areas

  1. 8 points

    'The Diabeetus'

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktErScijrHI Love you guise at xg CAST/MENTIONED @@Chrono @@diabeetus @@Phantom @ShdowSpy @@serbiansnaga @@SuperMaddud @autumn @@MuffinMonster
  2. 5 points


    So if you just chill and bitch in TS you get admin and div leader. It doesn't mattter if you really help the division or active in it. I see.
  3. 2 points
    so damn kawaii Something I drew a bit ago, Noble the Troll and Jake English. Really, is this what I WAS doing with my life?'' Yay, yayayayaya yay.. Not a couple, nope. Not even close. Guess that's all I share for now!
  4. 2 points

    Not Coming Back

    I.... I can't think of what to say at the moment.
  5. 2 points


    No, the fact is that it's totally unfair to the people who are active in their specified division if someone from another can just waltz in and get mod or admin. I want it so we shouldn't do that and I'm going to reprehend those who do it.
  6. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    I'll start off by saying this is a formal resignation. I wont be "hanging around" or "stopping by the servers." Im done with the bullshit half this clan puts out on a daily routine. The leader couldnt give 2 fucks about his communities opinion and it gets worse every day, and until today, I didnt know why. I devote basically all my free time to improving and fixing up GMod and what I get in return is nonstop bullshit about how nothing is the way they like it. News fucking flash, I realize that the server is a work in progress, if you want to help, do something instead of bitching. So today I realized it, he doesnt care cause you take all this shit he does for you for granted. The community shits all over him and my guess is hes learned to ignore your constant bitching. Then youve got the fucking pretentious morons who act professional and above everyone when they feel like it, and when they fuck up and face the rules, exceptions are given to them. If theyre liked by anyone with power, they get a fucking free pass. Basically ive realized what xG has become and I'm not looking forward to representing people like this anymore. Remove me from server box, change the rcon, do everything. I'm not coming back, and for the record, im not leaving for GG or any stupid childish bullshit charrax has come up with. I doubt ill even join any clan, because when you get down to it, theyre all the same. Some things I have to say to people. @@Chrono I'd say youre pathetic and a hypocrite for reasons I dont care to put down. @autumn while you may piss me the fuck off, that doesnt change the success you have with xG. No matter what I think of you, youre the one with a huge following and popular servers. Good luck. @@Warriorsfury I dont even have anything to say to you, I have just never liked you. @@Forest @@DMTwired @@Duckii @@DeathGod @@MuffinMonster You guys somehow kept me here. Love to all of you. Dont give a fuck how much I'm ridiculed or if I'm banned or whatever my departure may invoke. I just want nothing to do with this bullshit any longer. Adios, xenogamers.
  7. 1 point


    Warrior got Admin. World's over. ggnore.
  8. 1 point

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    With this fundraiser, we are hoping to receive more donations for a stronger xG. Of course with a Fundraiser, there will be stakes! Our very own @@DeathGod has generously agreed to post a live-stream in which he will be doing a full body wax (minus the delicates of course) However; Depending on the Amount of Donations accumulated in this thread, this may or may not happen. The format for your "Donation" is as follows: >Donation: [$10.00] Name: [Anonymous] If the amount of Donations has exceeded the Minimum requirements that DeathGod has in mind, then this whole operation will happen and a time/date will be announced. NOTE: Your "Donation Posts" are only here to secure an accurate number of donations. If this event goes through, on the day that DeathGod will be performing this.. Thing, donations will Then be collected and tallied up so that the max amount of donations matches that of the Donation Posts on this thread. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them below With a "Donation" amount! !!!Current Donations!!! Forest - $10.00 Chrono - $10.00 Total Amount: $20.00
  9. 1 point

    XenoGamers Fundraiser

    +1 but @@DeathGod has to wax the Cam4 logo into his chest.
  10. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    You'll always be a part of my heart, and Parabellum.
  11. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    Sham, I will miss you man, but I can't believe you would do this.
  12. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    Breaking my heart. BREAKING IT. You will and shall be missed Sham, you were one of the trillest and sexiest mofos I ever knew. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours, and I am deeply saddened that it had to end this way. Stay sexy Sham, stay sexy - Dat guy, Forest
  13. 1 point

    I'm leaving.

    Honestly, I never liked you. All you did was bitch and complain about minor things. You always think you're right and think you're fun and all. Us admins talk about members a lot. Most of us agreed that you are one of the most annoying of the bunch. You criticize admins for "not doing what they are supposed to do." Well first, we can't solve every problem. We always try and resolve things. We can only act on what we see or any further evidence. We can't trust anything or anybody else. Just if someone is honest and helpful doesn't mean we can always take their word. We don't respond well to rude people *cough*. When we do respond to rude people, they always bitch, moan, and complain and that leads to shit like this, and atrocious sayings. It's like you're implying admins are perfect. lel. Have fun with what you do and good luck. P.S. that one time you accused me of wallhacking. I'm still waiting for that ban request. Still waiting.
  14. 1 point

    I'm leaving.

    who are you again?
  15. 1 point

    'The Diabeetus'

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bIx8bTdSy4 There's the video lol
  16. 1 point

    'The Diabeetus'

    "incestual harem" I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I COULD PUT WORDS TOGETHER LIKE THAT! Yeah I'll put it on YT Channel lol
  17. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    Hey chrono, the fucking thread is about the entire community, but you decided to take one thing said and use it to back yourself up. Not really sure I care that youre disappointed.
  18. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    You will always be the div leader...of my heart.
  19. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    what the fuck? like what the fuck. for reals. what the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT WHAT THE FUCK
  20. 1 point

    'The Diabeetus'

    This had me laughing way too hard.
  21. 1 point


    World is over. Goodbye World. I loved you. *shoots self in the head while jumping into a pit of lava*
  22. 1 point


    I think that you should concentrate on your own division first, and when there are no problems with that, you can go and play other stuff.
  23. 1 point


  24. 1 point

    Shaggy - Garry's Mod

    @@Shaggy Please please PLEASE make another one. Closing because of OLDNESS. Cum back shag. /thread
  25. 1 point


    I guess I'm reprehending serbian :cat: But seriously, powers on more then one division hurts BOTH of the divisions! Take for example warriorsfury: MC is fucked up and he spends his time on CS:S and GMOD. Why did you delete your message? I quoted it before you did that so it wouldn't matter lol
  26. 1 point


    We shouldn't be compensating for lack of staff by allowing people from other divisions to just jump right in. That doesn't solve the problem whatsoever.
  27. 1 point

    GGnore eden

  28. 1 point

    GGnore eden

    Settings>Options>Plugins> Check off Teamspeak 3 Overlay Plugin
  29. 1 point

    What is Rick Astley never gonna do?

    Write another hit single
  30. 1 point

    Not Coming Back

    hope to see ya some time in the distant futer
  31. 1 point
    Hey I think 17 hours is pretty good for a law school student. :)
  32. 1 point

    xG Competition Night

    how the fuck GG gonna work with teams?????
  33. 0 points

    'The Diabeetus'

    i am not fat, i do lift, i do bleach, and i am an oldfag you scumbag. teezar didn't sit on me, he was my weights.
  34. -1 points

    Fuck you Bleed

    fuck you too babe. (Still don't love you.) (Also moved to hellos and goodbyes)
  35. -1 points

    GGnore eden

    No fucks where given that day xD well idfc not gunna play as much plus I hardly play ct anyways so fuck it #YOLO @@diabeetus Fuck you, you dirty whore @@John When I post my ban protest in like a month +1 that shit and you can ban me next time xD
  36. -1 points

    GGnore eden

    There won't be a next time cause you dont got the cahones
  37. -1 points

    GGnore eden

    Says the one who wont freekill like me
  38. -1 points

    GGnore eden

  39. -1 points

    Fuck you Bleed

    This has nothing to do with Bleed, but I just felt I had to say that. My mom broke my computer, so I cant play anything for a while. Oh, and fuck you too Penguin you naggerlord.
  40. -1 points

    HellsGamers Map

    It was the latest version of the map
  41. -1 points

    I'm leaving.

    who are you again? You'll figure it out
  42. -1 points

    HellsGamers Map

    Many of you know there is no ammo in the HellsGamers map. But when i went on the HG server they had ammo in the guns. So i think @Dontbleedpls and @@Chrono are just to lazy to go on the map and change it. So could you please do that?
  43. -1 points

    Bye Bye for good this time

    Well guys im out for good tis was fun but now its lost its spark :).
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