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  1. Disagree
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    I understand the testament behind telling him to put more depth into his forum posts, and that he shouldn't "spam" just to make a staff application, but you should still write if you think he'd be a good candidate to be a mod.
    How detailed he articulates himself on the forums does not contribute to how he acts on the servers, and if you think he would be a good mod. We can always let the application run for an extra month or so if we feel like he would be a good mod but just needs to work on his activity on the forums. On top of that, he is from 2014 so clearly he wants to show interest in being staff when there might not have been any for him in the past.
    Just my opinion, at the end of the day it is the TF2 higherups who make the decision.
  2. Informative
    Aegean got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    I understand the testament behind telling him to put more depth into his forum posts, and that he shouldn't "spam" just to make a staff application, but you should still write if you think he'd be a good candidate to be a mod.
    How detailed he articulates himself on the forums does not contribute to how he acts on the servers, and if you think he would be a good mod. We can always let the application run for an extra month or so if we feel like he would be a good mod but just needs to work on his activity on the forums. On top of that, he is from 2014 so clearly he wants to show interest in being staff when there might not have been any for him in the past.
    Just my opinion, at the end of the day it is the TF2 higherups who make the decision.
  3. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Moosty in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 everyone and their mother over posts to get to 50. I'm not really sure that has anything to do with maturity. His posts, atleast to me, seemed more unnecessary than immature, which isn't the biggest problem, especially if it tones down now that he reached the cutoff.. And as for servers he's more than active enough and more than mature enough. The dude deserves a shot.
  4. Like
    Aegean reacted to Rhododendron in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    With emoji's (or smilies as they are called on the forum) they are just there for quick access and nothing really prevents people from just attaching an image to a post.
    With custom ratings I would have to code up some custom code so if we get an influx of custom ratings then a user's profile won't show a giant list of ratings since that could cause issues.
    I rather not let people set backgrounds of their post (will definitely cause readability issues) but I could enable covers and backgrounds for profiles and it displays on their member card wherever they want. I'll get that working in the next few weeks and let everyone set the color of their profile background and cover and you can purchase the ability to set an image as your cover and background.
  5. Like
    Aegean reacted to Bone in Sponsor Megathread!   
    Hey, it'sa me, the one Sponsor who's posted in this thread.
    First off, thanks to @Bello for helping to make the in game Sponsor tag exist.
    Now, these ideas are for the TF2 servers. So the CS:GO Sponsors (if there are any...) need to post what they think should be added since I don't play CS:GO...
    I'd like to see these plugins added for us Sponsors (could be for Donators too, but eyy, that's up to the higher ups to decide).
    Rainbow Glow and Become MeeM
    Another possible addition could be The Wheel of Doom! But of course, much like other possible game altering plugins, it would need a vote passed to be activated.
    And possibly This added to accompany our list of "Become boss" plugins, for obvious reasons... (unless we already have it and I haven't seen it).
    I believe that's all I've got for now. Thanks for wasting a few minutes of your time reading this.
  6. Ding!
    Aegean got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
    @TheSupremePatriot Rhododendron recently has said we can add a rating but you guys must have the name, image and whether it is positive, negative or neutral. And of course the community must like it
  7. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Tomahawk in The Cringe Thead!   
  8. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Vacindak in Hello, I'm Yellowrock   
    Hey @yellowrock, I gave you the Content Creator title to commemorate your map, hope you enjoy your stay in our community :)
  9. Like
    Aegean reacted to Forest in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    Is there any way to customize a Member's post-background? Lately been thinking of a "premium" feature to be donated for that includes exclusive content/features/perks; perhaps one that times out after a certain period of time?
    To elaborate further on this:
    1-Day/Trial Period - User is given 24 hours upon donation of a set-number ($1 or even free trial period, one time use per forum account) that enables access to premium Membership perks
    1 Month Period - User is given 30 days upon donation of a set-dollar amount
    1 Year Period - User is given 365 days upon donation of a set-dollar amount
    Premium features are TBA, though it should be discussed in detail before enacting any sort of feature ahead-of-time. Generate the hype, so to speak.
    That being said, this all heavily relies on whether or not it is even possible pending @Rhododendron 's response
    So basically, from what I can think of, these would be the areas affected:

    Upon donation, user would receive permissions/access to otherwise "locked" features of the forums (for a pending period of time)
    This can include [but is not limited to]
    Custom emoji set(?)
    Customizable background of post(?)
    Custom ratings(?)

    Obviously this is by no-means a final product; this is merely the conceptual stage. With a feature like this, it will promote exclusivity which in and of itself is already desirable (hence popularity in Servers with exclusive hats/trails/etc).
    Additionally, this may also rake in more donations; and theoretically, the credits system could even be utilized instead of donations which can potentially bolster activity in Members of the community seeing as how they would have something to work for via posting, etc. This would give Members the option of donating for credits to purchase premium Membership, or to simply deliver incentive by working for it to accumulate credits through regular use of the forums.
    Though to re-iterate, this hinges on whether such a feature is even possible.
  10. Like
    Aegean reacted to YeEternalTuna in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
    Hey gamer's!! This was created this in order to have people post emojis/ratings that they want added onto the XenoGamers forums.In order for this to happen you need a good image for your emoji/rating for when they resize the image it doesn't look bad. You also need a name for it. Also for ratings add if it would be positive/neutral/negative. [Optional] Add a reason to it for people to know when to use it or why you want it added! Hope your emoji/rating gets added! (of course that's only when the community approves of it).
  11. Agree
    Aegean reacted to YeEternalTuna in Map Request: Mariokart   
    Yeah I don't see the need to bring up his ban. If he still wants to post on the forums he still can, nothing is stopping him.
  12. Friendly
    Aegean got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Hello, I'm Yellowrock   
    Hey @yellowrock, I gave you the Content Creator title to commemorate your map, hope you enjoy your stay in our community :)
  13. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Kypari in Hello, I'm Yellowrock   
    Hey @yellowrock, I gave you the Content Creator title to commemorate your map, hope you enjoy your stay in our community :)
  14. Like
    Aegean reacted to james8470 in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    wow, this is actually a huge diversity of candy...
    Welp, here's mine:

    and also...

  15. Informative
    Aegean reacted to Vexx in Dylanm345 - Team Fortress 2   
    Also, after checking the bans under your IP, I figured something out:

    You didn't come on just once to use hacks. You came on twice. You will stay permanent banned, I am closing this thread.
  16. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Chrono in Sigh, Another Topic About Discord   
    To prevent you from having to go back to read the other threads, which you clearly knew about.
    Security issues, teamspeak runs with a solid set up that has been tested over numerous years and contains some top notch security for voip/text communication, Discord is still in terms of these kinds of programs... brand new.
    As seen with skype and other programs it is a very common thing to attempt to use them as a means of stealing people's information. Teamspeak already has solid protection and encryption that is doubled up on with our server using it's own protection because it is hosted on the same box as some of the servers we run.
    User Friendliness, literally the same thing. instead of having constant tabs where you are able to switch servers with the click of a button, you have to... oh wait, you can do the same exact thing in teamspeak. You can even private message users on teamspeak servers as well, the only user friendly note discord has over TS that I can see is that you can PM people without having to be in their server.
    Stating that nobody uses TS anymore is pretty bold, I haven't looked at official numbers but from what I can see, small communities hover around discord as it is free to set up and they don't have to rent a server. these are typically communities that form on a free forum site and play games that they don't buy servers on or can't. they just group up a lot. and then on the other end, large communities like a few subreddits due to the fact that again, it is free... from a free forum style website... meanwhile if you go to most large server hosting communities/clans you see things like TS Mumble and Ventrillo. 3 very long standing voip programs.
  17. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Forest in Clarification Regarding Racial/offensive Slurs Being On Weapons   
    The process would be similar to that of moderating sprays; Staff wouldn't have to actively search for it as they would only take action when it is seen or if a Player has reported it as previously mentioned. That being said, I can definitely see how this could lead to disgruntled Players leaving due to the inconvenience of having to swap it out like Aegean said. It gets to a point where the Server becomes unplayable due to the mountain of rules to keep it a "safe place"; which is unrealistic due to the nature of the game itself as well as being one that is online and free to play.
    To be perfectly honest, I think the whole "PG13" aspect of the General rules should be completely re-hauled or otherwise tossed. I know for a fact that the chat on the Servers (in General, not exclusively TF2) can vary heavily in terms of derogatory or otherwise offensive content. Hell, I know for a fact that even Staff/Members indulge in swearing every now and again. Point being that it's easy to maintain a PG13 environment on a Forum or any other social gathering that is relatively static, but when it comes to a more dynamic environment with a lot more going on (IE. Servers) it just isn't very realistic to maintain a PG13 environment. But I digress, this is something that warrants its own thread.
    All in all, in my opinion, if the renamed weapon has derogatory/offensive content (namely ethnicity, politics, religion, sexuality) then it should not be permitted on the Servers. Anything that involves "Butt Blaster" or whatever should be fine, but again, this is only assuming we're actually taking the whole 'PG13' thing seriously; something that I'm inclined to believe that we really aren't :coffee:
  18. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Kypari in Clarification Regarding Racial/offensive Slurs Being On Weapons   
    Gotchya, I think it would still need to be a case by case basis, but there's no harm in having something in place for the extreme cases.
  19. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Bone in Clarification Regarding Racial/offensive Slurs Being On Weapons   
    I think this depends on the situation. For example, a player is running around with a Scattergun named "Faggot Blaster" after killing a player he says "Read my weapon name. That's just for people like you xD". Then that might be a problem.
    But say another player has a Displenary Action named "Black History Month". Would someone get offended? Probably, but are we really gonna micromanage players to that point? I mean, it would need to be really really offensive to have to take action on.
    But needing Staff to check weapon names on top of managing the server in general?
    I'd really rather not have xG become known as "The Tumblr of TF2 Servers" because we're so worried about someone possibly getting offended.
  20. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Caribou in Clarification Regarding Racial/offensive Slurs Being On Weapons   
    I hope you only mean really derogatory or racist slurs, not just fuck or shit or something. If someone has an item renamed something minorly offensive but can't use it on our servers due to the name or description, it could just lead them to leave, and make it annoying for staff to enforce. I'm neutral on the topic but if it is accepted I don't want it to be so safe-spacey in terms of any slur is unaccepted.
  21. Like
    Aegean reacted to Vertex in Ttt Maps   
    I've made a lot of progress on the new TTT server within the past week. It should be done in the not too distant future.
    I was wondering if there are any TTT maps people would like on the server. So far, a collection of 22 maps has been installed. Steam Workshop :: xG TTT Map Collection
    Subscribing has its pros and cons. Too many subscriptions *may* bog down game startup times. I've coded up a custom caching feature using Steamworks. For the first 45s after the client is connected to the server, it will download all the server maps onto their hard-drive; where it detects a subscription isn't present. This process will repeat each time the map changes until the client has all maps cached. After a couple map changes, they'll be able to rapidly load any of the 22+ maps that are installed on the server, without having to download anymore.
  22. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from TBOHB in Roblox   
    We will not expand to another game at this time, we will have announcements about CS:GO, Minecraft and GMOD very soon, but if there is interest on a roblox server i'm happy to hear it (:
  23. Like
    Aegean reacted to Forest in What Is Your Favorite Drink?   
    Also obligatory @JuiceBoxBoysEverywhere
  24. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Dylanm345 in Roblox   
    We will not expand to another game at this time, we will have announcements about CS:GO, Minecraft and GMOD very soon, but if there is interest on a roblox server i'm happy to hear it (:
  25. Like
    Aegean reacted to Bone in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    I have an addiction to these little bastards

    Even though they're basically just sticks of sugar, they're amazing. I'll eat an entire bag in 5 minutes. Each bag usually has about 20 boxes, and each box has 2 sticks.