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Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    Aegean got a reaction from Dylanm345 in Badges Megathread!   
    Wow you asked that a while ago, sorry for no response! You can check out the badges now and make suggestions :) Badges
  2. Like
    Aegean reacted to Vacindak in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    :shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd: CLARURO COLURO!!! :o
    :rip::rip::rip:ESSSEEE SKELETOO QUE VIVE DENTRO DE TU ARMARIO!!! :rip::rip::rip:...casi rompo la mesa,haaay concha de mono! /almost break my table! :o ...
    Para celebrar tu retorno tomare mis bebidas prohibidas/To celebrate your return , I´m going to drink my forbidden drinks!


    firma oficial de vacindak (+1)
    To express it like@Bello
    Yes yes NIT NAT
    NitNat essen Kätzchen. Sie ist sehr schlecht in Team Fortress 2 surfen. Ich scherze natürlich, sie würde eine gute mod machen.:british:
    1,2,3,4! Tiririririririririririr tritirtirtirtrii ESO ESO ESO!! :afro:
    TUNA WHAT TIME IS IT?:johncena:
  3. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from james8470 in Redtf2   
    The difference being that you can not be a staff member of a competing server as that is truly multiclanning.
    @DepOptimist Also just wanted to clarify something. I didn't mean for you to make a post on Idleservers.com and tell them you are joining us, I meant I have 0 issues with you posting on idleservers.com if you do become a member (which you did). I know you have friends in idleservers, and we do not think it's fair to make you "choose" which community to hang out at, so that was what I meant in my previous post on your application.
  4. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from TBOHB in ♥ Aღy ♥ - Team Fortress 2   
    I will discuss the age requirements for the mod application with the tf2 division higherups, and either rework it for all mod apps, or just tf2 specifically.
    For the time being as there seems to be a lot of support for her, I'll allow this application to stay up in the mean time.
    Also, @Kypari they asked me if the thread can stay up due to thunderlimes being a previous mod in the past, and none of the higherups would have an issue in that scenario. It is on me for not clarifying the rules so you need to try to understand the thinking process behind our decision of thunderlimes without just thinking everything must be black + white. If I'm looking for someone who is interested in being a moderator and have specific guidelines, but they have a proven track record, it is obvious that letting that user still make a post is fine. It's not really that hard to understand.
  5. Not Funny
    Aegean got a reaction from Jacob in ♥ Aღy ♥ - Team Fortress 2   
    I will discuss the age requirements for the mod application with the tf2 division higherups, and either rework it for all mod apps, or just tf2 specifically.
    For the time being as there seems to be a lot of support for her, I'll allow this application to stay up in the mean time.
    Also, @Kypari they asked me if the thread can stay up due to thunderlimes being a previous mod in the past, and none of the higherups would have an issue in that scenario. It is on me for not clarifying the rules so you need to try to understand the thinking process behind our decision of thunderlimes without just thinking everything must be black + white. If I'm looking for someone who is interested in being a moderator and have specific guidelines, but they have a proven track record, it is obvious that letting that user still make a post is fine. It's not really that hard to understand.
  6. Like
    Aegean reacted to Thunder in Badges Megathread!   
    A badge for people in the top10 in servers. Maybe even for only the #1 or top 3. I feel this would be some kind of reward for people who have spent so much time to get that spot on the top10.
  7. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Vexx in ♥ Aღy ♥ - Team Fortress 2   
    If a person was a staff member in the past, that lets us know how mature of a person they are. We already know how they handle powers and we know how they will do their job as a staff member. Throwing a fit screaming "favoritism" isn't exactly going to get you anywhere, as long as the we higher-ups are fine with it, then the application can be made. The age thing is there because most younger people ARE immature, age does mean a lot when it comes to maturity. I personally would be fine with anyone under the age requirement being staff, so long as they show that they are mature and can handle it correctly. Someone's moderator application is not the place to bring this, just message a higher-up if you have a problem with how things are handled, please do not just post things like this where they don't belong.
  8. Like
    Aegean reacted to DepOptimist in Depoptimist   
    Like you stated, xG is my primary affiliation.
  9. Informative
    Aegean got a reaction from james8470 in Depoptimist   
    There's no contradiction, I have 0 issues if people in xG play on other communities servers or give input or post on other forums, neither does Virr. We just don't want them to consider themselves a member of another community if they want to be a member of xG. Their primary affiliation must be xG is all we ask of them.
  10. Informative
    Aegean got a reaction from james8470 in Depoptimist   
    @DepOptimist Just to clarify, we have 0 issues if you play on their servers, write on their forums if you do join us. Thanks for the clarification :)
  11. Informative
    Aegean reacted to DepOptimist in Depoptimist   
    I barely play Idleserver, I hate to say something, but Idle isn't a clan. It's a string of servers. I wanna clarify that I have been around in xG longer than Idle. I have no intention of joining Idle, I apologize for the inconvenience if I caused any. Though like I've stated Idle isn't a clan. The owner "Wing" has stated on his profile that Idle is indeed a string of Idleservers.
  12. Informative
    Aegean reacted to realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
  13. Like
    Aegean reacted to Vector in Persona 5   
    Game Name: Persona 5

    Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it)
    83 Hours and 54 minutes in 1 playthrough on easy
    Currently playing through again on Merciless.
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    Initial Thoughts:
    As you guys already know, i love the persona series and i was incredibly excited for the game. I had preordered this game back in late October to get my hands on it in February. Sadly it got delayed for 2 months and released in April, and i will tell you right now, it was well worth the wait. First of all, this game was supposed to be released back in winter of 2014 but kept being delayed and delayed. I cannot possibly imagine how fans of 3 and 4 when those games were released must have been feeling all this time.

    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    Now first of all, the gameplay of this game is phenomenal It's the best the series has ever had. Your MC soon forms a group with his friends called the Phantom Thieves and if you think thieves, you think stealth. This is completely true in this game as the game dungeons are fantastic. First of all, they are light years better looking then Persona 3 and 4.


    As you can see via the screen shots, these areas are incredibly detailed. You venture through these "Palaces" To steal the hearts of adults who have committed horrible crimes. Each palace has puzzles and has a large emphasis on stealth. You must venture through the palaces to steal each the "treasure" of the leader of palace. You also climb walls and leap across platforms to get across obstacles. It's very ambitious and it payed off incredibly well.
    Another positive is the fantastic story. This is definitely the best story out when you compare 3, 4 and 5. The developers wanted to get into a more dreary story like that of the original persona series and the Shin megami tensei series and it really shows on the villains. It also is fun to see the phantom thieves escalate further and further with the more they help people

    Another positive, is there is so much to do and you definitely get your money's worth when it comes to length of the game. I completed the game on easy, in over 80 hours, meaning you if you play on normal you will more than likely get 100 hours out of this game. There are many activites outside of just combat and social links, batting cages, video games, stat building (which was in 3 and 4) in many different ways. Not only does this game have Palaces, but if you liked the scaling of tartarus in P3 or the climbing of floors in P4, P5 has you covered as it has it's own dungeon called mementos. While it's not as vast as tartarus or as beautiful as the dungeons in P5, it's nice to have a whole new area to explore with over 50 floors.

    The characters are also great. While not as good as persona 4 in my opinion, they are better than 3's and they are all very well defined and written teenagers that each have a story and dilemma that is addressed in their respective social links. Haru is probably the weakest but i suppose that's to be expected since shes the last party member you get. Some might be a bit annoyed with Ryuji at times with his dialog, and i will admit, it can be a little annoying especially with the English voice. However, if you can stand English voice acting, just download the free voice pack to get the Japanese dub however you will miss some side dialog. Also, there have been complaints about certain dialoug such as "Salty" and other hip young lingos the kids use these days but they aren't so bad. However i did slap my face when i read bellow.


    Futaba is cute as fuck.
    As i mentioned before the environments of the palaces are fantastic. However outside of the palaces are just as amazing. Walking around the city with a bunch of people walking by, crowded and cramped really feels like a city and there are multiple parts of cities, and each look beautiful. Atlus really makes use of the Ps3's and Ps4's power demonstrating how beautiful the city can be sometimes.

    Cons: (At least 2 reasons).
    There are some cons. As i mentioned in my previous reviews of P3 and P4, the music in the games are fantastic. Unfortunately, the soundtrack in my opinion, is very disappointing. P3 and P4 each had music that i can instantly remember when that piece plays and i actually found my self listening to these songs outside of the game as well. P5 doesn't really have any aside from the theme and a few other gems but when you compare it to P4 and 3, it really is lacking. P3 had iconic songs such as Mass Destruction, Burn My Dread, the station songs while P4 had Your Affection, Shadow World, It's time to make history and so on. I honestly can't even remember the names of P5s songs. This isn't to say it's a bad soundtrack, it serves it's purpose and it sounds fine, however P3 and P4's soundtrack sound perfect for each respective game.
    Another con i have is that there isn't really many outdoor trips that you and your companions take that actually feel like you and your companions grow as friends. There are some celebrations like when a party member is recruited or when a mission is accomplished but those don't really go into detail, the only one that does is when you complete the second palace. There is the Hawaii trip but that felt like a little bit of a waste of time. The trip to the beach though was a fun experience but Persona 4 Golden had the camping trip, the school festival, the ski trip, the fireworks show and so on. Persona 3, had the trip to Kyoto, the island trip (which was more interactive then persona 5's trips) as well as a few funny voiced scenes showing a different side of each of your party members.

    Final Thoughts:
    In the end, Persona 5 is a fantastic game. It was well worth the wait, the added difficulty to the game is very well appreciated as even on hard in Persona 4 Golden, it got a little easy at points because of certain cheese tactics. Not saying there isn't anything like that here, but later in the game you see stronger enemies who hit hard and have hardly any weaknesses and while you can farm, you have to be careful of certain things. Status effects in this game for example are a nightmare. They hit so much more often then they did in P3 and P4 that it can be very frustrating. For example, in the first Palace, Sucubus has the ability to use Marin Karin, which they changed it to have a high chance to inflict charm. One shadow ambushed me and i was surrounded, meaning the 4 succubus went first. They all caste Marin Karin and each member of my party of 4 was hit and eventually died and had to reload. Rage, hunger, charm, fear, and so on feel like they hit often, so be sure to bring your meds and characters that cure such problems. While i do like persona 4 more then 5 in certain aspects. There is no denying that the gameplay of this game is phenomenal and you will not be bored. In the end, this game is a perfect example of how much people put hard work into video games. The details of the Personas, the story, the characters and gameplay completely outshine anything negative about this game. Thank you for reading.
    This will be my last persona review for awhile. Stay tuned for something else.


    Futaba is best girl
  14. Friendly
    Aegean reacted to m3Lon in M3lon   
    In-Game Name:

    Melon Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Identity:

    Steam Community :: Melon Banned:

    No Teamspeak Account Synced:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    About two weeks. Age:

    25 Reasons for Joining:

    Gotta have that tag! But also, is a great community who know when to have a good time and not take things too seriously. I'm already friends with a few members (Elcark, Scribbles).
    Admins are professional in dealing with those who have broken the rules, giving the trouble-makers plenty of warning/chances to correct their ways before they are caught in the path of the Ban Hammer's swing.
    I've only been on your tf2 deathrun server for two(ish) weeks, but I'm already in love with it and would love to call myself a part of the community.
  15. Creative
    Aegean reacted to Chrono in Hello   
    Is this some satanic ritual to bring @DarkWolf6052 back?
  16. Like
    Aegean reacted to Sora_ in I Can't Draw Humans, So Weapons. :v   
    Image links didn't work, but if you want to see the gallery, the link is here.

  17. Informative
    Aegean reacted to Amymaniac in Gambling Shmekles And Server Items On Trade_masscc Mini Games And Spy Crabbing   
    sounds good, I do love community events and minigames for prizes. I have hosted lots of different types of events too ranging from fashion contests to soldier/demo katana duels.
    and yes only ever do these events when there are staff present and they have given their authority to middleman and/or judge the event.

    I would say no, mainly because if someone does not play fairly or does not give prizes it can only lead to drama and shouts of scamming on the server which not only makes the server look bad but if there are new people playing it could put them off returning if they see xG as a place full of scammers. I highly recommend these events and gambles take place only under staff supervision at all times.
  18. Sad
    Aegean got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Badges Megathread!   
    Wow you asked that a while ago, sorry for no response! You can check out the badges now and make suggestions :) Badges
  19. Creative
    Aegean reacted to NitNat in Vsh/ff2 Drawing   
    Something I did when I was bored over the last couple days.

    and progress sketches..

  20. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Forest in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    I understand what you're saying, but you seem to be misunderstanding the point here. While it may be efficient, it is not a static way of ensuring the rule breaker understands that a warning has been given. There is no way to disregard text ingame (that I'm aware of), while voice-chat can simply be muted. Not only does this absolve our Staff of the whole "I didn't hear a warning" case, but it can also provide tangible evidence that a warning was issued.
    Additionally, at no point should Staff bypass or otherwise ignore proper protocol or procedure because "other Staff do it". The proper steps to take would be to remind the offending Staff Member that they are to verbally warn the rule-breaker via text first before choosing to resort to vocal warnings.
    I also realize there are many scenarios where warning via text can inconvenience Staff or hinder gameplay, but that's just it; it [potentially] inconveniences the Players for one round at the most (assuming it really takes that amount of time to deal with a rule-breaker) while a rule-breaker can hinder multiple rounds. If there are multiple occurrences of rule-breakers, then Staff should not be taking a prominent/active role (IE. Warden, Death, etc) to begin with because, as previously mentioned, your duties/responsibility to the Server(s) as Staff are priority #1.
    Though you're correct, if you aren't enjoying what you do, then you should resign. As previously mentioned, it is by no means mandatory that anyone be Staff just as Staff should not feel obligated to maintain their position; there's no shame in stepping-down in order to enjoy the Servers more. You can still be a prominent role-model as a Member by taking demos every now and then and by reporting rule breakers without hampering your own fun.
  21. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Forest in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    .. If they're mic spamming or spamming via text, then gag/mute them before/after providing the necessary warning (regardless of it being bumped to hell). Obviously there are case-by-case uses of commands; if someone is outright flooding chat (literally copy+pasting something stupid like the 'lenny face' pandemic) then that is means enough to gag immediately and then warn. Likewise when someone is holding down their mic and speaking incoherently or is otherwise displaying an obvious intent to troll.
    Otherwise I completely agree with what has already been said, being that Staff are there to maintain the Servers and to foster a healthy and fun environment for Players. If you aren't able to stop whatever it is you're doing in that particular Server during a round to settle a dispute because you want to keep a good score, or are having 'fun', then I'll put it bluntly and I'm not going to sugar-coat it: resign and do not be a Staff Member. I won't speak on behalf of the Higher-Ups, but ideally any gaming community will want Staff who take pride in what they do; those who are willing to put aside whatever it is they're doing to completely handle a situation in the correct manner. Staff Members represent Xeno Gamers more than the average Members do, and therefore should make an effort to maintain their integrity both in and out of the Servers when dealing with disputes.
    Your top priority [as a Staff Member] should and always will be to fulfill your duty as Staff. To put this into perspective, it wasn't uncommon in the CSS Division to pass Warden or to slay/kill oneself in the middle of something in order to provide complete attention to a situation and to moderate when necessary.
    - Text warnings are preferable (if not mandatory) to vocal warnings as no excuses can be made by Players stating that no warning was issued during a Ban Protest
    - Staff Priorities take precedence over anything in Servers. Take some pride in what you (Staff in general) do and perform your duties as a Staff Member, or step-down. You weren't promoted to have fun, but that doesn't mean you can't have any on the side.
  22. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Bone in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    I agree, yet disagree. True, saying the warning over mic is a lot faster and easier, especially if you're busy, but I feel it leaves room for issues.
    For example: Dingus is micspamming over on FF2, you say over mic "Stop micspamming ya dingus" but no one hears you due to aforementioned dingus spam and people talking over each other, which is a common occurrence. You mute them, they get rustled over a 30 min mute and start an abuse report on you. This has actually happened.
    In reality, it takes literally 2 seconds to type: @Don't micspam, @Don't Freekill, @Don't lie about freerun, etc...
    Plus, it gives evidence you provided a warning, which deters any false abuse or wrongful punishment claims. I just see this from the eyes of an ex-Mod and remember players who join simply to cause trouble and look for openings like this to start drama.
    One question though. Is all chat recorded in the chat logs? I don't really remember...
  23. Agree
    Aegean reacted to realBelloWaldi in Rhetorical (rejects) - Team Fortress 2   
    This thread is really disappointing.
    Rejects has done great work, really humongous amounts of work and he is definitely more experienced when it comes to server stuff than me.
    I mean, we got VSH back and it's actually really great, all thanks to Rejects.
    But Rejects, I really don't know what's going on in your mind. It is beyond me why you'd go back to abusing after everything that has happened.
    Rejects does care about the clan, very much, I believe, there's no doubt about it. -> Why else would he do all the work for our FF2 server.
    We spoke for a good two hours about the incidents that happened previously on TeamSpeak, you seemed like your position really meant something for you and that you wouldn't wanna lose it.
    You promised not to do it again, but here we are.
    I'm not even mad, angry or anything similar, just a little disappoined in Rejects.
    I'm not sure if he should be demoted, yes, he has really fucked up, but I, myself, couldn't even get to his level of server experience.
    I really don't think Rejects does realize what he's doing. Whenever he does things like that, it's probably just some harmless fun for him which I can't blame him for.
    >but bello, does that justify it!!! :rage: :punch: :mad: @Goblins
    No, it does not. In no way am I implying that it was justified whatsoever.
    Really, I'm quite unsure at this point what to do. I personally wouldn't want Rejects demoted, but if you're looking at everything from an unbiased perspective, you have to admit that it's pretty bad.
    No +1 or -1 from me yet, just my thoughts so far.
  24. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Vexx in Qualityarsenic - Team Fortress 2   
    You can't constantly blame a player for choosing to keep their voice chat/sound off. Once again I'll make this clear. Staff should always give a clear warning through text chat. There is a reason why you have handy tools such as all-chat and the multiple menu/pop-up commands.
  25. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Vexx in Qualityarsenic - Team Fortress 2   
    User will be unbanned.