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Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Member Application Changes!   
    Member Submission Guidelines. (Read)
    I will list the changes here as well so it's more clear. Anyone with a membership application currently open will have an answer within the next 2 days as following our current changes.
    The Changes (subject to change at a later date)

    * After 2 days of your membership being open, you will be accepted if you fit the criteria as long as nobody gives a valid reason to keep you from getting into the community (this is judged by the higher ups)
    Vouches still are a great way to increase your forum activity, get credits and also give input to help us recruit the right members into our community!
    We will introduce new ranks to members (junior - senior etc) but we will discuss the names with the higherups and implement that at a later time!
    If you have been perm banned or kicked out in the past (and not pardoned), you need 3 higherups (dm+) to vouch for you to get accepted into xG
    Any member application currently open will be grandfathered into these new changes, and they will get accepted/declined based on these new changes

  2. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Sylux in Member Application Changes!   
    Member Submission Guidelines. (Read)
    I will list the changes here as well so it's more clear. Anyone with a membership application currently open will have an answer within the next 2 days as following our current changes.
    The Changes (subject to change at a later date)

    * After 2 days of your membership being open, you will be accepted if you fit the criteria as long as nobody gives a valid reason to keep you from getting into the community (this is judged by the higher ups)
    Vouches still are a great way to increase your forum activity, get credits and also give input to help us recruit the right members into our community!
    We will introduce new ranks to members (junior - senior etc) but we will discuss the names with the higherups and implement that at a later time!
    If you have been perm banned or kicked out in the past (and not pardoned), you need 3 higherups (dm+) to vouch for you to get accepted into xG
    Any member application currently open will be grandfathered into these new changes, and they will get accepted/declined based on these new changes

  3. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Vertex in Ttt Discussion   
    I'll be done school at the end of April so I'm happy to help populate plus find staff for it once it's ready on a regular basis on top of setting up events for the server
  4. Optimistic
    Aegean reacted to Egossi in Retards Getting Smoke In Pubg   
    im honestly starting to feel embarrassed to share the same name and ethnicity as @Aegean :(
    but on the bright side at least im not american and my name isn't steven(y)
  5. Agree
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Retards Getting Smoke In Pubg   
    your op.gg is broken? fix your shit.

    btw did they teach you how to use forum tags in ur art school yet?>???
    oh hey u suck

  6. Sad
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Retards Getting Smoke In Pubg   
    You couldn't even play csgo until recently when your daddy bought you new parts for your pc, and people still don't want to pick you in 10 man's. You should stop talking before you embarrass yourself anymore than you already do daily on teamspeak
  7. Winner
    Aegean got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Retards Getting Smoke In Pubg   
    You couldn't even play csgo until recently when your daddy bought you new parts for your pc, and people still don't want to pick you in 10 man's. You should stop talking before you embarrass yourself anymore than you already do daily on teamspeak
  8. F!$k Off
    Aegean got a reaction from lilbleed in Retards Getting Smoke In Pubg   
    @MineCrack you're getting carried by klure again? Wow shocker
  9. Like
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Retards Getting Smoke In Pubg   
  10. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Tatost in Game Division   
    not something you can make a larger server out of, you can invite friends to play with you instead. Games are only 4-player maximum if i'm correct.
  11. Informative
    Aegean reacted to Egossi in Calling All International Chumps   
    In turkey, there are a lot of touristic areas all depending on what you wanna travel for
    anything should be pretty cheap as well since our currency strength is shitting itself as of right now, your $1 would be worth $4 here basically
    if you want to have a chill holiday near some real proper shores where you can swim for hours on end, take part in social events etc. i'd reccomend going to places like Antalya, Çeşme or Bodrum (which i will be going to this summer)
    as you might know, Turkey has shores to the Mediterranean sea, part of which is called the Aegean sea here ("Ege denizi" in turkish)

    (picture of the place ill be going to, its named Sea Garden)
    If you wish to go sightseeing we have a bunch of those kinda places as well Türkiye'den 20 Doğal Güzellik - Haberself look at the pictures in that link for reference
    if you are interested in sightseeing then i recommend travelling to Istanbul first, then buying tickets for a tour bus that takes you all around the country and lets you take a good look at all the interesting places for short periods of time, with the help of a tour guide

    summer, unless you wanna do snow related sports, which i dont think youd wanna come to turkey specifically for that

    No specific places but most foreigners find traditional turkish food to be unique and nice

    Nah, all alcoholic beverages are imported and pretty expensive here, but you wouldnt have a problem drinking as there is no legal drinking age although if you look under 18 you might not be able to buy any (im 16 and they sell me alcohol cause i look like a 18-20 yo lul)
  12. Informative
    Aegean reacted to realBelloWaldi in How Do I Transfer Credits To The Surf Servers   
    for future references:

  13. Optimistic
    Aegean got a reaction from CappyCappy in Game Division   
    I paid for a month just as a trial period to see if there's enough attention, unfortunately without proper plugins it got griefed and had to be soft reset. I will consider terraria again in the future if another big update comes, but in the mean time I don't think I'll do terraria again without good reason.
  14. Ding!
    Aegean reacted to Jacob in Green Text   
    >wake up in piece of shit neighborhood to gunshots
    >kiss mom on mouth
    >stare into the mirror trying to figure out if im hispanic or asian
    >get on my red shirt and go to work at my lucrative career in selling staples and staplers
    >laugh at photo of aegean because he is shorter than me
    >laughing at that photo is the only joy i feel
    >go home to play league of legends
    >int feed jax
    >flame team for feeding jax
    >pay www.lolboosting.net to get me to diamond 3
    >brag about being diamond 3 12lp
  15. Friendly
    Aegean got a reaction from Dethman in Game Division   
    Why do you guys not read my posts? This happens everytime I start a thread lmao.

    This was just clearly to get the community talking and see where their interests are at.
  16. Like
    Aegean reacted to realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    to mod
  17. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from LucehMcellion in Game Division   
    Why do you guys not read my posts? This happens everytime I start a thread lmao.

    This was just clearly to get the community talking and see where their interests are at.
  18. Like
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Game Division   
  19. Ding!
    Aegean got a reaction from Forest in How Do You Do?   
    Yeah our adult population is not a lot, but we definitely have quite a few! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  20. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Changing Up Membership Applications   
    Agreed with @virr on how we accept an individual, especially if they have 0 vouches + or -. We will try to encourage more members to vouch as those players only have a 2 day window to get vouches. If a member does not get accepted, we can keep the 1 month rule for the reapplication process. We'll make some clarifications and remind people on accurate reasons to either + or - somebody, and that -'s must be explained properly as they are trying to keep a person from becoming a member. The process will always be a 2 day window.
    The teamspeak thing is still up for discussion. What I might do is just put on the application that you must sync your teamspeak to your forum account and ask them if they have or have not, even if people say no to that specific section we can still accept them.
  21. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Changing Up Membership Applications   
    Agreed with @virr on how we accept an individual, especially if they have 0 vouches + or -. We will try to encourage more members to vouch as those players only have a 2 day window to get vouches. If a member does not get accepted, we can keep the 1 month rule for the reapplication process. We'll make some clarifications and remind people on accurate reasons to either + or - somebody, and that -'s must be explained properly as they are trying to keep a person from becoming a member. The process will always be a 2 day window.
    The teamspeak thing is still up for discussion. What I might do is just put on the application that you must sync your teamspeak to your forum account and ask them if they have or have not, even if people say no to that specific section we can still accept them.
  22. Informative
    Aegean reacted to SnowyMinion in Game Division   
    Don't Starve Together as long as @ThePenguin isn't playing
  23. Informative
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Guess That Vayne   
  24. Winner
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in [tf2] Things To Do & The Activity Requirement...   
    Sounds good! Once we get the membership stuff sorted out I'll make the march news update :) @Ruby_da_Cherry
  25. Friendly
    Aegean got a reaction from LucehMcellion in Game Division   
    You are more than welcome to start those kinds of discussions in the proper sections on the forums, as the higherups always love to see feedback from our community. This thread is specifically meant for games outside our current divisions though!