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Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Hey friends, due to the higherups not being able to see everything on the servers, can you guys be a little more social with your fellow mods/admins and ask them for nominations for mods/admins? I had a convo with them and they just want to feel like their voice is heard. I'll do better as well trying to communicate with the members.
  2. Like
    Aegean reacted to CappyCappy in ;)   
    I made dat.
  3. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Rejects in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Hey friends, due to the higherups not being able to see everything on the servers, can you guys be a little more social with your fellow mods/admins and ask them for nominations for mods/admins? I had a convo with them and they just want to feel like their voice is heard. I'll do better as well trying to communicate with the members.
  4. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Hey friends, due to the higherups not being able to see everything on the servers, can you guys be a little more social with your fellow mods/admins and ask them for nominations for mods/admins? I had a convo with them and they just want to feel like their voice is heard. I'll do better as well trying to communicate with the members.
  5. Agree
    Aegean reacted to virr in Hub Shop Icons   
    He's talking about these pretty sure.
    Go for it dude, i agree that it looks kind bad right now.
  6. Informative
    Aegean reacted to lilbleed in 10man Etiquette   
    Oh hey look our wonderful xG:Daddy Aegean being disrespectful!11! Steam Community :: Screenshot See ya! o_O
  7. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Lithium in 10man Etiquette   
    I disagree with the weapons for reasons that @MineCrack pointed out, everything else I do agree to a certain extent that people should be a little more understanding.
    For example, most of us are shit players aside from the xG big dogs, so when we do questionable plays, freaking out and going WHAT ARE YOU DOING on the mic doesn't make us play better. It's easier to just tell us what to do for next time and why.
    Also, this is for the shit players, not all criticism is insulting. If someone tells you how to play the round better, don't freak out on them and insult them just because they are trying to improve your game sense.
  8. Like
    Aegean reacted to Shox in 10man Etiquette   
    I feel like that is targeted towards me i try not use it in a rude way I only use it when some one does a debatable play like peppers play on overpass. [MEDIA=twitch]channel=drpepperphreak;clip_id=GrotesqueWrenResidentSleeper[/MEDIA]
    I do also throw that "K" bind in their but I don't think that's rude towards others.
    If you feel as if they are rude just ask me to remove them and I will.
  9. Like
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in 10man Etiquette   
    Or just restrict it from people who abuse it. Pausing is pretty important and more than often the result of something unexpected coming up or a bathroom break.

    If 10 mans are for people to improve and have fun why restrict what guns you can use when you are winning? I mean, autosnipers and heavy machine guns are already restricted. Now you're proposing when people are winning by a significant margin they are no longer allowed to use fun weapons such as deagles/scouts? That's not even unsportsmanlike, it's just people trying to have fun.
    You didn't even mention how people complain about the teams at the start of the game because they're not balanced (mudkip every game). Or when people throw because of that(BLEED ON TRAIN).

  10. Like
    Aegean reacted to realBelloWaldi in Interest Check: Overwatch Community Nights!   
    you have me on battle.net
  11. Funny
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    I agree with Vexx over Kypari
  12. Funny
    Aegean got a reaction from virr in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    I agree with Vexx over Kypari
  13. Like
    Aegean reacted to Tatost in Calladmin   
  14. Informative
    Aegean got a reaction from Charles in The Surf Server   
    Most of the Staff are busy with school, Silence is working towards ways to populate the CS:GO servers and is working with Bleed as well. Things are gonna be pretty slow until end of april when people's schools start ending unfortunately.
    Gonna try to get the attention of @Lithium @virr @Bleed to see if they have any comments to give to Charles about surf
  15. Like
    Aegean reacted to Vector in Persona 4: Golden   
    Game Name:
    Persona 4: Golden

    Playstation Vita
    Playstation TV
    Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it)
    80 Hours
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    Initial Thoughts:
    I loved persona 3 so much that i couldn't help but get excited for a game that i heard (and is) better in almost every single way. The only problem was that i didn't own a PS Vita. I just thought about getting Persona 4 on PS3. However i said screw it and ordered a playstation TV(pretty much a 45 dollar vita) and bought the game and it was worth every penny. When people say that this is the only reason to buy a vita, they have a solid argument. However i believe that is more true for a Playstation TV. For some reason on amazon, it's listed at 80 dollars but everytime i looked at the price of it, it's cut by at least 44% so you're more than likely to purchase it for almost half of what it's worth.

    If you plan on buying a vita or a playstation TV, DO NOT BUY THE GAME DIGITALLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SPEND 45 DOLLARS ON A 16 GB SD VITA CARD.
    For some reason the PS Vita uses a special SD card that are disgustingly expensive, a 32 gb sd vita card is as of this review over 80 dollars, do yourself a favor and buy the game physically so you won't need to worry. The 1 gb sd card they provide at the start (dumb, i know) is enough for the patch and save data.
    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    First of all, the combat. As i mentioned before in my previous review, it's a turn-based RPG life simulator in which you balance high school life with fighting personas and investigating a serial murderer. The combat is the same but also improved at the same time. Perhaps the biggest improvement on the combat is the fact you are able to control your party members. DO THIS IMMEDIATELY WHEN YOU GET A NEW PARTY MEMBER.

    Another improvement over the previous game is every character in my opinion are interesting, (many people would argue Yukiko is the weakest in this category but again, i didn't feel it.) This also leads into the fact the game is also fairly light-hearted. When you compare the tones of persona 3 and persona 4, it's almost night and day. This isn't to say there aren't serious moments in 4 or no humorous in 3 but 4 definitely seems the most happy. I mean the mascot character is a literal mascot character.

    Persona also improves on what persona 3 lacked, and that is events. This in my opinion is a positive because there were days, weeks infact where nothing would happen and i would be doing the same thing over and over such as trying to get my skills up, social links and so one. While in persona 4, there's definitely a balance. There are events such as the Ski trip, the trip to port island, the trip to the beach and so on.

    The music in the game is phenomenal. There's not much else to say but the focus on pop music to add to the more upbeat tone of the game was a great touch. It seems persona 5 will be all about jazz.
    In my previous review i talked about how the interiors of the dungeon were the same and there was little to no variety. This was changed dramatically and each dungeon has a layout that exposes the trapped character's true feelings about certain subjects. You will understand this more when you play the game.


    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    There aren't really any cons that take away from the experience of this master piece however, since i have to find something i will try.
    The battle song can get really tiring. for over 70 hours you will hear the same song for your basic enemy encounters.
    Again another very minor point is that the game can be a little to easy even on normal but there are 5 difficutly options and when you beat the game, you can actually adjust some of the game options to make the game you want.

    Final Thoughts:
    This game is tied for #1 on my greatest games of all time list and it's really obvious that a lot of love was put into this game especially when the original was already a master piece. There are some major differences between golden and the original, golden includes:

    enhanced graphics
    2 new social links
    new events such as halloween
    Able to choose what skills go into your new fused personas instead of shuffling like in the original persona 3 (and FES) and 4
    New epilogue
    Chie's much MUCH better voice actress.
    a new dungeon
    Literally the best girl in the entire persona series, Marie. (she's not in the original)

    If you have the opportunity to get persona 4 golden then do that right now, there are just so many more good things about golden that it makes the old version such a downgrade you can never go back. However, if you cannot get golden, then just get 4 and experience this masterpiece, but again, I HIGHLY reconmend golden. Thank you for reading my review hope this helped you.

    Marie is best girl. Deal with it nerds.
  16. Creative
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in Green Text   
    >My name is PinoyPsycho
    >I get outjungled by silvers bro
    >Diamond 5 is where I belong
    >I also look like wukong
    >I wish I could climb higher
    >Better chance of me freezing on fire
  17. Like
    Aegean reacted to Rabid in Green Text   
  18. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in It's Burger But Brgr For Short   
    Welcome BRGR!
  19. Like
    Aegean reacted to Egossi in Green Text   
    >Haikus are for gays
    >Aegean's penis is small
    >At least he's Turkish
  20. Creative
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in Green Text   
    >There once was a man named Virr
    >Who wished he played like our Klure
    >Too bad you're EU
    >Jacob's better than you
    >Your neckbeard looks like dog fur
  21. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in Green Text   
    >EU wants poems
    >Haiku is what he shall get
    >Jacob is better
  22. Like
    Aegean reacted to CappyCappy in Planetside 2   
    Game name: Planetside 2

    Platform: PS4 | PC
    Time Spent: ~200

    Do you recommend?
    Yes, if you are actually willing to spend time in this game. It becomes real fun.


    Initial Thoughts:

    *The 3 factions, from left to right- The New Conglomerate, The Terran Republic, and The Vanu Sovereignty
    Welcome, to the planet of Auraxis, year 2845(something)! Due to a wormhole expedition failure, entire fleets are stuck on a planet named Auraxis. 3 factions, the Terran republic(The galactic empire sorta thing, uses fast shooting ballistic weapons that does low damage per hit, strength in numbers), The New Conglomerate(Rebel scums, high damage and slow hitting bullet weapons, lotsa armor), and The Vanu Sovereignty ( Techno-zealots, frekin lasers, and no bullet drop.) are facing all-out war on 4 different continents. Amerish
    (Plains, trees, mountains), Esamir (Perma- frost land) , Hossin (Rumble in the Jungle), and Indar (Desert).

    *The picture above indicates the 4 available Continents, and the "noob" continent, Koltyr. Ignore the continent lock on Hossin.
    Planetside 2 is a game one of its kind, featuring an open-world MMOFPS, with hundreds, or even thousands of players fighting at once. The game also contains a mountain of guns, cosmetics, and more. There are many vehicles, from ESF(Empire specific fighters), The Galaxy(Trooper pooper), to the Flash ATV, and the Mobile spawn point, sunderer. The basic idea of "winning" is gaining bases, refining cortium (Note for later), to gain Victory points. When eventually enough VP is gained, the winning faction will gain a bonus buff, and the continent will be locked(Will restart after 2 other continents are conquered). There are many kinds of bases. and capturing special bases (Biolabs, chemlabs, T alloys), that when capped will also give you a buff (Passive health regen, lower vehicle costs, and etc).

    *A birds eye view of a base
    In total, there are 6 infantry classes in the game.
    -Light assault (Uses a jetpack, and a rocklet rifle for anti-vehicles)
    -Infiltrator(Can use the sniper/scout rifles, and go invisible)
    -Heavy assault(Has a toggleable overshields and are able to use rocket launchers)
    -Engineer(Can resupply troops with ammo, and build manned turrets)
    -Combat medic(Heals health, and revives dead people)
    -The MAX(Infantry mech, needs 450 resource points to summon, and uses dual hand MGs and cannons)

    *From left to right, Infiltrator, light assault, combat medic, engineer, heavy assault, and MAX.
    There are, in total,8 vehicles for all faction use, and 2 for each Empire-specific vehicles.
    Common-used Vehicles: (Note all of these vehicles is/can be armed)
    -The flash(2 man ATV)
    -The Harasser(3 man jeep)
    -The lightning(1 man light tank)
    -The sunderer(Mobile spawn truck)
    -The valkyrie (Attack chopper)
    -The liberator (Gunship)
    -The galaxy (Trooper transport)
    -The ANT( Used to build player bases)
    Then, for each respective Empire, there are a Tank, and a fighter, each dedicated to the style of the empires(mentioned above)
    Tank- Magrider (They see we floatin, they hatin)
    Fighter - The scythe (Looks like a starcraft thing,only ESF that can hover)
    Tank - Prowler (Why not have 2 barrels instead of 1?)
    Fighter - Mosquito (what is this thing get it off of me omg my health my sheids)
    Tank - Vanguard (cuz y not make a tank with an ability to go invincible for like some time)
    Fighter - Reaper (Why not have thrusters on all sides of this jet)

    *Some VS Magriders(left) and sunderers(right)
    To summon vehicles, you need Resource points, which will replenish overtime. Each vehicle costs different amount, and depends on what base your faction has captures, the price and regeneration rate varies.

    *TR soldiers with their ballistic weapons
    There are a CRAP ton of weapons in this game. I mean, 1 kind for each class (LMG for Heavy assault, snipers for Infiltrators) but there are still some shared weapons, such as SMGs, Battle Rifles, Carbines, and etc. Both the NC and the TR uses ballistic weapons, that uses BULLETS, so they have bullet drop. VS, on the other hand, uses lasers that has no bullet drop whatsoever, but instead uses a damage ramp off system. All pellets from all factions requires a travel time, so for long range shots you will need to lead your shots. There are also attachments for most guns, things such as scopes(Long range, short range, dot, thermo, etc.), silencers, flashlights(exposes cloaked infiltrators), ammunition(Slug for shotgun, soft point, and high velocity for others), laser attachment, underbarrel attachments(for specific weapons), handles, and more. Suit your own playstyle with a custom weapon that will get you kills, whether it is a mid-range battle rifle(my favorite), Close quarters face spammer, or a midrange carbine. You can also attach different weapons to vehicles! From the emotionally depressing lolpods(rocket pods for ESFs), to the PPA(plasma ball launcher) for farming infantry. Also, different modifications for each classes are available, different cloaks for infil, C4 for engineer and light assault, different jetpacks, and more. There are many choices out there. However, most weapons and customization costs cert points, which you will gain 1 from getting 250 XP. You can accumulate xp from killing people (120~ for each kill), defending/attacking bases (300~), and etc. This is where the grind comes in. To get decent stuff, you'll need to play a lot (THAT IS IF YOU DONT P2P).

    *Galaxy customization certifications, and weapon certs
    That is the end of the description, and if I forgot anything, please tell me to add it .(y)
    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    +Open-world MMOFPS, one of its kind.
    +Great variety of weapons and vehicles
    +I my self find it pretty fun.
    +Lots of players to socialize with
    +Somewhat decent community
    +Great to play with friends
    +Great mass battles, wars, and armored convoys. You won't see this anywhere else.
    ~And Adding!
    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    -EXTREMELY FARMY(Seriously)
    -Easy to die with like 50 guys around you shooting
    -Unbalanced weapons (lolpods)
    -Sometimes messed up server population (20% VS, 40% NC AND TR)
    -P2Progress and P2Look good
    -Depressingly repeatedly being farmed (if you cant kill a lot)
    Final Thoughts:
    It may have its flaws, but Planetside 2 is a great game, as stated many times, one of its kind. I suggest you to download, and try this game. Unlike other games, it will start out hard. But once you get better with the gameplay, you will find the joy of this game. The graphics are pretty nice, and the game is kinda CPU and Internet intense. In conclusion, great game, and, I strongly recommend this game to you. Just drop by and play a few bases, see how you do, and if you truly like this game, keep on playing it. The longer you play, the more rewarding. Thank you for reading this review!

    Please tell me any spelling, grammar, and content mistakes! (I wrote this late at night)

  23. Disagree
    Aegean reacted to Pepper in Green Text   
    >Aegean still can't awp
    >Though try as he may
    >He'll find me on top
    >As I one deag all day
  24. Like
    Aegean reacted to realBelloWaldi in I'm Done With League Of Legends   
    if ur gonna remove me on steam later on don't forget this meme ok
    idk what else to say but i made this
    [spoiler=here we go]

    Gyazo - 4c804c5eac3780147f1d53d327db3fbe.jpg
  25. Friendly
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    Sounds good, moving now