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  1. Sad
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Duke   
  2. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from jubens45 in Pepper - Counter-strike   
    -1 , Pepsi is better
  3. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Chrono in Pepper - Counter-strike   
    -1 , Pepsi is better
  4. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in This Was Going To Happen Eventually . . .   
    pussy little bitch, #populatecsgo #bleedpls #5min
  5. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rabid in Memebers And Staff Theme Songs   

  6. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in Xg - Active Management And Dead Divs   
    Alright let me give an opinion from my perspective. I'll preface it by saying that 1) This is a 100% honest opinion, thus I'm not holding anything back and not sugar coating the issue. 2)I don't know what I'll be writing, but if I target someone specifically, its not because I dislike you, but an issue I think needs addressing.
    TL;DR: The organization of staff is messed up, doesn't work, and needs to change.
    Back when Community Leaders was first implemented there were a lot of assumptions that were made. The first of which is that the CL's would essentially have a final say in most matter, except those that Silence would become involved in. This would be done by a 3/5ths vote, where at least 3 "Yes" votes would need to be obtained before any action taken. This worked well, and CL's had good communication.
    Obviously as of recent, actually the last... year, the communication has dropped completely. The CL's are supposed to ALL SEE the promo demo list before it is posted. I have no seen one it a long time. Yes, I have asked numerous times why I am no longer included in this list, but have not received one response from the other CL's. Apparently Dr. Lee is the only one that sees it as far as I know.
    If there is an issue in the clan guess who should deal with it - All the CL's. Guess who does deal with it - one or two CLs without any attempt to contact the other ones. Hmm doesn't sound like a very good group anymore huh?
    Also, I've sure many people have noticed only a few CLs actually put opinions on important issues on the forums (Diabeetus and I). Yes, Dr. Lee does chime in, but it seems that it can take forever to get responses from the rest of the CLs. I'm not saying im perfect on replying, but I do make an effort to respond in a timely fashion and think I do this for the most part.
    Not sure about the other CLs, but I highly doubt they take the effort to follow up on issues. Example: On Jul 17th Diabeetus posted a thread in admin discussion to follow up on Vector's change in ban. I responded same day, saying that there was a problem with the chain of command and I wasn't going to post my opinion until we figured out who is allowed to change bans, who is in charge, etc. Silence responded, and that was it until i followed up on the 23rd to see what was going to happen regarding the ban. Asked TF2 why they permed him. diabeetus responded, saying he was waiting for the other CLs opinions (fine with me). Dr. Lee finally responds on the 23rd. That was the extend of the thread. Nobody solved anything. I eventually talked a little more to vector to figure out more, and we wrapped up his side of the issue. Do the other CLs personally message people to solve issues? I highly doubt it. I rarely see anyone other than me or diabeetus actually do any work related to the CL position.
    Next issue.... what the hell was the reasoning behind removing leadership roles? Silence should be leader, nom developer (although what power you should have is a topic of debate, nothing against you hun just clarification needed), and MAYBE a CL position with people that have time to dedicate to the clan (Or 2 co leaders imo).
    Issue #72. COMMUNITY LEADERS NEED POWER FFS. Powers I don't have that make it hard to do a proper job:
    1) Teamspeak powers. I got locked out of my channel and couldn't do jack about it, what kind of sense does this make for a COMMUNITY LEADER not to have power in TS and solve issues immediately for people?
    2) The ability to use our forum powers and the ability to use our ball of mush inside our head to settle issues? It complete bs that we need to get the approval of john, bob, smitty, bojangles, tim, maryann and martha, my mom, his dad, and Obama's permission to do anything. DO YOU KNOW HOW EASY MY JOB WOULD BE IF PEOPLE WOULD TRUST ME TO MAKE A DECISION ON MY OWN.
    Issue #91. Activity in games from CL.
    I know we don't have the best activity in our active divisions. I mean division, TF2. But I would like to say at least i've made attempts to join and mingle. When dodgeball first opened i was on for a few times at least, and recently I popped on JB several times. I know it aint steller, but at least know im trying.
    Issue#92. Bias.
    There is so much Biasness in the leadership right now it isn't even funny. Whether or not people think I am I don't care, but just know that I dont give a fudge if your a friend of mine or not. I try my best to judge everyone with the same baseline.
    Anyway, rant over. Feel free to ask me questions, comment, hate on me, whatever.
  7. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Dethman in Xg - Active Management And Dead Divs   
    I took it that community leaders were like the highest thing. They look at some ban requests/protests and see if it was overdone or under done. They are an appeals court somewhat. They look at rules for other servers and see if they are fair or in the best interest (example the death threat rule) They make sure everything is done right on forums. They go onto all of the servers or at least the active ones and hangout, see the community they lead and based on that can make better rulings on stuff that impacts everyone or impacts certain divisions. Talk to people on servers and maybe observe how members act so they can come to a better conclusion on member protests or abuse reports. You know, be actual leaders and not just a forum admin.
    That is what I thoughts CLs were supposed to do.
  8. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Duke in Xg - Active Management And Dead Divs   
    They did but he left, they should make kbrazz a cl. and relook at the dls/dm's of tf2 and see how active they are since they make the choices of whos promed and such. Or make me a cl and let me show em how its done ;D
  9. Creative
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Bone in Why I Don't Draw   
    Couldn't sleep, decided I'd draw something... I haven't actually tried to draw something in about 2 years or so... Yeah

  10. Ding!
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Moosty in Xg - Active Management And Dead Divs   
    I've always said that community leaders are a pointless position. They were used to make xG seem more democratic(At least that's what it seemed like when it was started). The jobs CLs have now are the same as Co Leaders now that the leader rank is gone, except now they handle some of the old DL stuff too. CLs were supposed to allow there to be an opinion coming from every division. Right now THREE are from a dead division(CS:S), one from csgo, and then Nom and Silence. TF2 is the most popular division we have, so why do they basically have 1(2 including silence if he's still active with it) CL(s) to begin with? If the other CLs don't want to be active on TF2, make an active tf2 member a CL. That's the option that makes the most sense.
  11. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Flareon in Xg - Active Management And Dead Divs   
    why keep a division that is dead server wise and let the DL's and DM's keep their forum powers?
    The group is mostly Tf2 and MOBA.
    Pulling the plug on CS:GO would open up more resources for new divisions and other things, like moosty said.
  12. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rabid in Bring Back Cs:s Jailbreak. [serious Post, Please Read]   
    As much as I would like to see a cs:s jailbreak server again for the nostalgic effect, I'd rather not see it and rather see the clan put it toward something that would help it grow. Unfortunately for me I have matured to the point where if I even go into a jailbreak server i want to pull my hair out cause of the 13-16year olds yelling. I'm sure many of you would have the same problem if you have played the old JB
  13. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to jaygoki in Bring Back Cs:s Jailbreak. [serious Post, Please Read]   
    as much as I want this to happen I think Lithium is right. There just arent as many people playing CS:S anymore and if we did start the server again it would go back to being as populated as it was a few months before it was shut down. I feel like CS:GO jailbreak has a much better chance at being populated if at all
  14. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Lithium in Bring Back Cs:s Jailbreak. [serious Post, Please Read]   
    I don't think there's really a chance of bringing CS:S back at all, none of the "higher-ups" have really expressed any interest or care about it. CSGO JB'll be open very soon and then hopefully that'll bring in all the CSS JB people.
  15. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Leotekk in Yo Nig   
    noone fucking cares go kill yourself
  16. Sad
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Leotekk in ...   
    Even when we had a somewhat working hub, it wasn't that great. Hub was overrated.
  17. F!$k Off
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Leotekk in ...   
    I miss it, almost as much as I miss having a computer.
    In all seriousness, it was not gonna work out no matter how much we did. You can only do so much before it gets old. CSGO is where it's at, unless you want a tf2 (and Minecraft sorta) only clan
    Also, I blame @jubens45 for the fall of CS:S, almost as much as I blame him for 9/11 and the holocaust.
  18. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Insane in Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    from wat im reading u guys are all taking shots at each other, settle it down or im have to ban u all ;)
  19. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rejects in Strawberry Dragon - Team Fortress 2   
  20. Dislike
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Kypari in Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Ok then, I'll give you a reason.
    1. He hacks on servers.
    2. He BM's the shit out of people.
    3. He's the "shitpost king" of the forums
  21. Salty
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Flareon in Strawberry Dragon - Team Fortress 2   
    Close the thread @Rejects or @Ohstopyou since it was to get the higher ups attention about vixen's behavior.
  22. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to The_Unlit_Torch in Strawberry Dragon - Team Fortress 2   
  23. Informative
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in See Ya.   
    Tf2 may be more populated than CSS, but it loses its members 20 times faster
  24. Ding!
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from jaygoki in See Ya.   
    Tf2 may be more populated than CSS, but it loses its members 20 times faster
  25. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Jailbreak /ct Ban For Dummies.   
    Find someone who can code this thing together, or toss out a link to an existing version of this, because as great as this idea seems; it just isn't something that will happen without the aforementioned conditions being met.
    As previously mentioned by Shadowspy, the difficult part is finding someone who can piece this thing together without asking for anything in return. Hell, we couldn't even get hub up and running again on CS:S. #NeverForgetHub