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  1. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Sodium in CS:GO player 6v6   
    @Dannypicacho sorta brought it up when we had the 10 man composed solely of TF2 players, why not do the same sorta thing the other way around? a TF2 6v6 with only CS:GO players. to my knowledge this hasn't been done yet (unless I missed it in which case I'm gonna feel a bit foolish) and I feel like it would be as much of a success as the 10man, so lets try it out 
    should this be in CS:GO discussion?
  2. Furry
    jaygoki reacted to Genocide in CS:GO player 6v6   
    Have you met the TF2 Division yet?
  3. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Dannypicacho in CS:GO player 6v6   
    Yes please. Only problem is that the CSGO community is too much of a bitch to do it. The TF2 players who never play CS:GO willingly played the CSGO 10man because it was fun and had to deal with us laughing at them, so why don't we repay them so they can watch us play and laugh at us?
    Stop being pussies and agree to play, it's a free game.
    I'd totally be up to play one and destroy @Jaydow
  4. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to SegFault in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    All though I am a higher-up, I feel/felt the same way. I was not the child of an invisible promo but I have never seen the issue with them unless the community as a whole is finding an issue with it. I think its kind of like a see-saw. The higher-ups make a call and the community checks it, or the community makes the call and the higher-ups check it. I trust the other higher-ups and I trust the community. But @Ms.Spooks has just as valid a point about favoritism. Ultimately - personally, I feel silent promotions are an issue, but only if you don't have faith in the higher-ups to make the right call. 
  5. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from hongkongatron in CS:GO player 6v6   
    @Dannypicacho sorta brought it up when we had the 10 man composed solely of TF2 players, why not do the same sorta thing the other way around? a TF2 6v6 with only CS:GO players. to my knowledge this hasn't been done yet (unless I missed it in which case I'm gonna feel a bit foolish) and I feel like it would be as much of a success as the 10man, so lets try it out 
    should this be in CS:GO discussion?
  6. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from SegFault in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    I feel like even if community +/-1s on staff applications were taken into account on whether or not someone were to be accepted as a staff member (read: someone that got all -1s on an app was rejected whether the higher-ups wanted it or not), I would still be trusting of them to promote staff without the community's input. I trust Lithium (and bleed?*) to accept staff that will do good for the server, even if there is someone that disapproves of them being promoted. He's been around long enough that he knows whether or not someone will be a good staff member and actively improve the servers, or vice versa.
    *idk if bleed is still sectioned off into strictly CS promotions or not
  7. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Aegean in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    I feel like even if community +/-1s on staff applications were taken into account on whether or not someone were to be accepted as a staff member (read: someone that got all -1s on an app was rejected whether the higher-ups wanted it or not), I would still be trusting of them to promote staff without the community's input. I trust Lithium (and bleed?*) to accept staff that will do good for the server, even if there is someone that disapproves of them being promoted. He's been around long enough that he knows whether or not someone will be a good staff member and actively improve the servers, or vice versa.
    *idk if bleed is still sectioned off into strictly CS promotions or not
  8. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Tekk in CS:GO player 6v6   
    @Dannypicacho sorta brought it up when we had the 10 man composed solely of TF2 players, why not do the same sorta thing the other way around? a TF2 6v6 with only CS:GO players. to my knowledge this hasn't been done yet (unless I missed it in which case I'm gonna feel a bit foolish) and I feel like it would be as much of a success as the 10man, so lets try it out 
    should this be in CS:GO discussion?
  9. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in CS:GO player 6v6   
    @Dannypicacho sorta brought it up when we had the 10 man composed solely of TF2 players, why not do the same sorta thing the other way around? a TF2 6v6 with only CS:GO players. to my knowledge this hasn't been done yet (unless I missed it in which case I'm gonna feel a bit foolish) and I feel like it would be as much of a success as the 10man, so lets try it out 
    should this be in CS:GO discussion?
  10. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Aegean in Halloween Costumes?   
    You can get dressed while on candy duty fam
  11. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Tatost in Hello again.   
    bring back the css div, please
  12. Winner
    jaygoki reacted to Chrono in Hello again.   
    meet me on css kiddo ill show you unfriendly
  13. Winner
    jaygoki reacted to LeToucan in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    To put a little perspective on how these "silent promotions" work, here's how the promotion / demotion process works for higher ups. It varies a bit from division to division, but it's in general the same.
    A thread/discussion is created for promotions and demotions All prospective (Both members that have applied and not applied) staff are discussed thoroughly All higher ups of the division get input All community managers/Aegean can see all discussion Feedback must be valid, and is under scrutiny of all higher ups, including CMs/CLs (CSGO exclusive?) Goes through chat logs to see how they interact when staff is not available Use GameME to see activity on servers Higher ups come to a unanimous decision After discussion, approval goes to CMs We almost never disagree upon decisions, I honestly cant remember the last time we rejected someone If the prospective staff hasn't applied, they should be contacted to see if they would accept the position To my knowledge, this hasn't always been followed, but we will certainly follow up with higher ups to ensure that this happens In addition, +1/-1 on a staff application is not entirely representative of if someone will be promoted. We appreciate your feedback, but someone who receives all +1s is not guaranteed to get staff, just as someone who receives majority -1s is not guaranteed to not get staff. Everything is always taken on a case by case basis. Getting "Chummy" with higher ups is not necessarily a way to get staff (see @Jaydow CSGO Division Manager position). I can safely say that there's nothing more annoying than someone asking for staff, and they almost never get promoted any time soon. Obviously, getting to know higher ups is going to get you promoted quicker, as they'll know you better. Honestly, that's life, anyone who's been working before knows that the better relationship you have with your boss, you're probably going to get promoted quicker. This also assumes that you deserve to be promoted, as I've gotten to know people better and realized "Wow, I'll never promote that guy" before, even when I like them as a person.
    As for bad staff, staff are held to a high standard. Of course, you learn through mistakes, and our staff are people too. But for example, toxicity and abuse will never be tolerated, and its quiet easy to remove staff that don't deserve powers. Anyone can post a staff abuse thread, and demotions can occur without a staff abuse thread. I've found that many times that people don't want another person to be staff hasn't actually been due to if the person does or doesn't deserve staff, but more personal vendettas against one another.
    Edit: I'll also be moving this to General, as this applies to all divisions
  14. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Crona in Suggestions Thread   
    Sorry if this would be difficult to change, but we REALLY need to have the afk manager only move people to spectate in the very beginning of the round. During talent days and other people are going, I try to use the time to set up my audio to record my guitar or keyboard, but then I get moved to spectate along with everyone attempting to google a joke.
  15. Boring
    jaygoki reacted to Brady1780 in Brian   
    This kid looks so toxic and he even said he still finds this shit funny so what would stop him from having "F U N" again
  16. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from SegFault in loftydrum   
    model member of xg (minus the furries/"degenerates" -danny), would make a very welcome addition to the staff team
  17. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from SyrixCoffeeWolf in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    if it were able to stay civil and actually a discussion/debate rather than hurling insults at each other I'd fully support it but as everyone else has said that's obviously not what would be happening
  18. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from Red in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    if it were able to stay civil and actually a discussion/debate rather than hurling insults at each other I'd fully support it but as everyone else has said that's obviously not what would be happening
  19. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Chrono in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    Politics is something that should be encouraged as healthy discussion and or debate. with that in mind however look at your audience and tell me honestly that there would be healthy discussion and or debate instead of "no you're fucking stupid you libtard cuck" "i bet you suck trumps dick too". While I am all for discussing politics in a proper way, I don't see that in really any gaming community save for oddly specific communities I used to play in. (=]H[= back in the Project Reality for BF2 Days where members had to be verified as 21 and above and go through heavy in game and ventrillo scrutiny is one that comes to mind)
    for proof why politics is not a thing that should ever happen in xG, read the above posts from brady frosty and lan
  20. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Sodium in loftydrum   
    model member of xg (minus the furries/"degenerates" -danny), would make a very welcome addition to the staff team
  21. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from hongkongatron in loftydrum   
    model member of xg (minus the furries/"degenerates" -danny), would make a very welcome addition to the staff team
  22. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Topaz in loftydrum   
    model member of xg (minus the furries/"degenerates" -danny), would make a very welcome addition to the staff team
  23. Feels Bad Man
    jaygoki reacted to Chrono in loftydrum   
    -1 we only allow people with nintendo character names that can make it to smash to be mod.
  24. Winner
    jaygoki reacted to Dannypicacho in loftydrum   
    @Brady1780 @BullseyeX @Genocide @Darrth you guys are the reason shit people get member because y'all don't leave proper vouches
    +1 to demoting these guys
    also brady wtf do you mean demote bot, @JuannabeGod hasn't been on in months and in the last half a year has been on a total of like <20 hours
    Anyways, Waluigi definitely knows the rules. He was out first ever member after the great revival of xG csgo, and has learned a lot and knows rules. He would make a good addition to the staff roster, and I don't mind the size of it since jailbreak is absolute aids without staff on.
    +1 for xG:M Waluigi
  25. Ding!
    jaygoki got a reaction from Hg2CI2 in Clouds   
    clouds isn't really a bad map, people just get annoyed because they don't know how to get people through the portals without t's rebelling (although I will admit it is a bit tedious to do the whole run through the portal and freeze bit). merging cell block and the rest of the map would just be a QoL change rather than fixing a bad map