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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Suggestion For Unban Challenge   
  2. Ding!
    Forest reacted to realBelloWaldi in Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Hello!??????? Why are you making decisions by yourself again? At least wait for @Sesh to give his side of the story.
  3. Agree
    Forest reacted to Hanney in How Do I Code   
    Google is your best friend
  4. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Change The Application System   
    As a new note to tack on to my post, as clearly myself nor others seem to have really seen/known about that (I didn't and I would presume aegean/virr didn't as they were talking about vouch requirement in the afformentioned member app.) it would seem this post is a moot point since even counting the -1, he reached the 5 +1 necessary which also included a DM, DL, or CL in Virr's vouch.
  5. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from virr in Change The Application System   
    Maybe if you people stopped +1'ing for them being cool, we wouldn't have this situation ###Trigger
    Jokes aside, was something like this really discussed by the Higher-Ups; and if so.. Why? There seems to be a stupid amount of speculation here, but given that it's such a monumental change, it should not have just slipped under the radar. At the very least, a public announcement should have been made in say, the xG News section (assuming it wasn't).
    That being said, I'm in the same boat with the other oldies. As far as I'm concerned, as an ex-Division Manager, -1s always influenced a Member Application and the collective unspoken rule was that it took away from the total +1s of any given Member Submission. Though I agree whole-heartedly with the thread; if it's causing a rift between the Higher-Ups then something regarding -1s should definitely be written in stone in the Member Submission Guidelines.
    Semi-related note: Higher-Ups, for the love of God, update and fix that shit . It's full of inconsistencies and contradictions. There's literally an xG News thread that effectively re-orders how vouching works for Divisions ("Global vouches") and yet the 'MSG' still reflects the outdated protocol. Mind you, this is assuming that announcement wasn't scrapped, although even then another xG News thread should have been made to clarify that. Also, just as a suggestion, y'all should make/sticky a thread in Admin Discussion (or even in General, stickied/closed) that includes time stamps for all major changes (as well as by whomever made the change) for reference as opposed to editing something into the applicable thread. Paper trails are great to have, but it sort of clutters up the thread if you continue adding these changelogs (IE. "change for X has been put into effect as of Y by Z") one by one and this would make it 1000x easier for anyone to determine when a change was made and by who (one thread to refer to for all major changes as opposed to having to dig through varying threads)
    As always, this is just personal opinion.
  6. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Change The Application System   
    For those not paying attention:
    A while back OhStopYou said that -1 on a member app did not count because he claims he "heard it from higher ups" (who knows where he heard it, or if he made it up. yolo.), however prior to that everyone that was a Division Leader (and then DM/DL after it was decided to "split" the responsibilities) had always operated under the pretext that if there was a -1 on an application, that it would count as long as it posed actual context to why they were giving a -1, same with a +1 (hence why forest made the whole thing with activity and maturity ratings to give a simple short note of why you gave your vouch.)
    At this point there was a medium sized thread in the admin discussion that was confused on this topic, as far as I remember, if current DM/DL/CL/C wanted to, they could go back and screenshot the thread in there where it was "discussed" and essentially verified that yes all vouches count be it +1 or -1 as long as they have proper context therefore a simple post containing this: "+1" or "-1" would mean literally nothing, only posts that followed the format "+1 A: X M: X" or in sentence/descriptive form counted.
    This then continued Business as Usual until now where this thread was made because Silence, being the monster that he is, does what he wants really regardless of what the community says/thinks as long as it is something he wants to do (very hard to change his mind.) decided to accept this member submission, after receiving 6 +1 vouches and 1 -1 vouch. totaling out at 5 +1 vouches, for a forum application which previous precedent, Hanney had applied under and was accepted with 6 +1 vouches. however in the case of Hanney, the only game she plays with xG is League of Legends and then whatever meme of the month game is next, she does not play on any of xG's official divisions where we control servers, and instead operated mostly on teamspeak.
    IMO this should have been treated as said in the thread in question, as a TF2 member submission and follow those vouch requirements, since squid is 99% a TF2 player, it is unknown to me if he actually plays on the other divs/games but his previous submission was from TF2 (until the day comes where you just generically apply for xG which is what it should be at this point with the blending of divisions that has taken place more-so recently.)
    Obviously he is now a member, and I am not condoning revoking his membership after the fact, but merely to review the case and set a future precedent.
  7. Funny
    Forest reacted to serbiansnaga in School Time Fun Time   
    no one cares
  8. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Proposal For Old Threads In 'latest'.   
    The topics don't have to relate to gaming, I want to encourage discussion about anything and everything :)
  9. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Warriorsfury in Chronosknight - Minecraft   
    There's a special place in hell for people like you
  10. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from Aegean in User-friendliness   
    It's completely in your guys' hands, I just wanted to raise my concerns regarding a user-friendlier experience. As long as there is clarity in some shape or form that will make a new user's experience here at the forums a more pleasant one, I'm all for it :D
  11. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Tatost in User-friendliness   
    So, this is just a thought on the matter (and it never really occurred to me before), though I feel that it would be an improvement of sorts. This thread really only pertains to Players who have a grievance or are otherwise looking to report or are experiencing issues with anything xG related.
    With that in mind, consider the following:
    Imagine you are a disgruntled player. You're experiencing issues with the Server, or you've noticed that a function on the Server isn't entirely working properly. For the intents and purposes of this thread, lets just say that the typical gamer will either do one of three things:
    1) Approach a Staff Member on the Server
    2) Start a discussion or comment on Xeno Gamers' official Steam Group
    3) Head to www.xenogamers.com for assistance in troubleshooting
    Now, both 1 and 2 are incredibly straight forward, ask the Staff Member for help or comment (post a discussion) on the Steam Group, the latter being laid-out in a relatively easy to understand way. However, I've noticed that our site isn't exactly user-friendly. Let's say that I'm unfamiliar with the site; I've never used it before and this is the first time I've accessed it. First and foremost, there is a lot of information to take in upon first loading up the site that I guarantee the average new player would not be interested in.
    Generally speaking, a new player will [typically] come to the site for one of two things: to become a Member, or to report a problem or issue they are having.
    For users who are looking for Membership, it's a given that their first click (assuming they're registered) will most likely be in accessing the 'Applications' section, so this isn't a major problem. However, for a user experiencing problems, there isn't much else.
    The first thing that I (both personally and as a "new Member" with a problem) would be comfortable seeing is a simple means of communication, a way to quickly inquire about something. Namely, the Shout box. Unfortunately, this is no where to be seen until the user accesses the 'Forums' section of the site, so that's no longer an option; and with no way of knowing it exists, the experience becomes a rather negative one. The second thing I would look for, would be some sort of Troubleshooting heading, link, or what-have-you. Again, this is no where to be seen. At this point, the user is left with a very diverse (and somewhat intimidating) home-landing page. That being said, some players will post the problems they are having in the General section, though I honestly feel that there should be a section strictly for General Troubleshooting or Problem Areas as it would make things considerably easier for new users to navigate. On top of that, Higher-Ups could Sticky 'common issues' for particular Divisions/Servers for players to refer to.
    As someone who regularly deals with user-friendly environments (literally part of what I do at work), I feel that something could be improved here. With that said, I do have a few suggestions that I believe may improve the user-friendly aspect of the forums.
    [spoiler=1. Tutorial]
    Yes, I quite literally mean a tutorial in the form of a video. A short but detailed video can greatly improve a new user's experience on the site. This could be in any shape or form, something that prompts immediately when someone who is unregistered (or otherwise not logged in) accesses the site. The video could potentially consist of a simple image of the landing that progresses through a brief description for each heading/section (IE. pop-out 'Applications', include caption: Includes forms for Member/Staff Submission as well as reports for Abusive Staff or Members). It doesn't even have to be a video, this is completely up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    [spoiler=2. Reorganization]
    A reorganization of the forums that includes the Shoutbox to appear on the landing page. Alternatively, reorganizing the 'Applications' section into two separate headers; one labelled 'Applications' the other labelled 'Problem Reports'. Needless to say, Applications would consist of Member Submission, Staff Submission, etc. Problem Reports would consist of forms for Member Protest, Report Abuse, etc. Naming conventions would be up to the Higher-Ups.
    This is merely a concern from my perspective and as such should only be treated as an opinion. Though I would like to see if anyone else feels that the forums (or at the least, the landing page) could be laid out in a more user-friendly way (not implying it isn't, just that it could be improved on).
    Thoughts? Concerns? Suggestions? Leave em' below. :coffee:
    This stupidly long post is brought to you by Forest, the nagging collective of nature.
  12. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from lilbleed in User-friendliness   
    So, this is just a thought on the matter (and it never really occurred to me before), though I feel that it would be an improvement of sorts. This thread really only pertains to Players who have a grievance or are otherwise looking to report or are experiencing issues with anything xG related.
    With that in mind, consider the following:
    Imagine you are a disgruntled player. You're experiencing issues with the Server, or you've noticed that a function on the Server isn't entirely working properly. For the intents and purposes of this thread, lets just say that the typical gamer will either do one of three things:
    1) Approach a Staff Member on the Server
    2) Start a discussion or comment on Xeno Gamers' official Steam Group
    3) Head to www.xenogamers.com for assistance in troubleshooting
    Now, both 1 and 2 are incredibly straight forward, ask the Staff Member for help or comment (post a discussion) on the Steam Group, the latter being laid-out in a relatively easy to understand way. However, I've noticed that our site isn't exactly user-friendly. Let's say that I'm unfamiliar with the site; I've never used it before and this is the first time I've accessed it. First and foremost, there is a lot of information to take in upon first loading up the site that I guarantee the average new player would not be interested in.
    Generally speaking, a new player will [typically] come to the site for one of two things: to become a Member, or to report a problem or issue they are having.
    For users who are looking for Membership, it's a given that their first click (assuming they're registered) will most likely be in accessing the 'Applications' section, so this isn't a major problem. However, for a user experiencing problems, there isn't much else.
    The first thing that I (both personally and as a "new Member" with a problem) would be comfortable seeing is a simple means of communication, a way to quickly inquire about something. Namely, the Shout box. Unfortunately, this is no where to be seen until the user accesses the 'Forums' section of the site, so that's no longer an option; and with no way of knowing it exists, the experience becomes a rather negative one. The second thing I would look for, would be some sort of Troubleshooting heading, link, or what-have-you. Again, this is no where to be seen. At this point, the user is left with a very diverse (and somewhat intimidating) home-landing page. That being said, some players will post the problems they are having in the General section, though I honestly feel that there should be a section strictly for General Troubleshooting or Problem Areas as it would make things considerably easier for new users to navigate. On top of that, Higher-Ups could Sticky 'common issues' for particular Divisions/Servers for players to refer to.
    As someone who regularly deals with user-friendly environments (literally part of what I do at work), I feel that something could be improved here. With that said, I do have a few suggestions that I believe may improve the user-friendly aspect of the forums.
    [spoiler=1. Tutorial]
    Yes, I quite literally mean a tutorial in the form of a video. A short but detailed video can greatly improve a new user's experience on the site. This could be in any shape or form, something that prompts immediately when someone who is unregistered (or otherwise not logged in) accesses the site. The video could potentially consist of a simple image of the landing that progresses through a brief description for each heading/section (IE. pop-out 'Applications', include caption: Includes forms for Member/Staff Submission as well as reports for Abusive Staff or Members). It doesn't even have to be a video, this is completely up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    [spoiler=2. Reorganization]
    A reorganization of the forums that includes the Shoutbox to appear on the landing page. Alternatively, reorganizing the 'Applications' section into two separate headers; one labelled 'Applications' the other labelled 'Problem Reports'. Needless to say, Applications would consist of Member Submission, Staff Submission, etc. Problem Reports would consist of forms for Member Protest, Report Abuse, etc. Naming conventions would be up to the Higher-Ups.
    This is merely a concern from my perspective and as such should only be treated as an opinion. Though I would like to see if anyone else feels that the forums (or at the least, the landing page) could be laid out in a more user-friendly way (not implying it isn't, just that it could be improved on).
    Thoughts? Concerns? Suggestions? Leave em' below. :coffee:
    This stupidly long post is brought to you by Forest, the nagging collective of nature.
  13. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Aegean in Proposal For Old Threads In 'latest'.   
    Not so sure it's worth going through the trouble of implementing anything over something that seems so minor and trivial.
    Though it is worth noting that this is a Gaming Community, so it makes sense that sections related to 'Music' or 'Drawing' are dead, and honestly I don't really see that as a problem. The only reason they're there is to provide an outlet should anyone feel like posting specifics.
    If anything, I would just consider removing them altogether or just merging them (remove specifics like MS Paint, Sprays, and keep Drawings). Reason being that the 'General' section is a section for practically anything in general, which can include [but is not limited to] drawing, music and the like. Sort of makes the existence of any other specific section moot in a way. I mean, I would go so far as to say that the General section makes up the majority of activity and threads to begin with. But even then, I see no reason to remove those sections as they aren't really doing any harm; at the most, they encourage people to share their opinions/thoughts on topics outside of the whole gaming spectrum.
    Aside from that, I don't really see the need/benefit to promote sections that don't exactly pertain to Xeno Gamers as a whole, especially if they don't receive any attention to begin with. As previously mentioned, the existence of those sections is purely for convenience. The attention/resources could be better spent on higher priorities like Servers, Social Media, YouTube, etc. If grave digging is the problem here, then just implement a small rule stating that it doesn't apply to 'Creative' sections of the Forums.
    EDIT: apologies in advance for this long-ass post, I swear it wasn't supposed to be this long :coffee:
  14. Like
    Forest reacted to Aegean in User-friendliness   
    Hey man I appreciate the post, always love getting thought out suggestions from you. I'm at work currently but I'll look indepth tonight and give you a response. I do agree with us needing an easier way for new registered users on the forums to know where they can direct their problems. I can make a guide and have it linked and shown in a way that is clear to new users.
  15. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in User-friendliness   
    So, this is just a thought on the matter (and it never really occurred to me before), though I feel that it would be an improvement of sorts. This thread really only pertains to Players who have a grievance or are otherwise looking to report or are experiencing issues with anything xG related.
    With that in mind, consider the following:
    Imagine you are a disgruntled player. You're experiencing issues with the Server, or you've noticed that a function on the Server isn't entirely working properly. For the intents and purposes of this thread, lets just say that the typical gamer will either do one of three things:
    1) Approach a Staff Member on the Server
    2) Start a discussion or comment on Xeno Gamers' official Steam Group
    3) Head to www.xenogamers.com for assistance in troubleshooting
    Now, both 1 and 2 are incredibly straight forward, ask the Staff Member for help or comment (post a discussion) on the Steam Group, the latter being laid-out in a relatively easy to understand way. However, I've noticed that our site isn't exactly user-friendly. Let's say that I'm unfamiliar with the site; I've never used it before and this is the first time I've accessed it. First and foremost, there is a lot of information to take in upon first loading up the site that I guarantee the average new player would not be interested in.
    Generally speaking, a new player will [typically] come to the site for one of two things: to become a Member, or to report a problem or issue they are having.
    For users who are looking for Membership, it's a given that their first click (assuming they're registered) will most likely be in accessing the 'Applications' section, so this isn't a major problem. However, for a user experiencing problems, there isn't much else.
    The first thing that I (both personally and as a "new Member" with a problem) would be comfortable seeing is a simple means of communication, a way to quickly inquire about something. Namely, the Shout box. Unfortunately, this is no where to be seen until the user accesses the 'Forums' section of the site, so that's no longer an option; and with no way of knowing it exists, the experience becomes a rather negative one. The second thing I would look for, would be some sort of Troubleshooting heading, link, or what-have-you. Again, this is no where to be seen. At this point, the user is left with a very diverse (and somewhat intimidating) home-landing page. That being said, some players will post the problems they are having in the General section, though I honestly feel that there should be a section strictly for General Troubleshooting or Problem Areas as it would make things considerably easier for new users to navigate. On top of that, Higher-Ups could Sticky 'common issues' for particular Divisions/Servers for players to refer to.
    As someone who regularly deals with user-friendly environments (literally part of what I do at work), I feel that something could be improved here. With that said, I do have a few suggestions that I believe may improve the user-friendly aspect of the forums.
    [spoiler=1. Tutorial]
    Yes, I quite literally mean a tutorial in the form of a video. A short but detailed video can greatly improve a new user's experience on the site. This could be in any shape or form, something that prompts immediately when someone who is unregistered (or otherwise not logged in) accesses the site. The video could potentially consist of a simple image of the landing that progresses through a brief description for each heading/section (IE. pop-out 'Applications', include caption: Includes forms for Member/Staff Submission as well as reports for Abusive Staff or Members). It doesn't even have to be a video, this is completely up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    [spoiler=2. Reorganization]
    A reorganization of the forums that includes the Shoutbox to appear on the landing page. Alternatively, reorganizing the 'Applications' section into two separate headers; one labelled 'Applications' the other labelled 'Problem Reports'. Needless to say, Applications would consist of Member Submission, Staff Submission, etc. Problem Reports would consist of forms for Member Protest, Report Abuse, etc. Naming conventions would be up to the Higher-Ups.
    This is merely a concern from my perspective and as such should only be treated as an opinion. Though I would like to see if anyone else feels that the forums (or at the least, the landing page) could be laid out in a more user-friendly way (not implying it isn't, just that it could be improved on).
    Thoughts? Concerns? Suggestions? Leave em' below. :coffee:
    This stupidly long post is brought to you by Forest, the nagging collective of nature.
  16. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Tatost in Chronosknight - Minecraft   
    There's a special place in hell for people like you
  17. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Chronosknight - Minecraft   
    There's a special place in hell for people like you
  18. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Aegean in Member Berries   
    I remember <3 @KingJ @BillyMays @trifdign @Mad_Scientist @SKYDADDY
  19. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Bad Person?   
    You took a step into the online world, aka the Internet.
    Not to sound rude as that is not my intention, but when you're surfing the web or posting your opinion, thoughts, or what-have-you online, you're opening the door to random people around the world and you need to prepare yourself. People won't always agree, people won't always react with good intentions, and people will purposely respond in a way just to get a rise out of you. Long story short, the Internet isn't a very friendly place. The best way to cope with it is to accept that fact and to not let anyone get under your skin. The thing with being online is that it's nearly impossible to tell when someone is being genuine, sincere, sarcastic, etc; so take everything with a grain of salt and especially don't take anything personally. The worst thing you can do is accept what other people say as fact when it is merely their opinion.
    If you feel that you're being harassed or are otherwise uncomfortable on the forums (or even in Servers), I implore you to seek the aid of a CM or CL to talk about it. Our CMs/CLs are very receptive and can help in any way that they can. But do keep in mind that more often than not, this is just something you need to learn from first-hand experience. Don't let people get to you, and don't let what people say or do define who you are as a person :coffee:
  20. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Vertex in Regarding The Calladmin Plugin   
    Just going to take the time here to tell everyone to calm down. Jesus, I haven't taken the time to look at the responses until now, and I see absolutely no reason for anyone to berate or otherwise respond in such a negative way to anyone. The intention of this thread was to discuss a possible alternative that would be mutually beneficial to both the Staff as well as the Player; that's all. Additionally, and I can't speak for Stickz, but is it a crime to want to improve our numbers by lowering the ban rate for trivial things? I see nothing but good intentions from Stickz, and yet it's all being treated in a ridiculously hostile way by the majority of those posting here.
    This has all but been lost in translation, but the reasoning behind this was to support Players who would like a Staff Member on the Server then and there (from my perspective of posting this thread). Players who are otherwise disgruntled or frustrated are far more likely to abuse the system, but for good intentions; should they really be punished by being banned for a day for it? I get that it can be a nuisance to have to deal with spam in Steam due to the nature of the plugin, I really do, but when it comes down to it, is a day ban for alerting Staff really a good means to an end? A day ban doesn't seem like much to any of us, and I can guarantee that it certainly appears to be nothing to Staff, but do keep in mind that the Playerbase for TF2 does consist of a large number of younger Players; and I can almost guarantee that a good chunk of them will do whatever they can to play the game (on our Servers) or to otherwise enjoy it. I'm not ruling out the possibility of those who abuse the command for shits and giggles, but I just don't see how a minor inconvenience for Staff (messages in Steam) warrants a day ban; especially when it doesn't influence the Server environment to begin with.
    At this point, it's clear that it's just wishful thinking on my part; but again, this was merely a suggestion that I thought should [at the very least] be considered. That being said, I'd like to #RequestClose this thread before it devolves any further as it has been poorly received and I see no reason to keep something up that is resulting in such turmoil.
  21. Dislike
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Regarding The Calladmin Plugin   
    Just going to take the time here to tell everyone to calm down. Jesus, I haven't taken the time to look at the responses until now, and I see absolutely no reason for anyone to berate or otherwise respond in such a negative way to anyone. The intention of this thread was to discuss a possible alternative that would be mutually beneficial to both the Staff as well as the Player; that's all. Additionally, and I can't speak for Stickz, but is it a crime to want to improve our numbers by lowering the ban rate for trivial things? I see nothing but good intentions from Stickz, and yet it's all being treated in a ridiculously hostile way by the majority of those posting here.
    This has all but been lost in translation, but the reasoning behind this was to support Players who would like a Staff Member on the Server then and there (from my perspective of posting this thread). Players who are otherwise disgruntled or frustrated are far more likely to abuse the system, but for good intentions; should they really be punished by being banned for a day for it? I get that it can be a nuisance to have to deal with spam in Steam due to the nature of the plugin, I really do, but when it comes down to it, is a day ban for alerting Staff really a good means to an end? A day ban doesn't seem like much to any of us, and I can guarantee that it certainly appears to be nothing to Staff, but do keep in mind that the Playerbase for TF2 does consist of a large number of younger Players; and I can almost guarantee that a good chunk of them will do whatever they can to play the game (on our Servers) or to otherwise enjoy it. I'm not ruling out the possibility of those who abuse the command for shits and giggles, but I just don't see how a minor inconvenience for Staff (messages in Steam) warrants a day ban; especially when it doesn't influence the Server environment to begin with.
    At this point, it's clear that it's just wishful thinking on my part; but again, this was merely a suggestion that I thought should [at the very least] be considered. That being said, I'd like to #RequestClose this thread before it devolves any further as it has been poorly received and I see no reason to keep something up that is resulting in such turmoil.
  22. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Regarding The Calladmin Plugin   
    Just going to take the time here to tell everyone to calm down. Jesus, I haven't taken the time to look at the responses until now, and I see absolutely no reason for anyone to berate or otherwise respond in such a negative way to anyone. The intention of this thread was to discuss a possible alternative that would be mutually beneficial to both the Staff as well as the Player; that's all. Additionally, and I can't speak for Stickz, but is it a crime to want to improve our numbers by lowering the ban rate for trivial things? I see nothing but good intentions from Stickz, and yet it's all being treated in a ridiculously hostile way by the majority of those posting here.
    This has all but been lost in translation, but the reasoning behind this was to support Players who would like a Staff Member on the Server then and there (from my perspective of posting this thread). Players who are otherwise disgruntled or frustrated are far more likely to abuse the system, but for good intentions; should they really be punished by being banned for a day for it? I get that it can be a nuisance to have to deal with spam in Steam due to the nature of the plugin, I really do, but when it comes down to it, is a day ban for alerting Staff really a good means to an end? A day ban doesn't seem like much to any of us, and I can guarantee that it certainly appears to be nothing to Staff, but do keep in mind that the Playerbase for TF2 does consist of a large number of younger Players; and I can almost guarantee that a good chunk of them will do whatever they can to play the game (on our Servers) or to otherwise enjoy it. I'm not ruling out the possibility of those who abuse the command for shits and giggles, but I just don't see how a minor inconvenience for Staff (messages in Steam) warrants a day ban; especially when it doesn't influence the Server environment to begin with.
    At this point, it's clear that it's just wishful thinking on my part; but again, this was merely a suggestion that I thought should [at the very least] be considered. That being said, I'd like to #RequestClose this thread before it devolves any further as it has been poorly received and I see no reason to keep something up that is resulting in such turmoil.
  23. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Regarding The Calladmin Plugin   
    Just going to take the time here to tell everyone to calm down. Jesus, I haven't taken the time to look at the responses until now, and I see absolutely no reason for anyone to berate or otherwise respond in such a negative way to anyone. The intention of this thread was to discuss a possible alternative that would be mutually beneficial to both the Staff as well as the Player; that's all. Additionally, and I can't speak for Stickz, but is it a crime to want to improve our numbers by lowering the ban rate for trivial things? I see nothing but good intentions from Stickz, and yet it's all being treated in a ridiculously hostile way by the majority of those posting here.
    This has all but been lost in translation, but the reasoning behind this was to support Players who would like a Staff Member on the Server then and there (from my perspective of posting this thread). Players who are otherwise disgruntled or frustrated are far more likely to abuse the system, but for good intentions; should they really be punished by being banned for a day for it? I get that it can be a nuisance to have to deal with spam in Steam due to the nature of the plugin, I really do, but when it comes down to it, is a day ban for alerting Staff really a good means to an end? A day ban doesn't seem like much to any of us, and I can guarantee that it certainly appears to be nothing to Staff, but do keep in mind that the Playerbase for TF2 does consist of a large number of younger Players; and I can almost guarantee that a good chunk of them will do whatever they can to play the game (on our Servers) or to otherwise enjoy it. I'm not ruling out the possibility of those who abuse the command for shits and giggles, but I just don't see how a minor inconvenience for Staff (messages in Steam) warrants a day ban; especially when it doesn't influence the Server environment to begin with.
    At this point, it's clear that it's just wishful thinking on my part; but again, this was merely a suggestion that I thought should [at the very least] be considered. That being said, I'd like to #RequestClose this thread before it devolves any further as it has been poorly received and I see no reason to keep something up that is resulting in such turmoil.
  24. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding The Calladmin Plugin   
    Just going to take the time here to tell everyone to calm down. Jesus, I haven't taken the time to look at the responses until now, and I see absolutely no reason for anyone to berate or otherwise respond in such a negative way to anyone. The intention of this thread was to discuss a possible alternative that would be mutually beneficial to both the Staff as well as the Player; that's all. Additionally, and I can't speak for Stickz, but is it a crime to want to improve our numbers by lowering the ban rate for trivial things? I see nothing but good intentions from Stickz, and yet it's all being treated in a ridiculously hostile way by the majority of those posting here.
    This has all but been lost in translation, but the reasoning behind this was to support Players who would like a Staff Member on the Server then and there (from my perspective of posting this thread). Players who are otherwise disgruntled or frustrated are far more likely to abuse the system, but for good intentions; should they really be punished by being banned for a day for it? I get that it can be a nuisance to have to deal with spam in Steam due to the nature of the plugin, I really do, but when it comes down to it, is a day ban for alerting Staff really a good means to an end? A day ban doesn't seem like much to any of us, and I can guarantee that it certainly appears to be nothing to Staff, but do keep in mind that the Playerbase for TF2 does consist of a large number of younger Players; and I can almost guarantee that a good chunk of them will do whatever they can to play the game (on our Servers) or to otherwise enjoy it. I'm not ruling out the possibility of those who abuse the command for shits and giggles, but I just don't see how a minor inconvenience for Staff (messages in Steam) warrants a day ban; especially when it doesn't influence the Server environment to begin with.
    At this point, it's clear that it's just wishful thinking on my part; but again, this was merely a suggestion that I thought should [at the very least] be considered. That being said, I'd like to #RequestClose this thread before it devolves any further as it has been poorly received and I see no reason to keep something up that is resulting in such turmoil.
  25. Creative
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in (slight Forum Game?) Random Ads   
    I made up this thread to share the weird ads shown on xG.

    Have any more? Post them on this thread!