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  1. Agree
    Forest reacted to Vector in Matsi   
    guys go easy on him. it looks like he's new to the website and maybe even servers so he doesn't know exactly what the up and up is. He saw something he thought was bad and reported it no need to jump down his throat.
  2. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Should Impulse Leave Xg   
    I'm sorry to be the one to say this, but no matter where you go, you are going to be disliked regardless of whether you want to be or not. That being said, it isn't about you personally; what I mean is that anyone anywhere will be disliked by someone. I'm sure there's a handful of people who dislike me, just as I'm sure there is a handful of people who dislike someone like @Chrono or anyone else for that matter.
    Point being that, you shouldn't let that sort of thing sway how much you enjoy playing on a particular Server unless literally 90% of the players on it just really don't like you, in which case there isn't much that can be done. With all that in mind, if you are continuously being harassed by a Member of Xeno Gamers (or by a regular or a group of players), please do not hesitate to report it to a Higher-Up so that the situation can be defused; though I will remind you that this is the Internet and you'll most likely be harassed in some way or form at one point or another and there isn't much that can be done about it as it is the very nature of confronting random, faceless people.
    I also wouldn't recommend making threads like this, as it just pulls in negative attention that you really don't want. Trust me when I say that the vast majority of people will just berate or flame someone for posting a thread like this. It isn't up to the Members/Players of Xeno Gamers to decide whether you should leave or not, it's a choice you have to make for yourself. No one will make it for you :coffee:
  3. Like
    Forest reacted to ZevoAnonReal in What To Draw Next?   
    Now here is the final project.

  4. Like
    Forest got a reaction from ZevoAnonReal in What To Draw Next?   
    Something Final Fantasy-esque just because
  5. Creative
    Forest reacted to ZevoAnonReal in What To Draw Next?   
    Here is the following drawing I am currently working on, but once I get done with this what should I draw next?

  6. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Should Impulse Leave Xg   
    I'm sorry to be the one to say this, but no matter where you go, you are going to be disliked regardless of whether you want to be or not. That being said, it isn't about you personally; what I mean is that anyone anywhere will be disliked by someone. I'm sure there's a handful of people who dislike me, just as I'm sure there is a handful of people who dislike someone like @Chrono or anyone else for that matter.
    Point being that, you shouldn't let that sort of thing sway how much you enjoy playing on a particular Server unless literally 90% of the players on it just really don't like you, in which case there isn't much that can be done. With all that in mind, if you are continuously being harassed by a Member of Xeno Gamers (or by a regular or a group of players), please do not hesitate to report it to a Higher-Up so that the situation can be defused; though I will remind you that this is the Internet and you'll most likely be harassed in some way or form at one point or another and there isn't much that can be done about it as it is the very nature of confronting random, faceless people.
    I also wouldn't recommend making threads like this, as it just pulls in negative attention that you really don't want. Trust me when I say that the vast majority of people will just berate or flame someone for posting a thread like this. It isn't up to the Members/Players of Xeno Gamers to decide whether you should leave or not, it's a choice you have to make for yourself. No one will make it for you :coffee:
  7. Sad
    Forest reacted to Matsi in Stepping Down   
    I was going to type a whole thing here and then figured... fuck it, no one is going to care and it's not worth my time.
    To be clear this is leaving staff, not member.
  8. Funny
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Forum Game #3   
    i'll continue

    (can you *see* the forest?)
  9. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Should Impulse Leave Xg   
    I'm sorry to be the one to say this, but no matter where you go, you are going to be disliked regardless of whether you want to be or not. That being said, it isn't about you personally; what I mean is that anyone anywhere will be disliked by someone. I'm sure there's a handful of people who dislike me, just as I'm sure there is a handful of people who dislike someone like @Chrono or anyone else for that matter.
    Point being that, you shouldn't let that sort of thing sway how much you enjoy playing on a particular Server unless literally 90% of the players on it just really don't like you, in which case there isn't much that can be done. With all that in mind, if you are continuously being harassed by a Member of Xeno Gamers (or by a regular or a group of players), please do not hesitate to report it to a Higher-Up so that the situation can be defused; though I will remind you that this is the Internet and you'll most likely be harassed in some way or form at one point or another and there isn't much that can be done about it as it is the very nature of confronting random, faceless people.
    I also wouldn't recommend making threads like this, as it just pulls in negative attention that you really don't want. Trust me when I say that the vast majority of people will just berate or flame someone for posting a thread like this. It isn't up to the Members/Players of Xeno Gamers to decide whether you should leave or not, it's a choice you have to make for yourself. No one will make it for you :coffee:
  10. Like
    Forest reacted to Tomahawk in Forum Game #4   
    There once was a happy-go-lucky chap by the name of-
    Phoenix, who once was accommodated for-
    Being amazing at his job while at the same time-
    Stole cookies form the grade schoolers,-
    That he resales laced with-
    Laxatives, so the consumers-
    Can suffer on their way to the toilet just to find out that-
    The local sewer system stopped running, rendering all local plumbing to fail, someone went to check it out only to find-
    That there was a strange figure who somehow blocked all of the sewage.
    That figure was none other than-
    JOHN CENA Scootaloo, who was working on
    The biggest meme filled promo/demo! which was-
    His next murder, chopping up the body and building dam with the body parts clogging the sewer. He notices the man who investigated the sewers and-
    *This is a correction from the post above*
  11. Like
    Forest reacted to Egossi in Forum Game #4   
    (you guys already messed it up a little bit so lemme tidy it up for you)
    There once was a happy-go-lucky chap by the name of-
    Phoenix, who once was accommodated for-
    Being amazing at his job while at the same time-
    Stole cookies form the grade schoolers,-
    That he resales laced with-
    Laxatives, so the consumers-
    Can suffer on their way to the toilet just to find out that-
  12. Like
    Forest reacted to Sojodak in Forum Game #4   
    Thereonce was a happy-go-lucky chap by the name of- phoenix
    Who once was accommodated for-
    Being amazing at his job while at the same time-
    stole cookies form the grade schooler.-
    He resales the cookies laced with-
  13. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Should Impulse Leave Xg   
    I'm sorry to be the one to say this, but no matter where you go, you are going to be disliked regardless of whether you want to be or not. That being said, it isn't about you personally; what I mean is that anyone anywhere will be disliked by someone. I'm sure there's a handful of people who dislike me, just as I'm sure there is a handful of people who dislike someone like @Chrono or anyone else for that matter.
    Point being that, you shouldn't let that sort of thing sway how much you enjoy playing on a particular Server unless literally 90% of the players on it just really don't like you, in which case there isn't much that can be done. With all that in mind, if you are continuously being harassed by a Member of Xeno Gamers (or by a regular or a group of players), please do not hesitate to report it to a Higher-Up so that the situation can be defused; though I will remind you that this is the Internet and you'll most likely be harassed in some way or form at one point or another and there isn't much that can be done about it as it is the very nature of confronting random, faceless people.
    I also wouldn't recommend making threads like this, as it just pulls in negative attention that you really don't want. Trust me when I say that the vast majority of people will just berate or flame someone for posting a thread like this. It isn't up to the Members/Players of Xeno Gamers to decide whether you should leave or not, it's a choice you have to make for yourself. No one will make it for you :coffee:
  14. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Tomahawk in Forum Game   
    It's time to move on, just leave this thread be.
    There's nothing wrong with Forum games 2 or 3 and besides, four is on its way.
  15. Sad
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Forum Game   
    It's time to move on, just leave this thread be.
    There's nothing wrong with Forum games 2 or 3 and besides, four is on its way.
  16. RIP
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Forum Game   
    Unfortunately it looks like our posts are being made in vain.
    The pace is slowing down to an alarming rate.
  17. RIP
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Forum Game   
    Unfortunately it looks like our posts are being made in vain.
    The pace is slowing down to an alarming rate.
  18. Informative
    Forest reacted to Rabid in Rabid - Counter-strike   
    For people that are skeptical i'd just like to say, I've been with this clan for 5 years now, 1 of which I spent banned, but presciently tried to get unbanned from. For the legitimacy of this mod app, it was some what of a troll/dick around thing, just the nature of who I am, but.. But. I would like to get the position, and I would 100% take it seriously and tone down the reckless behavior I have on the servers when I do get on, into a more mannered style, I wouldnt take the role lightly and would expect to be watched pretty presciently due to my past. So if you are curious to why I want it, or my activity on the servers being low.
    I get on the server every now and then, and there is usually 1 mod, or no mods on if it's around prime time and only 1 mod is on, that is incredibly hard to mod alone,. being able to miss things, getting 9 year olds yelling slay that guy, not being able to watch console for ct's vent breaking, opening cells early etc. I'ts just not an easy task when there is 20+ kids on just screaming.
    For the activity portion, Only if I get this position would my time increase to the server, I see no obligations tied without being mod to sit in the server day in and day out fighting to get a position and proving my self when I know the rules in and out with the exceptions of a couple that I could easily re-read. For mod position, or hell even if you wanted to just bump me straight to admin so I could be with my homie owl, You would see a major increase in my time on the server.
    As far as the how can we trust him, goes. I'm not one to go back on my word, back in late 2k15 I had the second (fifth) chance of being unbanned once more, since then I have literately not broken one rule and have been pretty on par with other players in terms of forum activity and in terms of fairness with no bias based judgments.
    So if you wanted a legitimate "more info" here it is. Hopefully Bleed, Lith, Orange, Owl, shadowspy, will all take this into consideration for the division.
    @Bleed @BleedsBrother @Lithium @gryfons @Stevenn @orangejuice @Owl @xGShadowSpy @Forest
  19. Like
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Rabid - Counter-strike   
    :Old Man:
  20. Sad
    Forest reacted to jaygoki in K   
    for everyone that's been waiting so long for this- here it is. I'm stepping down to member for a couple of reasons, the main of which is that I'm really just tired of baby-sitting kids and of jailbreak in general really. School is also hitting pretty hard 2nd semester and causing me to be fairly inactive. JB has really just become the same 3 rounds over and over again with the same kids screaming into their mic so I hope the reasoning for dropping the position. I'm not leaving, but this is likely going to be the end of my daily-ish activity on xG servers(excluding teamspeak and maybe forums), I might drop in every once in a while but don't expect to see me every day.
    @Snackbar I don't know if you're reading this, but thank you. I really appreciate everything you have done for me and for the CS:GO division as a whole. I was pretty upset to see you demoted and especially to leave, but as cliche as it is without you I really wouldn't be where I am today.
    @Bleed @Lithium I also want to thank both of you for what you guys have done for the server especially as well as for myself. You guys put more time into the server than you get credit for and without the shit you guys go through with literally every little thing being reported is definitely more than most any of the people here could handle. (hub 5 mins™?)
    @Duke fix your computer, your position is open again
    @Owl the lone admin. good luck with your babysitting :^)
    @MinerTeddy xd
    @Stevenn I don't mean to be rude, but tone it down a bit. think about what you say before you go spilling words out of your head mmkay?
    @orangejuice *john cena soundboard spam
    @gryfons keep up the shitposting like the real xG memeber that you are :)
    @DrPepperPhreak you're a loser
    @PlaysWithSquirrels don't poke your other eye out?
    @anyone else I didn't tag- this is everyone I can remember off the top of my head, if I didn't tag you and you feel like I should have leave a reply and maybe I'll make something up about you. good luck with life, and keep the shitstorm going for me. I've had a great time with everyone here, and I wish all of you the best. I'm off to go cut myself to Linkin Park and Evanescence in a Waffle House bathroom
  21. Informative
    Forest reacted to rover27 in [xg]:m Snowy - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    [xG]:M Snowy Staff's Steam ID:

    Steamid32: [u : 1 : 244136207 ] Evidence:

    Further Information:

    Ok so I was playing saxton hale and for no reason snowy started a vote to kick me I thought it was a joke but obviously not in the picture up there it shows the vote and that she said that the server has spoke then kicked me not to mention later when I was hale she always made it harder by one giving the Reds high gravity or two making the Reds small and me big so it is hard to kill anyone once again for no reason and for the gravity they called a vote but for the size there was no vote
  22. Like
    Forest got a reaction from gryfons in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Guys, come on, you're lengthening an already lengthy Ban Request with this sort of stuff. Just makes it that much worse for any Higher-Up to sift through for any related content or posts.
    That being said, @Chrono @Lithium @Bleed pages 3 and 4 are irrelevant to the Ban Request (page 3 consists of an argument between Staff and the offending player [no relevance to the ban], page 4 consists of mentions and irrelevant joking).
  23. Disagree
    Forest reacted to OneGlove in Forum Game #2   
    Didn't take too much digging to figure out that it's #1
    1:My two dogs are named after comic book villans.
    2:I have played at least 2000 hours on TF2 and CS:GO combined
    3:I have short-term memory
  24. Friendly
    Forest reacted to LeeDJ in I Do 911   
    :p i thing you love
  25. Salty
    Forest reacted to Duke in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    But you ARE condoning this by defending him. I AS AN EX ADMIN am telling you this IS NOT ALLOWED and was enforced as such, he freekilled anybody who was on the table. YOU don't seem to understand there is no golden rule, he is trying to exploit something that doesnt exist and using it to freekill people without repercussions. and his first ban was basicly for the same thing, i had used it once, and then told people to not its a tarp order in a way so it didnt really need to be put in the rules imo.