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  1. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from NitNat in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    Hey everyone, I'll be posting here in the thread to update the winner of the month for submissions, just as a placeholder! So you can expect these posts monthly (depending on when a winner's submission has been selected). The original post will also be updated with the winners as well as their submissions!

    Winner of March 11th, 2016 - #1

  2. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Jadow in Mass Freekill Ban Request   
    If only. Well, at least half useful. The section that refers to the applications URL is all but outdated since the recent removal of forms.
    EDIT: Or not, that URL still works perfectly fine, meaning that page still exists but just isn't shown.. Thanks Rhods
  3. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Staff Should Record   
    The reason they are staff is because we trust their accounts, we aren't going to force them to record everything since the only way to really show the person banned is breaking rules is to get the whole round incase of orders. they are staff for a reason, not just because we felt like letting a bunch of children have powers to ban whoever they want.
    in most cases.
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Aegeann in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    Relevant to this [but not to the thread], it may make things a lot easier for Higher-Ups (or for Ban Protests in general) if players who are banned for mass freekilling were given a reason such as "int mass" or "acc mass" as opposed to just "mass freekill" or "mass". It's a small thing, but this way you guys will know whether a mass freekill was intentional or accidental.
    Just a thought because I noticed that the majority of bans for mass freekilling is simply just "mass" and it'd make future Ban Protests a lot easier to verify since it won't rely on the Staff Member remembering the incident first hand.
  5. Informative
    Forest reacted to Scootaloo in Uh..?   
    I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, because you aren't. Upholding our clan's image is of the utmost importance. I simply disagree with you is all, and do so respectfully. I just don't honestly feel that the use of this map is any sort of detriment to the clan's image. I honestly feel like it isn't big enough of an issue to remove the map is all.

    Glorious leader has spoken. Considering Rhodo has no issues with the map being in TGH, thread will now be closed.
    Thanks for all the input on the matter, but the map will remain in place.
  6. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Vector in Uh..?   
    You know, it isn't a matter of using something that can be used so much as it is a matter of Xeno Gamers' integrity. There are a lot of impressionable players out there, especially in a game that's free-to-play. It isn't about your own pride here that matters, it's about what's best for the clan in and of itself.
  7. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Uh..?   
    I lol'd. Mayhaps, before implementing a map, it should be looked over first to determine that it lives up to Xeno Gamers' standards :coffee:
  8. Agree
    Forest reacted to Vector in Uh..?   
    Why do you guys have a map that just insults xG and @Rhododendron? This doesn't look good on xG if people see it. I'm also told multiple people brought it up to admins but kind of just forgot about it. I honestly think something like this shouldn't belong and doesn't do xG any favors. You guys need to check your maps before adding them (Pokeporn on abstract as an example).

  9. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Owl in T's Playing Tricks On The Warden To Get The Warden Slayed.   
    Too trivial and frivolous to have to implement into the rules. To be perfectly honest, this is just a case of Ts being smart asses. I personally would have killed the Ts as well as they were facing the general direction of VIP cells when Warden had instructed them to face main cells.
    To recap, can you recall a time when the order "All Ts face cells" was to be interpreted as "All Ts face a specific cell in mind"? The order in itself specifically means "face the general direction of main cells" which 99.9% of the time is directly opposite to the main cell stairs/ramp. The Warden didn't say "All Ts face a cell", the order that was given was "All Ts face main cells".
    That all being said, this is how it has always been interpreted as, so correct me if I'm wrong @OldFagsOfCSS/CSGO.
  10. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in T's Playing Tricks On The Warden To Get The Warden Slayed.   
    TL;DR no loopholing is a rule. face main cells generally implies face towards the cells not the top right corner, i'd probably kill you too and nobody would slay me. also TL;DR dont slay them for that, Ts dont be assholes.
  11. Creative
    Forest reacted to NitNat in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    well I tried one

  12. Creative
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    I did a tablet drawing instead.
    it's not good

  13. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from jaygoki in More Staff   
    I can't speak for the CS:GO Higher-Ups, but I can imagine they are always actively looking for likely candidates to Moderate the Servers. As you mentioned, it can be a lengthy process because not just anyone can be a Staff Member, especially when representing Xeno Gamers. Unfortunately there is no work around to this; it's better that we get qualified Members of the community who will do a good job rather than a Staff Member who won't. Quality is far better than Quantity.
    In the end, it really is just a matter of time. I'm sure Staff is trying their best to suit both the Server's needs as well as their own. Just keep in mind that our Staff isn't given any incentive to Moderate; they're doing it because they want to further the growth of the Server and the growth of Xeno Gamers. That being said, it's only fair that they be given some time away from the Servers every now and then as they do have lives to lead. However, they should still try their best to answer a call to action in a timely manner.
    Needless to say, it isn't like the Higher-Ups aren't looking for likely candidates. Like previously mentioned, it just takes time.
  14. Informative
    Forest reacted to gryfons in More Staff   
    I agree that we need more active staff members. We need staff members that play around an hour or more a day (on a regular basis). I think some people that are worthy of this are steven, charles, or mobin and dr. jinx (but they might be to young). I do realize that this will be a lengthy process, but I think that those few people should be highly considered for a moderator position. You might want to be looking at smalls and firewolf as well.
  15. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Lithium in More Staff   
    I can't speak for the CS:GO Higher-Ups, but I can imagine they are always actively looking for likely candidates to Moderate the Servers. As you mentioned, it can be a lengthy process because not just anyone can be a Staff Member, especially when representing Xeno Gamers. Unfortunately there is no work around to this; it's better that we get qualified Members of the community who will do a good job rather than a Staff Member who won't. Quality is far better than Quantity.
    In the end, it really is just a matter of time. I'm sure Staff is trying their best to suit both the Server's needs as well as their own. Just keep in mind that our Staff isn't given any incentive to Moderate; they're doing it because they want to further the growth of the Server and the growth of Xeno Gamers. That being said, it's only fair that they be given some time away from the Servers every now and then as they do have lives to lead. However, they should still try their best to answer a call to action in a timely manner.
    Needless to say, it isn't like the Higher-Ups aren't looking for likely candidates. Like previously mentioned, it just takes time.
  16. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Happy Valentine's Day!   
    Thank you everyone for your participation and cooperation in this Valentine's Day contest! Unfortunately we will no longer be taking in any more submissions as of this post. The three winners will be decided today and again, broadcasted through the Steam Group as well as posted in this thread.
    It's great to see all of these fantastic submissions ranging from hilariously cringey (in a good way!) to pictures that appear to have been given a good amount of time and effort. So with that being said, on behalf of XenoGamers, I would like to thank the following Members for participating:
    - Rhododendron
    - Goblins
    - ArminArmout
    - Hachi
    - Egossi
    - NitNat
    - Diamonde
    - TheSupremePatriot
    - FoRgE
    - BelloWaldi
    - doomofanubis
    - Bone
    - SnowyMinion
    - Tomahawk
    - BlackWidow
    - Bleed
    - Bagel
    - Black_Dynamite
    - Snackbar
    - Matteomax
    - Skitters
    - And last but not least, Caleb956

    XenoGamers wishes you all a Happy Belated Valentine's Day!  
    !!!Stay tuned for the winners to be announced!!!

  17. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in [xg:m] Thesupremepatriot - Forum   

    In-Game Name:

    [xG:M] TheSupremePatriot
    Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: [xG:M] TheSupremePatriot

    Social Media
    Time Active:



    I would like to become a Social Media Manager because I would like to help make the social media for this clan more active and provide more information for those who may be interested or who would like to get access to announcements via Facebook, twitter, etc.
  18. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Lithium in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    Relevant to this [but not to the thread], it may make things a lot easier for Higher-Ups (or for Ban Protests in general) if players who are banned for mass freekilling were given a reason such as "int mass" or "acc mass" as opposed to just "mass freekill" or "mass". It's a small thing, but this way you guys will know whether a mass freekill was intentional or accidental.
    Just a thought because I noticed that the majority of bans for mass freekilling is simply just "mass" and it'd make future Ban Protests a lot easier to verify since it won't rely on the Staff Member remembering the incident first hand.
  19. Informative
    Forest reacted to Aegeann in Diamond 3 Quinn Main, Giving Tips Or Any Help On League   
    There must be problems with the british servers, or I think there's problems with the servers connecting to your IP and not finding the xGCL tag in your name, I would definitely find those to be the problem
    @PlaysWithSquirrels I played with an ap cait support in ranked last season when her traps still did AP scaling damage, and she almost hard carried the game, quite the top kek. Jhin is op, bronze is even more OP
  20. Funny
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    Unbanned from server. closing thread. snackbar stop.
  21. Informative
    Forest reacted to LeToucan in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    The reason we have swapteam is for these instances. You don't just serverban right after 2 freekills if they're accidental. I'd even bet that most admins would only slay, and just teamban for the next freekill.
    @Chrono @Lithium
    Any further bans I see that do not have a valid reason will be immediately unbanned, without consultation of the banning admin. This includes but is not limited to "are you fuking retarded?", "wtf are you thinking", and "wtf is wrong with you"
  22. Agree
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Twillight Ghoul   
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    Offending player's banlist: Xeno Gamers
    Just going to outright say that the ban reason ("are you fuking retarded") is way out of place by the way, especially from a Higher-Up.
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    Offending player's banlist: Xeno Gamers
    Just going to outright say that the ban reason ("are you fuking retarded") is way out of place by the way, especially from a Higher-Up.
  25. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    Offending player's banlist: Xeno Gamers
    Just going to outright say that the ban reason ("are you fuking retarded") is way out of place by the way, especially from a Higher-Up.