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  1. Informative
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Organization   
    I'll get into depth of it this weekend, and offer my opinion.
    Keep up the discussions though, anyones opinion is welcomed here!
  2. Funny
    Forest reacted to Warriorsfury in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    I'm still fucking pissed about that. He should have gotten demoted not fucking me.
  3. Ding!
  4. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Yu_Narukami in Organization   
    @Hidingmaster F***king rekt
  5. Useful
    Forest reacted to DrLee in Organization   
    But, yes, we really should delete some of the old rule threads. I shall delete all the out-dated rules thread in a moment. I'm also going through the stickied threads so I can edit the capitalization. All else will be delt with later today or is out of my reach as it deals with the site's set up itself, not the threads. I rarely find the time I need mod in the steam group, but I'm wondering how I can get steam notifications for whenever someone posts in the 'comment section.' That'd probably require me to post there myself, right?
  6. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Haruka in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    Nigguh FUDGE yo tea. Tis merely just standard protocol among Divisions. It's never a good representation of a Division when changes are discussed with those who aren't Higher-Up, that's all. Gives off a "biased" air, n'ah mean. Also wtf, if Rhods recognizes your input as important, y the fudge aren't you a dm yet :bored:
  7. Not Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Shadower in Organization   
    So, I'm about to spew out a bunch of suggestions and stuff that may be akin to several other threads that discussed "changes" in or out of the forums/XenoGamers. Just a heads up.
    To put it mildly, I feel that the forum and its sections need to be cleaned and tidied up. I realize this is a very broad.. Suggestion, and so I will take the liberty of stating what I mean, hopefully without making this post "TL;DR" material (lets face it, its going to end up as such anyways). By no means am I commanding it or anything of the sort, but merely suggesting ways to re-organize things. Now, without further ado, lets begin:

    Important and miscellaneous stuff that should be noted, but won't be included below as "major" content. This applies to most, if not all, of the sections discussed (or to the Forums in general):

    Titles of the threads that are stickied need to be altered. Sections are afflicted with threads that are properly titled with threads that aren't properly titled seen here. Notice the threads that are properly capitalized and the threads that look like a sentence (IE. "xG Member Gallery" as opposed to "Staff roster, helpful notes, rules and other things")
    Stickied threads that belong in another place should be re-located
    Invalid rules and other content around the forum (confined within Stickied threads) need to either be re-vamped or removed entirely
    "Consoles" section should be re-named to "Games and Consoles" to better accommodate both sides
    "Computers" should be relocated as a sub-section of "Tech Talk"
    "Uncategorized" should be re-named to better reflect (after all, they technically are categorized already), perhaps "Miscellaneous" (wasn't it that before?)
    "Divisions" should be re-named "Game Divisions" to clarify further

    "Rules" Section
    I personally feel like this particular page should consist only of XenoGamer's policies and regulations, and as such would need to be re-named ("Rules and Regulations") to reflect these things . Threads such as the "admin handbook" or others that revolve around policies/regulations. With that said, I realize it is also the home of our several Division's sets of rules. This results in what looks like a big cluster ***k of rules that can be overwhelming to some.
    My proposition is to include a new section along with each particular Division that pertains only to the rules/guidelines of that particular Division. What this will allow is an ordered set of rules that are relevant to each other as well as to their Division. No more scrolling through 10+ threads that are irrelevant to what you need when you need it.
    If this isn't an option, then at the very least add sub-sections to the "Rules" section that leads to a particular Division's rules/guidelines so that you aren't greeted with a giant mess of threads upon clicking on it.
    I would also suggest cleaning up out-dated sets of rules. This applies to literally everything. I realize this will be tedious, but there are some pretty out-dated or otherwise invalid rules floating around the forum and they need to either be re-vamped or removed entirely.
    "General" Section
    Not much to report here other than the content of some of the stickied threads. Obviously this section is for anything that doesn't fit anywhere else, but there are a few stickied threads that belong in another place.
    As mentioned in the "Rules" section, the "admin handbook" should be re-located (although generalized, it still pertains to Staff and should therefore be shoved into a section like "Rules" or if altered "Rules and Regulations").
    The thread "Want to get unbanned?" should also be re-located. Again, although it applies to the general public, it specifically gravitates around getting out of a ban, and should therefore be found in the "Ban Protest" section.
    This one has been bugging me the most. "xG Member Gallery" located in the "General" section, but not in the section labelled "Gallery". Self explanatory.
    These are just some of the things I've noticed and wanted to point out as problems with the Forums. There may be others, but I'm counting on people to post below what else they think should be re-formatted, re-organized, etc. Going through each section will take some time, but hell, it'll look a lot more presentable when it's done. Just to re-cap, these are all merely suggestions and should be treated as such. I also apologize for making this a "TL;DR" post even though I tried to keep it short.
    .. Not really.
    ... I didn't try at all. Deal with it. :coffee:
    - Dat guy, Forest. Da real CL
    ~ Community Leader Tree (Nom was here)
    - Lee hopping on the editing bandwagon
  8. Agree
    Forest reacted to ChickenPanda in Organization   
    Forest has ocd
  9. Agree
    Forest reacted to ChickenPanda in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    Don't mean to be rude or anything, but why make them with Vector? Shouldn't this technically be consulted with your fellow DMs? Vector's a smart guy, but you have your DMs for a reason.
    Besides that, rules look good to me. Regarding the hacking, I am almost ALWAYS able to tell. If I'm online, feel free to message me @othermods/admins
  10. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in Punishing Players   
    Mmm. Rookies. Staff should always present legitimate reasoning for kicks/bans. Its not only the professional thing to do, but also provides a.. Well, reason behind the ban. Otherwise if someone comes around to protest a ban, all the Staff + Higher-Ups have to go by is the ridiculous "i told you not to" reason, or otherwise the word of the Staff who banned the player.
  11. Agree
    Forest reacted to Giraffes in Punishing Players   
    Recently I have noticed that when players are punished I have seen things such as "what did I tell you" for the reason slot.I know the player was told,but would putting the reason given slot with the actual reason be more viable than just "what did I tell you"?
    These are just my opinions but what are your guy's views on these topics?
  12. Informative
    Forest reacted to Scootaloo in Gaem O' Tronez   
    SPOILERS: Tyrion beds with one of Daenarys's dragons and has retard midget dragon babies. The Spyder becomes the Dragonborn. John Snow isn't actually Ned Stark's bastard, but is Tywin Lannister's true heir, and ends up winning the war for the Lannisters. Joffrey is reborn three days after his death and Easter begins. George R. R. Martin dies before finishing the books and nobody knows how it ends. The White Walkers just want a kickass party, so after they go to the Rave in Dorne and get jacked up on ecstasy, they go back to their mountains and chill while watching Pink Floyd's The Wall.
  13. Like
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Le Epik Fun Games Giveaway 2.0   
    warriorsfurry and barm only real subs, gg kiddos.
  14. Sad
    Forest reacted to Matsi in So I Recently Broke My Computer...   
    Accidently knocked over a can of sprite right into the top fan openings on my tower.... ended up ruining my video card, motherboard, and CPU....
    I bought a few new parts:
    AMD FX-6300 Vishera 6-Core 3.5GHz (4.1GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 95W FD6300WMHKBOX Desktop Processor - Newegg.com
    ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z AM3+ AMD 990FX SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Gaming Motherboard with 3-Way SLI/CrossFireX Support and UEFI BIOS - Newegg.com
    and saving up another ~$350 so I can also get ASUS STRIX-GTX970-DC2OC-4GD5 GeForce GTX 970 4GB 256-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 HDCP Ready SLI Support G-SYNC Support Video Card - Newegg.com
    so ya... that's why I haven't been on in the last week very much =/
  15. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from diabeetus in Suggestion: Sourceban Accounts For Staff   
    There are. Only Higher-Ups have access to it for reasons that are obvious. Lot of nigs can't be trusted :coffee:
  16. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in Suggestion: Sourceban Accounts For Staff   
    There are. Only Higher-Ups have access to it for reasons that are obvious. Lot of nigs can't be trusted :coffee:
  17. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from ArminArmout in Leave 4 Dead?   
    Where my Club Penguin division at
  18. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from ArminArmout in The Cringe Thead!   
  19. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to Hidingmaster in Videogamedunkey Played On Xg Css Jb.   
    I mean, at least the mods did their job. amirite?
  20. Sad
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Videogamedunkey Played On Xg Css Jb.   
    The day I found out that he had been on our Server (and was kicked, no-less) is a day that will always live in infamy to me. Not a day goes by where I don't wish I could have been on during the time. It truly was a dark day :coffee:
  21. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Dethman in Leave 4 Dead?   
    Where my Club Penguin division at
  22. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Waimalu in Leave 4 Dead?   
    Where my Club Penguin division at
  23. Agree
    Forest reacted to Duke in First Friend In Xg?   
    i miss ganja amd razec those high mother fuckers. mine was probly @easy or @Chrono but chrono is a nigger so he doesnt count. or shit was it sgtblue?? i miss those times.
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in First Friend In Xg?   
    Oh boy. I have pretty terrible memory, but I feel like my first friend here was either Ganja or Razec. Maybe Turdwig? Hell of I know. All I know is that 80% of the people I had relations with when I initially joined are long gone and will be missed.
  25. Winner
    Forest reacted to Haruka in Forest - Counter-strike   
    +1 we need more oxygen up in the hiz house. :^)