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Posts posted by Charles

  1. I'll +1 for a shortened ban. It clearly wasn't on purpose, and I don't think that it's fair that he stays permanently banned.

    I once banned some RANDOM kid for mass, but his ban was shortened due to him being new and not knowing the rules. If this kid's ban was shortened, someone who comes on our servers frequently, and CT's frequently, should definitely have a shortened ban.

    I personally recommend 1-2 weeks, but I feel that 1 month is the longest it should be.

  2. I've been reading your past "goodbye" threads, and you seem pretty cool from what I've seen. Hopefully this doesn't turn into another shit show like the rest!


    :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving:

  3. This thread is to showcase maps that were made for xG. It will be updated as they are created.







    More maps to come, I have to upload all the MG ones as well.

  4. It's not as simple as a normal map since it utilizes gravity jumps, and special spots where health, armor and weapons are where you can only get there via jumping. Play on the map and explore to get an idea, the guy made a really fun and unique map, so whoever wants to make a map with CTF in mind but bigger has to be creative and keep the sides balanced etc.

    Not too hard to implement. The main difficulty in it is actually designing the map and decorating it. Just like you would any other map.

  5. I don't really know how I feel about this server. Maybe it's just cause it's not my taste in games, or a limited amount of maps.

    I also feel that the server was made just to be one of the first servers like this gamemode. I just don't think it will do all that well.


    EDIT: And it's 3v3? I like joining servers and playing, and I feel like others would too. So waiting in a queue to play a game is just silly. And yes, I know it's the map.

  6. In this thread, I will be both posting maps that I'm making/porting. I will also be taking suggestions on what map to do next. Every map I do will have a xG add on it, and end with the suffix xg


    Here are what maps I've finished so far.



    >> jb_tile_paradice_xg <<














    >> jb_nexzoid_xg <<















    Both of these maps were ported from CS:S, and I want more to work on.


    Please post suggestions here!

  7. fricking irrelevant post.

    How is it irrelevant? It's not like you pay for servers that you play on, why should he?


    Are you paying for it? No? Okay move along.

    If what I said was irrelevant, than this should be too. ^^^ As it doesn't comment on the gameplay and how much people would like the game.


    Okay move along.