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Posts posted by Charles

  1. With minigames being in development, I have personally decided to ATTEMPT to port and make some new minigames maps!


    Now, with my Hammer skills being mediocre at best, I want to use this opportunity to learn more about it.

    So if you have any suggestions on what maps should be ported from source, or even ideas for new minigames maps, post them here.


    Criteria for new maps:

    • Must be a map that hasn't been ported yet. *Do research on it before linking it here.
    • Legit, not trolly map ideas.

  2. Just to add towards Cracking Down, I went on JB today to seeing a certain moderator not wearing tags while other staff were present. When I confronted him about it, he added xG to his name, but cleverly disguised his moderator tags, an example is: xGMom

    ^ Being the moderator tag.

    I feel as if staff should be easily distinguished from members, and it is silly to be "undercover" when other staff is on.


    This certain staff member also was talking over the warden while he was rebeling, further more delaying the round.


    Now, I don't know if any of these statements are or aren't against the rules, but I feel as if they should be looked into.

  3. -1 Let me ACTUALLY put a reason for my -1. The kid is rude as fuck. I join the server just to be messaged with "Omg its that faggot charles" or "you're charles and everyone hates you" :( :( :( .


    But seriously the kid is rude, immature, and loud. Wouldn't be a positive addition to the community.




  4. Seeing as how I am the one that reported you, I feel as if I should reply to this.

    You were DL, you did jack shit as DL. You got demo'd for it. And out of immaturity, you decided "Hey! I'm just going to DELETE THE SERVER FILES." You also sat in JB and spied on people using Admin Stealth.


    Then you have the nerve to come back here xD.


    -1 xd