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Posts posted by Charles

  1. HEY GUYS! Its your favorite moderator, CHARLES here! Hitting you up with ANOTHER stepping down thread.


    OMG CHARLES, Y IS U STEPIN DOWN!?: I don't really like what the CS JB division has turned into. Whenever I get on, I just hear a bunch of "rule whores" or prepubescents screaming into their microphones. When I first joined xG back in 2012, I loved the community. It was full of older, mature players who actually played to enjoy the game. And when I re-joined back in February, I thought Jail Break was returning to what it was, but soon after I got staff, I learned otherwise. But none the less, I dislike the CS community, and I don't want to moderate the servers anymore.


    ~Charles xD

  2. Wouldn't this be his second time being banned for something similar to this? Or am I thinking of someone else. Because if it is his second time doing this and it is his second ban, I think it should be perm.


    But I could just be thinking of someone else. :llama:

  3. Due to graduation/finals/act fast approaching, I need to focus on my school work. This will likely leave me with no time for me being called onto JB. I will still get on from time to time, just not as much. I should be able to be more active starting May 29th (Day I graduate).

  4. Lmao frick you all gosh forbid if I talked bad about one staff member gg well there goes my xG member chances

    After saying this, it really shows how immature you really are. You could've actually shown that you were mature, and improved upon how you act on the servers and forums, but instead you act like this. This isn't about just one staff member, this is what we have noticed from you being on the servewr. The "Lmao f.uck you all" comment ruined your chances, not us.


    Should reapply later once you're more mature.

  5. Cool dude, I don't want to get on a boring game with 7 people on. I am on all the time moderating the servers, just because we're not on at the same time, doesnt mean i'm always off. But here, let me pull up my activity and bans.


    Here are all my TEAM BANS.




    Here is my activity over the past weeks.




    Well, theres more evidence than just 3 screen shots of a steam chat. @Bleed @Hidingmaster @Lithium @Chrono @Snackbar

  6. -1 Extremely rude towards members and mods alike. Expects us to get on EVERY time he asks, and is extremely disrepectful if we decline. Atleast towards me. I don't think he should be added to the community.




  7. Division:


    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:

    Ban Type:

    Team Ban


    I would like to be unbanned because I feel I am justified due to my circumstances. I forgot I had said freeday even when my CT said, and said freeze. I then killed all that disobeyed. I feel I was tricked because my CT friend said it was legal and I could. I have a screenshot.

    And from what I read from what you said, just because some member says it's alright, doesn't mean so. I would actually READ THE RULES before going on ct! If you had done that, you would've known what you did was in the wrong. And from what I know is that you cant tell people to freeze during a freeday.

  8. Oops, that's awkward. I joined into the round to this guy killing everyone on a freeday. He killed like 3-5 people from what I could tell. I was also receiving many messages saying he freekilled. He said he told people to freeze during a freeday? And shot when they didn't. If they weren't freekills, my bad. But from what I could tell, they were.

  9. -1 You first joined the server with the name xgm icy or something along the lines of that. I was talking with @Owl and he told me you were banned for joining the server with [xG:A] Bonk as your name. And when he told you to remove ur tags, you said no, Im an admin.




  10. HEY GUYS. Just here to give your generic +1. Today, Im going to be featuring all that is ever said in these member applications, and what they mean!


    1. Cool dude - This basically means, "I really don't know what to say, but ive seen you on before and I like you."

    2. Mature - You don't really cause problems and I like you.

    ## 1 & 2 are most frequently used together. Both of them combined are the most generic reasons for +1's.

    3. Great warden - I dont even understand why this would be put on a member application, aside from not knowing what to say.

    4. A & M people when putting in this information in as numerical values, will never NOT use the same three numbers, 6-7-8.


    Anyways, those are the most used reasons for being a member of xG.

    Here is my input on your application:


    +1 cool dude, mature, great warden


    m: 6



  11. Im looking for ideas to put on a jb map that im making so i can get the feel of hammer. Post urs. :3


    Current ideas:













    If you guys can think of any more, post them pls :P

  12. i like how the most inactive staff member(me) isnt mentioned, but when i get back, i forgot a part cause i wasnt thinking, the server will be watched by me more then most other staff like it was before my laptop crapped out. also getting more active staff takes higher priority over demoting inactive staff, better to make sure server is being taken care of before worrying about the staff that isnt active and they should be talked to before demoting give them a chance to become active again. But i like @Forest idea.

    Reason I'd like to demo the inactive ones is so we can keep our current number of mods. We don't need more than what we have, I'd imagine.

  13. This is unfortunate but I feel we need new staff members to help with CS:GO, and I really hope some members who are active in these servers step up so we can promote them :)


    I'll try to be more active in JB as well.

    Thats not necessarily the point im trying to get across. I think that more mods would be good, but demoting all the inactive staff should take priority.

  14. I feel like if Bernie gets elected, the economy will become silghtly/heavily inflated due to college students/families having more money to spend. The whole taxation based on wealth is silly imo. Sure it will bring in more money into the government, but it's not fair that they would have to pay more.


    Edit: Socialist idiot :)