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Posts posted by Charles

  1. Prepare for a long block of text. Will have TL;DR at end.


    Disclaimer: Most of this is me venting, and has no real impact onto how to imrpove the community. I want to get this off of my back, and move on with my life.


    Well, my time has come. It feels good to finally leave this community, mostly because I feel as if the 4 years I've been here haven't been the best in my life. Even with all the friendship's I've had with some people in this community, I feel like the negative impact of trolls & general toxicity of this place have altered my personality towards the more negative side of the spectrum. In BOTH real life, and on the internet.


    Since I joined back in 2012, I've noticed that I've been on my computer for unrealistic, and unhealthy amounts of time. Mostly due to talking on TS3, playing CS:S, GMOD, or CS:GO on your servers. My grades have dropped, I've lost good IRL friends, and have just turned into a more negative and anti-social person due to this community.


    You may be asking: Oh, how could an INTERNET GAMING COMMUNITY have this great of an impact on someones life?

    Well, I was once an extremely enthusiastic, fun, and caring person before joining this toxic place. I loved talking, being outside, exercising, and enjoying life away from the computer. But now... now the only thing I look forward to is getting back on the PC to do stupid shit or even troll when I'm bored. And that's not who I want to be.


    And with all these negatives, it still gets worse. I don't really enjoy the game like I used to in 2012. It used to be that I could REALLY enjoy JB or MG, and not have to worry about "some annoying kid" joining and ruining it for me. But "annoying kid" is most of these new members. But yet, I still force myself to talk to them, for a reason that I don't know. And it's really hindering my personality towards being a more hostile and unlikable person.


    As far as the good things that I've experienced about this community, and I'm quite thankful for, is he friends/relationships I've developed with some of you. I've found myself still talking to, daily, people from 4 years ago. And to me, that's amazing! Great friends made over such a hostile place. WHO KNEW?


    I'd also like to critique xG on my way out. I REALLY hate what the leadership has turned into, or what it's ever been. If you're a good friend with a DM+, you're basically guaranteed to get staff, or be able to help with the community more than someone who doesn't really talk to staff. I've also found that they can be cold, and "assholish" at times.


    Getting alittle side tracked, but I've seen MANY times people get mod/admin just because they're friends with the DM/DL. And it's quite frankly the most ANNOYING thing to see when trying to get promoted. I don't want to call anyone out, but if you got promoted for not playing, and just being friends with a DM/DL, fuck off. That's the most bull shit thing I've ever seen. I REALLY suggest you work on eliminating this out of you're DM/DLs @Aegean @Rhododendron . As it could be a good thing to help improve this community.


    I'm also not making maps exclusively for xG anymore. Any bugs/fixes should be fixed by @Lithium.

    And as far as any maps that I port/make, you can follow my gamebanana if you really want to.

    Hexx1 (Members) - GAMEBANANA


    TL;DR : I talked about how xG has had a negative impact on my life, and that they need to fix how they promote people. Rather than promote people they like, promote people who deserve it due to activity/maturity. Not because you guys think alike.



    Best regards, Charles.

  2. This is a thread for what YOU GUYS want fixed/added on CS:GO maps on our Community Servers.

    Please try to not turn this thread into anything that it's not, it's ONLY for suggestions for maps!



    If you'd like to make a suggestion, please state the full map name, ex. jb_nexzoid_xg.

    State, as specifically as you can, the suggestion. (Screen shots are always appreciated!)


    Formatting Example:

    On jb_nexzoid_xg, could you fix %s and %s? Oh here are some screenshots to help!

    Could you add a %s to jb_parabellum_go?



    I'll be editing in the changes I've made to what maps.



    9/24/16 4:57 PM @Sizz Added the feature for the Cell button to open iso. You can also now toggle Isolation On and Off, if you weren't able to before.

  3. Wait tell me how i was toxic? I was always a friendly player, fair on ct amd good warden. Maybe you never saw me like that but thats not on me. And scripting, well u can call it that. Its not really but its stil cheating. I think i forgot to mention but im done practicing. I dont use it anymore, i do it on my own with space or i bind my mousewheel


    You had numerous racially offensive names.


    I think i forgot to mention but im done practicing.

    I chuckled.

  4. Well, I probably haven't gotten on the servers in about a week, so I feel that it's time to address it. I've been in school for about 3-weeks now, and it's taking up much more of my life than I thought it would initially. I still get on TS3, but I just can't find the time for xG CS:GO. And I probably won't be on for quite awhile, due to me juggling 2 programming classes, a science, and a math class. As well as me trying to teach myself some other languages.


    This being said, I'm still actively working on maps. But as far as actually getting on and moderating is concerned, I just CAN'T be active. I'm not stepping down, but if I do need to be demoted for inactivity, i'll understand.


    I just felt that this should be addressed, and that there is a reason for my inactivity.



  5. Obviously this is all for CS:GO, as I don't play TF2.


    Server Quality (Uptime / Plugins)


    I really like the new JB plugin, aside from not being able to set people to be teamswapped at the end of the round. @Bleed

    Server Quality (Community)


    I feel that this can be fixed by not allowing children to warden. It's annoying and not fun because most of the time they don't know the rules.




    I don't know if I act like this, which I probably do, but I feel as if not all of the staff know the rules. Some are too aggressive when they punish players.

    I've also joined to staff allowing mic spam, and mic spamming themselves as well! It is annoying because if I block them, I might miss something that they have to say/ask me.


    Raffle System

    It's an interesting system, and can prove profitable if enough people donate to get credits. I hope it goes well!



    I don't like that people will randomly be DC'd due to their location. I don't know if it still happens, but it's annoying. And why can I not see who's in the AFK channel anymore?



    I still don't like how players are called sponsors after donating a certain amount of money. Seems quite dumb imo, but I do like that companies can now put ads on the site and sponsor us.



    I still don't see an application tab. I like the new look, and setup of it.



    Seems like I'll get bored of it after 2 days, if it is completed even.


    *Sorry if I sound like an ass, but this is what I think.*


  6. I'm Uber-donator and I think that one of the perks would be that you don't get ads, but sometimes (rarely but still happens like once every few days), I'll get an ear-rape ad. Fix plz @Bello @Rejects

    Aren't you able to just diable the MOTD and not have ads? I've done it on CS:S servers before. I'd imagine it'd be the same for TF2.

  7. TL;DR


    If you have complex passwords and cant remember them, use a password manager.


    LastPass | Password Manager, Auto Form Filler, Random Password Generator & Secure Digital Wallet App - A web-based password manager that allows you to sort through websites online.

    Best Password Manager & Secure Digital Wallet | Dashlane - This also works, except this one goes onto your machine. Same purpose.


    Also run some virus scans using malware bytes. Change your password for steam, and look through your task manager for suspicious activities running in the background.


    This is assuming you don't already use them. And just having a password'd .zip or .txt file doesn't make it secure in the slightest. You could literally run JohnTheRipper password cracker on it and get it easily.


    Good luck, fuck the commies.

  8. Reasons for Joining:

    Im bored and i've left my clan


    -1 For the 2nd or 3rd time. You constantly mic span and try to be annoying. And was clearly not committed to other clans, how can we expect him to care about ours?

    A: 9

    M: 5

  9. Why do so many people in this thread not know how to +1? @Mogs @BlackWidow


    +1 You seem cool, should definitely be accepted. I've literally never had a problem with you or been called on about you.

    //Notice how I put +1 and gave a reason? That's what you're supposed to do... @Mogs @BlackWidow


    A: 9

    M: 8