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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    DrLee reacted to Unit12p in Hello everyone!   
    Welcome to xG! This clan used to mean a lot to me, so represent us well!
  2. Useful
    DrLee got a reaction from Tekk in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    There must be at least three characters because (most of) our mods type on a standard English keyboard. This is to make it easier on our moderators/administrators to do in-game moderating. You may have è on your keyboard, but many do not.
  3. Useful
    DrLee got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    There must be at least three characters because (most of) our mods type on a standard English keyboard. This is to make it easier on our moderators/administrators to do in-game moderating. You may have è on your keyboard, but many do not.
  4. Winner
    DrLee reacted to orangejuice in Give meh mod   
    So u can do the mythic shake again right? RIght? RIGht? RIGHt? RIGHT?!
  5. Agree
    DrLee reacted to Chrono in Please ignore this thread   
    i mean you're free to look at it all, it's just a shit load of pictures of some girl that adam has fantasies about.
  6. Agree
    DrLee reacted to xGStumpy in Update On My Pc Situation.   
    get this shit fixed shadowspy
  7. Winner
    DrLee reacted to xGShadowSpy in Clarification   
    I see no problem when its like 3 or 5 but when you see all the guns(or just alot of them) geting spammed, no ofcourse not.
  8. Informative
    DrLee got a reaction from Forest in Just a suggestion   
    In TF2's 'slender,' they have an option to play as a ghost once they die. The alive characters (players) can not see them, but the ghosts can see them. The ghosts act as an alive character who can jump around, and all that stuff. Expect for the ability to use weapons or to directly effect the map. You may also fight other 'ghosts.'
  9. Funny
    DrLee reacted to Rejects in Tf2 Jailbreak During European Times   
    Grave Digging. This was Sorted a WHILE ago so @Nomulous @kbraszzz close this please
  10. Informative
    DrLee reacted to DCook in Updates to motd   
    I agree with the mic policy. I've already added something to the Admin Handbook so that Mods+ won't mute kids who are being mature. I'm still planning on doing a reboot on the motd so ideas/help is welcome. I've just been busy with school but once this week is over I'll spend some time on it.
  11. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from diabeetus in Klure - mmo   
  12. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from FacepalmMute in Metal, Rock, Punk, And Hardcore   
  13. Disagree
    DrLee got a reaction from Matsi in Klure - mmo   
  14. Funny
    DrLee got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Stealth   
    Use voice.xenogamers.com to join us on teamspeak. :D Multi-clanning is not allowed and I can understand the hesitation to leave HG. But feel free to join us on our CS:S servers, TF2 servers, Teamspeak server, and everything else.
  15. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from xGStumpy in Klure - mmo   
  16. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Hidingmaster in Ribbit   
    Another CL respond so this can be taken care of...
  17. Useful
    DrLee reacted to Nomulous in Forge does mona pizza   
  18. Drunk
    DrLee reacted to Swift in Good animes?   
    They both suck anyways
  19. Funny
    DrLee reacted to Scootaloo in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    It's no secret that our TF2 servers have been very underpopulated as of late. Traffic has gone from our servers being full for nearly 20 hours out of the day to about halfway there part of the time, to nearly empty for the rest of the time.
    I remember a day where I had to actually FIGHT to get into the TGH server. I remember having to wait for quite the duration before I could even set foot in the server. Now, that's completely different.
    So what caused this downfall in popularity? Many would argue that Hub played an integral part of the decline of our server attendance. Some would argue that it was other factors, such as an increase of players actually playing the game vs going Friendly and just trading. Some would argue that it's in part the fault of the TF2 economy. Some would argue, in the case of TGH, that it was the inclusion of non-Nintendo maps. Whatever the reason, it is apparent that we are not the Trade servers we once were.
    So my question to you is this: How do we fix it? I hate going into my favorite TF2 server, only to find it only halfway populated. I hate seeing our servers being utilized only by the same handful of regulars, (No offense to anyone here.) I hate not being the central trade hub that made us popular to begin with. I hate that we have taken a downhill path that has come to this point.
    So, I'm asking you guys if you have any ideas on how we can fix this. How do we increase traffic to our servers? How do we reignite the interest? How do we draw attention to ourselves and bring our servers back to their former glory?
    I'd love to hear what you guys think.
  20. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Hidingmaster in Bonk - counter-strike: source   
    Alright, let me go ahead and break this down step by step. Bold is my response.
    "So I was just playing RPG surf, then this raging little kid, named "Bonk" came on.
    That is partially correct. Bonk came on the server at: Sep 10, 2014 6:10:01 pm. And said hi to the server. He was not a raging little kid though as he simply enlightened everyone to his appearance.
    And immediately he started harassing me!
    Saying "hi" is not harassment. Following that initial typed word, he says "HOLAAA COMO ESTASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS". Then goes on to ask someone not to delay, in which you respond "fuck u" and then "dont tell me what to do". He then asks the server to "rtv pls" as he most likely doesn't like the map. At this point it is 6:11:30, it has been over a minute and he has not harassed you yet, in fact you have started to harass Bonk.
    Bonk then notices KraytosXG has xG in his name, and asks "kraytos are you in xG?". He repeats his question to which Kraytos says "no why?". Bonk asks him to kindly take the xG out of his name, at which point Kraytos responds and Bonk learns it was part of his name, not intentional.
    Bonk then says "kawaii pls take xG out of your name", who in this situation is Ribbit. Shortly later Bonk says again, "but kawaii i know youre not in xG so pls take those tags out". Which is a valid statement as you had a name that was not recognized.
    Ribbit says_______ in response to Bonks request (he let them both know to change before the next round):
    a) Says "Yes I am in xG, my forum name is Ribbit."
    b) Says "I'm sorry, I am an xG member"
    c) Says "Fuck you, i do what i want, you don't know me".
    If you said A or B, sorry that is not correct, only the appropriate response to the situation. C is in fact the correct answer.
    After Ribbit says "Fuck you, i do what i want, you don't know me", Bonk says "youre not allowed to have tags on ifr youre not in the clan". Although the spelling is despicable, this is another opportunity for Ribbit to easily enlighten Bonk with the fact that she is a member.
    After a short period of time, Bonk slays himself for an unknown reason. Ribbit replies with "rekt". Following shortly after by saying "damn bitches be mad". Bonk replies "do you wanna get banned?". Although an interesting response, nothing has happened as of yet and almost can be taken as yet another warning.
    Unfortunately, Ribbit replies with "do u wanna get banned? bitches dont know shit".
    Bonk lets Ribbit know "because thats how you get banned"
    Ribbit questions Bonk's ability to do anything about the situation with saying "rofl. no he can't". Bonk assures Ribbit of his ability.
    Bonk says "wanna see?" With a reply from Ribbit of "u wanna see what happens?" In which Bonk is confused for a moment which leads to him asking "is that a ddos threat?"
    Moving on...
    Ribbit then later calls Bonk a "dumbfuck 10 year old" "are you fucking stupid. o wait yes you are"
    Bonk then bans Ribbit for a period of an entire lifetime, or 5 minutes. He also has to type in "!ban fuck 5 take them tags off". I would assume the name of ribbit at this time includes the word "Fuck" and is probably targeted at Bonk. Many question the length of this ban, as did I, until I realized how many chances Ribbit had to either tell Bonk the truth about being a member, or remove the tags. Instead, disrespect came from Ribbit and I believe a short ban was necessary.
    Ribbit returns.
    "Damn thats some funky shit" says Ribbit
    Bonk says, "Oh. He's back"
    Ribbit replies "lmfao, u mad kid?"
    Bonk, getting frustrated replies "fuck yopu, dude, take the tags off or its an hour ban"
    Ribbit obviously replies with "oh man this bitch so made, how about this"
    This continues, with Bonk in fact freeslaying from what I can tell one time. Eventually Ribbit is banned. There was no disrespect from Bonk.
    Here is a list of things Ribbit says to Bonk after I stopped with the
    all it says is that you're a whiney bitch
    fuck u bitch
    u dont know hsit
    lil boy so mad
    you're a bitch nigga
    BTW at this point another player says "dude what do you gain from taunting an admin"
    just a lil bitch boy
    are u stupid
    you're clearly not an admin
    admins arnt 12
    what a bitch boy
    !ban xeno (ribbit) 60 disrespect, arguing, still wont take tags off. cya
    If you could go ahead and let me know where Bonk was harrassing you, that'd be great. He did in fact slay you for no apparent reason, and that will be discussed by DM's outside this forum and it is a more minor point of this situation. I would like to mention that as far as I can tell, Bonk actually displayed one of the better attitudes and patience I have seen in a long time.
    Claiming that I am not in xG,
    Yes, you are correct. Did you happen to correct him though when he gave you numerous times to? Let's take a quick look back again.
    "Fuck you, i do what i want, you don't know me"
    That looks like a no.
    And that he "knew for a fact" that I am not in xG, when I am clearly in xG, and I was supporting my xG-ness by having the name [xG] XENOGAMERS [xG}.
    That's great that you were supporting your "xG-ness". Except using profanity and harassing staff members is not conducive of someone that should be in xG.

    Then he went on to slay me for no reason! And then banned me twice, for "take off tags little boy". I don't understand why you let little kids run rampet with mod?
    Unfortunately, he did slay you for no reason, at least as far as I can tell. Good news though. It didn't seem like you were upset at all about that. Hell, he even apologized about that and understand in the moments of you harrassing him and making his job difficult, he made a mistake.
    We do our best not to let "little kids run rampet" with moderator powers. And in this case, it looks like one of our moderators who does a fairly good job has been harassed.

    Something has to be done about this travesty, and for the future of xG. Please no more bad mods!"
    Something has now been done about this travesty. It appears that you have provided a lot of false information in this thread in an attempt to get a staff member in trouble. Unfortunately, I have yet to find what you call a travesty and actually have found a failure on your part. For the future of xG, we do our best as always to pick people that can handle moderator positions.
    Please do not come onto our servers and act in such a manner that not only causes a scene, but that is blatant harassment against others. If you have had the time to check out other areas of the forum, you may have noticed that harassment is actually something that can be a legal issue. If you continue to harass people, especially those that I have direct watch over, I will make sure that proper punishment is taken.
    Also would l like to enlighten you to some basic forum etiquette.

    "You think I give a fuck about you bitches crying about disrespect? Everyone fucking disrespects, you disrespected, if you think I'm not going to disrespect an idiot who can't comprehend basic things and tries to act superior to people, even though they're 12, you have another thing coming."
    Making an Abuse Report about a staff member that supposedly harrassed you does not usually require that you call said person an idiot uncapable of comprehending basic things. I have seen a good majority of your of your well worded posts and comments throughout this forum and would also request you stop harrassing and disrespecting not only members of CSS, but all members of this community. If you want to show your "xG-ness" as you were so worried about in the server, feel free to show respect to others both on the servers and on this forum. Congratulations, you have now been warned about harassment both on our servers and in the forum; continuing this inspiring behavior will get you banned.
    Now I thank you for your time, and hope that if you ever have any concerns you may take a moment to let Dr. Lee, Cristo, or I know at any time. Thanks for playing on the server and enjoy the rest of the night.

    Xeno Gamers - Recent Chat Log
    Go to Sep 10, 2014 @ 630pmish
  21. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from Tekk in Fox Fur - Team Fortress 2   
    Classic @kbraszzz.
  22. Winner
    DrLee reacted to DeathGod in Kthxbai   
    this is because you chose TF2
  23. Agree
    DrLee reacted to Chrono in Questions About Users   

    as far as time, i think i have used an exponentially increasing amount.. based on frequency between cases.
    (since forums only work with day bans)
    first time: 1 day, they do it immediately after being unbanned 2 days etc. etc. it typically stops and for a while/indefinitely to where it would "reset" to 1 day.
  24. Like
    DrLee reacted to Stan_Laurel in Metal, Rock, Punk, And Hardcore   
    Well I listen to Melodic Death Metal. Bands like Scar Symmetry , Dark Tranquility , Solution .45. They manage to create a sound that's out of this world and the instruments are awesome. Also the lyrics in their songs are very well structured and very well grounded .
  25. Sad
    DrLee got a reaction from Egossi in Post Your Theme Song Here   
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