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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. And how exactly will playing JB more help me understand a Melee Demo is or is not useless on CT? It's banned. If anyone's playing Demo on JB, there's a problem with that which should be addressed. >.> Uhh...no. We don't immediately ban people for porn sprays. We do for mass freekills. Demo has crazy potential for mass freekills right off the start of each round, and plenty of people have abused this before he was ruled out. Porn sprays do not. It's kind of a moot point, as those two are completely unrelated. Apples to oranges sort of thing.
  2. Ehh, no thanks. If memory serves correctly, as Bach said, this has been tried in the past and was an utter failure. Demo is the freekill king. It isn't hard to spam stickies at jail entrances before gates open, then detonate them as the team walks out. I've seen it before and can almost guarantee we will see it again if this goes through. Also, if we limited which weapons the Demo could use while on Blu, you'd be limited to melee weapons and the Sticky Jumper. That's about it. That would render the Demo class pretty much useless for CT and nobody would use him because of it. Seems like a lot of recoding the JB server to enable a class nobody would use. >.>
  3. Moderator positions are for us, the higher ups, to measure if a user is fit for a staff position. It's Admin in training. We KNOW Bach does his job well. His only problem is activity. Hence why I said if he becomes active again, he may once again join the staff. Moderators are basically apprentices vying to become Admins or higher. Bach is no apprentice. He knows his shit and does a hell of a good job maintaining civility in servers. As I said before, if he becomes active again and puts forth initiative, I think we should promote him immediately. He has nothing else to prove, other than he actually wants to return to help. Should he be able to do that, we should be happy to welcome him back to staff, as we are hurting for more coverage in servers.
  4. I'll make you a deal Bach. If you can log 20 hours of TF2 this week, we will chat about putting you back to Mod. Continue the activity and we can have a srs talk about upbumping you in the roster, because Lord knows we desperately need more staff. T.T You kick ass at staff stuff and keep everyone in line. The issue is just the activity. And I'm sure everyone in the thread will agree. <3 EDIT: Please note I said we'd talk about giving him MOD back. Bach as DM? FUCK no. Not right now. May 3rd hype. XD
  5. After careful discussion with other higher ups, the decision has been made to permanently ban ManlyDuck from all TF2 servers. At this current time, no actions will be taken against him on forums. ManlyDuck as shown no remorse for his actions and has opted to instead deflect the current complaints, claiming his actions to be acceptable because they were "satire". Toxicity is toxicity, no matter how much you think you are simply pretending to be something you aren't. Constant use of derogatory terms such as "faggot" is in no way acceptable in our servers. Neither is instigation, which we consider trolling, such as constantly spamming binds after kills, picking fights, and being a general nuisance. But even worse than the offenses at hand are their constant repetition. The main reason the ban is being implemented is because the message clearly is not getting through. How many bans does it take to change someone? I honestly believe the answer shouldn't be five, but that's my opinion and others probably disagree. Had this been your first, or hell, even your second offense, we would have opted to be more lenient on the matter. But considering that you have been banned FIVE TIMES over the course of the last year for these exact reasons, we feel the message simply is not getting through to you. Even worse are the countless second chances, third chances, and 748th chances you've been given. We will tolerate it no more. Thread is now closed. No further discussion will be heard on the matter.
  6. Toxicity like this is NEVER condoned in our servers. This user has a high track record of being extremely offensive and abrasive to regulars, members, and staff alike. I'll wait to see what the other CLs/DLs/DMs think, but I'm completely up for a perm considering this user has been banned five times for the same reasons. If it's true that he's on final warning by Kbraszzz, even more reason to do so. +1 from me.
  7. Fuck me. =( I hope everything works out for you in the end, and your uncle too. This is a sad day. T.T
  8. Trade banned user wants to sell his account? Refuses to go first? Won't accept PayPal and is demanding Steam codes? Not in my house. Take it somewhere else.
  9. Starwhal Battleblock Theater Town of Salem
  10. As of now, it's still this Wednesday. @Dethman, send me a message on steam when you next log in. We can figure it out. ^-^
  11. Perhaps we can change Wub Wub Wednesday to Wub Wub Weekend. But before we even attempt that, I want to see what the general reaction to the server will be.
  12. Server IP: Hey you spastic anal munchkins! This Wednesday, we will be continuing our seizure-inducing headache of an event I like to refer to as Wub Wub Wednesday! The last time we did this event, we had an excellent turnout. We enjoyed the discord that was the map koth_wubwubwub_remix, gave away free shit, and enjoyed the company of other spergs and regulars. I want to do it again! As far as giveaways are concerned, I currently have nothing in the way of good items to give to our players, so unless we receive any sort of donations on that part, it looks to be just enjoying the map this time around. That is all subject to change however if anyone finds it in the kindness of their souls to give me shit so I can give it away. (@Dethman, you have stuff you wanted to donate. GIMME.) Event will start at 6:00pm MST, just like last time, in the Trade, Events, and More! server. (IP posted above) LET'S ROCK OUT WITH OUR COCKS OUT! (Not really, that'd be uncomfortable.)
  13. It's truly a sad day here in xG. Snackbar is one of the chillest dudes I have ever met, and has done far more for me personally than most of the people I meet online. On a personal level, he is genuine, sincere, and actually cares about you once he gets to know you. It honestly hurts my heart to see this happen, as I honestly feel xG will be less without him. He did an AMAZING recovery act for the CS:GO division when he helped restabilize it. We went through the ranks together. I consider him an internet brother in a way. I hope that this whole ordeal can at least help us to mend the current problem we seem to be facing in this clan with swift demotions happening over mundane little issues. I know Silence is currently working on a guide to help our members know what they are expected to do if there is an instance of abuse they wish to report. I feel like Snackbar got the short end of the stick in this, had little to no communication offered to him, and generally did not deserve what happened. It's especially painful when I receive a message after a demotion that says "Why was I demoted? I didn't do anything wrong and nobody talked to me about it. This was so sudden." When this happens, you know there's a problem with the system. Hopefully we can fix it. Snackbar, I didn't know you as long as I've known some of the other members here, but you are one hell of a guy. I hope to at least see you around these parts every so often. If there's ever anything you need, hit me up.
  14. Snackbar let EVERYONE know of his inactivity more than two weeks ago. Was he gone for too long? =/ Inactive Staff
  15. Scootaloo

    Forum Game

    Interesting game? More like stupid and lame. I have no patience for this farce. Just let me be.
  16. Fool me once, I'm mad. Fool me twice, how could you?
  17. New owner and overlord. Bow before me.
    1. Forge


      British* I know you get confused sometimes.
    2. Tomahawk


      @[2300:@Forest] according to @[106409:@FoRgE] Canada is imaginary
    3. Forge


    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. So, we have been trying to keep this a secret for quite some time now, but I feel it is an appropriate time to make this knowledge public, considering the money has completely cleared my bank account and @Rhododendron and @Nomulous have been paid in full to step down from their current roles as Clan Leaders and give full control to me. Hello XenoGamers. You are looking at the new owner of www.xenogamers.com and the XenoGamers clan. Whoo! That's right, boys and girls. I have purchased the clan and will directly assume the role as owner of the clan. That all being said, there are some major changes that will take place immediately. I will list out the changes to be made in sections below, that way you can easily find what you are looking for. -Counter Strike: Global Offensive- The first, and probably biggest change to our community happens to the CSGO division. After running some data analysis and comparing numbers between CSGO and TF2, I hate to say it, but....CSGO just isn't pulling enough money to warrant its existence. So, as of tomorrow, all CS:GO servers will be permanently shut down and all staff members will lose their positions. I hate to see you all go, as you are all excellent people (Except for @Snackbar, fuck that guy), but this is how it's going to be. RIP CS:GO. -Team Fortress 2- Ahh, yes. Team Fortress 2. The supplemental life force of XenoGamers' revenue. The heart of the money flow. This is where the future lies, and I'm going to milk it for all its worth. To start, we will do heavy renovations to the TF2 servers we currently have in place. For starters, Trade Gaming History is getting the axe. That place is a shithole. Instead, we are turning it into 24/7 Edventures, because it is in my experience that memes and shitposting get people in our servers. This map has both, and LOTS of it. So say goodbye to all those other garbage maps, because Edventures is here to stay permanently. Secondly, we have found that the two main types of people who play TF2 belong to two powerful fanbases: Bronies and Undertailors. So, to better suit their needs and desires, the Pokemon server is becoming a full-fledged MLP server, and our Jailbreak server will become a 24/7 Flowey Boss Battle server. I've personally spoken to the creator of the map and actually purchased it from him, so we will have exclusive access to the plugins and the map itself. xG will become known for the hosting of that map. If you wish for more information, you can watch this youtube video to see how it works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYG5cF3bfFE This also brings me to my next point: We are removing the rules about porn sprays, but only if it's yiff/clop porn to appeal to the sexually oppressed masses we will be catering to. So staff members, you MUST change your in-game sprays to some sort of pony/undertale porn IMMEDIATELY. Next up, we will be removing any and all other event maps that do not meet the traffic requirements. These include Saxton Hale, Slender Fortress, Zombie Fortress, and Surf. We simply do not have enough players joining those servers to warrant their existence, so we are downsizing servers to spend less money. This will essentially turn XenoGamers into a haven for Bronies and Undertale fans. That brings me to my next point: How we are to handle ourselves here in the forums. -The Forums- We have always had ourselves a good chuckle at each others' expense here on the forums, but it's time for that to change. So, effective immediately, anyone who is caught using the derogatory terms "autist", "cuck", "cancer", or any sexist/racist/bigoted language will be immediately forum banned permanently. They will also be barred from using any of our servers. Chat filters will be implemented on all xG servers to prevent the use of lennies, hateful speech, and profanity, except for 24/7 Edventures. That server only survives because of the dank memes, so we must at least tolerate it there. Also, we will be removing all sections of the forums that do not pertain to TF2 and staff management, as they will not be necessary. @Vector will be reinstated to full power and will replace @kbraszzz as Clan Leader. @Hidingmaster will be demoted to Latrine Master, leaving only us two to manage the site. We will bring back xG to its former glory. As for the TF2 staff, since all of you are so unhealthy to the community, you will all be replaced with predominant members of the Equestria Gaming TF2 community. This is basically a full purge of xG, as to rid us of our past, shitty selves, and start again anew, a beautiful winged creature to sail into the sunset. Oh, and one last thing...if you thought any of this was real, PLEASE check the date. Have a merry one, guys. =)
  19. Updated the front post with Server IP hotlink.
  20. Arizona is permanent MST. Source: Am an Arizonan.
  21. Server IP: This Wednesday, we will be hosting the first of (hopefully) our new weekly event on the Trade, Events, and More server called Wub Wub Wednesday. Featuring the awesomeness that is koth_wubwubwub_remix. If you haven't ever experienced this map, you owe it to yourself to partake in all the drugs and trip balls with the rest of us! This objective-based map features some of the greatest (and by that I mean most autistic) music and stroby lights imaginable. Seizures and epilepsy are guaranteed. I am also planning on giving prizes to random members of the winning team after each round, so come ready to participate and you may win some fabulous stuff! (Tat being said, donations are highly appreciated to help fund the giveaway pot.) The event is scheduled to begin at 6:00pm MST. Be there ready to battle it out for the space wubs!
  22. Can confirm: lack of sand = lack of interest. XD
  23. So, if you've been on Trade Gaming History at all over the past few days, you will know that I have recently added a map called koth-wubwubwub_remix to the maplist. You cannot RTV to it, but an admin can switch to it. The map in itself is very basic, but it gets super intense the moment someone captures the point, playing crazy dubstep music and giving a visual show that is SUPER intense. Well, from what I can tell, the general reception of the map has been mostly positive. It's fun to switch to every once in a while, but I was thinking of instead making it a weekly event on the Trade, Events, and More! server, hence the name WubWub Wednesdays. For the Trade, Events, and More! server, I do want to start hosting events every Friday night to get that server more active, but I think this would also help to bring in more traffic. What do you guys think? If I were to host the koth_wubwubwub_remix map every Wednesday evening, would you attend? Please vote on this matter and leave any feedback below! For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I have linked this video for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtnfZi2psSQ
  24. T Minus 22 hours until my trade is out of escrow and I complete my Triple-Amaranthine All-Class set. :D