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  1. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Moosty in What The Fuck, Brain? Very Bizarre Dream I Just Had Involving Xg.   
    "He roasted my voice, I roasted his precious account"
    Dan "Kbraszzzle Dazzle" JewishLastName - 2016
    Location: Outside the xG compound
  2. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Ms.Spooks in The Funeral Of Tf2   
    The people claiming Overwatch will kill TF2 have clearly never played Overwatch.
    The game is so radically different from TF2 that it's laughable to think it'd be considered the TF2 killer.
  3. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tomahawk in The Funeral Of Tf2   
    The people claiming Overwatch will kill TF2 have clearly never played Overwatch.
    The game is so radically different from TF2 that it's laughable to think it'd be considered the TF2 killer.
  4. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from NitNat in The Funeral Of Tf2   
    The people claiming Overwatch will kill TF2 have clearly never played Overwatch.
    The game is so radically different from TF2 that it's laughable to think it'd be considered the TF2 killer.
  5. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from SnowyMinion in The Funeral Of Tf2   
    The people claiming Overwatch will kill TF2 have clearly never played Overwatch.
    The game is so radically different from TF2 that it's laughable to think it'd be considered the TF2 killer.
  6. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from mrnutty12 in The Funeral Of Tf2   
    The people claiming Overwatch will kill TF2 have clearly never played Overwatch.
    The game is so radically different from TF2 that it's laughable to think it'd be considered the TF2 killer.
  7. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Shadower in The Funeral Of Tf2   
    The people claiming Overwatch will kill TF2 have clearly never played Overwatch.
    The game is so radically different from TF2 that it's laughable to think it'd be considered the TF2 killer.
  8. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tomahawk in Pokemon Trade Map Request   
    Map is live.
  9. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Moosty in Pokemon Trade Map Request   
    Map is live.
  10. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Pokemon Trade Map Request   
    Map is live.
  11. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblins in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    I have taken the liberty to remove SCP, Morbias, Blood Gulch, and Aperture Science from the rotation. The maps themselves are still on the server, but can no longer be voted to.
    Also, Frantic is coming back. We'll see how that goes.
  12. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from ArminArmout in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    I have taken the liberty to remove SCP, Morbias, Blood Gulch, and Aperture Science from the rotation. The maps themselves are still on the server, but can no longer be voted to.
    Also, Frantic is coming back. We'll see how that goes.
  13. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    I have taken the liberty to remove SCP, Morbias, Blood Gulch, and Aperture Science from the rotation. The maps themselves are still on the server, but can no longer be voted to.
    Also, Frantic is coming back. We'll see how that goes.
  14. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Wts : Acc 800cs:go Inventory.   
    Do this again and it's a permaban on these forums, bucko. Knock it off with the scammer shit.
  15. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in Wts : Acc 800cs:go Inventory.   
    Do this again and it's a permaban on these forums, bucko. Knock it off with the scammer shit.
  16. Smelly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Sojodak in Dravin - Counter-strike   
    Seems pretty cut and dry to me. It's only a two hour ban. Wait it out.
    Also, try not to be so confrontational when you do return. You can, and will, be banned for a much longer duration should you become a repeat offender.
    Thread closed.
  17. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Dravin - Counter-strike   
    Seems pretty cut and dry to me. It's only a two hour ban. Wait it out.
    Also, try not to be so confrontational when you do return. You can, and will, be banned for a much longer duration should you become a repeat offender.
    Thread closed.
  18. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Wts : Acc 800cs:go Inventory.   
    Do this again and it's a permaban on these forums, bucko. Knock it off with the scammer shit.
  19. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Red in Wts : Acc 800cs:go Inventory.   
    Do this again and it's a permaban on these forums, bucko. Knock it off with the scammer shit.
  20. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Wts : Acc 800cs:go Inventory.   
    Do this again and it's a permaban on these forums, bucko. Knock it off with the scammer shit.
  21. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Typically silence met means that I have no issues with suggested promotions.
    Hate to say it guys, but I'm going to actively take backseat to some of these more predominant discussions for the TF2 division. I've been trying like crazy to make things better, but it always seems to just bite me in the ass, no matter how hard I try to improve stuff around here. I don't want to sound posh or anything, but I dunno....I've just been in a slump with TF2 lately, so I think I'm going to relax a bit on it. I'll still be apart of discussions and such, but unless something is required of me, I'm not going to actively work to really force myself into TF2 business anymore. It just seems like it creates more hassle than necessary.
    Bone for moderator is fine by me. I see no issues with it. You guys are doing a great job with the staff positions, so I see no reason to doubt your judgment. ^-^
    Should you need me for anything, just let me know. I'll interject if I see something going awry or see something I disagree with.
  22. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    When I took CL, the complaint was that we didn't have enough maps. I personally spearheaded the task of finding as many video game maps that I could possibly get my hands on. Now there's too many?
    After flooding the server with all these new maps, the complaint then shifted to "We don't ever get to play the new maps because we always go to the same 3-4 places." So we changed RTV so the same maps couldn't be picked over and over. Now we have too much variety?
    I wish you guys would make up your mind. I get it that some of our maps aren't the greatest, but it's literally all we have to pick from. I have scoured all reaches of the internet looking for any and all gaming-related maps. What we have is it.
    The purpose of TGH is to provide unique nostalgic experiences pertaining to gaming. Are some of the maps small? Sure. Are some of them buggy? Sure. But do they capture the goal of trying to house unique gaming experiences on our servers? I certainly hope they do.
    And to address the point of maintaining quality maps: The maps we have are NOT bad maps. They may have a few intrinsic issues, but their designs aren't in any way broken or shitty. I mean hell, look at our map list now and compare it to when we had maps like Peach's Castle or Rogueport, then try and argue that our maps currently are bad.
    I even went so far as to completely redesign the capture point plugin just so we could reintroduce all of the CP and KOTH maps we used to use, but couldn't because the plugin broke. And now the complaint is that there's too much? Really? After all that work? =/
    And the argument can be made that some of the maps don't pertain well enough to meet that goal. Someone once made that argument about SCP, stating that it isn't really a video game based map but a Creepypasta based map. That argument is solid, but it is very reminiscent of SCP-138, which is an excellent game.
    I thought I did us all a favor by upping the map count, but I guess I was wrong. If you guys all want certain maps to NOT be on the server, I guess I'll remove them. I don't understand why we would do that, as the complaints that are so heavily made against these maps are all done for the more popular maps on the server. Why are people voting to go to a specific place if the map is broken/horrible? I honestly don't understand it, and I'm the one who personally tested, uploaded, and approved every map on the server. So it's not like I am not aware of the issues or anything. (At least they aren't all shitfests like Rogueport or Frantic Factory. Sometimes I think people forget how bad it actually used to be.)
    I honestly feel like if the only real complaint about the server is "There's too many map options", that reeeeealllly isn't a complaint. >.>
  23. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    You guys come up with a definitive list of what you want gone and get it to Bello.
    I'll leave it up to you all. Probably should have just done that from the get-go. =(
  24. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in Possible Change To Spawncamping Rule?   
    I understand what you're getting at. I'll do some research to see if there's any fast fixes for the problem. (I dunno, maybe just changing a few configurations may fix it. Who knows.) So for now, let's act business as usual, and if there isn't a sure-fire fix to the plugin, we can reconvene and weigh possible solutions. :D
  25. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Possible Change To Spawncamping Rule?   
    The way I see it, if we aren't punishing the whiners, that's our staff not adequately doing their jobs.
    People whine because they see it as an inconvenience. You want to know the true inconvenience? Maintaining a server and providing a plugin to alleviate an issue, when we can simply ignore a secondary solution altogether and not provide a plugin and just tell the whiners "Sucks to suck." But no. They get pissy any time they have to type /friendly to prevent deaths, all because it gives their player model an opaque shading.
    Fuck that. I hate having to pander to the loudest of those bitching. I'm going to put my foot down here and now and remind ALL of the TF2 staff that it is AGAINST THE RULES for people to be complaining about dying whilst not using the friendly plugin on our server. Our staff is to use the default warn>kick>ban process if the complaints stay up. I'm not going to be the only person in this community that upholds the rule. It's there for a reason, and if players can't take the time to type in a simple command, but can take all the time in the world to bitch about dying in our servers, THAT'S the real problem here.
    The way I see it, we shouldn't have to cater to the loudest minority. We have a well established ruleset that ALL of our patrons need to follow and ALL of our staff needs to enforce. If I had it my way, the friendly plugin would be gone completely and complaints would be met with swift action, not pandering and hand-holding. But that's just me and I'm sure there's a ton of people out there would would disagree.
    I know the friendly command isn't the most functional plugin on our servers, but this isn't an issue with "I don't use it because it's bad." It's an issue of "I don't use it because I don't want to be inconvenienced." So enforce the rule, we'll work to fix the clipping issues, but spawncamp rules are staying how they are.
    That all being said, I am 100% okay with our Admin+ staff taking initiative to break camps. If a camp has been going on for a long duration (I'd say 10 minutes or longer) and it's actively affecting the flow of the server, break the damn thing. This is me empowering you to do so. If anyone complains about it, I'll have your back. But we don't need to completely rework our rules on the matter. We just need to begin reinforcing the rules already set in place.