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Posts posted by mrnutty12

  1. 23 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    To be "that guy", what happened with GHS? I was under the impression that being part of them was the only reason that kept you from applying to be a part of xG (or at least one reason) and even though people  really don't pry into multiclanning significantly, it is still a pretty important concept for membership. I wouldn't badger you to go into any detail, but some small clarification to this would be appreciated. 

    Otherwise, +1. Very quiet most the time but a nice and decent person.

    It was, in short they recentlyish shut down their servers due to a lack of primarily community involvement along with other things happening with their leadership (the specifics of which I am not privy to) he finally decided to hop on over here.

    I'd +1 all the way, but that would be just a bit biased given we are a couple and whatnot. ❤️
    A: 7.5
    M: ?

  2. 7 hours ago, Kypari said:

    On another note, dr_office whatever thingy has a control point easter egg where you can basically end the round instantly making the map super unfun. Thoughts on a rule to stop people capping on deathrun? We have a specific boo-block rule for tgh mariokart so I don't see why not since the dr populate we did randomly died on that map because of it

    Secondly @mrnutty12 need a response on mods with noclip


    I mean, we could just disable capping manually in the server.cfg or something tbh. Doesn't even need a rule unless I am forgetting something atm.

    Also you know my position on the whole "give mods noclip", I am and have been -1 because it is more of a fun command as far as I am concerned, and the necessity for it can be circumvented with spectate freeroam anyhow. It might be irritating to lose the cptele if you gotta switch, I however find it unnecessary to give them a fun command for specifically managing one server particularly given you both just went on a crusade against the commands that were there specifically for jb shenanigans.

  3. 14 minutes ago, xBenny said:

    I was wondering if it was possible to convert points and my ranks on the xG servers to a new account. Also the reason on why I want to switch over to a new account is because it's kind of annoying to switch accounts just to play TF2 and say I want to play some CS:GO I wound have to switch accounts again. If it is not possible for this transfer to work then it's no biggy i'll just rank up and get points again ?

    Oh the gameme ranks? No, as far as I am aware those are tied to steam ID (not something I could change).

  4. VAC bans are specific to the game you got them on afaik, while it will be shown on you profile they should not block you from connecting to servers in a different game from where you got one. So by all means it should be possible to play on your old account.
    I was slightly off, but the point still stands. It should still work given csgo is not on the same list as tf2 so uhh...

    If you ARE that dead set on moving them over, it should be as simple as getting both accounts on a server and trading your hub items over 1 at a time (unless you have any custom titles that are not tradeable of course).

  5. 3 hours ago, Kypari said:

    Changed the spawncamping rule on Uber Upgrades to be more about shooting into spawn on cp_orange_x3. However, it would maybe make more sense to remove the rule entirely and remove cp_orange_x3 too. Thoughts? I would say a vote here is necessary since we are literally creating a singular rule for one specific map which adds pointless rules to the motd. Community votes would be more for removing a map that the community doesn't like.

    I'd still say have a vote, it technically doesn't effect much to keep it, so I'd leave it up to the community in the end whether or not we remove such maps. Particularly because nobody cares enough about uu generally to make a remove thread.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Kypari said:

    Could we possible disable the other features other than bhop and maybe the 2nd one?

    The sp is provided it looks like, so with a bit of tooling around, probably?

    The second one I think is meant for bhop specific maps and such, not so much dr. But it might work, maybe...

  7. 4 hours ago, Kypari said:

    I'm having major trouble navigating alliedmodders, searching just won't work for some reason. If there are any other bhop plugins that we could look into that would be great, but alternatively +1 for removing bhop on deathrun

    Elcark already has it in disabled. -w-

    For future reference kypari, you can do something like this (site:forums.alliedmods.net) to restrict web results to just the given site in at least bing but it should work similarly for google as well.

    Now uhh, here are some of the top results that will (probably) not make @virr cry when he thinks about us. (well, more than normal anyways)

    ^not great modification options


    ^ iunno, it came up, looks a bit janky to set up.


    ^more than just bhop it looks like, but I wouldn't mind trying it.

    and uhh the rest got progressively lower quality...

  8. Bulletpoints. Yay!

    • Rogueport
      It really should be up to the community vote like any other map on the server. The server crashes on it are not particularly common (though they happen on occasion my inbox gets spammed way more by stuff like ff2 crashing) and yes it might be poorly optimized, but people still seem to choose it a lot given the issues.
    • Weapon switch to avoid being slow
      I think you can still kinda bhop to avoid being super slow, but it really doesn't have much effect anyways tbh. I guess we could remove the effect though when you think about it if you have to shoot people you are still stuck with the slow effect, so really I don't see a problem with switching weapons to move a bit faster on a bad rtd roll.
    • Higherup vouches on returning members.
      Always keep at very least 1 minimum higherup vouch, but my vote goes to this one...
      1 hour ago, Caleb956 said:

      If we're going to be changing this, then may I suggest bumping the 3 higherup vouches down to 2, and then requiring 4-5 other vouches, but not having normal vouches replace the higherup ones.  At the same time, if we do that then we should make the stock requirements to get in also 4-5 vouches, so all that is being tacked on to regain membership is having those 2 higherup vouches, I feel like that'd make it feel more fair *in a sense* for those people that are rejoining especially.

      Though I doubt that will happen for complete newbies as well as returning peeps...
    • Rools
      As much as I would love to be able to telepathically transmit what we mean with every rule and eliminate the need for clarifications I doubt that will ever happen. My bigger concerns are two main things...
      A) People will pull dumb poop like "Well it wasn't specifically stated so I thought it was ok". I have to believe that you know it will happen and will be a headache further down the line.
      B) If we leave clarifications in the staff manual stuff we could end up giving the hammer to oblivious people who never saw that stuff, but if we include it in the actual rules page it would get (considerably) longer and discourage even more people from looking at it in the first place.
    • Disguise brok send hlep!
      Yeah iunno what specifically causes the issue, but I have not seen/experienced it recently...

  9. 24 minutes ago, ABlueSkittle123 said:

    How did nobody mention the nerfs on the hibernating bear set yet? Everything in that set got destroyed.


    The Brass Beast was a garbage gun to begin with and it got the resist added (which admittedly later slightly nerfed) to let it tank a bit more. not really any debilitating nerfs.
    The Buffalo Steak's only nerfs were fixing bugs pertaining to stats not doing what they were supposed to. And even on that count, it was buffed way more than those fixes.
    The Warrior's Spirit really isn't too different, It has always been a pretty crap melee. The only difference now is that instead of losing 20 hp passively you have a sizeable damage vulnerability while they are out. Otherwise it really didn't change too much (besides getting a heal mechanic along the way). The weapon, much like the rest of the set, is just naturally complete trash. It didn't get nerfed in any significant ways...

  10. 6 hours ago, Kypari said:

    There's a lot of stuff that's piled up on trello, so we should get onto that.

    1. Let's make rules more consistent and clarified! which is what i wanted all along reee We need to clarify a lot of the rules clearly as people and staff are getting confused. We could add examples of exploiting, specify what links are allowed and not allowed in the actual rules section (such as backpack.tf vs a gambling site) and examples of what an immature voice actually is (impressions, put-on high voices or such like that), that kind of thing. Otherwise we can work on making all of the rules consistent when we have sorted out clarifying them. This also means revisiting the JB rules and rewriting them if we could.

    I just don't want it to get too wordy and specific, I already get complaints that we have oddly specific rules in regards to some things...

    6 hours ago, Kypari said:
    • Fix /disguise from turning people into objects when crouching without consent
    • People being locked out of death on deathrun
    • Being able to negate the effects of Snail RTD by switching weapon


    1) It is related to when donators leave and they had a disguise enabled afaik.
    2) We used to have a select thing that would save that sort of stat, afaik it should just be saved in a database somewhere what people's selection was.
    3) you can also pseudo bhop to avoid it...

    4 minutes ago, Kypari said:

    Oh and on the line of revisiting rules, about the "staff have final say" I don't think this should be a way to shut-down someone but I would much rather it be a rule still because I would rather not have to argue with someone on the server about why the rules I enforced are wrong which would either intimidate the server or cause an uproar. It is much more suitable if they discuss it in steam chat or something similar.


  11. 1 hour ago, LAN_Megalodon said:

    I don't want to be contrarian but air-strafing withing normal tf2 requires you to also move your mouse in the direction of your "a" and "d" presses. It doesn't really look like you're doing this (at least in the video). Other than that we can't really tell what keys you're pressing so I won't pull a tatost and say you're holding w. I don't know if surf or cs handles air control differently where you don't need to move your mouse like that.

    Surf physics differences are mostly just how much speed you generate from airstrafing in general, otherwise it functions fairly similarly to normal movement (excepting enabled bhopping). Holding w would be a little more effective on surf than normal, but it wouldn't make THAT much of a difference.  Though if anything, moving your mouse as mentioned should give you even more speed on surf.

  12. 9 hours ago, Tatost said:

    I don't know if this is already a thing, but an x% slow down on the boss when afflicted with Jarate would be a pretty nice attribute considering you drop SMG/Razorback. It would give people more of an incentive to not be the nerd who relies heavily on Razorback to tank damage, also would encourage more team-play. This slow effect could possibly save the sniper and/or teammates by allowing them to get away from the boss while he's being held back.

    I have no clue what would be considered OP or anything in FF2, so I'm just going to leave it to someone else to choose a fair value. It's not a scout hindering, it makes the mini-crits easier to hit for obvious reasons and isn't brain-dead easy to aim unless at close range.

    As far as I am aware the vsh plugin removes the jarate/milk status effects from bosses immediately; reducing their rage percentage in the process. Because of that if the jarate did apply a slow it would end up being a pretty short one that is generally not worth considering.

    11 hours ago, Blizzard said:

    This essentially would just be a better sandman, I'd say just give the the wrap assassin  heavier bleed dmg, a slightly bigger aoe radius, and longer effect status (as you said). Just in terms of general buffs

    With regards to buffing the wrap assassin, keep in mind that it gets permacrits and a second ball to launch because ff2 also has some stat changes. For reference, each ball does ~50 damage (yay crits!) + bleed (non self-stacking) and recharges a couple seconds slower than the cleaver.