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Posts posted by mrnutty12

  1. I think this is just a cvar, so that should be simple enough.

    I couldn't find anything about a countdown function being a cvar for the default plugin, though google led me to this. I might end up fiddling around to see if I can get it to work.

    There's also the Objective Server. I know nutty was talking about trying to get the server spot itself setup with basic plugins and i'm not sure how far that got or still needs to go. I don't mean to brush you aside either vexx, but it does seem as if nutty is going to take charge of getting the server made. Anyways, I was originally going to make more votes for what details of the server people would want but feel it would end up a bit convoluted in trying to work out details too on point. It might be better just to go off the current concept and discuss any details either here, a separate convo, or just private messages as it starts to take shape. I'd just like some assurance that it is being managed and would like to here from either of you how'd you personally like to talk about it as it moves forward.

    Yeah I have been meaning to get that all worked out, but my bro is having a wedding and such this weekend which has been putting a crimp on how long I can just sit and work on setting a server up. Especially since his best man is effectively living right next to my computer right now, and I don't want to leave stuff open and half done for (hopefully) obvious reasons.


    Currently I just have sourcemod and sourcebans working on that server because I don't have all of the plugins we have added to the other servers (eg donator stuff) on my computer so if we have an archive of all of those things I would appreciate having it.

    One last thing i'd like to bring up is that I feel there's been a significant amount of favoritism and lenience by staff towards friends. Not even just recently, but for some time now. I was considering addressing this to our staff and had planned on doing so off the previous thread I used to inform them, but would like to know what the rest of you feel in regards to this. If you don't think this is something that is actually going on and i'm just losing my mind (defiantly a possibility) then i'd like to here such before I jump on people for a non-existent issue.

    No, you are not crazy. I have definitely noticed this with certain staff as well. making a thread to address it might be helpful.

  2. I was mostly talking about nutty's post so I guess I did kinda reply to the wrong thing sorry I'm retarded

    Oh you were responding to me. Ok then, let me explain myself because I think you missed the point of my post.


    I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but you look like a retard when you hold one thing someone did half a year ago against them.

    I can't ignore the only notable point of reference I have.

    It's obvious bias if you've been ignoring how he's been recently, and also ignoring the fact that he was an amazing staff member for almost a year.

    BIAS??? Really? Did you not pick up that I was saying I don't know him at all? How can I ignore how he has been recently if we have never talked in the first place?

    The entire point I was going for was that I have literally no other point of reference as to his character based on my experience. Tell me how I can be biased against somebody I don't even know?

    For all I know that could be an advantage, a blank slate minus one dated event.

    As for how he did as staff, well to be frank I didn't play on either of the trade servers quite often at that time so I didn't see all that much from him, and I am sure you are well aware of how that term as staff ended (the cause for my concern).

    I think Sesh deserves a chance at mod, and he's obviously capable of handling the position

    Of course you think he should have a chance at mod, he is your friend.

    Also the question was not of his capability in the first place...


    In as simple of terms possible; I was telling Sesh that if he wants me to change my vote he better well try to at least help me get to know him.

  3. I wonder what this is used for...



    The map blasts the sand song on a continuous loop. There's a way to turn it off, but you'll just have to find out how on your own ;)


    I planned on adding a bunch of extra features but then realized this is a goof map and wasn't worth the effort... for now anyway...

    open door ;)

  4. I know there's no way I could +1 this without looking bias, simply because you are my friend. But I do want to say, you have genuinely changed since you've stepped down. I've seen you stay out of trouble and mostly try to keep to yourself when it comes to drama. I can understand people will probably want to -1 you based on past stuff, but I do hope anyone who does plan on -1'ing you genuinely tries to get to know you. Nobody should judge someone based on things they did half a year ago, during a bad time in their life. The time for drama is passed, lets keep things positive and try to leave actual criticism.

    I don't think it is quite entirely fair to -1 someone based on just one period of time either, the problem is that I have next to no experience with Sesh and will vote currently off of what I do know.


    Sesh, even back when we were both DM together I wouldn't say that more than a dozen words at most were exchanged between us, and blame for us not talking could be given either way as quite obviously neither of us tried much to reach out. However I have nothing much else to base my judgement of you from other than that streak of poor behavior as otherwise you have never really "stood out" to me as a person. I would love to get to know you and have what I think be proven wrong, though as it stands I cannot in good conscience give you anything other than a -1 at least until I have enough personal experience with you to contradict what I have seen.


    As for something to work towards, I would recommend you go out and try to be more sociable on the servers in general.

  5. So here's a brief somewhat new topic for something. What are thoughts and the chances for a objective based rotation server of stock maps? There's been a fair bit of interest in past months on something along these lines and even a few votes to see where peoples interest lie. With the former Tf2ware server lying empty right now, this could be something to replace it. If we're up to actually making the server, I could start various votes on the forums to see if people would actually want to see this and what details they would like to have (gamemodes, maps, plugins, etc).

    Thoughts @mrnutty12 @Vexx ?


    I would be very down to have a stock objective server! +1


    EDIT: Also Vargas mentioned that we could have custom trails as a donation thing (similar to custom titles).


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  7. Oh hey they packed up part of the old mine with TNT, I kind of want to go back and see how much they wasted on that hole.

    Was it just the one area, or did you take the time to explore every branch and systematically pack it full of explosives?

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  9. Hey, do we have any plans for the General Trade server atm? It is literally always empty and it would be nice to see that server in use.

    I know there is some interest in other ideas like a server for all the maps that don't quite fit TGH but are still fun, skill surf, or even just a place for normal TF2 gameplay.


    Also the surf server still has an automated message saying that medic needles, rockets, arrows, etc. doesn't work even though projectile collision was fixed, could we get that message removed since it is outdated?

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  12. Wait, why did you have xg in your name if you weren't even member yet lol

    Common misconception that joining the steam group = member. I explained that he had to make a proper application to wear the tags, so he did. (and yes he did remove them after it was explained)


    As for the actual application, the guy is friendly enough and I have seen him around a little bit. Besides not knowing the tags thing he usually follows rules well. +1



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