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  1. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    Haven't player much with Logic so I can't really give my opinion.
    On a completely different note, "gateway drug" theories are irrelevant as the argument is circular. Being exposed to harder drugs isn't a direct side effect of the gateway drug in question, merely the result of the drug being labeled "gateway". In this way the issue is with the law and not the "gateway" drug. Put another way, if weed is illegal, it is poor reasoning to keep it illegal solely because in its current illegal state pursuing the purchase of it may expose one to the purchase of other more dangerous illegal drugs. The same hypothetical negative effect would be seen if hamburger "users" were forced to buy their patties in back allies and street corners.
    (There are legitimate negative effects to use of marijuana, as just by its own nature it leads to temporarily impaired rational thought and awareness of surroundings, while possible more permanent risks may be, inhaling carcinogens and contracting bronchitis.)
    I really don't give a crap about anyone's opinion on weed though, it's almost completely irrelevant, just want to address a logical fallacy.
  2. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Goblins in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    You guys are hilarious.

    If you're gonna -1 him over a status from april, then I have no words for this, lol. Please look through my statuses, I can guarantee that there is stuff that is 10 times stupider than this.

    This is pathetic, Kypari.
    Let me sidetrack you guys for a bit.
    Back when I was around the age of 15/16 my friends and I would occasionally meet up to get drunk. It was hilarious and everyone had a good time.
    Some people drink alcohol, some people smoke weed. Especially when you're at a younger age, you wanna try new things and if he decides to smoke weed every now and then, then I think that's fine.
    Saying weed is a gateway drug is really sad and you should probably re-educate yourself if thats what you truly think.
    President Obama smoked weed too when he was younger and so did Bill Clinton. I don't think either of those became a heroine addict and both became really successful in life.
    That being said, if anyone wants to debate whether weed should be legalized not, cash me on discord and we'll do it over voice chat.
    I don't think Logix is suitable for staff, as hes a bit immature. I feel like he sometimes doesn't know when to stop talking if you get me.
    I'm however not gonna -1 either, since I think he's a chill and friendly person whom you can have some good fun with.
    I have never seen him high on the servers. I know some people that really can't behave themselves properly when they're high and if he is one of these candidates, then he shouldn't be promoted.
    But -1ing someone for smoking weed doesnt make a lot of sense IMO.
  3. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in Screenshot of the Month | Voting Thread (July 2017) #10   
    Screenshot of the Month


    Choose carefully!
    You will not be able to change your vote!

    @Elcark - Team Fortress 2

    @Bone - Team Fortress 2

    @WubbaLubbaDubDub - Team Fortress 2

    @Sympathy - Team Fortress 2

    @james8470 - Team Fortress 2

    @kiriy - Team Fortress 2

    @YeEternalTuna - Team Fortress 2

    Good Luck!


  4. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Krampus in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    @Bone it's your time to shine boi and change it
  5. Winner
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Most things can be allowed if all the higher ups agree, which in this case we did. When the map was added, I was still an admin and Bello had said the map was fine because it was artistic nudity. I still stand behind the map being completely fine how it is, there is nothing wrong with having that image on the map. We don't need to rewrite rules to make decisions like this, if anyone asks it can be easily explained. It's not ignoring our rules when our rules only concern sprays, player decals, and steam profile pictures. Maps have nothing to do with those rules and are up to the discretion of higher ups as to whether they are fine or not.
  6. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to virr in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    I watched both demos twice and maybe I'm blind or something but i just cant find anything that points to this guy being an obvious hacker. He's definitely not using an aimbot, the shots that seems to miss but do connect is most likely a result of lag/it being a demo, not silent aim. I guess it's possible he's walling but then again, it's not obvious enough for me to draw the conclusion that he is.
    I'd also like to remind everyone that you may only permanently ban someone if they are hacking beyond a reasonable doubt. Innocent until proven guilty is applicable after all and in this case the evidence just isnt convincing enough to warrant a permanent ban.
    +1 for unban
  7. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Goblins in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    Why? Being high is different for each person. When I get high, I mellow out. I don't lose the ability to moderate properly or act upon things.
    You need to stop being ignorant about this stuff.
    Medicine that makes you drowsy could affect how you moderate in-game. You want to sit out for a day and not play games? While weed itself is "controversial" to many, it's not like he is doing harder drugs.
    Chill, Supreme.
    Other than that, I know there has been issues in the past about Logic. I haven't really seen him on the servers, so I can't really say much. When I do play, I'll catch you on and maybe make a vouch from there.
    Good luck on the application.
  8. Disagree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Kypari in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    You guys are hilarious.

    If you're gonna -1 him over a status from april, then I have no words for this, lol. Please look through my statuses, I can guarantee that there is stuff that is 10 times stupider than this.

    This is pathetic, Kypari.
    Let me sidetrack you guys for a bit.
    Back when I was around the age of 15/16 my friends and I would occasionally meet up to get drunk. It was hilarious and everyone had a good time.
    Some people drink alcohol, some people smoke weed. Especially when you're at a younger age, you wanna try new things and if he decides to smoke weed every now and then, then I think that's fine.
    Saying weed is a gateway drug is really sad and you should probably re-educate yourself if thats what you truly think.
    President Obama smoked weed too when he was younger and so did Bill Clinton. I don't think either of those became a heroine addict and both became really successful in life.
    That being said, if anyone wants to debate whether weed should be legalized not, cash me on discord and we'll do it over voice chat.
    I don't think Logix is suitable for staff, as hes a bit immature. I feel like he sometimes doesn't know when to stop talking if you get me.
    I'm however not gonna -1 either, since I think he's a chill and friendly person whom you can have some good fun with.
    I have never seen him high on the servers. I know some people that really can't behave themselves properly when they're high and if he is one of these candidates, then he shouldn't be promoted.
    But -1ing someone for smoking weed doesnt make a lot of sense IMO.
  9. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Moosty in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    You guys are hilarious.

    If you're gonna -1 him over a status from april, then I have no words for this, lol. Please look through my statuses, I can guarantee that there is stuff that is 10 times stupider than this.

    This is pathetic, Kypari.
    Let me sidetrack you guys for a bit.
    Back when I was around the age of 15/16 my friends and I would occasionally meet up to get drunk. It was hilarious and everyone had a good time.
    Some people drink alcohol, some people smoke weed. Especially when you're at a younger age, you wanna try new things and if he decides to smoke weed every now and then, then I think that's fine.
    Saying weed is a gateway drug is really sad and you should probably re-educate yourself if thats what you truly think.
    President Obama smoked weed too when he was younger and so did Bill Clinton. I don't think either of those became a heroine addict and both became really successful in life.
    That being said, if anyone wants to debate whether weed should be legalized not, cash me on discord and we'll do it over voice chat.
    I don't think Logix is suitable for staff, as hes a bit immature. I feel like he sometimes doesn't know when to stop talking if you get me.
    I'm however not gonna -1 either, since I think he's a chill and friendly person whom you can have some good fun with.
    I have never seen him high on the servers. I know some people that really can't behave themselves properly when they're high and if he is one of these candidates, then he shouldn't be promoted.
    But -1ing someone for smoking weed doesnt make a lot of sense IMO.
  10. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Kypari in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    What are you even talking about here
    Firstly I didn't claim to know more about it.
    Secondly it is a gateway drug. Cannabis: the facts - NHS Choices and this is coming from the best healthcare worldwide 2017

    I'm blaming the drug because it also specifically states how "it makes some people feel confused, anxious or paranoid, and some experience panic attacks and hallucinations." and I don't trust someone like that to moderate the servers. Why are you so defensive about it and being so passive aggressive about it in the first place? Weed is literally proven to be a factor, not just his personality when he isn't high.
  11. Sad
    realBelloWaldi reacted to virr in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    This thread has become nothing more than people throwing random accusations at this point, and will therefore be closed until the higher-ups have come to a decision.
    @bless, we apologize for the hostile treatment you have recieved thus far. If you have any questions feel free to PM us here on forums.
  12. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    I am somewhat questioning if anyone even bothered to watch the demo @mrnutty12 provided. I really did not see any fishy shots myself, only about one flick that made me question legitimacy, but not obvious to the point I think he's hacking. The spy thing isn't sufficient enough to straight out call him a hacker, one spy flashed his cloak and ran in front of the other while he was shooting at him, giving away both of their positions. I'll review the demo more times, but once again I really do not think the user is hacking.
    Also, please remember to be respectful when replying to people, insulting them for protesting a ban that they think they don't deserve is very immature and makes me question the legitimacy of your word, and your position of staff.
  13. Useful
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Bone in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    I was also there. He and another guy named Headshot Scott were both getting some pretty suspicious looking shots in as Sniper.
    Unfortunately, I only have a demo of Scott's sketchy shots as Dan here was pocket Medic-ing him. Later on though, when he switched from Medic to Sniper, he was doing the same.
    Shots that should've been bodyshots or even misses were landing as Headshots. As he was Sniping outside of his spawn, he seemed to know where enemies were coming from, even if he hadn't seen them recently.
    Nutty's demo of Dan looks similar to the demo I had gotten of Scott: hitscan and scott.dem
    -1 for now. Seems far too sketchy to me.
    hitscan and scott.dem
  14. Are You Insane
    realBelloWaldi reacted to YeEternalTuna in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    This is pretty interesting because not only are you known for aimbot on those servers you were also thought to be aimbotting on ours. Your other ban appeal from before and your two other bans. I'm going to -1 simply because you got lucky on the first one. You could've just used that lucky opportunity to fix your reputation and you could've been part of the xG community but instead you decide to hack again and prove to us that you are just a moron. Please post those demo's so we can keep this guy off of our servers. But you still have another chance: you can do ONE of these challenges to get unbanned.
  15. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Sora_ in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    We decided to overhaul the current rule about sprays. From now on it is explicitly stated that avatars, customizable items (i.e. objectors, name tags, description tags etc.) and sprays are included. Additionally, we decided to elaborate on what is allowed and what isn't:

    Sprays, avatars and items that are able to be customized cannot contain the following: nudity, racism, hate symbols, gore, derogatory content and images of sexualized minors (this includes drawn images).

    There was some confusion going on and we hope this is gonna make moderating the servers a little easier for our staff.
    I will keep this thread open to get feedback on the new rule and answer questions in case anyone has any.
    Tagging all staff members: @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @virr @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @Bone @LemonVolt @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  16. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to mrnutty12 in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    @Vexx @Bello @Sesh Courtesy tag.
  17. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Goblins in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    To clarify, we don't expect our staff to literally check all items/avatars at all times, but if staff happens to see an inappropriate avatar/item name/objector or is told that a certain person has an item that's breaking our rules, they should take action.
    Also, you're still Gaming.Dylan! :rage:!
  18. Ding!
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    To do quick checks of someone with a sign or decal applicable item.
    Do a steam report by pressing F7 and choose the players name, reason for report : Item Decal. You can scroll through all equipped decals the player has. If you find something then let them know to change it.
    I've used this technique multiple times.
  19. RIP
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from WubbaLubbaDubDu in maf - Team Fortress 2   
    Unfortunately your application does not meet the requirements.
    Please try again when you have 50 forum posts.
  20. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Kypari in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    To clarify, we don't expect our staff to literally check all items/avatars at all times, but if staff happens to see an inappropriate avatar/item name/objector or is told that a certain person has an item that's breaking our rules, they should take action.
    Also, you're still Gaming.Dylan! :rage:!
  21. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Goblins in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    Going to be hard to crack down on players that have inappropriate names on their weapons/items.
    Especially Bello with his "Gaming.Dylan Blaster" :(
  22. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from james8470 in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    maybe submitting a report with the person steam account and a description of his spray.
  23. Thinking
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from james8470 in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    For anyone who does not know what to do when someone breaks this rule, I have made an elaborate post about it in the admin handbook.
    TF2 Staff Manual (Everything you need to know!) | Xeno Gamers
  24. Got It
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Ms.Spooks in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    We decided to overhaul the current rule about sprays. From now on it is explicitly stated that avatars, customizable items (i.e. objectors, name tags, description tags etc.) and sprays are included. Additionally, we decided to elaborate on what is allowed and what isn't:

    Sprays, avatars and items that are able to be customized cannot contain the following: nudity, racism, hate symbols, gore, derogatory content and images of sexualized minors (this includes drawn images).

    There was some confusion going on and we hope this is gonna make moderating the servers a little easier for our staff.
    I will keep this thread open to get feedback on the new rule and answer questions in case anyone has any.
    Tagging all staff members: @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @virr @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @Bone @LemonVolt @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  25. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from virr in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    For anyone who does not know what to do when someone breaks this rule, I have made an elaborate post about it in the admin handbook.
    TF2 Staff Manual (Everything you need to know!) | Xeno Gamers