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  1. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Sylux in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Okay so just to update...
    Azalea town: I've been working with new textures and adding in some new addtions.

    Oubliette: Buildings being opened with more support for other features.


  2. Winner
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Aegean in Monthly Update Thread   
    Raffle changes are as follows:

    up to 20 vouches in 1 day (to remove the need for sponsors to come back every single day)
    20 vouches for sponsors
    5 vouches for donators
    1 vouch for members
    No vouches for non-members UNLESS it's a meme giveaway i.e. badrats


    just showing all the new updated badges, with the updated guide (i will have it done before news post is live)

  3. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Spoopy in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    Update: @Vexx and I were able to turn MvM into an Uber Upgrades server. Everything seems to be working so far, however, the server will stay passworded for at least today, since we want to do some minor adjustments.
    Once the server will be unpassworded, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Feel free to suggest fun maps and tell either Vexx or myself about any glitches/bugs with the servers.
  4. Useful
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    After spending a few minutes trying to fix the nofall on hub, I have fixed it, it should now work. Keep in mind it will not notify you that it is on, and you can only turn it on. You will have to activate it every time you die.
  5. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Egossi in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    I just went through all donator commands that are accessible through hub. I did this on Poketrade and here are the results:
    Evil vision: Works
    Evil trail: Works
    Be the robot: Works
    Noclip: Works
    Nofall: Broken
    @Vexx I'm gonna remove nofall from our store system and refund the money for everyone who bought it. Furthermore I'd like to discuss if we should make all donor items refundable.
  6. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Elcark in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    I just went through all donator commands that are accessible through hub. I did this on Poketrade and here are the results:
    Evil vision: Works
    Evil trail: Works
    Be the robot: Works
    Noclip: Works
    Nofall: Broken
    @Vexx I'm gonna remove nofall from our store system and refund the money for everyone who bought it. Furthermore I'd like to discuss if we should make all donor items refundable.
  7. Informative
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Krampus in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    I'm pretty sure that there is a bug on the tf2 shop for no fall damage and selling donator items like be the robot on shop. Since I bought no fall damage on there a long time ago and when I try to use it by clicking it in my inventory, the menu for it just disappears and nothing happens. Also there's the fact that you can't sell donator items that you buy in shop like this since it will say that you have no items for donator items even though you do. So basically you're stuck with an item that doesn't even work with no way of getting your money back.
  8. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from TBOHB in Frusty - Team Fortress 2   
    Dear [@Tatost]!
    It would seem like your post had little to no meaning. If you are going to vouch for someone on a moderator submission, be sure to actually substantiate your vouch!
    Tips on how to improve posts on the forums:

    Re-read our guidelines: Moderator Submission Rules! | Xeno Gamers
    Check your post: Are you actually talking about the person and how he would be fit for staff or are you just blatantly posting meaningless stuff?
    Ask your teachers on how to make your comments more elaborate.

    Thanks for reading! Hope you do better next time ;).
  9. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to virr in Monthly Update Thread   
    June update will include:

    Raffle changes (@Aegean can you elaborate on this please)
    CS:GO minigames population events
    Minecraft (General stuff, plans for the server, etc. If @Amylicious or @XHina_sanX would like to add something, that would be nice)
    xG YouTube channel
    Poll/discussion about the new rating system (i will be posting this soon-ish™)

    If you guys have anything you would like to change, please let us know!
  10. Useful
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Forest in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    Not going to spend time digging too deep into it, just going to throw in my 2-cents. Though first and foremost, this is based off of assumptions and is to be treated as a general response to any situation like this so, you know.. Please refrain from biting my head off, kthnx :coffee:
    I just want to toss a [very] relevant comment in here that I made in another thread (one that I can't be bothered to find) in that Staff positions should not be treated as some sort of welcome basket to those who have consistently stepped-down. While I'm sure many people may dish out the "we can just demote 'em" defense if things go awry, I'm simply appealing to the integrity of Xeno Gamers as a whole. However, this isn't to say that someone should not be welcomed back with an immediate promotion from Member to Administrator [for example] because, as others have previously mentioned, it is a case-by-case situation. If the user has demonstrated qualities that shine in that position, or if they do not have a bad-track record, then I see no reason not to give them that promotion.
    With that said, there are two sides to this coin:
    1. There is little to no harm in promoting someone with a high turn-over rate who has an extraordinary track record, aside from having to assign powers once more. Because we run on a system of voluntary Staff, it doesn't [detrimentally] hurt us to allow someone to moderate for xG if we know they will do a stellar job, even if they consistently step down. While this may seem 'unfair' to those who are applying and are denied, keep in mind that Staff are measured by their qualities and work ethics (or at least should be; strongly recommend castrating any Higher-Up who is acting on bias) so it is to be expected that varying Staff will not be on the same level (eg. Someone who already has experience in the position will always receive [or be considered first for] the position before a new-hire).
    The only foreseeable problem area here is that if this trend continues, we'll see an influx in Staff who do not feel obligated to perform their duties and therefore feel free to step-down and then re-apply when it is most convenient for them if they are a model Staff Member. In other words, this may only be a problem depending on what the standards are for Staff here in terms of the short or long run. With the way we currently have things set up in terms of activity, we're set up to keep Staff in the long run, and so this should be considered before promoting someone from Member to Administrator (enacting a new policy that those applying from Member to a position that is greater than Moderator be monitored for X amount of days before promotion would also be beneficial). Activity [from at least one week prior to the submission of the application] is the gold-standard here at xG, so before promoting anyone into a position beyond Moderator, it really ought to be considered.
    2. Arguably, and structurally less important, is the harm done to the integrity of our Staff. To promote anyone [who has consistently stepped down due to loss of interest, etc] from Member to anything greater than Moderator demonstrates that they don't really have to invest as much time as they can into moderating. And before an argument is made about this, consider that to say otherwise would mean to dismiss any previous notions that the user has stepped down for frivolous reasons that do not include their personal life in some shape or form. Personally and honestly, this would have a sway in my decision on whether someone deserves that position, or if they need to prove themselves by working for it from a Moderator position.
    Needless to say that all of this is subjective and varies from person to person. As always, take this with a grain of salt.
    TL;DR - Don't hand out promotions from Member to above-Moderator to those who consistently step down (due to lack of interest, etc) unless you want to make a change to how activity works. Otherwise, you're practically creating a new position for inactive Staff.
  11. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Moosty in Frusty - Team Fortress 2   
    Good call. All the TGH regulars have the clap, if not worse. Wash your hands before and after you click join and you MIGHT be safe.
  12. Informative
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Kypari in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    Bello confronted you as well just before you stepped down and he even agreed with me and wanted to tell you to become more active but he struggled to tell you because you guys are like best friends.
    I know you weren't active because I was monitoring your activity because you were promoted to DM below the minimum activity for staff at the time. Here's a link to the thread: Promotions And Demotions #163 | Xeno Gamers
    You need to prove to us you can stay active because you definitely weren't when you were staff as proven, so I want to see that you can be active as moderator and prove that you can be trusted to stay active and once you've proved it after at least one month then you should get admin. That's all
  13. Ding!
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Kypari in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    It was still way too low. 5 hours is not enough and I'm sure all of the higherups back then and even now would agree with me
  14. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from yesstergi in Frusty - Team Fortress 2   
    Dear [@Tatost]!
    It would seem like your post had little to no meaning. If you are going to vouch for someone on a moderator submission, be sure to actually substantiate your vouch!
    Tips on how to improve posts on the forums:

    Re-read our guidelines: Moderator Submission Rules! | Xeno Gamers
    Check your post: Are you actually talking about the person and how he would be fit for staff or are you just blatantly posting meaningless stuff?
    Ask your teachers on how to make your comments more elaborate.

    Thanks for reading! Hope you do better next time ;).
  15. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from dr.derpy in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.
  16. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from virr in Frusty - Team Fortress 2   
    Dear [@Tatost]!
    It would seem like your post had little to no meaning. If you are going to vouch for someone on a moderator submission, be sure to actually substantiate your vouch!
    Tips on how to improve posts on the forums:

    Re-read our guidelines: Moderator Submission Rules! | Xeno Gamers
    Check your post: Are you actually talking about the person and how he would be fit for staff or are you just blatantly posting meaningless stuff?
    Ask your teachers on how to make your comments more elaborate.

    Thanks for reading! Hope you do better next time ;).
  17. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from dr.derpy in Frusty - Team Fortress 2   
    Dear [@Tatost]!
    It would seem like your post had little to no meaning. If you are going to vouch for someone on a moderator submission, be sure to actually substantiate your vouch!
    Tips on how to improve posts on the forums:

    Re-read our guidelines: Moderator Submission Rules! | Xeno Gamers
    Check your post: Are you actually talking about the person and how he would be fit for staff or are you just blatantly posting meaningless stuff?
    Ask your teachers on how to make your comments more elaborate.

    Thanks for reading! Hope you do better next time ;).
  18. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Frusty - Team Fortress 2   
    Dear [@Tatost]!
    It would seem like your post had little to no meaning. If you are going to vouch for someone on a moderator submission, be sure to actually substantiate your vouch!
    Tips on how to improve posts on the forums:

    Re-read our guidelines: Moderator Submission Rules! | Xeno Gamers
    Check your post: Are you actually talking about the person and how he would be fit for staff or are you just blatantly posting meaningless stuff?
    Ask your teachers on how to make your comments more elaborate.

    Thanks for reading! Hope you do better next time ;).
  19. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Shadower in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.
  20. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Caleb956 in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    That came off wrong, I meant it in the sense that given that he's been staff several times before, then he should wait a bit. That should stand true for anyone that is reapplying after leaving in my opinion. Sorry if that came off a bit hostile, just thought of how I put that.
  21. Disagree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Goblins in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    This is beyond dumb. That's like making a manager apply for a basic minimum wage job and climb back up to manager position.

    This is just common sense. Egossi isn't a special case. He has experience in staff, hence why he is applying for admin. Anyone else who was a good admin+ should be able to apply for said

    I'm sorry, my friend, but Egossi's application shouldn't affect other mods trying to get admin or higher. If everyone just started applying for admin, then I could see where this statement is coming from.
    Egossi is fit for the position as admin. He's been staff plenty of times. I think it's obvious that he's capable. +1
    To those saying it's not fair, it is actually fair; he has the experience that will give him the edge.
  22. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Aegean in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.
  23. Not Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Spoopy in Kingkermit   
    Muk -> Kum -> Purple Cum?!
    .-. Wut
  24. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Egossi in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.
  25. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.