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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. ??????????????????????????????
  2. That shouldn't be happening. If people do it by accident by starting at the same time then accidents happen
  3. You must be at least 13 years old. -Closed
  4. troll That's not what the rule is about, it's more so about when someone is speaking for like 5 seconds and then someone interrupts randomly, generally something entirely unrelated or to do with another conversation. I agree. I completely understand where maf is coming from. In real life scenarios, you can have different people having different conversations in a group at the same time where they would be talking other each other and such, but unfortunately that doesn't translate 100% well to the servers since everyone is the same volume more or less alternatively to real life where if one person is facing a different person, it makes it harder to hear them compared to someone looking at you etc. As Lan said, it's a necessary evil rule unfortunately for situations where people are speaking and get interrupted, but if 2 people come in at the same time or such then that's completely fine ^^
  5. Kypari


    CONGRATULATIONS!  Your membership application has been accepted and you are now a member of Xeno Gamers! You can now add the [xG] tag to your in-game name! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed below. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get more involved in the community and qualify for Staff? Here's how! 1. Be active on our Discord server! You can download Discord here, and join us using this link ! 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to keep yourself informed on things happening within the community and for your voice to be heard! 3. Be active on our servers! This shows that you're committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here. For a list of our server rules and guides, click on the appropriate division: [TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn] WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  6. Kypari


    If I'm perfectly honest, I would like to see you for longer before you actually apply for member. I know you've set out to improve yourself, but I feel a member application is too early considering your history. I'm going to -1 this application for now but I have noted an improvement on the servers, so I hope to see you continue like this and I look forward to your next application if this does not get accepted. Good luck!
  7. We've had the map on not even a day. Chill.
  8. I would like to see you more active on the servers for now. You do reach the activity requirement as of now, but only at around 15 hours. You informed me a while ago about your situation with your parents (I'm sorry to hear it D:), and I remember having a few issues with your regarding AFK'ing on the server (such as taking showers and such while on the server still). Despite these things, I actually don't think I had a problem with you when you were doing your job. I'm going to stay neutral for now but I'm hoping to see you more on the servers so I can get a better impression as of late! Best of luck!
  9. Kypari


    +1 Friendly regular on the servers A: 7 M: 8
  10. On second though, going to close this because you don't meet the requirements. -You must have a minimum of 12 hours on our servers ~closed
  11. https://xenogamers.com/rank/playerinfo/1057950
  12. You need 12 hours+ on the servers to apply for member. Going to leave this open to see if anything changes in terms of hours. You can check on rank.xenogamers.com or type /rank on the servers.
  13. +1 Happy for you to join! Very friendly ? A: 9 M: 7
  14. Hello!! Welcome to the forums ?
  15. Hi! We've done a lot in the past few weeks, so here's an update post that we completely forgot existed: Spycrabbing/Raffle rule removed from all trade-servers (middlemanning is not mandatory but recommended) Boss spamming on FF2 is now allowed. Play who you want at will! Trading now takes priority on mic (though it always really has, it's now an actual rule!) You are not allowed to spray links as well as type them. BHOP Plugin Changed on Surf Fixed Halloween Wheel - 60 seconds Trails have been fixed Airstrafing is now the same level on deathrun as it is on surf FF2 Balance: Removed stuns on skeleton mann, knight, and phoenix wright Nerfed hp on ninjaspy Removed mariobros Readded sandmen for the time being Increased required damage to rage and rage damage on skeleton mann and phoenix wright Sonic.exe HP lowered Buzz Lightyear's mobility nerfed Gas Passer should charge 50% slower now and do 15% less damage
  16. You shouldn't be telling people to get lmaobox period, even as a joke.
  17. I'm going to have to -1 for now, mostly because of the chatlogs that @Tatost has provided. Advertising hacks is almost as bad as using them, so please never do that. The "type unbindall" is a much lesser issue, which I'm not a fan of anyway but it's not a big deal. I personally haven't seen anything too bad with the exception of these logs regarding your behavior, but based on what @Nozomi has said, it's quite evident that you need to improve your attitude on servers before you get staff.
  18. +1 Very friendly and active, has been here a while.
  19. Your activity is completely fine. I wouldn't say that's an issue, so don't worry about that.
  20. Sorry, you're right. I just felt like it needed to be said and this felt like a good thread for it. It's been a bother of mine for a long time
  21. I'm just going to talk about this for a second, because I've not said anything about it until now and I really feel like I need to say it. I go back on what I said before when I banned you. I was an idiot and I've learnt from it now, so I'm sorry for banning you for a month. Luckily, I've learned from that experience and I feel a lot more confident when it comes to bans and such
  22. Or maybe we don't want to demote staff because multiple other staff haven't ever removed Precious' spray in the past, why would we just demote Krampus in particular?
  23. Definitely agreed. It's not fair to have one staff member say one thing and another one say something different. It's mainly in regard to the "explcit" wording, where it could mean that the spray that is censored is not allowed because it's covering what is clearly meant to be there
  24. Kypari


    Kypari approved the submission