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  1. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from Thorax_ in Expopread - Team Fortress 2   
    That is honestly the wackiest thing I've ever heard in suspicion that someone is lying about their age
  2. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from QueenOfHearts in Expopread - Team Fortress 2   
    That is honestly the wackiest thing I've ever heard in suspicion that someone is lying about their age
  3. Make xG Great Again
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Expopread - Team Fortress 2   
    That is honestly the wackiest thing I've ever heard in suspicion that someone is lying about their age
  4. Bad Spelling
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Expopread - Team Fortress 2   
    The fact that you're 16 and still use the "word" "funner" makes me extremely doubtful that you're giving your actual age, or that you're just really good at making imaginary words. I could be wrong, though. I don't really know you, so I'll remain neutral for the time being.
  5. Optimistic
    Kypari reacted to Arthman in List of things to do   
    I'd much rather build something than buy a spawn.
  6. Disagree
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
    TF2 xG was better in 2016 IMO. Just a bit more laid back, it was nice. Also, JB was populated ?
    CS is a lot better right now, at least for me. They don't have that many people getting angry over nothing, and arguments don't constantly break out afaik. It feels like people there can actually relate to one another, so everyone just has a good time. I think the community is fine as it is.
  7. Like
    Kypari reacted to Dannypicacho in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
    That was completely unnecessary.
    This post provided literally nothing. No ideas to help better the community, no specific people who you want to change, just you coming back to be randomly toxic about the entire community because of some small beef you had.
    Try that again but with actual meaning this time if you want to actually change something.
  8. Furry
    Kypari got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Cats or Dogs   
    I prefer Dogs to Cats, but I prefer Kittens to Puppies. Love them all though, they are all super cute!
  9. Like
    Kypari reacted to TAoWHunter in Xander   
    Ok, so I did the dance challenge if it’s way too cringe because it is. I will redo it.
  10. Furry
    Kypari got a reaction from Lithium in Cats or Dogs   
    I prefer Dogs to Cats, but I prefer Kittens to Puppies. Love them all though, they are all super cute!
  11. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Amymaniac in I'm sorry   
    I let a lot of people down with Minecraft, I am sorry.
    Truth is I have been having a lot of problems offline with my health, among other things. Not wanting to draw attention and hoping it would work itself out and allow me to actually sit down and work on Minecraft, I could never get that opportunity. I had high hopes for Minecraft and many things planned including a huge quest hub city, credits casino, mini games, large pvp arenas and ranked tournaments with prizes, among other things.

    I see Minecraft division has a returning former DL to take over and offer the time and dedication it needs which sadly I couldn't provide. I am sure the division will do well.
    I have decided its best for me to leave the clan and move on, hopefully sort myself out and see what happens.
    Thank you for having me in this wonderful community, maybe one day i can return when I am in a better state.
    Bye and take care everyone ?

  12. Creative
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Halloween Costumes?   
    Kypari and I on a regular day at the pub (Ky left, me right)

    Kypari and I on Halloween (Kypari left, me right)
  13. Like
    Kypari reacted to Egossi in Cats or Dogs   
    Obviously cats, they're adorable and much easier to strangle, they also are a whole lot more delicious when made into stew
    Here's my cat

  14. Winner
    Kypari got a reaction from mrnutty12 in A taunt command   
    Donator perks are fun commands that aren't explicitly game changing (and if they are then they aren't to be abused whatsoever) and something like taunting is entirely for fun and not mandatory.
    With donator, you can pay it bit by bit instead of paying the immediate full price. You won't get the perks until you pay the full number, but it's something to work towards! You also won't have to spend the full price again to upgrade to another tier of donator - just pay the difference!
  15. Gross
    Kypari reacted to hongkongatron in Plz tell me im not the only one..?   
    oh no they took him
  16. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from Tatost in Jump Maps Requests   
    Pinning this
  17. Like
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Jump Maps Requests   
    Post maps that you want on the Jump server. Our lineup is pretty barebones at the moment, so we need some more maps to spice it up.
    @Caleb956 @mrnutty12 @SegFault @Kypari
    @Bags @LAN_Megalodon
  18. Like
    Kypari reacted to Topaz in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    You know you just described loop-holing right? You know that is what that is called right? When someone calls some a 'tigger', them saying that they used a t instead of an n is not a valid defense. Especially if the context shows that it was meant to be loop-holing. Also, if a staff member (really anyone) tells you they do not want to be called something they find offensive, it is generally in your best interest to stop. 

    At any rate, while I do trust Seg's opinion, I have not played with you at all so I will remain neutral. I do suggest however, that you seek to improve how others see you. Just try to be more respectful and don't antagonize others in the servers.
  19. Ding!
    Kypari got a reaction from SegFault in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    So you +1 him? I'm totally lost, that's all the more reason to -1 him for trolling and harassment.
    -1 Lacks in maturity and is disrespectful. Definitely want to see improvements before +1'ing as this is far too soon.
  20. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from SyrixCoffeeWolf in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    If someone's ringtone is going off in the background multiple times then it's definitely a cause for being muted for micspam, but that would only be if they didn't follow instructions to turn their phone on mute/vibrate.
    I don't see any abuse whatsoever on the servers. If they do a vote and 70% say yes, it's entirely justified. Not entirely sure what abuse you are referring to but if you want to PM me about some stuff that would be great! In terms of the sprays, we actually touched up the rules a few months ago which made sprays stricter and people couldn't get away with lewd sprays that didn't violate the rules exactly. Finally, for admins forgetting their tags, all staff make mistakes and small ones like that are usually adjusted within minutes of being on the server. When we play other games, sometimes we don't like to have our tags in, such as when me and my friends play Dead By Daylight and we don't want the other team knowing that we are a pre-made lobby.
    Thanks for the kind words dude, I really appreciate it! Give me a message about some names if you want to!
    Are you quitting xG or taking a break?
  21. Friendly
    Kypari got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Favorite thing about xG   
    Being able to help and guide people on the servers as somewhat of a role-model for sure. I love helping new staff get as comfortable and enjoy their position as much as possible whilst still maintaining peace and positivity on the servers and to guide regulars or members on rules and trying to get staff (etc)
  22. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Remove jump_academy   
    The server is for people not only to complete jump maps on, but also to learn. It doesn't have to be the default map, but I don't agree that it shouldn't be on there.
  23. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    If someone's ringtone is going off in the background multiple times then it's definitely a cause for being muted for micspam, but that would only be if they didn't follow instructions to turn their phone on mute/vibrate.
    I don't see any abuse whatsoever on the servers. If they do a vote and 70% say yes, it's entirely justified. Not entirely sure what abuse you are referring to but if you want to PM me about some stuff that would be great! In terms of the sprays, we actually touched up the rules a few months ago which made sprays stricter and people couldn't get away with lewd sprays that didn't violate the rules exactly. Finally, for admins forgetting their tags, all staff make mistakes and small ones like that are usually adjusted within minutes of being on the server. When we play other games, sometimes we don't like to have our tags in, such as when me and my friends play Dead By Daylight and we don't want the other team knowing that we are a pre-made lobby.
    Thanks for the kind words dude, I really appreciate it! Give me a message about some names if you want to!
    Are you quitting xG or taking a break?
  24. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to QueenOfHearts in Hello again.   
    Don't get me wrong, I loved my time in CSS but I am enjoying my time in 2018 far more, more open, friendly, and just accepting.
    It feels more like a community than back in 2010-2013
  25. Bad Spelling
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Remove Random Crits?   
    "this isn't a competitive server!!!! random crits should be allowed because I cannot kill people without them!!!"
    In all seriousness, random crits are absolutely retarded in an FPS. Skill-based critical hits (headshots) are fine since they don't make you think "I seriously shouldn't have been killed by that brainless ape of a heavy." Too bad TF2 is a really bad game in multiple ways, so we don't have critical hit headshots for all weapons like CS:GO or Overwatch do. ?‍♀️