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Reputation Activity

  1. Winner
    Kypari got a reaction from MJP in Selfie Sunday   
    Found my Pichu hat when I was digging through my chest of drawers

  2. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from Thorax_ in Selfie Sunday   
    Found my Pichu hat when I was digging through my chest of drawers

  3. Eggplant
    Kypari reacted to Caleb956 in Selfie Sunday   
    I heard snapchat filters were COOL
    I already posted this on discord but it's obviously Sunday so why not! ?
  4. Optimistic
    Kypari reacted to Brady1780 in Brady1780   
    When did I say that??? I said Imma apply and see what happens if I get denied no biggy
  5. Bad Spelling
    Kypari got a reaction from Thorax_ in ban   
    You have to create a member protest and for it to get accepted by the respective divison
    This link will help
  6. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to SegFault in Get rid of spawn protection   
    The issue on surf is cptele into combat with spawn protection would likely be way more exploited than the spawn killing rule is ignored at the moment.
  7. Feels Bad Man
    Kypari reacted to MJP in I just got grounded   
    Just got grounded so I won’t be playing for a bit but I’ll still be on the discord and forums a lot since I have my phone.
    seeyah later alligator’s
  8. Friendly
    Kypari got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in My Name   
    Your name is too wholesome. Love it as it is ?
  9. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from MJP in My Name   
    Your name is too wholesome. Love it as it is ?
  10. Thinking
    Kypari reacted to Caleb956 in ReverseMJP   
    Your membership application has been accepted and you are now a member of Xeno Gamers!
    You can now add the [xG] tag to your in-game name!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed below. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get more involved in the community and qualify for Staff?
    Here's how!
    1. Be active on our Discord server! You can download Discord here, and join us using this link !
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to keep yourself informed on things happening within the community and for your voice to be heard!
    3. Be active on our servers! This shows that you're committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here.
    For a list of our server rules and guides, click on the appropriate division:
    [TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn]
    Note: n/a
  11. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Krampus in Get rid of spawn protection   
    I agree that it is pretty annoying to kill someone near their spawn and they just quick spawn back and come out to kill you with like five seconds of god mode basically but still I would rather have this way over the alternative where you don't have any all. If we were to remove it and just say no spawn camping that would would be the most time consuming thing to watch for staff and it would be awful for this server, especially considering how the surf server which does have that rule and how it is usually more difficult to get in/to the enemy spawn than here has this problem almost constantly. Also if we were to just remove it and allow spawn camping it would most likely just end up with people leaving considering how bad spawn camps can get at times. So I'd just say -1 for this and to keep the system as is.
  12. Funny
    Kypari got a reaction from Vexx in Censoring, Hypocrisy and Toxicity   
    OK, you need to chill out. "Faggot" is still a slur and still offends many gay people today, not to mention that being gay and also the whole bullying aspect for it is a VERY high cause of suicide and depression/anxiety. People have every right to get upset and offended by it. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be allowed on servers.
  13. Blaze It
    Kypari got a reaction from MJP in Selfie Sunday   
    Was my birthday yesterday so it was my first time going clubbing, took a picture just before I left ?
  14. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Get rid of spawn protection   
    Spawn protection reduces the risk of spawn camping (obviously). Spawn camping will usually lead to population going down or people just getting fed up and leaving. Whilst I agree spawn protection can be irritating when they can attack you, but you can't attack them, I feel as though having some sort of resistance to spawn camping is important and without it the server could suffer. I'd say it's the best meet in the middle option for allowing spawn camping and making sure people don't leave as a result of it -1
  15. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Krampus in ReverseMJP   
    To be honest I haven't seen any of this constant rule breaking that has been talked about, for the most part all I have seen him do his just come on with friends to try and have a good time making jokes, which is completely fine as long as he follows rules. As for the arguing with staff I would say what he's doing is fine, he is allowed to question a staff's punishment all he wants and the "No arguing with staff rule" shouldn't be used on that as long as he wants to have a genuine discussion about it, which he has from what I've seen. 
    As for his attitude toward staff I wouldn't say that it really matters, people are allowed to dislike others as much as they want, we don't all have to be friends. But what I would say for the future is that he should cool it on how much he talks about it on the servers since it's fine to not like someone but you shouldn't just go around trying to make them or a group look bad without any real backup, which you are working on right now apparently so just lay off them and if you have any real evidence of them doing a bad feel free to make that thread for what they are doing when you can.
    But still all in all it I think you are a fine person who just wants to improve the server so I'd say +1 for member
    A: 8
    M: 7.5
  16. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Aegean in ReverseMJP   
    @VinylScratch Remember you represent us so I appreciate your apology. @MJP aside from Vinyl's posts, you should take people's problems into account and work on bettering yourself so you can help sway the opinions of people who are -1'ing you. Remember staff are people too, so be considerate when you have a disagreement. Best of luck with your application ?
  17. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to QueenOfHearts in ReverseMJP   
    I apologize to MJP and to xG for my unprofessionalism. I was not trying to tell someone to leave more agreeing that maybe tf2 is not for them. On the topic of source bans, I meant mostly his Comms.
    Xeno Gamers
    BANS.XENOGAMERS.COM And while I do think he has potential, most of his antics on the servers seem to be starting drama and getting his way. As well as harassing members even after they leave the server (image attached)
    I do not mean to make xG unprofessional and humbly apologize

  18. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from MJP in ReverseMJP   
    This is a member application. @VinylScratch Do not tell people to stop coming onto the servers, @ReverseMJP you are more than welcome to play on the servers.
    For anyone else who has any input, please refer to the member submission only and not to other things and bickering about staff and how xG isn't what it was before. Things do change, and if you want them to change back or whatever, I would be more than happy for you to make some abuse threads or suggest some things, but please keep it out of this submission for now.
  19. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Goblins in ReverseMJP   
    Everyone becomes member to become staff someday. Even the members that are floating around the servers want to become staff I’m sure. 
    Real talk though, I can’t vouch for you since I don’t play surf to really see you. However, you seem like a pretty reasonable guy. It seems like you’re trying for another chance, but are getting pushed away. I’m honestly sorry.
    Best of luck on your application, bud.
  20. Agree
    Kypari reacted to MJP in ReverseMJP   
    I don't think saying I should leave is a way to solve some of the "issues" you have with me.
  21. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from Crazed_Desk in Bring back the open cyberpunk   
    It was removed because it wasn't gaming history related enough. There was a vote for it a while back
  22. Are You Insane
    Kypari got a reaction from Tatost in [applicationformfield_7] - [applicationformfield_6]   
    I've been over this again and again and again and again
    He got banned for slurs and leaving, not he got banned for slurs and then LEAVING. That would make it a week ban since he was banned for slurs in the past. I'm not arguing with you again because it's pretty clear you are adamant on this, but it's been a while since I disagreed so much.
    Ban decay is a year, it's in the handbook now
  23. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from BonfireCentipede in Turn off thriller taunt on servers   
    Will be removed ASAP!
  24. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Lithium in MRTWISTEDYETI   
    just because you haven't seen him doesn't mean he doesn't play. like you can literally check https://xenogamers.com/rank/playerinfo/1074311
    don't post pointless shit like that in member subs, if you don't know them just don't say anything
  25. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from Thorax_ in Your Top 5 Favorite YouTubers?   
    I'm much more of a twitch.tv person but I use youtube too. I don't really watch specific youtubers though other than this guy
    Call Me Kevin - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdoPCztTOW7BJUPk2h5ttXA