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Posts posted by Thunder

  1. Maybe this is a bit too much of a stretch but, I find that on most calladmins 2 or 3 staff members go to the server when it is unnecessary just because you have to load onto the server to do the command. I have no idea if it is possible but if you could make it so you could send a steam message to the bot that would be nice. Not a big issue if it needs heavy coding or shit to do.


    @Bello @Rejects

  2. It's been deemed overpowered because usually the sniper plays with the combo, so the sniper can just sit on a hill with a 185 overheal and just snipe anything, and the spy can't do much. Either it's too risky to approach the combo just to pick the sniper, or if you use your gun you will get spotted and hunted down.


    A good example is Swiftwater final.

    The combo stays at pallet along with the Engineer, and that's where the sniper is usually is found as well, and a place where you could get the sniper from is either Deck, Yard, Data, Garage and Crates. The scout will roam that area, especially around Deck and Garage, so using your gun there usually leads to you getting mad milked and chased

    i dont think any of the snipers in the event like to use the razorback anyway

  3. I dont think the bathroom even exists anymore. We had put it in a map secured in a server no one would play on but then we removed that server. I think that it WAS on JB2 on ba_jail_sand_v3? It might of been moved to the GMOD division, I wouldnt know!

  4. I know there's a suggestion post thingy whatever but I am a rebel at heart.

    Ever since the plugin was changed in Deathrun (NO MORE GIBUS GHOST!?) The MOTD needs a little...refresher.

    Also, I'm basing it off of this thingy: TF2 Deathrun Rules


    "Do not use any weapon that is not your melee."

    - We can only use melee due to the plugin so this is kinda pointless..

    "No Buddy-Buddy (not killing certain players because you're friends with them)"

    - Buddy-Buddy? This makes the MOTD a laughing stock. Try the word Favortism or maybe No Targeting?


    Some Suggestions:

    - I would like something done about pornographic or offensive signs. This doesn't cover it:

    "Keep all sprays appropriate. (No pronographic or offensive material.)

    - Easter Eggs, I have seen some staff members allow and some others not allow it. Please make up your mind (Hopefully you will allow because they are fun ..)


    ...Yeah that's about it.




    @Bello @Thunder @Tatost

    Update the general motd as well on it. KYS and such are still not allowed. Also @Rejects