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  1. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Amymaniac in Status Of Minecraft   
    good work :) thanks for the update.
  2. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Owl in Status Of Minecraft   
    Don't worry guys, @MineCrack and I will be returning to be division leaders of minecraft. We have been in talks with the higher ups and have agreed that this is necessary to the health of xG as a whole. The server will be completely revamped, introducing a spawn built by @gryfons and @lilbleed. Hopefully you guys enjoy it :)
  3. Like
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Aegean in Status Of Minecraft   
    It even plays a cute little "ding" to when you run the command :3
    I mean, little things like this many of xG's members could do!
    I know it takes a little bit of extra work on the Admins part, but why not just post the config files online somewhere, then allow the community to edit them? An Admin could then pick the one with the best configuration.
    This could save a LOT of time on configuration, where MANY of the problems (Spooks tells me) originate from.
    Believe me, I ran a Minecraft server for two years and my biggest folly was not accepting help from the community because I was worried about them abusing powers (and rightfully so, actually). But something like this would allow xG to work on improving the server as a community, without any risk of abusing any kind of powers because there are none to be abused.
    Just an idea.
    Going to talk to Rhododendron first, I will discuss with you and the other interested members about minecraft via forums or teamspeak later this week.
  4. Like
    Ms.Spooks reacted to james8470 in Status Of Minecraft   
    I actually joined the server myself, and only Spooks was online.
    We talked about the server, and the many current bugs and glitches and some possible ideas on how the community might fix it, even when our admins (as dedicated as they are) can't.
    So, first thing I noticed without even talking to Spooks was that the /store command didn't work (no permission).
    I made a plugin, it took me just 5 minutes to write and compile. When you type /store, it does this:

    It even plays a cute little "ding" to when you run the command :3
    I mean, little things like this many of xG's members could do!
    I know it takes a little bit of extra work on the Admins part, but why not just post the config files online somewhere, then allow the community to edit them? An Admin could then pick the one with the best configuration.
    This could save a LOT of time on configuration, where MANY of the problems (Spooks tells me) originate from.
    Believe me, I ran a Minecraft server for two years and my biggest folly was not accepting help from the community because I was worried about them abusing powers (and rightfully so, actually). But something like this would allow xG to work on improving the server as a community, without any risk of abusing any kind of powers because there are none to be abused.
    Just an idea.
  5. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Chrono in Status Of Minecraft   
    Honestly, having someone who knows how to add/remove plugins and "maintain" the server has not worked in the past on any attempt. Not just MC but CS, GMOD, TF2 as well. With CS GMOD and TF2 you can get away with it a lot longer because most of the work for servers comes down to a few major plugins that are highly maintained by an active modding base. But for MC there is so much to do since it may as well be open source, where modding is encouraged by the developers, and customization is the selling point of the game. You need someone who not only can drag and drop plugins and configure the setups, but someone who can actually create and actually customize.
    Regular staff are one thing (me being an inactive MC staff member [and an inactive staff in general, holla at csgo]) that honestly are not necessary right now, in such a small community of players that go on it, there are no major issues that would arise unless suddenly one of you becomes a black sheep to the others. The problem that lies in MC and our servers is that we have never really had someone for any division really that has been dedicated to developing them on the basis that silence does (except for you @doublebuttass bb), and he just doesn't really have time for it anymore. (nomulous was super dedicated to developing TF2 but only lasted as long as my interest in a hot new game lasts before I go back to the usuals, or stop playing games entirely for a while.)
  6. Funny
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Rejects in So Uh.. What Are These?   
    so when me and @BonfireCentipede joined the minecraft server today we noticed a dirt tower in the middle of our town with a banner on top of it, it had a sign on it that said this: there was also a chest behind it with some british and scottish flags. (thanks btw the scotland flags are amazing)
    so I decided to try and find all of the banners of which I found 9 (I have a feeling there's 10)
    I found some signs next to some of the banners which I'll put here:

    so there might be more signs or more banners but i dont even know what's going on with this
  7. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to BonfireCentipede in So Uh.. What Are These?   
    Very spook
  8. Disagree
    Ms.Spooks got a reaction from lilbleed in Status Of Minecraft   
    It's not entirely your fault so don't feel too bad. There is just a lot that needs to be done and unfortunately you just don't have the skills at the moment. It'd be nice if we could get someone who knew enough about the server side stuff to maintain the server. As for population minecraft is already a slow game when it comes to population anyhow but it's more of how popular servers will keep bringing in new players because they have higher voting ranks. The fact that you're the only staff I've even seen on minecraft for a while doesn't help either. The issues stem from lots of things that aren't in your control to be fair. I am curious on what will happen to the server as well but I can definitely hope for the best ^-^;
  9. Funny
    Ms.Spooks reacted to YeEternalTuna in Psa: Staff Titles!   
    Same situation happened to me when I was being tested on for this. I lost the position for the crown (Prince) and instead I turned into the Supreme Lady.
  10. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vexx in Honeytrousers - Team Fortress 2   
    Sorry @Bello, but if I may leave a bit of a word here. Even though there was no evidence left on OP's post, looking at player chat histories paints a much better picture:

    Player Chat History | Xeno Gamers
    Marshmallow DJ's:

    Player Chat History | Xeno Gamers
    Personally, I see nothing ban-worthy in the chat history, nor do I see much trolling. From what I can gather on the situation, player was blocking one of the stairwells in goldenrod tower, and Parasect had slayed him for doing so, which is not a slay-worthy thing. Players blocking a small pathway can easily be solved by killing them, so there's really no point in slaying them. To @HoneyTrousers I would recommend recording evidence later on the event this happens again, and instead making a Report Abuse thread, you can find the section for that here: Report Abuse. I'm going to leave this thread closed as OP was already unbanned due to expiration, but just thought I should bring more light to the situation.
  11. Useful
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vector in Get Hyped Kids   
    new screen shots:
    Here are a few:




    The Rest: [iNFO] Clocktown Version 2
    Thanks @Vexx for paying attention to the thread
  12. Like
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vector in Get Hyped Kids   
    Looks like he redid the screen shots.
    fixed it and posted 4
  13. Agree
    Ms.Spooks got a reaction from Osiris in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    +1I face him a lot on the servers. Sometimes I obliterate him and other he makes me want to flip a table. He is just a good sniper. I was
    also there for him being online and was dominating him earlier. He isn't a hacker. Also my two cents on the whole wallhacks thing is that
    spawn has glass windows which let you see who is about to leave. Quite funny he has to go through this again.
  14. Winner
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Thorax_ in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    I don’t spectate many people on a regular basis, so I wouldn’t know what Caribou does.
    I’m also not on TGH a whole lot, so I wouldn’t know that this user has had this issue before.
    Being that you all are saying it is otherwise;
    I kindly ask that his ban is lifted as I have made a terrible mistake. My dearest apologies @Scarecrow.
  15. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Osiris in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    Actually, @Tatost, he's got a pretty good record of not hacking. This has happened before and every time he's been cleared because it's actual sniper skill, not hacks. When you play basically just one class you get to be pretty good.
    Honestly guys, he doesn't cause trouble, people generally like him, and he's a positive influence on the server. Do we say Sylux hacks with Soldier? Or Healix with Spy? Or that guy that always played Demoknight on Pokemon Trade? I doubt we're seeing any actual misdoing here.
    +1 for unban
  16. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Thunder in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    Shooting people just as he comes around a corner doesnt show hacks, caribou does it and even I do quite a bit. If he had been looking at people through walls and had godly tracking on their heads then I would believe that he was a hacker. But looking at the demo I didnt see him do that.
  17. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to bagggel in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    Lol. +1 for unban.
  18. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Thunder in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for unban, he is not hacking.
  19. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vexx in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    I've viewed the demo myself, he's not hacking. Ironic that we're here again though. +1 for unban
  20. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Kypari in Scarecrow - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 Really don't get why people keep thinking that you're hacking because you clearly aren't. Played with earlier and there was nothing suspicious.
    The demo provided doesn't seem to work for me and @Vector Dropbox - joe.dem
  21. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vexx in I'm Done With League Of Legends   
    I honestly thought this was a joke and now I'm really sad it's not.
  22. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Tatost in S>strange(more Stat Clocks Included) Spec Ks Festivized Shell Shock Rocket Launcher(well-worn)   
    Agreed^. No one is going to pay double for a few parts and a festivizer. Use common sense in your trades and don't always take backpack.tf prices so literally.
    PS: Also your discount made me laugh tbh.
  23. Agree
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vexx in S>strange(more Stat Clocks Included) Spec Ks Festivized Shell Shock Rocket Launcher(well-worn)   
    3 strange parts who's combined total are ~4 keys without being on the weapons, and a $2 festivizer isn't going to almost double the price. I'd say this is worth ~13 keys, not 30.
  24. Like
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vector in Persona 3 Fes   
    Game Name:
    Persona 3 FES

    PS3 (Virtual Console)
    Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it)
    63 hours in 1 playthrough
    90 hours in total
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    Initial Thoughts:
    I was always curious about the persona series. I have never been a big JRPG fan even though i had tried multiple times playing the likes of Final Fantasy 4, 7, 13, 15, Golden Sun, the Dragon Quest series to get into the genre but they have never clicked for me. So i was cautious and so i decided to purchase Persona 3 FES (FES being the enhanced port of the original) which was only 10 dollars.
    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    First of all, the combat is fantastic. Like most of the popular JRPG games, it's combat is turnbased where the Characters use their persona's abilities to deal damage, buff opponents or debuff enemies. Most enemies and allies included have weaknesses that can be exploited for another turn.
    Perhaps the biggest reason for it's popularity, is it's characters. The main protagonist has no voice lines however his diloug choices are up to the player's discretion. Your allies and side characters are all very interesting and you can get to know them via social links. Social links are these events you can do to A. get to know the characters more and B. When you reach rank 10 the social links, you get a persona for their respective Socal link. Example: Getting Ranked 10 with the Magician Social link, gives you the opportunity to fuse certain demons and create Surt (one of the most overpowered persona in the game). down below is each of the social links that you can rank up throughout the game (some level up only through the story mode).

    The music in this game is phenomenal. I understand music is subjective and people won't like everything i like but i find it hard to believe that anyone can actually actively dislike a very unique soundtrack.
    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    If you want to max EVERY single social link you may have to follow a VERY strict schedule with a guide. While it is much easier to do with FES than it is to do with the original, it's still a real pain. That means exploring Tartarus ( the games dungeon) only once or twice a month. For this reason i recommend playing on easy if you wish to go this route, so you do not get overwhelmed by some of the bosses.
    Another minor negative is Tartarus its self. You will be scaling a 200+ floor building and the floors don't have much change of scenary to them. This isn't a very major point, especially if you plan on doing all the side missions and scaling to the next road block in a single night or two but after playing persona 4 (which i will probably review later) it at times can get mind numbing seeing the same layout.

    My only negative of the game is FES's 'The Answer' story. It's an extra of 10 to 30 hours of just fighting very frustrating enemies because fans of the original 2 persona and shin megami tensei series thought the game was too easy. It takes place after the game and that's all i will say about it because it's major spoilers. There's not much story and in my opinion just very boring. DO NOT LOOK UP ANYTHING ABOUT THE ANSWER UNTIL AFTER YOU BEAT THE ORIGINAL GAME.
    Final Thoughts:
    This review might look like there are some more negatives than positives, but that is NOT the case at all. There is just so much good about persona 3 that made me fall in love with the series, as well as got me to try multiple other Atlus JRPG series such as Shin Megami Tensei and its spin offs. Demon fusion is very confusing and overwhelming at first, but you start to feel like a total bad ass, when you get more and more persona. The voice acting is actually top-notch. I'm not sure why everyone has such a problem with Fuuka's voice acting. Some have said that she just sounds so bored and tired, but i didn't really get that feeling. Now there are multiple versions of Persona 3, the PSP version of persona 3 which i have not played but it comes with a female route, so instead of a male protagonist, you can choose a female route that changes some things about the game. Some major actually. Persona 3 FES is just persona 3 but better. you can look up some of the changes but anyone will tell you, to get FES because it adds some more content, social links are easier to complete and it's 10 dollars on PS3.
    I hope you all enjoyed reading this review and if you have any questions about persona 3 or anything about persona just ask in this thread or add me.

  25. Like
    Ms.Spooks reacted to Vector in Lisa (series)   
    Game Name:
    Lisa the First
    Lisa the Painful
    Lisa the Joyful
    MAC OS
    Linux (Lisa The First to my knowledge is NOT on Linux)
    Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it)
    Roughly 30 hours on all 3 parts combined
    Do you recommend?
    Lisa The First: Yes, however, you can skip this one if you want, it doesn't have a real affect to it's sequels it's more of a starting point to get you ready for the depressing world of the next two.
    Lisa The Painful: Yes
    Lisa The Joyful: Yes
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    Lisa The First: 7
    Lisa The Painful: 9.5
    Lisa The Joyful: 8
    Initial Thoughts:
    My Initial thought was: "What the fuck is this pixelated garbage that people are going crazy about whenever i hear someone talk about Undertale?" After doing some research, i found the idea and the premise of Lisa incredibly interesting. So i thought to myself, if i'm going to play it, i'm going to start from the beginning with Lisa the first. Eventually curious to see how the series turns out, i continued onto Lisa the Painful and then Joyful.
    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    Lisa the First:
    First of all, this game isn't like the other two. It's more of an adventure game with puzzles that you solve to continue Lisa's perspective as it gives a real odd look at her relationship with Marty, her care giver who raped, abused, her and her brother Brad, (who is the protagonist of Lisa the Painful.). Mainly the reason for why you should play this isn't for the gameplay IMO but it's a great starting point in understanding how Lisa's mind deteriorates and how Marty will always be there, no matter what happens, she can't run from the pain.
    Another positive is that it's free to try it, so if you're on the fence on the series, give it a play, it's about an hour to 3 hours to complete, depending if you can get through the puzzles.

    Lisa The Painful:
    This is the cream of the crop. This game is set years after civilization has broken down and there are no women. However, Brad (our protagonist of the game), comes across a baby girl, who he names, Buddy. Brad sees this as the chance of redemption, to protect this girl from the world, where he couldn't protect Lisa from Marty. The game's combat is turn based however, you may also make use of combos to with the keyboard to yield extra damage. The story progresses and your decisions have a direct impact on the gameplay. I will not spoil any of these decisions, just be ready for them when they come. Not only are the story and combat fantastic but one that doesn't get enough credit, is it's VERY unique soundtrack and that is perhaps one of my favorite in any video i have ever played. I would also like to point out that all is not completely dreary. The game somehow incorporates humor in this very odd world both normal and dark humor. There is also a ton of side party members and side things to do that, so matter how many hours i spent playing this game, i still haven't found every party member or secret.

    Lisa The Joyful:
    First of all, this game is very polarizing and the community is very split on it. Half either loves it or hates it, most of the people i have talk to about it have the same opinion mentioned before so take it with a grain of salt. The game is much harder as you control our new protagonist Buddy (Nancy 'Buddy' Armstrong) the little girl from the previous game. The game retains it's great music, gameplay, and heart wrenching but at times, funny story. It's hard to talk about this game without getting into spoilers especially if you haven't play the Painful. So pretty much, if you like this game, you must play this DLC at least once.

    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    Lisa The First:
    First of all, there is no combat in this game. Just very vague and confusing puzzles and at times, i wouldn't blame you if you used a guide especially when you find out there is a TRUE ending. The game also comes with very frustrating puzzles, most noticably and imfamous are the Marty spiders, that if you touch, even the smallest pixel, will send you back to the start of the puzzle and if you mess up in placing a rock to block one of them, you have to leave the area and come back for the rock to be set back into place, this also includes when you're on the last spider puzzle in a dungeon, if you mess up, you have to move all the way back. it's a real pain.

    Lisa The Painful:
    There is no real negative in this game. It's mainly based on whether you can deal with RPG maker combat and the very depressing story. One pain in the butt are the cliffs, if you fall off a cliff IT'S GAME OVER so save often and pay attention to ledges. (on hard mode you can only save once per save point so be careful). Also, to some, the ammount of directions you can go to, can overwhelm some people so take it slow.

    Lisa The Joyful:
    Most of the problems that revolve around Joyful, is that it just isn't as good as The Painful. Some blame circulates over the main protagonist Buddy, so if you hate buddy, you may not like your main character because she doesn't really change and her ideals are different than that of Brad's. The music is also not as memorable as Painful but it's still pretty good in it's own right.

    Final Thoughts:
    This game series is in my top 10 greatest games of all time. The hopelessness of the world they live in depressing story as well as great music and some fun gameplay add to it's legacy. It's not a very well known title but it was made by a single person: Austin Jorgensen who dedicated the game to his greatest idol, his father Brad. My final analysis and reconmendation to you is that you play this game and go on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Lisa The First IS NOT required to know or understand the story. It's there to build lore and give in insight on the mind of Lisa, Brad's sister. However, if you do play The Painful, i recommend playing Joyful at least once even if you hate it.
    Before I played Lisa:
