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Reputation Activity

  1. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to zoemama in zoemama   
    Yeah even so, for a first time offence I feel like I should be able to appeal now. The racial slur was not used in a hateful manner. 
  2. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Lithium in johnGait42 - Counter-Strike   
    xeno gammers
    you been excepted and or now a ranch of xeno gammers
    you add [xg] to name
    be follow rules below or i ban
    you want admin 
    i watch you
    look in the my discord you 1v1 me go play sever  
    look sever here
    need admin here
    go read rule
    [team forrt] [csgo soure] [garry mod] [minecaft] [nuclar dan]
    is good play
  3. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to mrnutty12 in The staff requirements are too much   
    umm it was 14 BI-weekly...
    It has already been 7 a week for years now.
    Also people don't usually respond to calladmins save the couple saints who do.
    It was 20 hours biweekly before the reduction friend.
  4. Feels Bad Man
    Thorax_ reacted to Dannypicacho in Goodbye or something   
    The 10mans once again consumed another soul ?
  5. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Soulify in Goodbye or something   
    one dl down, four more to go
  6. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Caleb956 in Goodbye or something   
    Stfu Im not crying, just sweating through my eyeballs
  7. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Jadow in Goodbye or something   
  8. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to mrnutty12 in Goodbye or something   
    Hi it is me, mrnutty12, and I'm finally stepping down.
    I have never really liked long winded blocks of text because they bore me to death, so I won't subject you guys to one listing off every little insignificant detail as to why I am stepping down. Suffice it to say I have neither the motivation nor the interest that I used to have for leading the tf2 division, especially not what I would personally consider acceptable from myself. (eg 10k+ hours in a game kinda makes it feel a bit stale yadda yadda not really a shocker there)
    I'll still pop in on the servers now and again when I feel like it, I am just done with higherup business and being staff in general.
    And a few personal notes... (sorry if I miss you but I am not going through every person I know to write something for)
    @PichuBoi ❤️
    @Kypari I can't apologize enough for some of the things I have said to you.
    @SegFault I probably won't delete my files and stuff so if you need to find them and I didn't leave such in the appropriate places feel free to ask
    @Tekk helo tekage
    @Caleb956 sand.
    @Dannypicacho A jug is superior to the bag and you should learn how to shotgun.
    @DiaperHyperWolf Awoo
    @Precious Also awoo
    @virr 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100010 01100101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01100110 00110010 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00101110
    @Lithium Thanks for the help when we were being dinguses with code and such.
  9. Make xG Great Again
    Thorax_ reacted to Tatost in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    Although harassment is not something unknown to the community prior to this post, I thought I would reflect on the state of the problem as it currently stands. This thread will make me seem even more like a high school counselor, which I really couldn't care less about.
    Harassment generally goes hand-in-hand with drama, which @Caleb956 explained perfectly in his recent thread. (See below)
    Quite recently I've seen certain players/members being harassed over complete bullshit. As someone who was previously kicked out of the community entirely, I find it infuriating that staff members haven't been cracking down on the people who do it on the daily. Some specific examples of harassment going on in both CS and TF2 would be the situations surrounding @DepressedNeonNepp and @Lottamos. People constantly throw their names around as insults or attempt to troll them to the point where they will get angry, leave the server/community for x amount of time. I won't call out specific names, but I've seen plenty of members and staff partaking in these sorts of activities. As I said previously, we're a gaming community, not an exclusive club. Make people feel welcome. Please stop trying to push people out of the community.
    You can never really get to know a person if you constantly harass them. For example, when people pick on Nep they portray him as this toxic little asshole when he really isn't. I've seen him a few times on the CS surf server (albeit he was under an alias at the time) and he was a genuinely enjoyable person. Now, I know school shooters are kind of a touchy subject on here, but I'd like to use a TEDx Talk to illustrate my point that being kind to someone can keep them from making bad decisions. If I cross some sort of line linking the video, I can understand and invite any forum staff to go ahead and cut out this section of my rant.
    Although I highly encourage everyone to both read the entirety of my post and watch the entire video, I'll insert a TL;DR.
    TL;DR - This community is plagued with members, staff and random players that can't seem to control themselves when it comes to harassing another person online. The argument that this is the internet and you shouldn't take anything seriously is complete horseshit, stop using it. Please be kind to other players instead of antagonizing them over nothing. Staff members need to start cracking down on this sort of behavior, be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.
  10. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Lean in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    That’s too many words I’m not reading that
  11. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to johnGait42 in johnGait42 - Counter-Strike   
    In-Game Name
    johnGalt42 Primary Division
    Counter-Strike Previous Member
    No Profile
    steam42 Age
    13 Previously Banned
    No Time Active on Servers
    xG sever Reason for Joining
    i play xg i like jb i play xg  all  i play with Danny and brady and lithium and jadow  and darrth and
  12. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to Roy in On a Scale 1-10   
    give me $10,000  and tell me, "If there is Light, there must be _______." If you know what is and give me that amount of money... I will stop making these types of threads. Also I'm fat and smart, what does this mean???
  13. Furry
    Thorax_ reacted to Jadow in Update Thread   
    Locked XMAS Server cause it's not Christmas anymore. Come again next year! Limited edition store items no longer available. Jailbreak
    Made @Jadow a little fatter uwu. Haha I'm fat. lol you're fat Map Changes Added jb_fentex_fix,  jb_prison_architect_v1, jb_millennium_lega, jb_healon_v1, jb_dystopian_b5 Removed jb_tile_paradice_xg, jb_fairway_csgo, jb_nexzoid_xg, jb_cavern_v1
  14. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Kypari in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
    After talking to various people, family and friends, I have decided that I am actually going to stay as a Division Manager. This community means far too much to me and I know I can work all of this out with the right help, I just have to get back on track again. Truth be told, I actually started declining really bad all the way back in early October when I stopped going to counseling and I haven't had an appointment since. Instead of stepping down, I am going to schedule my counseling again, visit the doctors and perhaps a nutritionist. If I get put on anti-depressants I may have to take a break for a few weeks so I can get used to them but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Thank you for all of the support guys, I genuinely love you all so much
  15. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to nuen in pizza   
    I technically I have 3, just saying.
  16. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to Roy in On a Scale 1-10   
    On a scale 1-10, how much do you hate me, 1 is least and 10 is most. Oh my I should get 3 or less cuz I been a good boy (maybe not if you know me well....).

  17. Drunk
    Thorax_ reacted to Roy in On a Scale 1-10   
    Yum yum in my tum tum, Nword=browN, Big boy question, “what is my motivation”? Simple, starts with E but ends with T. And after that, defined that word please. Also... opposite of negative, will be positive but that’s not who I am. I’m Roy, and I’m motivated by something in the xG community that I wrapped around with my little finger and get results. But, 7.9/10 for being toxic and cancer but always helping out, if you know what I mean.
  18. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to jaygoki in On a Scale 1-10   
    Just saying, you should probably stop making these sorts of threads (asking for hate, asking how much people hate you and why, etc). It's just a bad look and incites spreading hate and negativity. 
    I don't know if it's for attention, or because you're bored, or because you genuinely want to upset people, but whatever the case it will just cause people to find you more annoying.
  19. Blaze It
    Thorax_ reacted to TAoWHunter in The Dead FF2 Rules   
    So right now I’m in sch
  20. Blaze It
    Thorax_ reacted to Lean in Want To Get Unbanned?   
    Instead of kkk we should go to the forests in Japan and carve [xG] into the hanging bodies. Trees don’t discriminate in Japan, so Americans can come too knowing that there aren’t any vietcong in the forest here. 
  21. Make xG Great Again
    Thorax_ reacted to LeToucan in WarioX2   
    I went ahead and extended that ban to your old main account as well.
  22. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to Kypari in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
    It's about time I put an end to this era: I'm stepping down to member. Going to keep this short and bitter. My mental health has deteriorated to a point of where I have been starving myself and much worse - the stress that comes from you sexy bunch is just too much and has been for a while but I've tried to suppress it. Nothing personal I promise. I will actively be trying to avoid xG soon in hopes that I can get better. Sorry, I love you guys. Peace.
    P.S - You guys better give @Caleb956 DM this upcoming promo/demo, the man is a legend and really wants to make a difference
  23. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Caleb956 in Xander   
    I've really noticed the advances you've made over the last several months, and it's clear you've started trying more and caring more.  I never had an issue with you to begin with, glad you've made it to where we are now. 
    Going to stay neutral for now since I've only seen you a few times since I've been back but definitely pushing closer to a +1 than anything. ?
  24. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Tekk in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
    I know this was extremely difficult for you, but I think you've done the right thing.
    Regarding your health, it is far more important than a video game community. It should always come first. I know a lot of people say "haha, just ignore them it's the internet" but it's not always the case for some people and you know what? That's okay.
    I'm proud of you, bro. Keep your chin up. Much love. xoxo
  25. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Caleb956 in The Awakening   
    What is below this paragraph states how I personally feel about the state of the servers and the TF2 division as a whole right now.  No other person had any part in this, so if anyone is to be questioned then that person is me. I don’t mean this thread to attack anyone, but its important it gets out there one way or another.  I may be being completely irrational with this post, but this is several years worth of frustrations summed up into a single thread, so I apologize in advance.
    If you are new here, I'm a previous Division Leader, I've been staff several times, and am currently an admin of the Team Fortress 2 servers.
    Take this thread as you will.
    Between several servers, different discords, groups, there has been on common theme between all of them.  That theme, is the absolute inability of people to get along with other people that have opposing views, creating drama.  There are times that a simple discussion turns into an absolute shitfest for no reason at all, and fuel must be added to the fire no matter what in order to fit each person's own narrative.  There are also times when people are constantly mocked on the servers for one reason or another, and when they ask the person who is doing it to the stop the response is usually “get over it” or “just local mute them”.  How is that a solution we should be enforcing at all? If people are mocking someone just to annoy them, or get a reaction, or whatever other reason, it is harassment, and should be handled as such.  When things are agreed upon and finished, it doesn’t come lightly, it comes when one person steps in and says let's get this done with, almost as if the two opposing parties are unable to even communicate without being at each others throats, let alone negotiate, unless a third party steps in.  It’s time to brighten up and get along with each other.

    You may be asking, “why is this a problem?” Or you may be rolling your eyes at this point, well I'm directing this at everyone.  With the rate of how things are going, these servers we love to play on could very well be dead sooner than any of us think if something doesn’t change.  If that doesn’t concern you can you really call yourself a community member? It's all of our jobs to not only maintain the servers, and not only to play on the servers, but the most important job of all of us, is to have fun playing on the servers, not only for ourselves but for others.  We all represent xG, even if you aren’t a part of the clan, when you are playing on the servers, talking on the forums, or in the discord, you are representing xG and who we are as a clan.  Do we really want drama to be the thing that defines us when people look at the clan? Do we really want people to walk away because of it? I know I don't, and I sure hope you don’t either.  It doesn’t matter if “it's just online”, everyone here is a real person, with feelings of their own, we aren't built the same, and we weren't built to handle emotions the same as the next person.  If someone has a problem with how you act towards them, or how you treat them, then it's time to lighten up and be considerate for other people's feelings. As is such with the Castroy situation, he is repeatedly mocked with a phrase that is very well known to hurt him, but it is continued anyways because those doing it like seeing the reaction, or seeing that it annoys him.
    This can be solved with one word.

    Another issue I'd like to bring up, is how things are handled in the division.  On several occasions I've seen people say “well not many people are complaining about it so it's not that big of a problem”.  I firmly believe that having that kind of mindset will drag the division down, we should not be waiting for people to complain to get things fixed, or removed, or added, etc.  Our priority should be looking at the issue that is at hand, even if it was mentioned by a single person, and seeing what we can do about it. Fix the issue before it becomes a problem, don't wait until the boat has already sank. On the surf server, there is a well known issue with the checkpoint saver plugin, where it resets your saved position with no warning.  I tried several times as a DL to get it fixed to no avail. That being said, I saw someone say that their checkpoint got reset, I didn’t see their name but a few times beforehand but I could see they were genuinely disappointed.  The only solution that was offered was to “jiggle your mouse around a bit and test before you walk away”, which is all fine and dandy, except for the fact that simply, they shouldn't HAVE to. We do things to make the experience more enjoyable for all players, if a new player joined and saw that their progress was reset for no reason they'd probably think otherwise and not feel too good about the server at that point.  After I saw that, I took it upon myself to finally sit down and fix the plugin once and for all, I didn't do it for myself, or for the higher ups, I did it for HIM, the one who brought it up. That's where the issue of “waiting until it becomes a problem” comes into play. Nobody else thought it was a problem, even the higherup I sent it to( @SegFault ) so he could add it to the server, but when it's affecting our players, at that point it IS A PROBLEM, whether it is widespread or not.  I believe this can be attributed to one word:
    Something I feel several of our higher ups are lacking, or at least a good portion of the time, especially when it comes to working on the servers.  As a DL your job is the same as everyone else, but you have the responsibility to actually add to the servers and fix what's wrong. I'm not saying @mrnutty12 and @SegFault don’t do anything, but it feels like when they can't figure something out they just give up and wait until someone else( @Lithium ) figures it out.  In my eyes this shows a complete and utter lack of motivation, and unwillingness to work. You don't have to be working on the servers at all times, but if you are unwilling to dedicate time to it then why are you in such a position? An example of this is with @mrnutty12. I won’t lie and say I don't get frustrated with you when it comes to server work, because I do.  And I won't lie and say I'm always nice when I bring it up to you, because I'm not. But when you threaten to step down everytime I DO bring it up to you what does that say? It shows me personally you're unwilling to take criticism for your actions. You have told me yourself that people think you're lazy, and you think you're useless, but you don't try to change. How can you sit there and guilt yourself when there's no attempt being made. I don’t do it to try and hurt you, or push you away, I tell you how it is because it should be a red flag that clearly something is wrong, and that it should change. Another example: Population events quickly went from several times a week to sometimes not even happening once a week, whether that be from lack of players, or those who set them up just not wanting to do them.  This issue is not only directed at the higher ups, it could be directed at the division as a whole. To me it feels like many people just don't care what happens anymore, as long as x server has players on then they’re happy, those servers normally being surf or tgh. It's almost as if some people would rather see the server they like completely filled and the other server completely dead, that doesn't sound like a healthy community or playerbase if you ask me.
    Management wise, I don't think anyone could ask for a better staff team, but like all teams, we have our faults.
    Disagreements on rule matter
    Many times I have seen staff enforce a rule in wildly different ways than the next staff, which if it gets the job done is fine, but not when its creating a false idea of what they can and can not do.  There have also been times that I've seen rules enforced that I've never even seen or heard of. Obviously we will never all enforce things exactly the same, but there should be more efforts to try. This comes down to one thing, consistency.
    Arguing in the servers, or discord
    Disagreeing with each other is a given, it's not that big of a deal, but how it is handled is absolutely a problem.  A good example of this would be of what I saw last night. I won't give any names in order to provide anonymity but basically, there were two sides.  One side said he or she did this on the server and then put the blame on someone else because of x reason, and the other side disagreed and said the person that was blamed was the one who actually stated the issue on the server.  Keep in mind, there were witnesses on both sides that had different stories, and there was no solid evidence of either stories. Both sides were at each others neck for over half an hour, over something that couldn’t lead anywhere, and then it was attributed to them “trolling” or being “passive aggressive”.  These weren't just people that had just joined the server either, these were including staff members, higher ups as well. Quite frankly it's sad to see it happening.
    It's no secret many people think we are too strict on rules.  While I think rules are important to have, at a certain point it needs to come down to staff discretion.  In order to do that though we'd need something I mentioned earlier, consistency.  As it is right now, I think all of our rules are fair, and they make sense, BUT the matter is, is that we have too many.  I understand the want for rules to be specific, and I also understand the rules to be generalize, it should be somewhere in between.  Have some trust in our staff and give the players some freedom. We can still enforce the rules, but we don't need to have a 2 page long list of rules, either.

    I won’t sit here and put the blame for what's happening on one person, because what's happening is all of our faults, and that means the only way things will change is if everyone works together.  We are all told that the servers losing players can be attributed to “the game dying”, that’s not a good reason. If anything, that tells me we need to push harder than before to get our servers back to where they should be. There are rumors that are thrown around on the daily of “they said this” or “they did that”, and there are constant disagreements within our own staff team, and times when staff are at each other's throats while on the servers. There are times when the entire server is riled up because of situations like this. How many people have to leave before something changes? I didn't plan on coming back so soon originally even considering the irl information I learned, but I also didn’t plan on never coming back. I came back because I saw what was happening, and I care for this clan more than damn near anything, and I'm not willing to let this continue without at least trying to get it fixed, it's time for people to take off this mask as if everything is fine in the community and buckle up and get this figured out.  If you disagree with me, then feel free, if you agree with me then feel free; but no matter who you are, it's time for things to change around here. We are supposed to be a community, a community traditionally is a group of people who share common interests, and goals. What kind of community are we when we aren’t acting like one.

    Edit: How the bulletpoints are SUPPOSED to look..