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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Vacindak in Give Us Back Our Cpsave :(   
    bello is trying to fix it
  2. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to YeEternalTuna in Give Us Back Our Cpsave :(   
    Yes please fix the cpsave/cptele plugin because we're actually so used to it that its like that feeling when the powers out in your city and you have nothing else to do but go on your phone. It would be pretty swag thnx
  3. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Owl in Feedback Thread!   
    Hello yes I have some complaints
    Our builderdude is slow
  4. Funny
    Thorax_ got a reaction from xCabrio in Samualo   
    @Goblins ^-^
  5. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Aegean in Feedback Thread!   
    Hello Xeno Gamers! I will occasionally make threads like this as all I want is to hear from all of you what your thoughts are on our:

    Server quality
    Raffle System (new)
    Sponsors (new)
    Minecraft server (soon)
    Forums (updated)

    and anything else you would like to discuss. Please keep this thread on topic and this alongside the survey that @TheSupremePatriot did will really help us move forward with the community to address the issues you might have. Right now my primary goal as Co-Leader is to keep delivering content for you guys and to improve anything that needs to be fixed. Thank you for taking the time to read and I will give out a few 1000 credits to people who write valuable feedback to us on this thread. Did I mention we have a 75 dollar knife giveaway???
    Happy gaming!
  6. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to SnowyMinion in Feedback Thread!   
    Server Quality (TF2) : Servers have been alright. There's still that abundant amount of players who just trolls and spews slurs nonstop and spawncamp. But other than that, I'd say the servers have been doing pretty well.
    Staff: Uhhhh yea ... Not saying anything bout this
    Raffle System: Pretty cool, can bump up popularity and whatnot with these. Everyone likes raffles (unless they lose)
    Sponsors: You guys are bae <3
    Minecraft Server: Not really sure about its status right now but I know everyone's working hard to get it up and with this division returning, we're gonna get more players and hopefully get more donations coming in to pay for the servers :^) . Happy gaming you nerds
    Forums: I like the new format and layout, tho there are still some bugs and errors.. Let's hope that's all gonna get fixed and no more issues come up
    Teamspeak: Stop the loud Waiting Room moosic
  7. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to virr in Feedback Thread!   
    Why not? The point of giving feedback is to actually speak up about the problems you are having. I'm sure @Aegean would be more than happy to talk to you about it in private if you have any issues with staff and don't want to stir up pointless arguments here.
    (This only applies to CS:GO) Other than the occasional downtime/server crash (which i know isn't always our fault), servers are completely fine. Hub should be 100% priority at the moment. A lot of people are asking for it and i believe we missed a big opportunity to bring players in with it now that summer break is over/about to end for a lot of people. It's something that has been hyped and promised for a long ass time and we really need to deliver on it soon.
    [spoiler=Staff](Once again, this only applies to CS:GO) Other than some staff being inactive, I'm 100% happy with our current staff roster.
    [spoiler=Raffles]I think we could bring a bit more attention to it with server advertisements, but other than that this is a great idea which encourages people to check out the forums.
    [spoiler=Sponsors]Great idea! There should be an easier way to find current sponsors than there is currently. Maybe have a separate page for them instead of a forum post which is currently. They should really get more recognition since they are one of our main income sources (or will be in the future). Sponsor tag is incredible hard to read, dark gray on black isn't a very good combination
    [spoiler=Minecraft]Not much to say here, I know that @Owl and @MineCrack are working hard on this one. Excited to see the end result, even though i won't play on it personally.
    I believe some people are still experiencing severe bugs such as shoutbox not loading and not being able to post in threads. I'm personally not affected but this obviously this needs fixing. I prefer this layout way more to v8 (the old one), but i do think it should have been rolled out a bit slower, as this one clearly isn't 100% done yet. Mobile site is still not black, which it really should be (I'm a bit mad about this, I even mentioned it before the background color got changed to what it is now :mad:). I'm also a bit curious to find out why the ratings bar was removed on this theme and replaced by your sign up date. I don't necessarily think its a big issue, but i do prefer the ratings bar to be there, as i find the sign up date a bit irrelevant.
    [spoiler=Teamspeak]Remove the music bots (less of a big deal since you can easily mute them). Biggest problem I'm having atm is with the afk channel. Why are we not subscribed to it anymore? If there's a reason for it i would gladly hear it as it makes no sense in my head.
    Edit: Made this post less of a wall of text, you're welcome :)
  8. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Egossi in Feedback Thread!   
    Server quality
    There isn't much wrong with our servers currently as I'm also getting a lot of stuff fixed on our tf2 jailbreak server thanks to @Rhododendron and @Bleed
    The staff team of tf2 I believe has been improving a lot as of lately, although there is mass confusion about what's allowed to be said on the servers and what's not, I still believe that our servers have been going uphill in terms of staff memebers
    And about the mass confusion I've mentioned earlier which is about the usage of certain words that can be considered offensive by certain people, my viewpoint is that the freedom of speech that we've had on servers should stand and no staff member should enforce rules to an intolerable extend.
    Sure some words can be taken offensively and just by common sense should be disallowed at certain points such as when any type of sensitive topic is going on, but there is a huge difference between saying "lol get rekt faggot" after a kill you get in a video game and saying "ew, you're a faggot? God hates fags like you lol" after someone coming out as homosexual.
    And if you can't see that difference you should not be a part of the staff team. I have discussed this with many of my fellow staff members such as @Vexx and @Bagel and I would just like this confusion to come to an end, as people screaming "OMG SLURS LOl BAN XD" can get really fucking annoying.
    Feel free to give me your input about this @Goblins @Bello @Rejects @mrnutty12 as I will stand with the fact that the only thing that matters in this case is the context that said words are used in, when staff decides whether or not to take action.
    Raffle System (new)
    Sponsors (new)
    Edit: imo "VIP" was a more fitting name
    Minecraft server (soon)
    Forums (updated)
    Terrible #BringV8Back #MakeForumsGreatAegean
    Pretty solid, except not really since it crashes like every 3 seconds. I also have been wanting to be able to buy server groups with forum credits for like the past 3 years hello?
    Edit: oh and make the AFK channel subscribe-able again cause why the fuck wouldn't you since it's already down at the very bottom
    PS don't remove any of the music bots
  9. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to SnowyMinion in Feedback Thread!   
    Fucking egossi keeps killing me
  10. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to Sancock in Samualo   
    +1 !
  11. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to Goblins in Samualo   
    @Sancock just has to put the +1 in his vouch, then I can accept him.
  12. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to Tekk in Good To Be Back   
    Long before I stepped down from moderator, I was having serious fps problems. 5 fps on a server with 10 people. However, I've finally got round to doing a factory reset on my laptop; my fps is just fine now due to there being lots of space on my laptop, so I'll be making a return and most likely playing regularly. Funnily enough, I only stepped down, so I'm still technically a member :)
    It hasn't been forever, but I hope you lot haven't forgotten me <3
  13. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Tekk in Good To Be Back   
    Ayyyyyy Welcome back!
  14. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Vector in Alisonquinn Collection.   
    Making xG a greater place, one thread at a time.
  15. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to MetalGearMedic in Metalgearmedic   
    In-Game Name:

    Metal Gear Medic Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Metal Gear Medic Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    40 hours 30 mins Age:

    16 Reasons for Joining:

    I have been playing on the servers on tf2 for a long time and after having one of my friends TheNortLogic join I decided I should do the same. We have played together for so long I have no clue how long I have to play tf2 to understand how great community servers are and how much better they are than valve. I have run across quite a few members and I hope to get to know them better in the future. That means you Dub. I'll find you on Jailbreak some day.
  16. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to SnowyMinion in Scootaloo's School Shooting Photograph   
  17. Ding!
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Aegean in Alisonquinn Collection.   
    Oh lord how do you people find these channels...
  18. Useful
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Rabid in Alisonquinn Collection.   
    Oh lord how do you people find these channels...
  19. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Egossi in Snowyminion   
    I didn't want to vouch earlier because of the way you decided to leave the clan when you did, but after some thought i realized it wasn't that big of a deal so I guess we can move past it now
    +1 was a good member, a good friend and an OK mod (lul)
  20. Funny
    Thorax_ reacted to Aegean in Alisonquinn Collection.   
    There's a special place in hell waiting for you Rabid
  21. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Really? Welp, gonna look into it today.
  22. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Aegean in 22kill Challenge   

    What is #22KILL?
    #22KILL is a global movement created by veterans with a mission to:

    Raise awareness to veteran suicide and mental health issues such as PTS.
    Educate the public about current veteran-related topics and issues
    Recruit Veteran Advocates aka “Battle Buddies”
    Support various partnered organizations who focus on veteran empowerment, mental health treatment, and other services for veterans and their families

    Veteran Advocates aka “Battle Buddies” wear the #22KILL Honor Ring™ – a black band worn on the right index finger. By choosing to become part of Team #22KILL and wearing this ring, you are committed to:

    Research and learn about your local veteran service organizations and what their missions and needs are
    Focus on veteran strengths and challenge negative attitudes around veteran “issues”
    Advocate for veterans in a positive light in any platform you have
    Raise awareness to the issues of veteran suicide, and follow up with a positive solution through education and empowerment through programs offered from local nonprofits and veteran service organizations
    Believing that veterans are America’s greatest asset and learning to love them and show them that you care

    The Honor Ring™
    The Honor Ring™ is a black band worn on the index finger as a “silent salute” to all veterans, past and present. This ring is a symbol of respect and simply says that you support those who have served our country. This support can extend even beyond the military to include police, firefighters, and EMS. As a part of the #22KILL community, the ring is also a reminder to us as veterans and veteran supporters that we are never alone; that we are all family.
    History of #22KILL:
    Honor Courage Commitment, Inc. started the #22KILL movement in 2013 after learning about the staggering statistic that an average of 22 veterans are killed by suicide every day. HCC has committed to researching and understanding the genesis of this epidemic, and educating the general public on the issue. #22KILL is a platform to raise awareness not just towards veteran suicide, but also to the issues that can lead them to suicide. These mental health issues can stem from Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, or the struggles and stresses of transitioning from military to civilian life.
    The solution is veteran empowerment. One of the biggest challenges veterans face is finding a sense of purpose after service. #22KILL directly supports veteran empowerment programs that help veterans maximize their talents and understand their value outside of the military. #22KILL also continually provides support for other veteran organizations, treatment centers, and community events and projects.

    How to Participate :
    #22pushups To Honor Those Who Serve 
    Website : Veteran Empowerment | Suicide Awareness and Prevention

  23. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Charles in Making A Plan. Possible Xg Meetup?   
    RTV = Rock That Van!
  24. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Forest in Making A Plan. Possible Xg Meetup?   
    Make it an unmarked white van and throw some free candy into the mix and I'll consider it
  25. Bad Spelling
    Thorax_ reacted to Squid in Regects Hates Antartica