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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to NitNat in Happy Birthday   
    Oh my god
  2. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to Hype in Pokemonxteamfortress2 Drawings   
    Trying to help a friend g
    et some more Commissions for stuff he draws...

  3. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Xeno Gamers Themed Toon Hud   
    Update (1.4.0):
    Color Fixes

    ChatBox Color
    Damage Indicator Color
    Server List Colors

  4. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Vacindak in Anyone Know What These 2 Songs Are Called?   
    LOL sound like ...
  5. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to Bone in Goblin - Team Fortress 2   
    Oh boy here we go. I was there that day and there are also chat logs I can pull up to back up anything I say here
    So let's get started:

    @Goblins was most likely using All chat at that time. Now, his message would most definitely stick out from your Purple, Yellow, and Teal chat, especially with the little (All) before his message

    I mean let's be honest here, you were spamming, you were gagged, he kinda is the good guy. I don't see any reason for him to apologize about your spamming and your constant arguing after the fact. Which leads me to my next point:

    Now most of the time when someone is punished (after the 30 mins of course) they realize what they did wrong and usually drop it then. Since you know... you had 30 mins to cool off... But nope, you began to argue with him, tell him he wasn't doing his job correctly, and saying he should be demoted. Calling him things like "Princess", "Queen", and an abuser in chat. You were then kicked for continuing the argument when @Goblins said to stop
    You then rejoined. After more arguing and Goblin saying that you'll be banned if you continue you finally said "Whatever. I'll shut up now" to which Goblin replied "Nothing else needs to be said" and "Thank you"
    You then for some reason decided to re-rustle all your jimmies and said "YOU DID IT AGAIN". A lot like how you react when you die in TGH. You then called him a 5 year old, he tells you to drop it and you say that it's in fact Goblin causing it.
    Goblin tells you one last time to stop instigating, to which you respond "I'm not the one instigating" then you use your bind: "Welcome To Tf2. Home Of Script Kiddies, Tryhards, And Shitty Admins"

    But in server chat you said this right afterwards: "sorry i was testing a bind i just made"
    You didn't "accidentally" hit that bind, you just made it and decided to use it
    In the end, I feel @Goblins shouldn't apologize, since he was doing his job, and that you just need to calm down from what was originally a VERY small punishment. Oh, and don't say you aren't mad, I see how you talk to others on TGH :^)
  6. Optimistic
    Thorax_ got a reaction from beastboy in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    Even if it didn't do well... it wouldn't be any different than just having a locked server where no one goes.... As it already has zero population (a STEADY 0) so, a Bhop server with the Bhop auto command would probably attract people as some first timers joining surf attempt to use the !bhop command.
  7. Friendly
    Thorax_ got a reaction from NitNat in Stepping Down   
    overwatch why you do this? ;-;
  8. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to NitNat in Stepping Down   
    As much as I hold tf2 in my heart I won't be as active as I used to be. at least until I get bored of overwatch Since summer is coming and I SHOULD I have more free time that's sadly not the case for me; probably the other way around. Anyways just stepping down to member due to not being able to hold activity down blah blah blah I'll still be on forums and probably tf2 occasionally
  9. Optimistic
    Thorax_ reacted to Rhododendron in Spawncamping For Dummies   
    Can you convert it to a Guide in Guides | Xeno Gamers please :D you'd have unlimited room and could separate it out into sections :)
  10. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    What Bone already said: We could replace "CP and CTF". @Rejects
  11. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Tomahawk in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    -1 what goes through your head when you think of these ideas?
  12. Boring
    Thorax_ reacted to Osiris in Vexx - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 because everyone else +1'ed.
  13. Disagree
    Thorax_ reacted to OneGlove in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    What I'm seeing here is 30% yes, 20% no, and 50% errors with sourcebans. Either way, many of the actives on surf are on here, saying yes they DO want this new server and (though I doubt it) probably haven't read the other percent of this thread. It simply wouldn't be as active as some of the other TF2 servers, which I haven't seen any of THOSE too active. I don't really think that adding one of these new servers would be the best option right now. For now, I would say that the best thing to do is leave all of the servers alone and wait.
  14. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to OneGlove in Spameverything   
  15. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to SnowyMinion in Forum Game 5   
  16. Disagree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Forest in Forum Game #3   
  17. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to xCabrio in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    I think that a bunny hopping server would be nice because I have never seen a bunny hopping server on tf2 and I think that it would be something different and unique! I really encourage this idea and I think that it will be a really successful! +1
  18. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Vacindak in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    Actually, Our Surf server was death 7 months ago and had the same problem ,, Low Population ..0 activity...Now ..why That server is Good?
    I know the Answer.... We have a good community. we have good moderators , we have good admins who putts new maps , we have good Members who keeps playing our servers .... Surf is hard to do, and the most Of the people can´t do ... Why those people come back in our surf servers? ... Cuz there are friendly people ,good atmosphere and Funny Moments too .
    The SupremePatriot´s idea , Is not bad .
    (sorry for my grammar)
  19. Funny
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Vacindak in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    Have you seen @Vacindak?
  20. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to OneGlove in Xcabrio   
    Seen this guy on surf. While sometimes immature, he would be a good addition to the clan.
  21. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Forum Game 5   
    The Handsome Family-Far from any Road
    this game is really easy if you used this video below
    here's an easy one:
    "now this is a story of how my life
    got flipped-turned upside down"
  22. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from NitNat in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    Have you seen @Vacindak?
  23. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to Nightstar in Bye Kiddies.   
    So it's come to this.
    2-3 years on these servers and I've been busier than ever with exams and friends.
    I remember when Bello was Thanatos Telos. German butt.
    Cleb was actually gud back in the day (lenny).
    And Murphy was but a fetus to JB1.
    If JB starts living I will come back (I won't get enough votes so I won't be a part of xG again :3)
    I might be quitting TF2 for a bit as well.
    It was fun. Bye.
  24. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    That's the same server. Someone must have added it to sourcebans twice.
  25. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to Bone in Replace One Of The Low Population Servers With A Bhopping Server.   
    Though I'd love to see a Bhop server, I feel like it wouldn't be too popular. Maybe if we could get a map that's half Bhop half Surf, we could add it to the surf server since it's already got Bhop. If such a thing doesn't exist, maybe I could make one, I dunno. Just a thought
    -Sincerely. a person who goes on TF2 to Bhop