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  1. Drunk
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Thorax_ in Slurs Thread Redux   
    Alright so I feel as though I should re-instate my opinions from my last thread in a more intelligible
    way. My thread was kind of a stinkpiece I admit, I was a bit pissed off at the time. I didn't really expect
    to influence any sort of big changes but I was aiming to at least get some people to see it from my
    perspective. I wanted to voice my opinion on it even though I knew that I would get a lot of hate, and I
    did get a lot of hate, which is fair but I thought I would explain myself since a lot of people think I'm for
    what I said.
    This time I'm going to move away from if Nigga really is a slur or not because really, it's besides the point.
    My big problem is with Xenogamers outlawing slurs in general. The fact that people sometimes
    use slurs in general or good terms and not in a malicious way is completely ignored and it just seems
    unreasonable to me. People usually don't get offended at slurs if they're used in a general sense.
    Another thing is that it's really your choice at the end of the day to be offended by slurs or not. I don't think
    it's a very good idea to support people having thin skin because they can't handle hearing these words,
    you're just supporting weakness by doing this. People have said to me that it's because xG wants to reach
    out to a broader, wider audience but xG does not appeal to a wide audience at all in my opinion. xG is full of Pokefurs,
    Furries and every kind of weirdo in between and that scares away people on the get go by itself. And as I
    stated in my thread before, when you start banning words you just give them more power. It's feeding into people's
    sensitivities in an attempt to seem politically correct, which I don't understand because xG is just full to the brim with
    degenerates of all shapes and sizes who probably wouldn't give a damn about anybody saying any type
    of slurs. It's the admins who are making it a big deal and I don't even think most of them care much about
    it personally. Why would you even want to harbor anyone who gets offended by words like Nigga?
    My other point I was trying to make in my last thread was that the staff in xG is just downright inconsistent,
    and that was probably the most agreed on point so I'm just going to talk about it a little more.
    Here's a recent example of some very inconsistent moderating on xG: Awhile ago there was this guy on one of
    the TF2 servers who was trying to make trouble by loop-holing the rules on Slurs by making their name things like
    "Fellow African American" and etc and maybe I could have tolerated the Admin who was on ignoring it, but he was
    also spouting anti-semitic things like "The holocaust never happened" and "Hitler did nothing wrong" and he was
    going at it for a good ten to twenty minutes and the admin didn't even do anything about it. Even when I tried pointing them
    to the admin they just ignored it and didn't even issue any warnings to the specific person. It's not that I was offended by what they
    were saying but I felt like I was being cheated by the staff because this guy could get away with this scot-free but I got
    muted for 30 minutes for saying "I can't believe Nigga is still considered a slur here"? It seemed very unfair to me.
    There's inconsistencies in other rules too, it really just depends on what admin is on and what they think is bad to them.
    Like for instance, I used to use /bonkme -1 to do things like get out of taunts and I got away with it for a veeeeeery loooooong
    time without any admins saying anything about it until all of a sudden I was getting threatened to be banned for it by someone,
    Which just confused the fuck out of me because it was so normal to me that it had become habit. Another one is using putting
    teleporters in the skybox, it just depends what admin is on, some will tell you not to do it and some wont. I could probably go into
    more inconsistent rules but you get the point.
    Like I said, I don't expect this to change anything really because I already know most of you disagree with me on principle already
    and/or hate me for what I've said or done in the past but I really do evaluate what you guys say to me and I'm not planning on
    breaking the rules. Thanks.
  2. Smelly
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Goblins in Slurs Thread Redux   
    Alright so I feel as though I should re-instate my opinions from my last thread in a more intelligible
    way. My thread was kind of a stinkpiece I admit, I was a bit pissed off at the time. I didn't really expect
    to influence any sort of big changes but I was aiming to at least get some people to see it from my
    perspective. I wanted to voice my opinion on it even though I knew that I would get a lot of hate, and I
    did get a lot of hate, which is fair but I thought I would explain myself since a lot of people think I'm for
    what I said.
    This time I'm going to move away from if Nigga really is a slur or not because really, it's besides the point.
    My big problem is with Xenogamers outlawing slurs in general. The fact that people sometimes
    use slurs in general or good terms and not in a malicious way is completely ignored and it just seems
    unreasonable to me. People usually don't get offended at slurs if they're used in a general sense.
    Another thing is that it's really your choice at the end of the day to be offended by slurs or not. I don't think
    it's a very good idea to support people having thin skin because they can't handle hearing these words,
    you're just supporting weakness by doing this. People have said to me that it's because xG wants to reach
    out to a broader, wider audience but xG does not appeal to a wide audience at all in my opinion. xG is full of Pokefurs,
    Furries and every kind of weirdo in between and that scares away people on the get go by itself. And as I
    stated in my thread before, when you start banning words you just give them more power. It's feeding into people's
    sensitivities in an attempt to seem politically correct, which I don't understand because xG is just full to the brim with
    degenerates of all shapes and sizes who probably wouldn't give a damn about anybody saying any type
    of slurs. It's the admins who are making it a big deal and I don't even think most of them care much about
    it personally. Why would you even want to harbor anyone who gets offended by words like Nigga?
    My other point I was trying to make in my last thread was that the staff in xG is just downright inconsistent,
    and that was probably the most agreed on point so I'm just going to talk about it a little more.
    Here's a recent example of some very inconsistent moderating on xG: Awhile ago there was this guy on one of
    the TF2 servers who was trying to make trouble by loop-holing the rules on Slurs by making their name things like
    "Fellow African American" and etc and maybe I could have tolerated the Admin who was on ignoring it, but he was
    also spouting anti-semitic things like "The holocaust never happened" and "Hitler did nothing wrong" and he was
    going at it for a good ten to twenty minutes and the admin didn't even do anything about it. Even when I tried pointing them
    to the admin they just ignored it and didn't even issue any warnings to the specific person. It's not that I was offended by what they
    were saying but I felt like I was being cheated by the staff because this guy could get away with this scot-free but I got
    muted for 30 minutes for saying "I can't believe Nigga is still considered a slur here"? It seemed very unfair to me.
    There's inconsistencies in other rules too, it really just depends on what admin is on and what they think is bad to them.
    Like for instance, I used to use /bonkme -1 to do things like get out of taunts and I got away with it for a veeeeeery loooooong
    time without any admins saying anything about it until all of a sudden I was getting threatened to be banned for it by someone,
    Which just confused the fuck out of me because it was so normal to me that it had become habit. Another one is using putting
    teleporters in the skybox, it just depends what admin is on, some will tell you not to do it and some wont. I could probably go into
    more inconsistent rules but you get the point.
    Like I said, I don't expect this to change anything really because I already know most of you disagree with me on principle already
    and/or hate me for what I've said or done in the past but I really do evaluate what you guys say to me and I'm not planning on
    breaking the rules. Thanks.
  3. Informative
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Matteomax in Slurs Thread Redux   
    Alright so I feel as though I should re-instate my opinions from my last thread in a more intelligible
    way. My thread was kind of a stinkpiece I admit, I was a bit pissed off at the time. I didn't really expect
    to influence any sort of big changes but I was aiming to at least get some people to see it from my
    perspective. I wanted to voice my opinion on it even though I knew that I would get a lot of hate, and I
    did get a lot of hate, which is fair but I thought I would explain myself since a lot of people think I'm for
    what I said.
    This time I'm going to move away from if Nigga really is a slur or not because really, it's besides the point.
    My big problem is with Xenogamers outlawing slurs in general. The fact that people sometimes
    use slurs in general or good terms and not in a malicious way is completely ignored and it just seems
    unreasonable to me. People usually don't get offended at slurs if they're used in a general sense.
    Another thing is that it's really your choice at the end of the day to be offended by slurs or not. I don't think
    it's a very good idea to support people having thin skin because they can't handle hearing these words,
    you're just supporting weakness by doing this. People have said to me that it's because xG wants to reach
    out to a broader, wider audience but xG does not appeal to a wide audience at all in my opinion. xG is full of Pokefurs,
    Furries and every kind of weirdo in between and that scares away people on the get go by itself. And as I
    stated in my thread before, when you start banning words you just give them more power. It's feeding into people's
    sensitivities in an attempt to seem politically correct, which I don't understand because xG is just full to the brim with
    degenerates of all shapes and sizes who probably wouldn't give a damn about anybody saying any type
    of slurs. It's the admins who are making it a big deal and I don't even think most of them care much about
    it personally. Why would you even want to harbor anyone who gets offended by words like Nigga?
    My other point I was trying to make in my last thread was that the staff in xG is just downright inconsistent,
    and that was probably the most agreed on point so I'm just going to talk about it a little more.
    Here's a recent example of some very inconsistent moderating on xG: Awhile ago there was this guy on one of
    the TF2 servers who was trying to make trouble by loop-holing the rules on Slurs by making their name things like
    "Fellow African American" and etc and maybe I could have tolerated the Admin who was on ignoring it, but he was
    also spouting anti-semitic things like "The holocaust never happened" and "Hitler did nothing wrong" and he was
    going at it for a good ten to twenty minutes and the admin didn't even do anything about it. Even when I tried pointing them
    to the admin they just ignored it and didn't even issue any warnings to the specific person. It's not that I was offended by what they
    were saying but I felt like I was being cheated by the staff because this guy could get away with this scot-free but I got
    muted for 30 minutes for saying "I can't believe Nigga is still considered a slur here"? It seemed very unfair to me.
    There's inconsistencies in other rules too, it really just depends on what admin is on and what they think is bad to them.
    Like for instance, I used to use /bonkme -1 to do things like get out of taunts and I got away with it for a veeeeeery loooooong
    time without any admins saying anything about it until all of a sudden I was getting threatened to be banned for it by someone,
    Which just confused the fuck out of me because it was so normal to me that it had become habit. Another one is using putting
    teleporters in the skybox, it just depends what admin is on, some will tell you not to do it and some wont. I could probably go into
    more inconsistent rules but you get the point.
    Like I said, I don't expect this to change anything really because I already know most of you disagree with me on principle already
    and/or hate me for what I've said or done in the past but I really do evaluate what you guys say to me and I'm not planning on
    breaking the rules. Thanks.
  4. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Kypari in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  5. Got It
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Egossi in Nigga is not a slur.   
  6. Winner
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Egossi in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  7. Smelly
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Goblins in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  8. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  9. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from LemonVolt in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  10. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Krampus in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  11. Eggplant
    Jacklyn got a reaction from DrLee in Nigga is not a slur.   
  12. Not Funny
    Jacklyn got a reaction from TBOHB in Nigga is not a slur.   
  13. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from TBOHB in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  14. Agree
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Brutarii in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  15. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Thorax_ in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  16. Friendly
    Jacklyn got a reaction from james8470 in Nigga is not a slur.   
    @james8470 Thanks for the informed reply, you bring up some good points as well.
  17. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from james8470 in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  18. Not Funny
    Jacklyn got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Nigga is not a slur.   
  19. Boring
    Jacklyn got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Nigga is not a slur.   
  20. Not Funny
    Jacklyn got a reaction from dr.derpy in Nigga is not a slur.   
  21. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Blizzard in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  22. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Espeon in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  23. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from dr.derpy in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  24. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Vargas in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.
  25. Are You Insane
    Jacklyn got a reaction from Kati in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I recently got gagged for asking why Nigga is considered a slur and it just pisses me off to no end.
    Nigga is NOT an offensive slur, it's used by black people all the time as a term of endearment. Literally
    NO ONE is going to get offended by people saying it, so why punish people for it????? I find this to be
    a breach of free speech. When people are intending to create hate-speech for people of color they just
    say Nigger, plain and simple. It's just wrong and unfair to ban words like this because it just gives them
    more notoriety for absolutely no reason. You can do a simple fucking google search and learn that Nigga
    is used in a positive way unlike Nigger. I understand that the word has evil roots but that's really no excuse.
    This is just an example of blatant hypocrisy employed by xG Staff, for example I get made fun of all the time
    on xG for being a "girl gamer xdddd make me a sammich lmaooo xdd" but do you see me cry about it to admins?
    No. Because I'm not a fucking pussy ass bitch, Admins don't even do anything about it when that happens.
    xG claims to be a "safe space" but it really is not. There's talk of traps all the time which is considered a slur by some
    transgender people, things like lolis are encouraged by titles like "Loli" or "Loli scout legionaire" and some people even
    have sprays of it, which is sexualizing children which is wrong, and illegal and people like Rub1dium get hunted down
    through facebook by an absolute creep.What's with all the double standards??????
    Really xG staff needs to either get more consistent with their policies or just get rid of punishment for slurs altogether
    because all you are doing by making slurs this big bad thing is giving the words more power and cultivating absolute SJW
    pussies who get triggered at any sort of slur.