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  1. Are You Insane
    virr got a reaction from Egossi in Nigga is not a slur.   
    Hey there Jackie! First of all, thank you for making a post and wanting to discuss this with us. It is by adressing issues like these we grow as a community and hopefully makes xg a better place for all of us! There are a couple of points in your post i would like to adress and discuss, hopefully that's ok.

    xG is privately owned which means that we are allowed to set our own rules and regulations that our users have to follow. We as a community has chosen to disallow the word in question, if you agree with it or not thats up to you.

    Right. I know urban dictonary isnt really a valid source but i figured it would be appropriate considerng what word we're talking about.

    This is mostly a meme and is no way anything we endorse or have officially stated.

    This was adressed fairly recently. You can read more here.

    This is actually a pretty valid point and i want to expand a bit of why you think this is. The problem is that we're all separate individuals with different views and morals. You're right that a lot of rules do leave a lot of stuff up to interpretation for staff which is when these opinions and views come into play and sometimes might create conflicts and inconsistency depending on which staff is online at the time. This is something we're working towards resolving but it might take us a little while as things like this does take a lot of discussion to make things as fair as possible. Feel free to check out this thread as an example of what we did not too long ago.
  2. Are You Insane
    virr got a reaction from DrLee in Nigga is not a slur.   
    Hey there Jackie! First of all, thank you for making a post and wanting to discuss this with us. It is by adressing issues like these we grow as a community and hopefully makes xg a better place for all of us! There are a couple of points in your post i would like to adress and discuss, hopefully that's ok.

    xG is privately owned which means that we are allowed to set our own rules and regulations that our users have to follow. We as a community has chosen to disallow the word in question, if you agree with it or not thats up to you.

    Right. I know urban dictonary isnt really a valid source but i figured it would be appropriate considerng what word we're talking about.

    This is mostly a meme and is no way anything we endorse or have officially stated.

    This was adressed fairly recently. You can read more here.

    This is actually a pretty valid point and i want to expand a bit of why you think this is. The problem is that we're all separate individuals with different views and morals. You're right that a lot of rules do leave a lot of stuff up to interpretation for staff which is when these opinions and views come into play and sometimes might create conflicts and inconsistency depending on which staff is online at the time. This is something we're working towards resolving but it might take us a little while as things like this does take a lot of discussion to make things as fair as possible. Feel free to check out this thread as an example of what we did not too long ago.
  3. Thinking
    virr got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Nigga is not a slur.   
    Hey there Jackie! First of all, thank you for making a post and wanting to discuss this with us. It is by adressing issues like these we grow as a community and hopefully makes xg a better place for all of us! There are a couple of points in your post i would like to adress and discuss, hopefully that's ok.

    xG is privately owned which means that we are allowed to set our own rules and regulations that our users have to follow. We as a community has chosen to disallow the word in question, if you agree with it or not thats up to you.

    Right. I know urban dictonary isnt really a valid source but i figured it would be appropriate considerng what word we're talking about.

    This is mostly a meme and is no way anything we endorse or have officially stated.

    This was adressed fairly recently. You can read more here.

    This is actually a pretty valid point and i want to expand a bit of why you think this is. The problem is that we're all separate individuals with different views and morals. You're right that a lot of rules do leave a lot of stuff up to interpretation for staff which is when these opinions and views come into play and sometimes might create conflicts and inconsistency depending on which staff is online at the time. This is something we're working towards resolving but it might take us a little while as things like this does take a lot of discussion to make things as fair as possible. Feel free to check out this thread as an example of what we did not too long ago.
  4. Agree
    virr reacted to Blizzard in Nigga is not a slur.   
    That's just unnecessary, if you're not here to vouch an actual reason don't post at all. simple as that
    nonetheless -1, it would still be offensive to to call someone that. Not a lot can be reasoned here
  5. Winner
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Nigga is not a slur.   
    Hey there Jackie! First of all, thank you for making a post and wanting to discuss this with us. It is by adressing issues like these we grow as a community and hopefully makes xg a better place for all of us! There are a couple of points in your post i would like to adress and discuss, hopefully that's ok.

    xG is privately owned which means that we are allowed to set our own rules and regulations that our users have to follow. We as a community has chosen to disallow the word in question, if you agree with it or not thats up to you.

    Right. I know urban dictonary isnt really a valid source but i figured it would be appropriate considerng what word we're talking about.

    This is mostly a meme and is no way anything we endorse or have officially stated.

    This was adressed fairly recently. You can read more here.

    This is actually a pretty valid point and i want to expand a bit of why you think this is. The problem is that we're all separate individuals with different views and morals. You're right that a lot of rules do leave a lot of stuff up to interpretation for staff which is when these opinions and views come into play and sometimes might create conflicts and inconsistency depending on which staff is online at the time. This is something we're working towards resolving but it might take us a little while as things like this does take a lot of discussion to make things as fair as possible. Feel free to check out this thread as an example of what we did not too long ago.
  6. Like
    virr got a reaction from yesstergi in Nigga is not a slur.   
    Hey there Jackie! First of all, thank you for making a post and wanting to discuss this with us. It is by adressing issues like these we grow as a community and hopefully makes xg a better place for all of us! There are a couple of points in your post i would like to adress and discuss, hopefully that's ok.

    xG is privately owned which means that we are allowed to set our own rules and regulations that our users have to follow. We as a community has chosen to disallow the word in question, if you agree with it or not thats up to you.

    Right. I know urban dictonary isnt really a valid source but i figured it would be appropriate considerng what word we're talking about.

    This is mostly a meme and is no way anything we endorse or have officially stated.

    This was adressed fairly recently. You can read more here.

    This is actually a pretty valid point and i want to expand a bit of why you think this is. The problem is that we're all separate individuals with different views and morals. You're right that a lot of rules do leave a lot of stuff up to interpretation for staff which is when these opinions and views come into play and sometimes might create conflicts and inconsistency depending on which staff is online at the time. This is something we're working towards resolving but it might take us a little while as things like this does take a lot of discussion to make things as fair as possible. Feel free to check out this thread as an example of what we did not too long ago.
  7. Smelly
    virr reacted to MinerTeddy in Hey klure   
    @virr Get that weak waifu shit outta here. Sasha is trash and everyone knows it; she almost got killed off until the editor said no.
  8. Agree
    virr got a reaction from james8470 in Hey klure   
    Smh everyone knows that Christa is best girl closely followed by Sasha.
  9. Like
    virr reacted to MineCrack in Hey klure   
  10. Thinking
    virr got a reaction from hongkongatron in Bun_E / Amy - Minecraft   
  11. Useful
    virr reacted to james8470 in ★ Guide Update Suggestions ★   
    I was looking though the guides, and I noticed a few things we might want to update, so I thought I'd pick them out and put them in a nice list.
    These are just suggestions, the purpose of this thread is to provide a convenient list of suggestions for the staff whom are able to edit the website in order to update our guides. I do not suggest rule changes/edits. I only point out inconsistencies between the rule lists which may be confusing staff and players (and me!).

    They are listed in same the order they appear on the guides list page.
    Hopefully, these potential guide edits will help clear up recent confusion about the rules people have displayed on the forums, as most of these suggestions have to inconsistencies between server rules guides.
    STAFF MEMBERS: @Bello @Aegean @Rhododendron @Bleed @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @virr @Amylicious @Lithium @Chrono @XHina_sanX @TheSupremePatriot @Vertex @WhoeverElseCanEditWebsite
    Please look into some of these suggestions to update the guides when you get a chance, thank you!
    Also, feel free to forcibly edit this post in order to remove suggestions and typos which you have just fixed/added/will not be adding.
    Please comment on this thread if you see something I missed on a guide, and I'll edit this post to add it to the suggestion list, thanks.
    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Legend =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    ✎ Needs editing
    ✏ Note/Helpful Tip (found under ✎)
    :emoji_white_check_mark: Complete
    :emoji_grey_question: Almost Complete/Questionable
    :emoji_exclamation: Incomplete/outdated, needs edits
    Screenshot of the Month :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Xeno Gamers | Screenshot of the Month Winners | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    ✎ Reminding @TheSupremePatriot to update the last 4 months worth of winners when he gets a chance
    TF2 Store Items for HUB :emoji_exclamation:
    TF2 Store Items for HUB | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ "Want to get your own title?An own title is 5 USD. Click here!"
    ✏ Please put a space between the two sentences.
    ✏ "An own title" seems a little strange, try "A custom title"
    ✎ Outdated information

    Evil Trail [1250 Credits] - Adds a particle effect to a player's back
    Evil Vision [1250 Credits] - Changes a player's view so everything is in 160°...
    Be a Robot [3500 Credits] - Play as a robot
    No Fall Damage [1250 Credits] - Disable falldamage for yourself.
    Noclip [250000 Credits] - Give yourself noclip . Abusing noclip will result in the item being taken away from you

    ✏ Evil Trail no longer works
    ✏ Others may not work (I've bought Be a Robot and No Fall, but they don't seem to do anything)
    ✏ Whats with the "..." after 160°?
    ✎ Broken link

    For more examples of trails, click here!

    ✏ There's no link on "here"
    TF2 Staff Manual :emoji_grey_question::emoji_white_check_mark:
    TF2 Staff Manual (Everything you need to know!) | Xeno Gamers
    I'm not going to comment on this one, it's not my place nor do I know how updated these are, but it looks well-written.
    TF2 Freak Fortress Rules :emoji_grey_question:
    TF2 Freak Fortress 2 Rules | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    ✎ (See PkMn Trading Center Rules for inconsistencies)
    TF2 Surf Rules :emoji_exclamation:
    TF2 Surf Rules | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ Impersonation of staff members & no trolling is missing from the rule list
    ✎ (See PkMn Trading Center Rules for inconsistencies)
    Pokemon Trading Center Rules :emoji_exclamation:
    Pokemon Trading Center Rules | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ I noticed there are a couple rules which might be applicable to other server rules guides OR are strangely inconsistent across servers.

    Trolling is unallowed. (The definition of trolling is to the discretion of the moderator, and can include intentionally being annoying, antagonizing players, impersonation of staff members, spoiling the ending of games or movies, etc.)

    ✏ This is missing from FF2 rules
    ✏ This simply "looked down upon" in the Surf rules? Do we allow trolling or discourage it?

    Keep all trades to typed chat only, unless you are on a designated trade server.

    ✏ Shouldn't this be in all the server rule guides like FF2 and Surf where it's missing?
    ✏ Why is this rule in the rule-list for what is literally a designated trade server lol :ROFLMAO: But really, it's just confusing when listed on this guide.

    Scamming in any way, shape, or form is a heinous notion, and will be met as such within our servers. If you wish to report a scammer, please contact a staff member immediately.

    ✏ This rule is strangely missing from the Surf rules

    No Random Trading. Please have the common courtesy to work out a deal with someone in chat before sending a trade request. It will not be tolerated.

    ✏ This rule is strangely missing from the FF2 rules

    Staff members will be required to wear their appropriate tags at all times.

    ✏ Add: "or use server titles"
    ✏ This rule strangely missing from both FF2 rules and Surf rules
    ✎ The GENERAL RULES section is the only section
    ✏ Despite there being trade-server specific rules listed under it (like !friendly rules) that might warrant their own section, like in the PkMn Trading Center rules guide.
    Trade Gaming History Rules :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Trade Gaming History Rules | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    TF2 General MOTD :emoji_white_check_mark:
    TF2 General MOTD | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    Badges :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Badges | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!

    ✏ So this applies to users who give away their raffle prizes? How is this checked, does the user who won the prize simply tell @Aegean that they gave it to an xG member?
    EDIT: yes. @virr, @Aegean or @Rhododendron
    Trading Servers Guide :emoji_white_check_mark:
    TF2 [xG] Trading Server Guide | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    ✏ Is Slylux's edited Pokemon map missing from the PkMn map list?
    ✏ The Trading Servers Guide, Surf Servers Guide, Deathrun Server Guide, and Donation Information guides all incorrectly display !betheghost as a command available to super donators. !betheghost does not work in-game as super donator.
    Surf Server Guide :emoji_exclamation:
    TF2 [xG] Surf Server Guide | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ The images under "SERVER INFORMATION AND STATISTICS" are broken
    ✏ The Trading Servers Guide, Surf Servers Guide, Deathrun Server Guide, and Donation Information guides all incorrectly display !betheghost as a command available to super donators. !betheghost does not work in-game as super donator.
    Minecraft Server Rules :emoji_exclamation:
    Minecraft Server Rules | Xeno Gamers

    ✎ In other server rules guides, the general rules are often listed. Why not copy/past them into here as well? Just for easy reference.
    ✏ Don't forget that rules involving mic usage would have to be removed after pasting them in, as you cannot voice-chat in MC.

    ✎ "Gain advantage" could easily include using /dis to become something like a bat, which has a small hitbox, and is difficult to see. Even though the disguise is busted in one hit, it's still somewhat of an advantage. Is this allowed?
    ✏ If not, maybe a few examples should be added to this rule, such as: "e.g: no disguising just before entering PvP"
    Deathrun Server Guide :emoji_grey_question:
    TF2 [xG] Deathrun Server Guide (WIP) | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    ✏ The Trading Servers Guide, Surf Servers Guide, Deathrun Server Guide, and Donation Information guides all incorrectly display !betheghost as a command available to super donators. !betheghost does not work in-game as super donator.
    Forum Hub & Features Guide :emoji_exclamation:
    Xeno Gamers Forum Hub and Features Guide | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ The BADGES section needs to be updated
    ✏ Lacks new badges, uses a discontinued image for the "MoneyBagsMcgee" badge.
    Saxton Hale (Freak Fortress2) Server Guide :emoji_exclamation:
    TF2 [xG] Saxton Hale (Freak Fortress 2) Server Guide | Xeno Gamers
    (Page 1)
    ✎ The "BOSSES" section is outdated
    ✏ Many discontinued bosses are still listed
    ✏ New bosses such as James Bound, Buzz Lightyear, etc. are missing
    (Page 2)

    Death threats and the use of the phrase "Kill yourself", (AKA Encouraging Suicide) is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate punishment.

    ✎ This rule is listed here, yet not on any other rule guides. This guide isn't even a rule guide!
    (Page 3)
    ✎ "XENOGAMERS [xG]" remains unfilled to this day. What is it supposed to be about? Tag rules?
    Voting in Minecraft :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Voting in Minecraft | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    Surf Code Index :emoji_grey_question:
    Surf Code Index | Xeno Gamers
    (Page 1)
    ✎ Spelling/Grammer Errors

    ✏ Please change "the most rare" to "rarest", it's confusing.
    ✏ Why not change "(Surf Arena + Surf Linear = Surf Bilinear)" to simply "A combination of Surf Arena & Surf Linear map types"
    (Page 2)
    ✎ Two images are broken on this page
    (Page 4)
    ✎ There's a section, "Types of Ramps", which has been "in progress" since April 2016. Maybe it should've been added by now after 15 months?
    Sponsorship and Reward Titles :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Sponsorship And The Reward Tiers | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!

    ✏ Why is there a "Too long; didn't read" followed by "no" here?
    The Official Noob Guide :emoji_white_check_mark:
    The Official Noob Guide! | Xeno Gamers
    Looks Good!
    TF2 Deathrun Rules :emoji_grey_question:
    TF2 Deathrun Rules | Xeno Gamers
    Looks Good!

    ✏ So anything that is not listed in the MOTD (which is this very guide) is automatically illegal? So anything I do in-game is illegal unless an Admin (but not mods?) say otherwise? Maybe this could be rephrased to simply "Staff members have the final say in any situation"?
    TF2 Reglas Del Surf :emoji_white_check_mark:
    TF2 Reglas Del Surf | Xeno Gamers
    I can't read Spanish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    How 2 Properly Use Capitalism (Tutorial To Credits) :emoji_white_check_mark:
    How 2 Properly Use Capitalism (Tutorial to Credits) | Xeno Gamers
    I love this guide
    Overhauled TF2 Jailbreak Rules :emoji_exclamation:
    Overhauled TF2 Jailbreak Rules | Xeno Gamers

    Staff members (DMs and DLs only) reserve the right to adjust the rules on the fly in case of new maps, new plugins, or new situations. Be aware.

    ✏ Should this be mentioned on other rule lists? Because this it the first I've seen of it. Although the common "staff have the final say" could encompass this, it might be good to mention elsewhere.
    ✎ The "Allowed Donator Perks" section is outdated
    ✏ New perks which could potentially be allowed such as !rainbowme are missing from the list
    ✏ Removed perks like !eviltrialme should be taken off the list
    Towny Guide :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Towny Guide | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    Store items for HUB :emoji_white_check_mark:
    ✏ As there are HUBs in other devisions as well, it might be prudent to change this guide's name to "Store items for HUB (CS:GO" to prevent confusion.
    Store Items for Hub | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ Missing spaces
    ✏ There are missing spaces between the first "(" and the item's name, despite there normally being spaces between parentheses and the item name.

    Christmas Trees(2000 Credits)

    Flipsid4(1500 Credits)

    Luminosity(1500 Credits)

    GODSENT(1500 Credits)

    Hellraisers(1500 Credits)

    North(1500 Credits)

    ELeague(1500 Credits)

    Gambit(1500 Credits)

    Virtus.Pro (1500 Credits)

    Splyce(1500 Credits)

    G2(1500 Credits)

    Minecraft Server Updates:emoji_exclamation:
    Minecraft Server Updates | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ The server version is incorrectly displayed as 1.11.2, should be on 1.12
    ✎ The change log should probably be updated whenever you have some spare time @Amylicious
    :emoji_arrow_right: On an unrelated note, I found some old webpages for xG which should probably be taken down OR edited to not display outdated information (it's no longer a factions/prison server).
    XenoGamers Minecraft | Minecraft Servers
    XenoGamers Factions Minecraft Server
    [xG] Prison | MobArena | Minigames Minecraft Server
    [PLAIN]Xeno Gamers Factions BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.12.x Minecraft Server[/PLAIN]
    How to Fix Mobile Errors :emoji_white_check_mark:
    How to Fix Mobile Errors | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    TF2 Staff Commands List :emoji_grey_question:
    TF2 Staff Commands List | Xeno Gamers
    ✏ Not sure why're there are double "**" sometimes, and sometimes just one? Might want to fix that/indicate the difference between a single and a double star.
    General Server and Community Rules :emoji_exclamation:
    General Server and Community Rules | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ Inconsistent rules

    Do not bring up or make remarks to political stances, religions, leaders, nations, or touchy subjects.

    ✏ Many of these are not at all listed in other rule lists, but they really should be.

    Do not whine or suck up to admins.

    ✏ I don't remember seeing this one stated in any rule list before.

    Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severely. The person these comments are directed to and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.

    ✏ According to other rule lists, racism (sexism is often not even listed) is not tolerated. Here it is 'frowned upon'?
    ✏ Huh, maybe mentioning that you are in fact allowed to say sexist/racist things that are very minimal and not offensive on other rule lists would be a good idea. I mean, what if someone says something racist/sexist, but it's satire? Seems like thats why this rule is explained in a full paragraph, but why not so on other rule lists?
    ✎ Outdated information

    If you are a staff member (mod, admin, etc) and you are on an xG server that you have powers in, you MUST wear your admin tags in your STEAM NAME, this is no exception, failure to follow this rule will lead to a demotion. [undercover admin is the exception, but if there is staff on with tags, or you have no reason to be undercover, you may get in trouble.]

    ✏ Please add "Or use server titles"
    How to add profile Music :emoji_white_check_mark:
    How To Add Profile Music | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    Donation Information :emoji_exclamation:
    Donation Information (Read This Before Donating!) | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ There are a couple of new things which should be added
    ✏ The Trading Servers Guide, Surf Servers Guide, Deathrun Server Guide, and Donation Information guides all incorrectly display !betheghost as a command available to super donators. !betheghost does not work in-game as super donator.
    ✏ @Amylicious your new thread should become a guide of its own (Minecraft Donator Information | Xeno Gamers) and then listed under this section:

    If you don't want it to be a guide, a link to your new thread should at least be posted here.
    Better Morbus Admin Handbook :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Better Morbus Admin Handbook | Xeno Gamers
    No idea, but it looks well written!
    Morbus MOTD :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Morbus MOTD | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good, as far as I know.
    TTT MOTD :emoji_exclamation:
    TTT MOTD | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ Inconsistent rules

    However, topics relating political and religious stances are disallowed under the general rules guide (and maybe others).
    ✎ Spacing error, there is a missing space between "67th Way" and "Community Pool".

    Terraria Server Rules :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Terraria server rules | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ This guide was for a one-time event last year, so it can probably be taken down now.
    Teamspeak Rules :emoji_exclamation:
    Teamspeak Rules | Xeno Gamers

    ✏ The link for this takes you to the donation page, rather than the hub. Instead of purchasing credits, you'd be making a donation (as if you were going to buy a rank), you buy teamspeak channels via the hub using credits, which are also bought though the hub.
    ✎ The "COMMUNITY CHANNELS AND THEIR OWNERS" section is outdated
    ✏ Here's some screenshots of all current community channels for your connivence

    CS:GO Staff Manual :emoji_white_check_mark:
    CS:GO Staff Manual | Xeno Gamers
    Again, not my place to comment, and I wouldn't know if there's any outdated information or not anyways.
    Jailbreak Rules :emoji_white_check_mark:
    ✏ Now that there's a jailbreak in TF2 as well, it might be a good idea to rename this guide "Jailbreak Rules (CS:GO)" to prevent confusion.
    Jailbreak Rules | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ Rule suggestions

    Do not encourage other players to break the rules.

    ✏ It might be a good idea to add this one to other rule lists where it's missing, such as the general rules guide.
    How to Find Chatlogs :emoji_white_check_mark:
    How to Find Chatlogs | Xeno Gamers
    Looks good!
    RPG Surf Deahtmatch Rules :emoji_white_check_mark:
    RPG Surf Deathmatch Rules | Xeno Gamers
    ✏ The general rules section may be missing some rules, such as no pornographic sprays.
    EDIT: CS:GO doesnt have custom sprays.
    FF2 Weapons Abilities List :emoji_white_check_mark:
    FF2 Weapons Abilities List | Xeno Gamers

    Especially since it's a part of base FF2, and not an added plugin/setting.
    ✎ Missing information
    ✏ I know for a fact that there are a few weapons missing from this list, which probably should've been added by now, such as the short circuit, which stuns the boss.
    How to surf, Lay's way :emoji_white_check_mark:
    [PLAIN]How to surf, Lays's way <3 | Xeno Gamers[/PLAIN]
    ✎ This guide sucks
    ✏ The information here is so slim, literally just 'don't press W', that I don't see why an entire guide is dedicated to it in the first place
    ✏ The guide's information is oddly posted under the summary section
    ✏ Jokes are fine, but step 2 & 3 aren't even needed. I mean, the entire guide itself is a joke. EDIT: Deleted
    Guide Rules :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Guide Rules | Xeno Gamers
    ✎ This guide has no information, despite being posted 17 months ago.
    ✏ The entire guide:
    Apparently it won't lol :ROFLMAO: EDIT: Deleted
  12. Like
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in ★ Guide Update Suggestions ★   
    Ill edit some of these in when i get back from work. @james8470 would you be ok with us editing this thread as we fix stuff?
  13. Useful
    virr reacted to Caleb956 in Minecraft Bug Report!   
    Theres a glitch right now with the potions in the shop, if you were to purchase one it gives you a normal water bottle, not the potion.
    Also, I saw Grapes420 exploiting another shop glitch.
    When you click on buy sugarcane, it gives you 65 sugarcane, and not 3, he was repeatedly buying sugarcane and selling it.
    Guests also are not allowed to make towns or set homes, it's saying its an admin only command
    The spawner shop signs are also messed up, they are locked and need to be unlocked so people can buy from them, so those need to be unlocked as well.

  14. Friendly
    virr reacted to Hopps in A Big Thank You!!   
    To all the brave Mods and Admins, The Issues of people attacking, bashing, and treating you like rubbish for doing your job.. Thank you, Your all brave souls, Strong people, Who work hard to keep the environment of the servers safe and friendly, You guys always are there when you can be to help, I want everyone to take note and Remember, These guys do there best to help us, and sometimes admins and mods don't get much appreciation.. So once in awhile remember to thank them! Send them a message, or if you see them in-game just tell them thank you or good job! They do a lot of hard work.. A Personal thank you from me to all your working hard at Xenogamers, A big thank you for giving me a safe home to relax at when I've had a stressful day, Cool new friends who accept me for well.. Me, Admins, Mods, Players of Xenogamers, Thank you.

  15. Feels Bad Man
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in vacation   
    going on a vacation for 12 days
    ill still browse the forums everyday and i can probably do FTP stuff as well, but i wont be able to play. nothing else to be said here.
    tags: @Egossi
  16. Like
    virr reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    "Curiosity" added me again!

    What a surprise, he is a scammer.
    I made an executive decision, I will be a bit sparing on using the pirate impression for these, since I just had a failure the last time I tried.
    I promise, it will come eventually.....
    ANYWAYS, "Curiosity" added me again. Like all other scammers, he asked for my Molten Mallard Scotsman's Stove Pipe.
    Here are the chat logs:

    I have decided to play my next character that I made up on the spot: Baron Reginald Thomas Wartlesbeck VIII; Fleet Admiral, Gentleman, Top Hat Enthusiast, and Champion of the Art of Barter.
    Enjoy this shitty meme.
    and I promise:

  17. Friendly
    virr reacted to zerg in Hello friendos :)   
    Hi xenogamers
    I'm tera. I signed up with the name zerg because I was too lazy to change it and I like starcraft like the stereotypical Asian I am. I go by way too many names.
    I come to this community as I know some laddos here and they're cool dudes, yknow who you are I don't need to mention you. I also came here because I was cucked from another community RIP.
    I'm from Malaysia, where we're famous for the missing plane and good food. I just graduated recently from college and I'm now on a really long holidays til I go to med school next year.
    I like a lot of stuff such as games, piano, medicine, sexy Asian ladies, underwater stuff, dragons (I'm not a scaliefag.. Okay but I'm a bit obsessed with reptiles), anime, and memes from time to time. My engrish is not goodo at times so forgive me if you don't understand what I'm writing now.
    feel free to add me, I'm usually at the asian sweatshop store saying "TANK YU COME AGAIN." If you have any questions, feel free to ask :emoji_smile:
    In all seriousness though, I hope to contribute something.
  18. Winner
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in JustATeenMod   
    You have been declined from becoming a member.
    Instead of making alts how about you go on your real forum account and apply. TheOysterCrew | Xeno Gamers
  19. Winner
    virr got a reaction from TBOHB in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    1 ref is probably good, which is like .06 usd
  20. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Bhop now in every server.   
    We have a bop plugin of all TF2 servers now???
    Good to know, lol. It would be much more convenient if we, especially the higher ups, would have been told about that.
  21. Like
    virr got a reaction from bless in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    The evidence provided is not conclusive enough to make an accurate judgement whether the user is hacking or not. However, I would advice against using those binds in the future, as they will most likely get you in trouble.
    User has been unbanned.
  22. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Since i was mentioned, i guess I'll chime in with my opinion on the matter.
    Yes, we generally don't allow nudity on our servers, but there is a line in which that nudity can be expressed in an artistic way. Now, where that line is i believe is different from person to person, as seen in this thread. Sweden and europe in general is way more liberal in that sense, and we usually don't blur out naked parts of bodies on tv, for example.
    As @Vector just mentioned, there is a big difference between art that is intentionally made to be erotic, and art that uses the human body for its aesthetics.
    This piece is obviously meant to be artistic instead of sexual in any way, it just happens to portray a naked woman. And i think that's fine. I've never been bothered by it while playing, it fits the map theme pretty well and doesn't stick out like a sore thumb (i've actually barely even noticed it while playing).
    @Rhododendron @Aegean i would advice us to let the poll run out and then make our decision on what the community wants. After all, they are the ones who will be affected by it.
  23. Agree
    virr got a reaction from dr.derpy in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Since i was mentioned, i guess I'll chime in with my opinion on the matter.
    Yes, we generally don't allow nudity on our servers, but there is a line in which that nudity can be expressed in an artistic way. Now, where that line is i believe is different from person to person, as seen in this thread. Sweden and europe in general is way more liberal in that sense, and we usually don't blur out naked parts of bodies on tv, for example.
    As @Vector just mentioned, there is a big difference between art that is intentionally made to be erotic, and art that uses the human body for its aesthetics.
    This piece is obviously meant to be artistic instead of sexual in any way, it just happens to portray a naked woman. And i think that's fine. I've never been bothered by it while playing, it fits the map theme pretty well and doesn't stick out like a sore thumb (i've actually barely even noticed it while playing).
    @Rhododendron @Aegean i would advice us to let the poll run out and then make our decision on what the community wants. After all, they are the ones who will be affected by it.
  24. Winner
    virr got a reaction from yesstergi in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    I watched both demos twice and maybe I'm blind or something but i just cant find anything that points to this guy being an obvious hacker. He's definitely not using an aimbot, the shots that seems to miss but do connect is most likely a result of lag/it being a demo, not silent aim. I guess it's possible he's walling but then again, it's not obvious enough for me to draw the conclusion that he is.
    I'd also like to remind everyone that you may only permanently ban someone if they are hacking beyond a reasonable doubt. Innocent until proven guilty is applicable after all and in this case the evidence just isnt convincing enough to warrant a permanent ban.
    +1 for unban
  25. Agree
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in bless - Team Fortress 2   
    I watched both demos twice and maybe I'm blind or something but i just cant find anything that points to this guy being an obvious hacker. He's definitely not using an aimbot, the shots that seems to miss but do connect is most likely a result of lag/it being a demo, not silent aim. I guess it's possible he's walling but then again, it's not obvious enough for me to draw the conclusion that he is.
    I'd also like to remind everyone that you may only permanently ban someone if they are hacking beyond a reasonable doubt. Innocent until proven guilty is applicable after all and in this case the evidence just isnt convincing enough to warrant a permanent ban.
    +1 for unban