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Reputation Activity

  1. Optimistic
    Tatost got a reaction from Dannypicacho in hey quick question   
    that isn't a question.
  2. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Donakonda in hey quick question   
    that isn't a question.
  3. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Hushpuppy in hey quick question   
    fix jb kthnx bai
  4. Thinking
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in GeorgeWashington   
    Germany is cool, too, I guess.
  5. Disagree
    Tatost got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in GeorgeWashington   
    Germany is cool, too, I guess.
  6. F!$k Off
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in GeorgeWashington   
    You're not an American, silly!
  7. Disagree
    Tatost got a reaction from mrnutty12 in GeorgeWashington   
    You're not an American, silly!
  8. Disagree
    Tatost got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in GeorgeWashington   
    You're not an American, silly!
  9. Thinking
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Resignation   
    is this a meme or did you post this for zero reason at all
  10. Not Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from mrnutty12 in How to Properly Waste Money!   
    I think you're kind of dumb smh
  11. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Sera and Blaster wedding video   
    To be honest, my wedding with @WubbaLubbaDubDu was better than this.
    @Thunder is probably still angry about that medi-gun >:)))))
  12. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in How to Properly Waste Money!   
  13. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Chrono in The situation as I see it   
    If only there was more discord activity especially in the voice channels and the higher ups actually used them aside from the OG crew that used TS. I personally think the lack of official communication within discord among the higher ups and even just staff/members puts a strain on the community as a whole. (some people use their own discord with their own friend group which while not against rules of life or anything does put a strain on what they are communicating. it censors out things they dont want to hear that may not agree with them since they can pick and choose who they chat with even more so than just ignoring them)
    If there is that much of a lack of communication between you guys as higher ups on issues, that is something I would bring to Aegean and Virr because there is really no reason that a legitimate issue/conversation should go over a week with no response whatsoever. Perhaps just having them step in, talk about it with the other staff/higher ups and seeing what the issue is and why there is no solution/why there is no response to the issue. While I understand that life gets in the way and there is poop that people have to take care of over xG, I find it hard to believe (barring huge family/life-death/grieving/broken PC) that there goes a week with no answer. (I had full time college schedule, almost full time work hours, a girlfriend, real friends, and family poop I was doing all at the same time, but could still manage to come on and read forums/respond to PMs/message other higher ups if they were on not that everyone could or should be doing all of the above).
  14. Informative
    Tatost reacted to Elcark in The situation as I see it   
    So i'm not exactly happy with our higher ups right now. That's not to say it is relative to just this point in time either as it has accumulated to this over quite awhile. I'll start out by saying when I first received the position I'm in, I was expecting to discover a plethora of behind the scenes work being done to maintain the community and servers and although my expectations weren't ridiculously high, the lack of running into hardly anything was sorely disappointing at the time.  Now sure there are going to be periods of time where nothing is happening or needs to be done, but in contrast then when there is work to be done then it can be knocked out efficiently and quickly, right?  Hardly.
    Now as a disclaimer I do consider myself as part of the higher ups when I refer to us as such, and am just as responsible in my eyes for all of this that I have a problem with. I don't want this to seem like i'm trying to put blame on an individual or individuals, regardless of how "much" responsible anyone may be. Additionally though there are issues with our community higher ups having similar problems to what i'm going on about, this is really only addressed at our tf2 division. 
    The rate of discussing subject matters and handling them in a timely fashion among higher ups is just horrendous. Some things do get worked out such as the improved rtv to the servers that was implemented, but to say that was done in a timely fashion isn't quite the case (it was over a month). More so, this is an example of one single thing actually getting done when there is a (STILL) growing plethora of other matters that have been mentioned. All of which have either been discussed so briefly they didn't go anywhere or were just flat out ignored entirely. A good example would be I recently tried to address a solution to maybe not getting promo/demo out on time, but to at least have it ready on time. What I suggested implied more effort from us higher ups not only to be more vigilant to have more to talk about when the time comes, but to actually do so in a timely fashion for a more mutual progress alongside virr. Not only was there zero response or even acknowledgement of what I had said, but the proceeding promo/demo was probably the sloppiest I have ever seen. I have made it pretty clear to others that I'm not exactly happy with how awful discussion has progressed, but when it becomes normal for me to wait weeks for no response at all it begins to feel just slightly like a one sided conversation in there. 
    Sometimes people are just too busy, and that's fine. If someone is on vacation for a week, it's understandable they can't help out much. If they have too many real life issues at the moment and can't reply to an issue for a few days, that's fine. When this has been going on for many months now (at least three off the top of my head), perhaps the entire time I've been around, that shouldn't be the rate at which we progress. If someone is in a position they just can't partake in discussion and it is that extensive, then as far as i'm concerned that person is just wasting a slot for someone else to potentially actively help out our servers and work on them far more actively. 
    You could possibly pass it all up to just being laziness, and even though that has something to do with it I really don't see it as the whole problem. Our higher ups can really be productive and implement or fix things when they need to. I think the root of things being so slow though can be attributed to taking initiative to actually try to work these subjects out, again in a timely and efficient manner. I've tried to take the initiative to at least start discussion on many things, but as pointed out already haven't really been meet with much in return. Higher ups just seem to lack drive to go about these things, and I can't instill drive into them. The way this reflects to me as I told them myself is that the overall attitude seems to be to let the servers float on their own until they sink, and not actually build on the servers to keep them afloat. 
    I really want to make clear I do NOT want to step down. I've loved this so much. I'm so thankful of so many people, both for the good that has happened and the bad, for making my time here what it has been. I don't even know how I would proceed no longer being staff or how I would cope with having to not act as such on the servers (might be a relief, might be painfully limiting). Not only my time as staff has been enjoyable, but my time as a higher up has helped me to see everything and everyone around here so much better. I'll say now to you Vexx since I don't talk to you directly much that I am very happy for the respect I've been able to have for you in my time as a higher up. I think you maintain yourself as very much a straight and trustworthy person to be in charge, and though you may be lacking in some regards, you certainly aren't there. Where you do lack though may have given you less then a favorable reputation with some, but I'm very glad I've been able to see around that and probably wouldn't have without being a DM. My greatest issue with making this post here like I have is that I don't want to make this to be an ultimatum, but if the issue of discussion being effectively none existent were to be fixed then I would have no intention of stepping down. On the other hand, with it being like it is I just can't proceed to be in this position without it seeming like i'm going about in a charade pretending everything is ok. I really do want to do what I can to help this place out, the stress I get in wanting things to get done isn't exactly worthwhile when i'm rewarded with silence. I've given quite some time for this to get better before I came to writing this out. To put it in other words, even though this is technically a stepping down thread it doesn't guarantee that I am stepping down. A better way to look at it is if my name does show up on promo/demo, this is explaining why.
    As a side note, @virr
    appreciation for what you do can't be overstated. I don't want to see a single thing about how you might be responsible for this issue in the slightest, regardless of how much or little you may be. I couldn't be more thankful for you having been here (thanks for taking my bitching lately, and just in general) and your helpfulness probably gets taken advantage of. In the end though it is ridiculous how much you have to babysit our division.

  15. Like
    Tatost reacted to Aegean in The situation as I see it   
    So I just read your whole post, and I have a few comments.
    1. I appreciate you actually taking the time to laying out your thoughts like this, it not only shows you care, but you're also trying to improve xG which is where your frustration comes from so I honestly want to say thank you for that.
    2. Higher ups having their own stuff to deal with always comes at the price of xG. I think some of it comes from it school, waiting for the forums to be fully functional, and of course complacency which I don't think anyone is fully innocent of (including me) aside from Virr and Rhodo. I think keeping communication active is key as a higherup, and if you can't be reached or participate in important discussion based on your area, you should at least have a valid reasoning for it. Not communicating or responding to messages isn't right.
    3. The higher ups need to make themselves stand out more. This can be in terms of communicating with the community more on forums and discord as it's already a given that they play on their servers. Just talk to your community, share ideas, ask questions etc.
    All in all a good post, and definitely something for us to improve on as a whole in xG
  16. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Giraffes in The Uprising Of The Panda Overlord   
    holy crap sorry why did I get here then? Well sorry for the grave dig, someone should really lock these. ( I was also just trying to be ironically funny so sorry if I honestly offended you tekage )
  17. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Giraffes in The Uprising Of The Panda Overlord   
    I feel like this is a common issue in xG, Left and right laptops and computers are breaking, and I feel more and more inclined to think it's because the FBI found a huge stach of loli porn on your guys' computers
  18. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Sora_ in Remove Delfino Airstrip   
    -1 Just because you don't like the map doesn't mean we should remove it. There's nothing functionally wrong with the map itself. If we were to get rid of all the maps that encourage a limited style of play, we would have to get rid of maps like bunker, jollyroger, darktower, seabed and more. Many of our regular players enjoy playing the map anyways and just because you don't like getting sniped from spawn means it should be removed. 
  19. Like
    Tatost reacted to YeEternalTuna in Bhop on Deathrun 2: Hop Again   
    Yeah but now its just making it harder for death to actually catch someone in a trap. It literally only benefits the runner and before anyone says ''oh just bump up deaths speed'': that doesn't help. Theres still reaction time AND also the fact that now the death has an advantage for those mini-games at the end of each maps (dueling,racing,etc.) which wouldn't be fun to compete against.
  20. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to Krampus in Bhop on Deathrun 2: Hop Again   
    Eh I'd still say it's worth a shot at least to try out, just actively fighting any type of change to the server going off thoughts of what we each think it might be like really doesn't help the server that much for improving/changing. So I'd say just let the vote go through and if it passes then give it a try and we can see if really breaks the server or if it improves it.
  21. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Elcark in Bhop on Deathrun 2: Hop Again   
    Yes but this doesn't help with the deaths ability to react at the traps themselves, only get to them, which the death wouldn't need assistance with in most cases anyways as already stated the runners can't just zoom ahead in the map most the time with this only having effect at the traps. So the deaths ability to get to a trap is redundant when what is being changed is behavior at the trap itself. 
    My point about that is it negates any promise of this benefiting by making things faster when instead of people trying to trick the death as they are now they just stop in place to try and build up speed in a circle. 
    These open traps are the only point at which this becomes relevant, so this is somewhat contradictory. At these traps which make up a majority of traps in general you WILL have enough space to build yourself up to max speed before flicking across at a random interval so the death can't predict when you're suddenly going to get across far quicker then you otherwise would be able to. In terms of messing up and losing your speed this is where suddenly the process becomes just as time consuming as baiting, since you lose your hop but just start it up again over and over until you do it properly. 
  22. Are You Insane
    Tatost reacted to Bone in Bhop on Deathrun 2: Hop Again   
    Earlier on the DR server, I brought up the subject of adding Bhop to our Deathrun server, like I did a months ago in this thread here: This thread here
    First, let's go over the Bhop Plugin in question, which is this plugin here: Fysics Control
    The plugin allows quite a bit of customizing, including a max speed cap. For more info, a Scout's normal speed is 400. Our Deathrun plugin also allows the Death's base walk speed to be altered (current I believe is 400).
    Secondly, I'd like to go over why I think adding Bhop would be a good idea: 
    It adds another aspect to the gameplay other than "Run in/run out".   It makes what would normally be impassable traps passable, traps that are originally unfair.  It would also give the Runners a bit of a confidence boost, since they have more of a chance of bypassing a trap. This would speed up rounds quite a bit instead of Runners standing at a trap they're too scared to try and beat for 20 minutes.  
    Finally, I'd like address issues that may cause people to feel strongly against Bhop being added:
    "Adding Bhop makes the Runners way too fast!". Simply add a speed cap either at, or slightly lower than Death's base speed. "Death's reaction time isn't good enough!". Most traps are instant, with a fairly large area of effect. Plus a lot of maps have choke points, curves, or uneven terrain which makes having a consistent hop a lot harder. "Bhoppers will jump the entire map in a single bound/will be moving at mach 5!". In order to keep up speed, you have to keep a consistent hop. The settings in the plugin can make it more or less forgiving on the timing as well as how much of a strafe is needed to even gain speed. Also, speed caps.    
    I feel adding Bhop could help make our server more original when compared to other servers, and could help keep it populated/popular among players. We could also have a trial run for a short period of time to test it. If it's not fitting to the server, so be it, we simply remove it and move on. I'm not saying we absolutely need to add or lest our servers die a horrible and slow death, but it should at least considered.
    As always, post any of your concerns or how you'd feel about Bhop being added, whether you're for or against the idea.
  23. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Do you like fortnite?   
    You misspelled no by the way.
  24. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in My Application!   
  25. Gross
    Tatost reacted to FenrirTheWolf in My Application!   
    -1 foorish samurai.