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Reputation Activity

  1. Disagree
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 Not active enough on the servers.
    Surf - Player Sessions History | Xeno Gamers
    All other servers are 30 to 0 minutes of activity pretty much from what I saw.
  2. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to hongkongatron in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    It was a little hard for me to tell if this thread was actually serious because of the removal reason in question.
    The "pornography" is literally just an artistic sketch, the maker of the map is an artist and dumped a lot of their art on the map, that just happened to be one of them.
    -1 for the thread right now because this is the hotelhell thread all over again.
  3. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Vector in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    In the months the map has been on the server maybe once or twice question the drawing and you know what happened? when we answered that it was artistic and nothing about it was inherently sexual. Their response? "Ohhhh okay" I mean I don't see how it's so hard to just tell them and they eventually understand it. We don't need to keep getting more and more and more specific with rules when you can quite honestly just tell them the opinion of the upperstaff and use discretion. This is seriously a non issue.
  4. Not Funny
    TBOHB reacted to Sylux in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    If it's ok with the map dev, I can replace it with this.

  5. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Vector in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    So we're really just going to edit the map without the dudes permission? Alright. I have no idea why this thread was made in the first place. The picture is hardly worth anything to throw a fit over and the fact we are now deciding to tarnish a dudes map without his permission, With our own logo no less is so scummy. Seriously it's just a nude woman made from lines. So fucking silly.
  6. F!$k Off
    TBOHB got a reaction from Sylux in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
  7. Like
    TBOHB reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    replace it with this

    because this is a quality meme
    all with me say "aye"
  8. Like
  9. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Bone in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Yeah, I can do it when I get home from work. What do you guys want me to replace the texture with?
  10. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Moosty in Screenshot of the Month | Voting Thread (July 2017) #10   
    I feel personally attacked
  11. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Krampus in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    @Bone it's your time to shine boi and change it
  12. RIP
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    I attempted to remove the object containing the texture in hammer, but my computer shits the bed every time I try to compile. Someone else is going to have to do it, sorry.
  13. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Moosty in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    *Swoons* MY HERO...
  14. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Yeah I would prefer this so we don't have to remove the map completely. I could do it if nobody else wants to.
  15. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Most things can be allowed if all the higher ups agree, which in this case we did. When the map was added, I was still an admin and Bello had said the map was fine because it was artistic nudity. I still stand behind the map being completely fine how it is, there is nothing wrong with having that image on the map. We don't need to rewrite rules to make decisions like this, if anyone asks it can be easily explained. It's not ignoring our rules when our rules only concern sprays, player decals, and steam profile pictures. Maps have nothing to do with those rules and are up to the discretion of higher ups as to whether they are fine or not.
  16. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    I'm telling you, the image is not anywhere close to how bad you're describing it is. There are no "flaps" nor is there anything sexual about the image. The pose the woman is taking is a common pose used in art like this. PG - 13 is entirely subjective, as the idea of PG - 13 as drastically changed over time.
    Here is an excerpt I found someone had written when comparing Art to Pornography:
    "...while both art and pornography utilize nude figures, the purpose/motives for portraying the naked body are definitively distinct. Pornography utilizes nude figures for the pure purpose of stimulating the baser instincts of individuals; instincts that will not be satisfied by that alone. Art, on the other hand, utilizes nude figures for the purpose of highlighting the beauty of man. While pornography engenders lust, art engenders admiration for the glory and beauty of the human body, and thus the glory of its Maker."
    You can find the full article here: Art vs. Pornography: What’s the Difference?
    Honestly, if you find this image at all erotic, I would seriously be concerned for you if you walked through an art gallery.
    Edit: Also, the map is on GameBanana: CYBERPUNK 2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA
    GameBanana does not allow any pornographic images in the maps on their website.
  17. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to dr.derpy in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    ok it was just worded poorly
  18. Bad Spelling
    TBOHB got a reaction from dr.derpy in Remove Cyberpunk 2_a for Nudity/not being PG-13   
    Imma stay neutral on this. It is meant to be seen as art, but it does break rules of being PG - 13. Im not too sure about. I saw some people saying just replace the brush. That shouldn't be too hard to do.
  19. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to EyedJester in On vacation.   
    Remote Desktop is horrible for it, I would 100% rather use my crappy laptop, which I can at least pull 30 fps on. On Remote Desktop I pull like 15 and a single mouse movement pulls me 1080 degrees.
  20. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to EyedJester in Xg Title List   
    Don't waste your money, I'm on it. Give me a week or two.
  21. Salty
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in On vacation.   
    Hey have a nice vacation my guy. See you on the 9th
  22. Smelly
    TBOHB got a reaction from Elcark in On vacation.   
    Hey have a nice vacation my guy. See you on the 9th
  23. Like
    TBOHB reacted to james8470 in xG Meme Generator   
  24. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Amymaniac in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    ok good I hate seeing disgusting avatars and objectors. Thanks for updating the rule.
  25. Like
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    You are welcome, but I can't take the credit for this by myself. It was decided by Virr, Sesh, Nutty, Vexx and myself all together.