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Reputation Activity

  1. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Spoopy in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    Btw Who's this Snoopy? :3
  2. Got It
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Less active for a couple of days   
    FIRST OF ALL I was happy about me getting a huge discount because I knew what I was talking about. SECOND, the problem wasn't the modem, but ComEd (electricity provider) damaging a piece of hardware when removing branches from a powerline. Whenever some weight was put on the cables, the internet would be knocked out for everyone who had AT&T in our area (us and 3 other houses). Squirrels and raccoons were DDOSing my house essentially.
  3. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Xg Merchandise   
    I'd wear it proudly. :)
  4. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Xg Merchandise   
    for merchandise, you have to think to yourselves like this. Would people wear this shirt in public without being embarrassed. If it's a no, then we won't do it lol.
    I'm still considering merch but only if it's right for our community.
  5. Gross
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Xg Merchandise   
    dat buldge OwO
  6. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Xg Merchandise   
  7. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from NitNat in Literally the best mod in tf2   
    Damn. Well ok. Worth a shot. Was looking forward to it. Well I hope the rest of this community sound pack works out. I might make my own when I get my PC fixed. Speaking of, this coming weekend we are taking my PC to Best Buy/Geek Squad and maybe they can fix it, then you guys can hear and play with my dumbass again.
  8. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to LemonVolt in Literally the best mod in tf2   
    Ok, so last night, I spent 8 hours going through the scout files and revoiced most of the voice lines, some I couldn't find. But you need to see for yourself how great this mod is.
    Some of the files I couldn't find. But I might update it in the future, and see if I can find the other files, this will make your TF2 experience 20x better!
    Alright slots taken in this dumb mod,
    Pyro: Vac?
    Engineer: Bliz
    Demoman: Rejects
    k thanks
    LemonVolt(Matt) Scout voice lines.zip
  9. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to CristopherV97 in Wanna join my free giftcard giveaway?   
    Wanna join my free giftcard giveaway? Subcrrible to my channel like my video and comment down below pls
  10. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Forest in New unban challenge   
    Or this can remain buried in the deepest, darkest corners of Xeno Gamers, to never be seen by the light of day and to only traumatize those who actually took the time to read it during its reveal and conception.
    Lets be real here, they want to be unbanned; not scarred for life from a graphic fanfic (even though the poor saps have an option to review 'The Buttercream Gang').
    Remember guys, we're a "PG13" community!
    as I am obliged to remind people :coffee:
  11. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Krampus in New unban challenge   
    Hell I should get myself banned on purpose just so that I could have a reason to do this
  12. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Xg Merchandise   
    I have been tinkering with custom ink and other things and I do have a few things lined up as possibilities. I will upload images when I get a chance.
  13. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Bone in The objector issue   
    Sorry, Staff roster says a person named @Shwoos is staff, dunno who you are ;)
  14. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in The objector issue   
    Wow, I wasn't tagged @Bone
  15. Informative
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in Does This Still Exist?   
    Those are bots
  16. F!$k Off
    TBOHB got a reaction from Vector in No son   
    Did yall think you could mess with my family's ding dong Dooping Beans? Well my family's Dooping Beans have been in my family for generations and generations. It started when my great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick. They had just arrived in Port Dingaling that had a fascination with Dooping Beans. These beans were the greatest of the land that no other bean could match. My great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick decided to start a Dooping Bean farm by Dooping their ding dong normal beans to make their dooping beans and they said "My my these are some fine ass Dooping Beans. Best in the land actually!" Now son you think you can mess with their ding dong Dooping Bean recipe? Well I'll tell you what kid ya got another thing coming. No sir-e you can't get out of this without punishment son. These fricking Dooping Beans are the best in the land and can't be tampered with I'll tell you that.
  17. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Me and the fams on holiday (not vacation haha fuck you)   
    You're lying to me :[
  18. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Tatost in Does This Still Exist?   
    Those are bots
  19. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Bags in Lan - team fortress 2   
    Since everyone +1 him, I am going to be a rebel and give you a -1.
    But for real, he is a good guy and I believe he will make a good moderator +1
  20. Creative
    TBOHB reacted to ZevoAnonReal in Princess peach[finished.]   
    I have finally finished Princess Peach... Couldn't find anything else to work on with her so I said. "Meh."

  21. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to mrnutty12 in Bigbeefer5000 - team fortress 2   
    Your mutes
    your bans
    If you check the times on both you will see you had an hour silence and after only about 7 minutes you were able to talk again.
    Also it is a day ban, you can wait it out thinking about how you shouldn't ignore someone when they ask you to not burp loudly on the mic repeatadly and then circumvent the resulting mute.
  22. Got It
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in No son   
    Did yall think you could mess with my family's ding dong Dooping Beans? Well my family's Dooping Beans have been in my family for generations and generations. It started when my great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick. They had just arrived in Port Dingaling that had a fascination with Dooping Beans. These beans were the greatest of the land that no other bean could match. My great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick decided to start a Dooping Bean farm by Dooping their ding dong normal beans to make their dooping beans and they said "My my these are some fine ass Dooping Beans. Best in the land actually!" Now son you think you can mess with their ding dong Dooping Bean recipe? Well I'll tell you what kid ya got another thing coming. No sir-e you can't get out of this without punishment son. These fricking Dooping Beans are the best in the land and can't be tampered with I'll tell you that.
  23. Are You Insane
    TBOHB got a reaction from virr in No son   
    Did yall think you could mess with my family's ding dong Dooping Beans? Well my family's Dooping Beans have been in my family for generations and generations. It started when my great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick. They had just arrived in Port Dingaling that had a fascination with Dooping Beans. These beans were the greatest of the land that no other bean could match. My great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick decided to start a Dooping Bean farm by Dooping their ding dong normal beans to make their dooping beans and they said "My my these are some fine ass Dooping Beans. Best in the land actually!" Now son you think you can mess with their ding dong Dooping Bean recipe? Well I'll tell you what kid ya got another thing coming. No sir-e you can't get out of this without punishment son. These fricking Dooping Beans are the best in the land and can't be tampered with I'll tell you that.
  24. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to EyedJester in New titles   
    perhaps one day I'll buy The Hero of xG.
  25. Got It
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in New titles   
    That will not stop me lmao, @Basquiat is getting that title