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Posts posted by james8470

  1. Neat review, very well-written.


    But what about the story? I don't know a darn thing about Xenoblade (other than it sounds like xG so that's cool) :U

    Like, don't spoil us obviously, but what is the game about? What's the ultimate goal?

  2. Some people are apologizing thinking they pushed me to resign for being too rude/probing, I really do appreciate it, but...

    I'd been planning on resigning for a longggg time now long before I even announced l was going to resign two weeks ago.


    So, to anyone who thought the entire reason why I steeped down was solely because of them, banish it from your mind, that was only one very very small part of it and I forgive anyone who was upset with me. Hey, I would be upset too if I joined a buggy server. ;)

  3. I know how you feel I've been needlessly posting dumbass replies on the xG forums since I can't play the Minecraft division. :unsure: :S



    [ATTACH=full]32098[/ATTACH] +1



    Dear god I put that before I was even DM...


    Anyways, welcome back @Owl! :D

    You forgot to tag @XHina_sanX, though. :hungover:

  4. Oh, even though I just resigned I can at least answer to some of these.

    First off thanks for putting up your suggestions on the forums like I asked you to earlier, @KSPlayer1337, means a lot.


    @Tatost and @Aegean I actually did increase the price of diamonds among other items as well as nerf the mob rewards even more (see the update thread). Aegean, as far as /sell(menu name) goes, that's too bad because I kinda figured it'd be okay since all it really does is save a bit of time to teleport to spawn and back. Ehhhh, oh well. :P

    Also Tatost, yeah we/they agreed to not offer compensation for mcmmo like 3 months ago. :/

  5. As promised, as of right now I am stepping down from Division Manager of the MC server.

    Here's why:


    1) I feel like I haven't done a good enough job on the MC server. It was pushed back a number of times and I feel I'm unfit and unworthy of the position.

    2) When you haven't spoken to your friends in over a month you know there's a problem, when you're putting of your little brother's birthday party you know there's a problem.

    3) I need to focus more on school, I'd like to get my grades up to straight A's if I want to get into a good college.

    4) I've become disconnected from the xG community because of all the time I've spent alone configuring the MC server, I miss my old TF2 friends like @Natsu, @Spoopy, @shwash @ClassicGamer64 @ael_fjordling @Krampus and more (sorry if I forget to acknowledge you).

    5) With all due respect to @Amymaniac, @XHina_sanX, @Aegean, and @Rhododendron, I didn't sign up to almost single-handedly create a faction server from the ground up. I applied for DM to help fix some bugs that had been on the towny server and put in some new features like voting. I also didn't sign up for the amount of disrespect I've received from some players.

    6) I've accomplished what I've set out to do. I added voting and fixed the bugs which were annoying me back when the server was still on towny.


    Lastly, I take full responsibility for whatever complaints anyone might have for the slowed release of the server or any bugs they may've found during the release day. I've done my best to fix whatever people have told me about (see the update thread), but this is the end of my service. If you want to rage, disrespect me, or tell me what terrible job I did, go right ahead, this is a good thread to do it on.

  6. Factions Server

    ➤ Tweaked the economy a bit

    - Diamonds and other ores have had their priced increased

    - Mob Hunting achievement prize money was further reduced by an additional 25%+

    - Tweaked the priced of many other items slightly

    - Voting now yields 100 credits as opposed to 250

    ➤ Fixed an issue with chat messages not displaying correctly

    ➤ Fixed a bug where players could clip though the floor by a block by sitting in some chairs

    ➤ Fixed the mob hunting kill message not displaying "(amount) credits" correctly

    ➤ Fixed an issue where ender pearls couldn't be purchased from the Shopkeeper

  7. If you're reading this, our Minecraft Factions server is now officially released!

    The IP to connect: mc.xenogamers.com

    Here's a quick-list of some of the need-to-know features and updates:

    As always, a full log of the updates not included in this post can be found here: (Update Thread | Xeno Gamers)


    ★ Rules were updated, be sure to read the /rules in-game, or alternatively check out this page: (Minecraft Server Rules | Xeno Gamers)


    ★ Server was updated to the latest version (1.12.2)


    ★ Everything about factions is under /f


    ★ Brand new spawn, much smaller than the last one, but much more detailed! And you can interact with the chairs, tables, and shoot the crossbows on the castle's wall, too!


    ★ Comprehensive shop GUI system! Check out the "Shopkeeper" NPC!


    ★ You'll take no damage from other players for the first 30 minutes after you log in, this is to help you safely run into the wilderness where you can discreetly start your faction! This option can also be disabled if you want to do so.


    ★ Obsidian, Enchantment Tables, and Ender Chests all take certain amounts of TnT blasts to destroy (see update log).


    ★ Are you missing your [xG] tag in-game? Did you just join for the first time and have no permissions whatsoever? Well, now there's a NPC, "Tag Request - Missing Permissions Help", right in the spawn castle to take care of that for you, automatically!


    ★ Donators (ranked players) have a few new perks of their own, check them out here: (Minecraft Donator Information | Xeno Gamers)


    Have fun! :waving:

    And remember, even though the server has been tested, if you happen to find any exploits or bugs report them to us so we can fix them up and maybe even reward you for the effort. If you choose to take advantage of exploits, as always, you'll find yourself with a wonderful permaban.

  8. Towny Server Factions Server

    ➤ Rules were updated (Minecraft Server Rules | Xeno Gamers), please read them or you'll find yourself exploring the new Jailhouse section of the spawn.

    ➤ Server was updated to the latest version (1.12.2)

    ➤ Completely new spawn, "XenoGamers Castle"! Smaller than the last one, but more detailed. The spawn features a number of floors, rooms, and hidden secrets!

    You can interact with some of the new furniture we've added. You can sit in chairs, place items on tables and in barrels, toggle some street lamps, and shoot arrows from the crossbows on the castle wall!

    There's also a number of special particle effects added around the spawn to draw attention to important areas, as well as fake dropped items for extra detail (i.e. food on a table).

    Unfortunately, clouds have been known to screw up the look of it If you want, you can disable clouds under "Video Settings" for yourself. This will also reduce some lag in general for you, too.

    ➤ Shopkeeper NPC; right click the green-robed NPC to access a custom GUI shop, configured by yours truly. :p

    9 sections to this shop: Building Blocks, Decoration Blocks, Raiding Supplies, Spawn Eggs, Mob Drops, Ores, Nature & Farming, Nether, and Miscellaneous.

    Many of the prices have been updated and many new items have been added since the towny's shop, the economy is designed to be all-around a bit harder to suit the factions gameplay better.

    ➤ MobHunting still exists, and there's still a leaderboard wall for it in the spawn as well.

    Reduced reward credits for most achievements by 50%. The reward credits used to, and frankly still do, provide a massive amount of "quick-cash" which was considered overpowered.

    ➤ [xG] Tag Request/Missing Permissions NPC: In the past, we've had a number of new players experiencing issues with missing permissions, well now you can claim your permissions with just two clicks! WARNING If you have a rank, this will reset it to [Guest]. Only use this if you are missing permissions, or have no tag by your name at all.

    The other thing this nifty NPC can do for you is put in a request to staff members for an [xG] tag. This is for our members who had to wait a longgggg time in receiving their appropriate tag after becoming a member. Now, the moment Amy, Hina, or myself log in, we'll see your request and be able to add your tag immediately! Spamming us with requests will earn you a wonderful ban.

    ➤ PvPTimer added: When a player first joins the server, they'll spawn with a 30 minute PvP timer to allow them to run into the wilderness and have a fair chance of establishing a faction unhindered. This can be disabled in-game via /pvp enable if you want to do so.

    ➤ CombatTag added: When you attack a player or a player attacks you, a short timer will start. The timer ends only after 15 seconds of not attacking or being attacked by a player. You are prevented from teleporting during this time. If you log out during this timer, a NPC figure of yourself will spawn which players can easily kill and collect your items from you. So don't log out during PvP!

    ➤ Obsidian takes 2 TNT blasts to destroy, Enchantment Tables take 3 blasts, and Enderchests take 4. It should be noted, TnT cannot affect these blocks at all when they are covered with water.

    ➤ Receive notifications in chat when you leave or enter spawn protection. You are also invincible within the spawn area, so feel free to jump off some cliffs, the spawn is on a mountain, after all.

    ➤ Added 64 TNT to the VIP Crate

    ➤ Two new purchasable kits; OldIronTools and OldDiamondTools, see /kit in-game

    ➤ World Border has been set to 100,000 blocks from spawn, should be plenty of space.

    ➤ Donators have new perks, check them out, here: Minecraft Donator Information | Xeno Gamers

    ➤ Remember to take advantage of /vote to get some wonderful vote crate keys! Remember, the bonus for voting for the first time will get you some iron ingots, gold ingots, plus diamonds!

    Coming soon:

    ➫ The Magic Update

    ➫ The Dungeons Update

    ➫ The Quests Update

    ➫ The Event Hub Update


    Personal note:

    I'd like to take the opportunity to acknowledge @Kypari @bagggel @TheSupremePatriot and @Vargas for their assistance in testing out the server and helping me to find sooo many ways to improve it and sniffing out exploits, even if they did it inadvertently (simply by playing on the server) it still really helps. Also, I'd like to acknowledge @Rhododendron for helping me to update the server to 1.12.2, it was a hugeee help.


    And a big thanks to our Minecraft community for being so patient and helping me to make this vision a reality! :D

  9. Poetry:


    Sitting in our cage

    Shall we see innocent scarlet?

    Wait tomorrow

    Go today

    Go today, mourning

    Give it up

    The scar will sting

    Every single day

    It is next to you



    What a wonderful world

    fooled us

    Now we have to

    decide who is our clan

    Surely you know

    because I have a dream

    I fight on

    Come over me everyone

    feel again with me


    So again I catch

    your sleeve

    A sweet story

    Wait tomorrow

    Go today

    Go today, mourning

    Give it up

    The scar will sting

    Go tomorrow

    Every single day


    It is next to you

  10. Ooo "Externship to CSP Technician at the Hospital" sounds prestigious, but I have no idea what a CSP Technician is! :P

    Enlighten me?


    At any rate, good luck with it! ;) Hope to be seeing you on the servers again, its been like 6 months since we last played together, geez.

  11. I'm leaving on christmas vacation tomorrow for like 6-7 days.


    Don't worry about the Minecraft server too much, I worked on it all day today and got it mostly finished, I left a wonderful packet of chores for @Amymaniac and @XHina_sanX to do (as well as @Rhododendron :U) which should have the server finished perhaps before even I get back. (it's probably only like a couple days work, but Amy and Hina have the burden of sorting though my work which could take another day or more) please finish it guys I'm sorry I failed


    I'm just going to throw this out right now: I'm going to resign as soon as the Minecraft server is up.

    I've done a terrible job and the expected release date of the server has been thrown back at least twice now. There's like 5 other reasons I have for resigning as well, I'll have to talk about them later I have like 50 things to do right now and I'm really fucking sick.


    So, why am I announcing my registration early? Well, before you yell "fuck you james you're going on vacation when there's a server to finish!!" I just want ya'll to know that you have my deepest advanced apologies for all the delays and I'm making up for it the best I can. I will NOT resign until the factions server is released, as much as I want to be free of this obligation, I owe you motherfucking XenoGamers at least the release of the server before I leave the MC team.


    Eh, I have a lot more to say about this but I'll do it in my actual resignation.


    Bye :P

  12. What you need to know

    Tomorrow I will be gone for like 5 days.


    What you don't need to know but I'm saying anyways hope you understand sarcasm before reading...

    I'm going to San Diego (because you know, I'm such a bourgeoisie rich boi :cool:).

    So please don't demote me (yet). :)

    Also, @XHina_sanX, @Amylicious, and @Atamo, if you work on the server for me a lot while I'm gone I'll come back with a metaphorical boner.

    I'd like to give a big thanks to all my subscribers don't forget to smash that like button guys! Like, share, subscribe to my dominance and social status. (y) :cool::D;):ROFLMAO::LOL::coffee:

    or you'll die in your sleep

  13. Towny Server (not for long)

    ➤ Fixed a bug in which new players to the server would lack [Guest] group permissions and couldn't do basic things like /warp, /tpa etc. The patch only prevents new players from encountering the bug, existing players affected by this bug (anyone who has joined the server at least once) will have to contact me, @Amylicious or @XHina_sanX for help.

    ➫ Coming soon: Factions server! It's close now. Two weeks is my personal estimate to when it will be complete.

    We'd also like let everyone know in advance that many of the features requested (magic, quests, etc.) will be released in successive updates following the release of the factions server. This is to gradually "acclimate" players so that they don't feel overwhelmed with too many game-features, and to keep the server interesting as well. So when the update does come out, don't freak out when you join and find yourself without the wonderful arcane abilities of sorcery. :p

  14. We have 15 total (couting septik who is dead if may or may not be able to play by the time of the event), so if we get three to four more we can either do three 6s teams or 2 HL teams, players choice.

    @OneGlove @Sonic @ael_fjordling @mrnutty12 @bagel @TBOHB @soxy @Moosty @Segal @Kypari @Thunder @grap_grop @WubbaLubbaDubDub @Spoopy @james8470



    I'd prefer highlander or even ultiduo but I'll still play 6s even if I suck at it :P

  15. Sweet! thanks for letting me know in advance, now I can prepare myself for it. :ROFLMAO:


    Literally everyone seemed to miss the fact that I was being satirical because he was letting us know he was going to post tonight, even though it was completely unnecessary for him to do so. :grumpy:


    Well anyway, @Caleb956 cute glasses. You look pretty good too. ;)